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04-20-2015, 11:36 AM
Is she becoming a joke?


She always was a joke. From trying to deprive Richard Nixon of counsel during the 1970s Watergate hearings (for which she was fired from the committee for ethical violations), to screwing senior citizens out of their life savings (that was the legitimate purpose of Whitewater Property Holdings), to faking her way through Bill's philandering while holding his hand so sweetly in press conferences, to pretending she made $100,000 from a $1,000 investment by reading newspapers, to announcing she and Bill were "co-presidents", she has never performed a legitimate function in her life.

The only thing that has changed today, is that that the press is finally starting to notice what normal people have known for 40 years.



Is Hillary Becoming A Joke?

Posted Monday, April 20th 2015 @ 9am
by Matt K. Lewis

In his classic political primer, Rules for Radicals, famed Leftist organizer Saul Alinsky declared, “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

If this is true, then Hillary Clinton is in trouble. Her campaign announcement last Sunday was followed by a week of embarrassing flubs. The media is circling, and mockery of Hillary is becoming a trend:

As I argue in the Telegraph, there is a real danger that she’s becoming a punchline:

This all sounds petty and superficial; the best ridicule usually is. The more one watches the coverage of Mrs Clinton, the more it becomes apparent that it won’t be the serious scandals – the Benghazis or the private email account – that will matter. Rather, the much greater danger is that she could become a joke.

And not just salacious political media coverage, conservative blogs, or even Twitter. Hillary is taking heat from all sides, including Saturday Night Live, where comedienne Kate McKinnon’s biting impersonation of her rivals Tina Fey as Sarah Palin.

04-20-2015, 08:14 PM
Becoming? That's a Joke...all by itself for her. "What difference does it make? Anyhow?"