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View Full Version : 4/20 - smoke 'em if you got 'em!

04-20-2015, 08:11 AM
So the tradition of "420" started a long time ago, referring to marijuana. Mostly the date, but some treat it as a reason to smoke at 4:20 as well. Sometimes it's just simply used as code instead of saying marijuana. But yearly, in many places, it's been treated like a holiday. I'm fairly confident it started at Colorado University, in which state it's now legal. Every year they would have a massive smoke out and even the police relaxed for that day as well. Now of course, it's more than a massive smoke out, with literally thousands attending.

Prior to it being legal, these kids thought it would be fun to smoke all under a tent, so the smoke couldn't escape. What ensues is hilarious. It's like a million mexicans pouring out of a tiny car! LOL And yes, that's a cop investigating (or campus security)


red state
04-20-2015, 08:19 AM
Bored, much....It was funny but that one guy (possibly the cameraman) is WAY over reacting. It is obviouis that the guard didn't wish to actually catch anyone (or the college didn't want to get into all the red over the situation). Funny.....yeah.....REAL funny....no.

Thanks for sending though. Hope those kids filming get out a little more but at least they weren't the punks in the tent (like I probably would have been back in the day........before straitening out and making DEAN'S LIST after my scholarship was being threatened). These kids need a parent and/or a college that cares. Enough to introduce TOUGH love and what I saw was a "PASS".

04-20-2015, 08:33 AM
Bored, much....It was funny but that one guy (possibly the cameraman) is WAY over reacting. It is obviouis that the guard didn't wish to actually catch anyone (or the college didn't want to get into all the red over the situation). Funny.....yeah.....REAL funny....no.

Thanks for sending though. Hope those kids filming get out a little more but at least they weren't the punks in the tent (like I probably would have been back in the day........before straitening out and making DEAN'S LIST after my scholarship was being threatened). These kids need a parent and/or a college that cares. Enough to introduce TOUGH love and what I saw was a "PASS".

I suppose it depends on the individual. I smoked and made the presidents list in every single class. Then I did similar at St. Johns, where I had a 4.0 gpa at the time. I'm not saying it's an excuse to tell others to start smoking, but I also don't think it's something that makes people stupid either. And I thought the video was hilarious, especially considering there was a tour group watching. :)

red state
04-20-2015, 11:23 AM
True, the tour group made it a bit funnier but it was still not what I was expecting. No reflection on you, however.

Also, DOPE does make you a dope but we, apparently, got out of that mess well timed. I know and (KNEW) too many who were dumb as a brick and it seemed to be due to their "habit". Then again, most were associations via college so they may have simply been dumb as a brick BEFORE smoking wacky week. Who knows.....I still stay (judging by B.O. and others that the junk is either dangerous or those smoking it are dangerous on varying levels. As with the punks within the tents.....that can't be labeled as smart or "respectful" now can it?

In closing, THEY are most definitely NOT the types of people that I now consider 'quality' individuals whom I'd like to have as friends, family or in charge. B.O. has proven this to be unfavorable.


04-20-2015, 01:01 PM
True, the tour group made it a bit funnier but it was still not what I was expecting. No reflection on you, however.

Also, DOPE does make you a dope but we, apparently, got out of that mess well timed. I know and (KNEW) too many who were dumb as a brick and it seemed to be due to their "habit". Then again, most were associations via college so they may have simply been dumb as a brick BEFORE smoking wacky week. Who knows.....I still stay (judging by B.O. and others that the junk is either dangerous or those smoking it are dangerous on varying levels. As with the punks within the tents.....that can't be labeled as smart or "respectful" now can it?

In closing, THEY are most definitely NOT the types of people that I now consider 'quality' individuals whom I'd like to have as friends, family or in charge. B.O. has proven this to be unfavorable.


If you knew my earlier years... I would have been in that tent! But for fun, it was always about fun and chilling. But I mostly knew where and when. When used properly it shouldn't be a huge issue. It's better than alcohol in almost every aspect. Smoke when one is home, and not working, not driving. I worked at a law firm, Sony, Cadbury/Snapple... Granted I'm not a rocket scientist, but it never harmed my career or my abilities to carry out my job. In fact, I only excelled and got raises and promotions along the way.

But, I do think one is 'stupid' WHILE they are smoking. But not much different than someone getting drunk - only I believe the stoner will consume more food, and maybe laugh a little harder at the TV, even if nothing funny happened. :)

As I grew up, the manner in which I smoked changed. I used to be one of those in the tent, or other places in public. Keep it behind closed doors and smoking while at work or prior to work was a no no. I honestly never had any issues. But I have bipolar and a very addictive personality, so in the long run it wasn't good for me (long convoluted story). While it did help me with anxiety and depression, it also consumed me some at times and left me "addicted", even thought it's not addictive. So "for me" it wasn't the best to play with and I was able to set it down. But IF others are capable of handling things respectfully and consuming like they would alcohol, I don't have an issue with it, or the legality.