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04-20-2015, 02:09 PM
*Just heard on the news...

"Navy (http://wn.com/U.S._Navy) officials say the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (http://wn.com/USS_Theodore_Roosevelt) is steaming toward the waters off Yemen (http://wn.com/Yemen) and will join other American (http://wn.com/American) ships prepared to intercept any Iranian vessels carrying weapons to the Houthi (HOO (http://wn.com/HOO)'-thee) rebels..."

http://article.wn.com/view/2015/04/20/US_warship_heads_to_Yemeni_waters_to_block_Iranian _weapons_k/


04-20-2015, 02:14 PM
LongTerm. Actually, this is nothing new with reference to Yemen. Our Navy has been observing, and tracking ALL movements of Iranian shipping into, and out of the Persian Gulf, and Strait of Hormuz since Long before the First Gulf War.

Up to today, or when this information was intentionally released. The Obama/Pentagon admin wanted to keep it quiet in order for Obama to get some pats on the back for his PERFECTION in fighting those terrible TERRORISTS...he refuses to admit...even exist. Remember? Obama was really proud of how well everything has been going in YEMEN? Just like everything else he's LIED about.

04-20-2015, 02:22 PM
LongTerm. Actually, this is nothing new with reference to Yemen. Our Navy has been observing, and tracking ALL movements of Iranian shipping into, and out of the Persian Gulf, and Strait of Hormuz since Long before the First Gulf War.

Up to today, or when this information was intentionally released. The Obama/Pentagon admin wanted to keep it quiet in order for Obama to get some pats on the back for his PERFECTION in fighting those terrible TERRORISTS...he refuses to admit...even exist. Remember? Obama was really proud of how well everything has been going in YEMEN? Just like everything else he's LIED about.

`Oh yea...understand and agree Brother....But this can be an interesting open can of worms ..`o`always had a problem with thinking ahead and `circumstances`....What if the proud tough talking muslims force his hand...?...a Quagmire for `o`.....By the way this is the correct move IMO....but `maybe` not how `o` planned it ...

04-20-2015, 02:30 PM
`Oh yea...understand and agree Brother....But this can be an interesting open can of worms ..`o`always had a problem with thinking ahead and `circumstances`....What if the proud tough talking muslims force his hand...?...a Quagmire for `o`.....By the way this is the correct move IMO....but `maybe` not how `o` planned it ...

You can almost Bet Obama had a hand in this. But we shouldn't forget. Obama also determines the ROE (rules of engagement), and those ships (Commanding Officers) probably have orders to play Innocent Games with American lives. I wouldn't be surprised if we had another COLE kind of circumstance happen there.
But...Our Sailors, and Marines...TAKE NO NAMES, and ASK QUESTIONS LATER when somebody shoots at them.

04-20-2015, 02:32 PM
​Better update ...

`The U.S. Navy has been beefing up its presence in the Gulf of Aden and the southern Arabian Sea amid reports that a convoy of about eight Iranian ships is heading toward Yemen and possibly carrying arms for the Houthis.
A Navy official confirmed to Fox News that the USS Theodore Roosevelt -- along with her escort ship, the USS Normandy, a guided-missile cruiser -- left the Persian Gulf on Sunday en route for the Arabian Sea, to help enforce the blockade.
Tensions are rising in the region even as the U.S. and five other world powers scramble to strike a final deal with Iran on its nuclear program by the end of June. The fighting in Yemen, where U.S. ally Saudi Arabia is leading a coalition against the Iran-backed rebels...

"We have seen evidence that the Iranians are supplying weapons and other armed support to the Houthis in Yemen. That support will only contribute to greater violence in that country," he said. "These are exactly the kind of destabilizing activities that we have in mind when we raise concerns about Iran's destabilizing activities in the Middle East."

He said "the Iranians are acutely aware of our concerns for their continued support of the Houth is by sending them large shipments of weapons."


http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015...eni-waters-to/ (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/04/20/us-navy-stationing-aircraft-carrier-and-escort-ship-in-yemeni-waters-to/)

04-20-2015, 02:35 PM
You can almost Bet Obama had a hand in this. But we shouldn't forget. Obama also determines the ROE (rules of engagement), and those ships (Commanding Officers) probably have orders to play Innocent Games with American lives. I wouldn't be surprised if we had another COLE kind of circumstance happen there.
But...Our Sailors, and Marines...TAKE NO NAMES, and ASK QUESTIONS LATER when somebody shoots at them.

`Oh hell ya...understand....and agree....now we wait...look for the checkmate .......

04-20-2015, 02:47 PM
`Oh hell ya...understand....and agree....now we wait...look for the checkmate .......

LongTerm. Funnier side of this is. Iran has been placing YOUTUBE video's online that show how powerful their Navy is Supposed to be...., but even as they pretend to be so great, using their endless propaganda video's with exciting music, and subtitles. Not once would they ever admit...ONE U.S Navy Destroyer could blow all of them out of the water...while the crews of the Navy ships watch Movies, or play BINGO on a Sunday afternoon during HOLIDAY ROUTINE...with their BBQ on the fantail blowing smoke at the IRANIANS!:laugh:

04-20-2015, 03:01 PM
LongTerm. Funnier side of this is. Iran has been placing YOUTUBE video's online that show how powerful their Navy is Supposed to be...., but even as they pretend to be so great, using their endless propaganda video's with exciting music, and subtitles. Not once would they ever admit...ONE U.S Navy Destroyer could blow all of them out of the water...while the crews of the Navy ships watch Movies, or play BINGO on a Sunday afternoon during HOLIDAY ROUTINE...with their BBQ on the fantail blowing smoke at the IRANIANS!:laugh:


`Its just gets tiring watch US pussyfootin around with these koran reading terrorists...running their threatening terrorists muslim mouths about how "Bad" they are ..... FOR NOW...`

04-20-2015, 07:17 PM

`Its just gets tiring watch US pussyfootin around with these koran reading terrorists...running their threatening terrorists muslim mouths about how "Bad" they are ..... FOR NOW...`

Agreed LongTerm. And, as sort of a History Buff about war, and our military. I find it rather unsettling that our UNSPEAKABLE (by Obama) Terrorist Enemies are so much like the Japanese Kamikazi's from WWII. They are so desperate, and have been taught to HATE US so much. They are willing to DIE and become Martyr's because of their Brainwashed (birth-to-death) hatred of Western civilization.

We can call them all the names we like but....like the mass of Under/Uneducated Americans here who aren't intelligent enough to recognize how their hatred makes them so angry. The world is quickly becoming a very angry, dangerous, desperate place for anyone who knows RIGHT from WRONG.

All any of us need to do is LOOK AROUND. Nearly everywhere we go, the Ignorant are becoming the Majority.

04-20-2015, 07:21 PM
I think it's because of this:


04-20-2015, 07:43 PM
I think it's because of this:


`....You know it happens dear.....More goodness for all to enjoy:laugh:.....when my stories are double posted I never mention it....Cause I'm more involved in the story....deep inside I hope it gets posted 4 more times by others for all to see and comprehend...I am being facetious but you understand...Feel free to delete mine...if you need to.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-20-2015, 08:20 PM
The obama what a damn fool, trying to give them nukes while he sends a warship to stop their terrorist spreading. etc.
Will he make his ffing puny-ass mind up?
Either fight 'em or kiss their asses. Right now the ass kissing is winning out.
The height of stupidity, negotiating with them while sending a warship to stop the terrorism spreading they do.

If this isn't enough to show the citizenry what a damn buffoon he is nothing will be.
It is like a judge bargaining with a criminal for a reduced sentence while he is in a bank robbing it to pay his attorney..
insanity..... on parade but hey its all good right?
Because a black mac can do no wrong iffin he got himself elected to such a powerful position. liberal dumbasses.. -Tyr

04-20-2015, 08:25 PM
The obama what a damn fool, trying to give them nukes while he sends a warship to stop their terrorist spreading. etc.
Will he make his ffing puny-ass mind up?
Either fight 'em or kiss their asses. Right now the ass kissing is winning out.
The height of stupidity, negotiating with them while sending a warship to stop the terrorism spreading they do.

If this isn't enough to show the citizenry what a damn buffoon he is nothing will be.
It is like a judge bargaining with a criminal for a reduced sentence while he is in a bank robbing it to pay his attorney..
insanity..... on parade but hey its all good right?
Because a black mac can do no wrong iffin he got himself elected to such a powerful position. liberal dumbasses.. -Tyr

`Oh so well said....^^...Insanity....This is what I meant by a can-o-worms.....naive slick Liberal stupidity....`

04-20-2015, 08:37 PM
LongTerm. Funnier side of this is. Iran has been placing YOUTUBE video's online that show how powerful their Navy is Supposed to be...., but even as they pretend to be so great, using their endless propaganda video's with exciting music, and subtitles. Not once would they ever admit...ONE U.S Navy Destroyer could blow all of them out of the water...while the crews of the Navy ships watch Movies, or play BINGO on a Sunday afternoon during HOLIDAY ROUTINE...with their BBQ on the fantail blowing smoke at the IRANIANS!:laugh:

"A show of force by a very confident nation" (who made them confident...:))

"Iran flashes military might amid high hopes for nuclear deal"

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700;">Tehran, Iran (CNN)</cite>Traveling to Iran these days, the mood among many people and the government can probably best be described using two words: confident and optimistic.

After a preliminary framework for a possible nuclear deal was reached between Iran and world powers, many here believe a final agreement is possible -- and most hope that widespread sanctions relief could be on the horizon....... Iran's leaders were celebrating their war machine as the military held its annual National Army Day parade.


04-20-2015, 09:06 PM
The obama what a damn fool, trying to give them nukes while he sends a warship to stop their terrorist spreading. etc.
Will he make his ffing puny-ass mind up?
Either fight 'em or kiss their asses. Right now the ass kissing is winning out.
The height of stupidity, negotiating with them while sending a warship to stop the terrorism spreading they do.

If this isn't enough to show the citizenry what a damn buffoon he is nothing will be.
It is like a judge bargaining with a criminal for a reduced sentence while he is in a bank robbing it to pay his attorney..
insanity..... on parade but hey its all good right?
Because a black mac can do no wrong iffin he got himself elected to such a powerful position. liberal dumbasses.. -Tyr

Tyr. Obama didn't get himself elected. Every Racist in this nation who fears being shown, or told the truth Elected Obama. We all know WHY he was put into office. But cowards who fear being called racists had to vote for him because they are UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED, and Just plain STUPID.

04-20-2015, 10:19 PM
Tyr. Obama didn't get himself elected. Every Racist in this nation who fears being shown, or told the truth Elected Obama. We all know WHY he was put into office. But cowards who fear being called racists had to vote for him because they are UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED, and Just plain STUPID.

+1 ^^^

`....Also....Dear friend...Dont forget the walking Dead who voted many times...the open borders...the cheating in the voting booths... and the Young who were brainwashed and Lied to....and never ever forget the Liberal Indoctrination dished out in Americas public schools...

04-21-2015, 05:09 AM
`....You know it happens dear.....More goodness for all to enjoy:laugh:.....when my stories are double posted I never mention it....Cause I'm more involved in the story....deep inside I hope it gets posted 4 more times by others for all to see and comprehend...I am being facetious but you understand...Feel free to delete mine...if you need to.

I don't think it was a double post, more of a continuance of what is reactionary only-more leading from behind.

04-21-2015, 05:29 AM
I don't think it was a double post, more of a continuance of what is reactionary only-more leading from behind.

As it were:


Oh, by the way: The U.S. and Iran may be headed for war off the coast of Yemen


A rare example of the U.S. trying to counter Shiite expansionism instead of tacitly enabling it.

If we end up sending a bunch of Iranian warships to the bottom of the Gulf of Aden, I’m thinking the next round of nuclear negotiations is going to be awwwk-ward (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-s-prepared-intercept-iranian-convoy-suspected-carrying-weapons-yemen-n345041).
American warships are prepared to intercept a convoy of Iranian ships suspected of carrying weapons to Houthi rebel forces in Yemen, senior defense and military officials told NBC News on Monday.

An Iranian convoy of freighters, escorted by warships from the Iranian military and Revolutionary Guard forces, appears headed for Yemen, the officials said…

There is no indication that U.S. or other coalition warships have been in contact with the Iranians, but one official told NBC News, “They know we’re there.”

The UN Security Council voted 14-0 last week to impose an arms embargo on the Houthis (http://www.cnn.com/2015/04/14/middleeast/yemen-crisis/), which means that the same country we’re expecting to cooperate with UN nuclear inspectors is now openly flaunting its defiance of UN weapons restrictions. And I do mean “openly” (http://thehill.com/policy/defense/239295-us-officials-concerned-about-iranian-convoy-headed-towards-yemen):

What’s unusual about the new deployment, which set out this week, is that the Iranians are not trying to conceal it, officials said. Instead, they appear to be trying to “communicate it” to the U.S. and its allies in the Gulf…

U.S. officials say they are unsure why Iran is making the brazen move. One theory they have floated is that the Saudi-led coalition has effectively blockaded any air routes into Yemen and there are no other ways to resupply the Houthis.

Another theory is that Iran is trying to distract the coalition from another ship it has tried hard to conceal that is currently docked at Oman — a potential land route for smuggling arms into Yemen.

Yet another theory is that Iran wants to force a confrontation with Saudi Arabia that it believes it will win, because Iran views the Saudi military as weak and suspects the U.S. lacks the willpower to support its Gulf ally.

That’s one possibility. Maybe Iran thinks Obama is so heavily invested now in the success of the big diplomatic nuke kabuki that he wouldn’t dare risk the deal by confronting them with military assets. Not a bad assumption on their part, but maybe O decided that after Lebanon, Iraq, and Syria, letting Iran take over Yemen was a bridge too far. Standing by while Iran resupplies the Houthis might be seen by Sunni nations as the ultimate U.S. betrayal. Another possibility, not unrelated to the first, is that O genuinely fears a hot war between Saudi Arabia and Iran at this point and is calculating that Iran’s navy will be less likely to do something rash if there’s a U.S. carrier group nearby to defend Saudi interests. Tehran and Riyadh have stuck to proxy armies in their skirmishes elsewhere in the region, but Yemen is on the Saudis’ doorstep; if it can be destabilized by Shiite rebels, maybe the Kingdom itself can. If Yemen is the Saudis’ red line and Iran is determined to cross it, Obama may think that using the U.S. navy as a buffer is the only way to keep them apart. For now.

Exit question: Er, is there still a “framework” nuclear deal between the U.S. and Iran? I honestlycan’t tell anymore (http://news.yahoo.com/iran-guard-rejects-inspection-military-sites-063048778.html).

04-21-2015, 08:55 PM
+1 ^^^

`....Also....Dear friend...Dont forget the walking Dead who voted many times...the open borders...the cheating in the voting booths... and the Young who were brainwashed and Lied to....and never ever forget the Liberal Indoctrination dished out in Americas public schools...

LongTerm. Personally, with regard to this thread, and it's topic. I have felt exactly what I am sure, those thousands of NAVY people, aboard all of those ships are feeling...AS WE SPEAK. Obama, the Dems, and non-caring, selfish Americans who are SAFE, back here in the USA...WILL NEVER KNOW what the feelings are like to be in an area like around Yemen. The uncertainty, the mystery, and being SCARED of the unknown is REAL. I felt it during Nam, the 1st Gulf War, Bosnia, and even during the bombing of Kadaffi's tents back in the 80's, as well as the fear after learning about Our Marines being blown up in Lebanon.

Others who have been in such situations...I HAVE CONFIDENCE...will back me up on this Unspoken Fear our people have to be feeling today. If only we had a PRESIDENT with some courage, and a PAIR?

04-22-2015, 04:39 AM
If the following is true, Obama is playing with fire. There have been reports that Iran has been buzzing US ships for awhile. Sending an aircraft carrier to hot area, with no intentions of using? Dangerous.


by BING WEST April 21, 2015 12:51 PM Foreign Policy magazine and numerous other news outlets have reported that the United States has deployed an aircraft carrier off the coast of Yemen, where Iranian warships have already taken up station. “This is about sending a message,” an American official told the New York Times, “to our partners that we are willing to support.” Pentagon spokesman Colonel Steve Warren said that the Navy was conducting routine “maritime security operations” and insisted that the ships are “not going to intercept Iranian ships.” This was a foolish diplomatic and geopolitical move. Walk softly, carry a big stick, and promise not to use it? The administration should not advertise fecklessness.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-22-2015, 06:18 AM
Tyr. Obama didn't get himself elected. Every Racist in this nation who fears being shown, or told the truth Elected Obama. We all know WHY he was put into office. But cowards who fear being called racists had to vote for him because they are UNINFORMED, UNEDUCATED, and Just plain STUPID.

My friend, the populace is by no means the patriotic and healthy populace of our youth , back when the Constitution, Bill of Rights and ideas on the basic rights of freedom are the foundation to a better life for ALL.
Being educated to be stupid the populace race after the Pied Piper and now we are reaping the bitter fruits of such massive folly.
Modern liberalism is now and always has been about cowardice.. -Tyr

04-22-2015, 09:26 PM
I have no idea why I bothered responding to this thread. Nobody really wants to listen, nor do they care about REAL LIFE taking place while some form of competition is taking place to see WHO can say the most profound words here.

Our fellow Americans in Navy, and Marine uniforms on those ships are nothing but cheap pawns for the COWARD we all know is OBAMA.

We used to call such gatherings of ships "A Show of Force", but now. As a weakened nation without LEADERS. The Iranians will deliver their ARMS to Yemen under the easily Gilded guise as RELIEF SUPPLIES, while Obama pretends he is stronger than the SHIT flowing down our toilets.

God Help us all. Obama wants nothing to happen to the other Traitor Kerry who is selling America down SHIT RIVER to make Obama's legacy of COWARDICE something nobody wants to remember...just to allow Iran to keep having their Nukes to destroy Israel, and even Saudi Arabia for the OBAMA/MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.

04-22-2015, 11:26 PM
I have no idea why I bothered responding to this thread. Nobody really wants to listen, nor do they care about REAL LIFE taking place while some form of competition is taking place to see WHO can say the most profound words here.

Our fellow Americans in Navy, and Marine uniforms on those ships are nothing but cheap pawns for the COWARD we all know is OBAMA.

We used to call such gatherings of ships "A Show of Force", but now. As a weakened nation without LEADERS. The Iranians will deliver their ARMS to Yemen under the easily Gilded guise as RELIEF SUPPLIES, while Obama pretends he is stronger than the SHIT flowing down our toilets.

God Help us all. Obama wants nothing to happen to the other Traitor Kerry who is selling America down SHIT RIVER to make Obama's legacy of COWARDICE something nobody wants to remember...just to allow Iran to keep having their Nukes to destroy Israel, and even Saudi Arabia for the OBAMA/MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD.

`Thank you aboutime for your post...we are here....and listening...I hear the `administration` is now backing down with the ship intercept thing...making excuses and changing their words on why were there....cowards....`

04-23-2015, 03:13 PM
For now.....

`Fleet of Iranian ships heading to Yemen turns around after being tracked by US warships`

`A nine-ship Iranian convoy believed to be laden with weapons bound for rebels in Yemen turned around Thursday after being followed by U.S. warships stationed in the area to prevent arms shipments, multiple sources in the Pentagon told Fox News.
The sources said the nine-ship convoy is south of Salalah, Oman, and now headed northeast in the Arabian Sea in the direction of home. The ships, which include seven freighters and two frigates, had sailed southwest along the coast of Yemen heading in the direction of Aden and the entrance to the Red Sea. They appeared to drop anchor in the north Arabian Sea, after the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the USS Normandy and a half-dozen other American ships arrived in the Arabian Sea on Monday, and U.S. officials said that they could intercept the convoy....The USS Theodore Roosevelt, a 100,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carrier known as the “Big Stick” and her escort, the USS Normandy, a guided missile cruiser, have been shadowing the convoy for the past few days, the sources said.
Fighter jets taking off from the carrier have been relaying the convoy’s location to the U.S. Navy's higher command since the start of the week.
The Iranian Navy ships are characterized as "smaller than destroyers," a Pentagon official with knowledge of the convoy said Tuesday. Asked what type of weapons the freighters are carrying, one Pentagon official said, "they are bigger than small arms."

The reversal was welcomed by Pentagon officials, but they expressed caution saying, “this isn’t over yet,” and insisted Roosevelt will maintain observation on the convoy.....`


04-23-2015, 03:16 PM
`Oh yea...understand and agree Brother....But this can be an interesting open can of worms ..`o`always had a problem with thinking ahead and `circumstances`....What if the proud tough talking muslims force his hand...?...a Quagmire for `o`.....By the way this is the correct move IMO....but `maybe` not how `o` planned it ...

It's not an open can of worms. Iran is taunting Obama. He won't do anything and they know it.

AT is correct. I've sat hour after boring hour off the coast of Yemen more than twice.

04-23-2015, 03:47 PM
It's not an open can of worms. Iran is taunting Obama. He won't do anything and they know it.

AT is correct. I've sat hour after boring hour off the coast of Yemen more than twice.

`Yup...They been playing `o` for awhile...Obama is torn...might have another beer summit...

04-23-2015, 05:29 PM
`Yup...They been playing `o` for awhile...Obama is torn...might have another beer summit...

LongTerm, and everyone else who responded to this. I am old enough to remember the NAVAL BLOCKADE, JFK imposed during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this story was beginning to sound very much like that one.

Iran, and other nations who hate America can do all of the Sabre Rattling they want. We all know they do so to convince their own people about how well their Propaganda Machines are expected to be. But...I personally know and have more confidence in our NAVY than TEN THOUSAND Obama Ass Kisser's from the Muslim Bro-hood.

Nobody...and I do mean NOBODY else on Earth can match, or compete with our Military Capabilities. The only thing holding Our Military Back is...Our Coward-in-Chief DUMBAMA!

04-23-2015, 05:34 PM
LongTerm, and everyone else who responded to this. I am old enough to remember the NAVAL BLOCKADE, JFK imposed during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and this story was beginning to sound very much like that one.

Iran, and other nations who hate America can do all of the Sabre Rattling they want. We all know they do so to convince their own people about how well their Propaganda Machines are expected to be. But...I personally know and have more confidence in our NAVY than TEN THOUSAND Obama Ass Kisser's from the Muslim Bro-hood.

Nobody...and I do mean NOBODY else on Earth can match, or compete with our Military Capabilities. The only thing holding Our Military Back is...Our Coward-in-Chief DUMBAMA!

Confidence in the Navy has nothing to do with it AT. The happiest sight I've ever seen was a couple of Navy FA-18's providing close air support.

The problem is the pussy with his finger on the trigger.

04-23-2015, 05:41 PM
`...Bless our Military in General....and the things they put up with fighting terrorists....and dealing with implanted terrorists pulling strings from within .....(for now)`

04-23-2015, 05:45 PM
`...Bless our Military in General....and the things they put up with fighting terrorists....and dealing with implanted terrorists pulling strings from within .....(for now)`

We could end this shit right now. Iran, ISIS ... name it. Commit. 100%. This foreign policy is foreign to me. I play to win. From tiddly winks to geographical tactics and strategy. If we ain't playing to win, then we probably shouldn't bother playing, huh?

04-23-2015, 05:54 PM
We could end this shit right now. Iran, ISIS ... name it. Commit. 100%. This foreign policy is foreign to me. I play to win. From tiddly winks to geographical tactics and strategy. If we ain't playing to win, then we probably shouldn't bother playing, huh?

Yes ...understand play to win....no half-ass bull-shit...Community organizers would beg to differ...They have a different strategy.....Hummm?

` While the barbarians of the Islamic State pile up atrocities in their never-ending murderous rampage, President Obama has found the answer in a program that sounds more like community organizing than the effort of a president leading allies in a war against radical Islam.

The forum for the President’s latest stab at leadership is a three-day extravaganza called the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism. Rest assured there will be no talk of war. But there will be endless chatter about understanding and preventing radicalization that leads to violence at home and abroad.

“We know that military force alone cannot solve this problem,” Obama wrote in an article published in the Los Angeles Times (http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-obama-terrorism-conference-20150218-story.html#navtype=outfit). “Nor can we simply take out terrorists who kill innocent civilians. We also have to confront the violent extremists — the propagandists, recruiters and enablers — who may not directly engage in terrorist acts themselves, but who radicalize, recruit and incite others to do so.”

The target of the White House Summit will be the so-called vulnerable and alienated young people who mistakenly turn to terrorism. These are the misguided youths who swell the ranks of the Islamic State and execute acts of terrorism on full display in Paris, Copenhagen, Ottawa, and Sydney.
Off-limits at the summit will be any mention of radical Islam, reflecting the administration’s long-term refusal to accurately identify the enemy`


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2015, 07:46 PM
When it comes to fighting ISIS , Islamic terrorism = action talks , bullshit walks.. the obama uses fake bullshit liberal appeasement and half-ass military rules of engagement.
What has he done but given back almost all our gains in Iraq, A-stan.. Turned to waste all the sacrifices of all those military men and women!

Yet very few admit he does this intentionally as he is a muslim-in-hiding...-Tyr