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View Full Version : Calling her ‘Hillary’ is now ‘sexist’

04-19-2015, 06:07 AM
Well of course it is sexist, just as anytime you disagreed with Obama it was racist. Yes Hillary will take a page right out of Obama's playbook, make folks feel guilty about disagreeing with her and heck even have some that won't because they don't want the bad PR, heck they will have elections in the future and they certainly don't want to be know as a sexist, yup the same ol tired game Obama played.

Now that Hillary is officially in the running, prepare to start hearing the s-word. Don’t like her politics? Sexist! Disagree with her positions? Sexist! Still have issues with Benghazi? Sexist!
The s-bomb will be dropping left and right over the next 18 months during an election season that’s bound to witness a violent collision of culture and politics. Obama’s exit will end the age of racial politics just in time for Hillary to usher in the era of gender politics.
But for many of her female supporters, the gender war has already begun, and the first big battle is being fought over her name.


04-19-2015, 08:17 AM
Does calling her a criminal, with facts to back it up, make me sexist? That so many people are still gaga over her blows my mind. Women are being interviewed in certain "specials" and their main reasoning for wanting to vote for her is because she is a woman. Is that sexist? And like the guy said - what if I were to say I will vote for Tez Cruz - because he is a man - would THAT be sexist?

This country is in serious trouble. We've been invaded by stupid people, and I can see them.

04-19-2015, 09:14 AM
How about I just call her a crook? "I'm not a crook", has become if you accuse her of being a crook, you're sexist. I will split the difference with the feminists and use her last name: "Hillary NIXON Clinton"


04-19-2015, 09:27 AM
My belief is that she is as corrupt as they come, but she has more money and connections than others and is able to get away with more. There has GOT to be a reason she did what she did with the emails. There were MANY alternatives but she chose one that kept everything away from everyone completely. And then worse, trashed any potential evidence. It doesn't even make any sense that she would have deleted the emails unless there was something she didn't want others to see.

And she potentially can be our next president. At least she would have some connections already, considering she has accepted foreign donations from the folks that just LOVE women's rights that she always talks about. She's a filthy corrupt hypocrite.

04-20-2015, 05:29 AM
https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10985426_532202793587210_212401752299092187_n.jpg? oh=de6a1503fedef95e4a8558412f6a901b&oe=55D5450D

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-20-2015, 07:47 AM
Hildabeast fits her far better. -Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-20-2015, 07:52 AM
https://scontent-mia.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10985426_532202793587210_212401752299092187_n.jpg? oh=de6a1503fedef95e4a8558412f6a901b&oe=55D5450D

I taught my daughter KaShaundra how to shoot properly back when she was ten years old. Sstarted with 22 caliber rifle and pistol by age 14 she was shooting shotguns very , very well.
Now she is 26 and can shoot better than her husband, who is a fairly good shooter himself.
I can tell that it irks him that she shoots better but hey he has to live with it.
Taught her archery too, which she did well in. However she is all gal, no tomboy was she ever...-:laugh:--Tyr

04-20-2015, 08:02 AM
My problem with Hilary is this: She will basically back anything, as long as it gets her votes. If that means trying to say that violent video games are the reason children get violent (As opposed to the idea that violent people gravitate toward violent activities), then so be it. She'll jump any bandwagon that leads to an increase in her polls, and I'm having no part of it.

red state
04-20-2015, 08:12 AM
HELL-O-REE has always worked for me......taking America to Hell in a hand basket HELLary. If she's elected I will NEVER vote National again. I've already quit voting local and will ALWAYS vote for my STATE representatives (Nationally and State elections) but will simply vote "other" or some sort of allowed 'write-in' if they give us anything near a Mittens, a NUT or a mcSHAME. If they give us an Allen West or equivalent and HELLARY still wins......it is all over and I'll simply batten down the hatches and see to the dealings of my own State. It'll be a slow death but it'll provide more hope than wasting time at the polls or trying to make a difference on a NATIONAL sinking ship.

04-20-2015, 08:45 AM
Hildabeast fits her far better. -Tyr

Isn't that the term G. Gordon Liddy coined? Is he still on the radio?

04-20-2015, 02:20 PM
How sexist is calling her a Piece of Crap, or Sh*t, or Douchebagger?

No matter what anyone says we MAY, or MAY NOT call her. Like Obama. Hillary is also a Professional LIAR!