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View Full Version : Must read for those who wonder WTF is wrong

Gadget (fmr Marine)
06-30-2007, 09:48 PM
"Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed" the GOP by Vic Gold......anyone had a chance to read it yet?

I am not a fan of Bill Moyers by any stretch, but he had a fascinating interview with Mr. Gold.....I would suggest anyone who is interested in where we are headed, and concerned to take a look....sounds to me like there is even old guard looking for a legitimate third party alternative....

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/4/3/101123/1472 is a review and I am sure it will challenge and anger many of my friends and those who have voted (like myself) and supported the GOP over the years.

One interesting point that really catches my ire....why is there an office in the White House (our government that is noted for its' distinct principal of separation of church and state) called the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

Anyone care to be challenged a bit, in an adult manner?

Mr. P
06-30-2007, 10:21 PM
"Invasion of the Party Snatchers: How the Holy-Rollers and the Neo-Cons Destroyed" the GOP by Vic Gold......anyone had a chance to read it yet?

I am not a fan of Bill Moyers by any stretch, but he had a fascinating interview with Mr. Gold.....I would suggest anyone who is interested in where we are headed, and concerned to take a look....sounds to me like there is even old guard looking for a legitimate third party alternative....

http://www.dailykos.com/story/2007/4/3/101123/1472 is a review and I am sure it will challenge and anger many of my friends and those who have voted (like myself) and supported the GOP over the years.

One interesting point that really catches my ire....why is there an office in the White House (our government that is noted for its' distinct principal of separation of church and state) called the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.

Anyone care to be challenged a bit, in an adult manner?

Take a look? Man, didn't you hear the flush?

Then the saviors say we need national health care blah blah...did you see the Dem dog an pony show at Brown the other night? All SOCIALIST agenda!

I don't think I've ever seen the country's future look so grim.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-01-2007, 09:30 AM
Yeah I could stand about 30 minutes of it or so.....but I don't think it is any better on the GOP side, either, and I am not talking about just the president. Dennis Hastert had presided over more PORK SPENDING than any other speaker of the house in all time!

There has got to be a huge change.....and I think the only way to really do it is with a legitimate 3rd party candidtate or political party.

Of course, you know that I am fond of Libertarian, as I think you like some of their core beliefs, as well, amongst them, tax reform......but we need to get our government back on the side of the people, not the religious right, not special interest groups, not socialist....but strictly for the good of society, as infrastructure, where needed, security and international diplomacy would dictate. Let the states handle their poor and enact whatever social programs that must....

It is time to take back the federal government from these tax and spend politicians with religious or socialist agendas!

07-01-2007, 10:15 AM
Yeah I could stand about 30 minutes of it or so.....but I don't think it is any better on the GOP side, either, and I am not talking about just the president. Dennis Hastert had presided over more PORK SPENDING than any other speaker of the house in all time!

There has got to be a huge change.....and I think the only way to really do it is with a legitimate 3rd party candidtate or political party.

Of course, you know that I am fond of Libertarian, as I think you like some of their core beliefs, as well, amongst them, tax reform......but we need to get our government back on the side of the people, not the religious right, not special interest groups, not socialist....but strictly for the good of society, as infrastructure, where needed, security and international diplomacy would dictate. Let the states handle their poor and enact whatever social programs that must....

It is time to take back the federal government from these tax and spend politicians with religious or socialist agendas!


Mr. P
07-01-2007, 10:42 AM
Yeah I could stand about 30 minutes of it or so.....but I don't think it is any better on the GOP side, either, and I am not talking about just the president. Dennis Hastert had presided over more PORK SPENDING than any other speaker of the house in all time!

There has got to be a huge change.....and I think the only way to really do it is with a legitimate 3rd party candidtate or political party.

Of course, you know that I am fond of Libertarian, as I think you like some of their core beliefs, as well, amongst them, tax reform......but we need to get our government back on the side of the people, not the religious right, not special interest groups, not socialist....but strictly for the good of society, as infrastructure, where needed, security and international diplomacy would dictate. Let the states handle their poor and enact whatever social programs that must....

It is time to take back the federal government from these tax and spend politicians with religious or socialist agendas!

You know I agree 100%, old friend.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-01-2007, 04:30 PM
I have noticed what whack job the Libertarians are trotting out....in the past, it has usually been a nutball. I would appreciate someone like Jesse Ventura throwing his hat in the ring, especially since he legitimizes only from the perspective that he had been elected governor of Minnesota....


Take the quiz...see where you end up.....

Mr. P
07-01-2007, 05:42 PM
I have noticed what whack job the Libertarians are trotting out....in the past, it has usually been a nutball. I would appreciate someone like Jesse Ventura throwing his hat in the ring, especially since he legitimizes only from the perspective that he had been elected governor of Minnesota....


Take the quiz...see where you end up.....

Same as always on that quiz...


07-01-2007, 05:47 PM
My problem with the libertarians has been the nutjobs they always run.

07-01-2007, 05:54 PM
I honestly don't know much about the Libertarian Party, actually I don't know anything about it. The first time I ever herd about it was on Big Brother two seasons ago as one of the House Guests/Cntestants was part of the Libertarian Party and would always bring that up. I dont see why there are so many parties personally.Like the Green Party I don't think they will ever win an election even in a minor election I think they just want to make a statement then they just end up supporting the Liberals. The independent's in the local races here have common sense as we can swing them to vote Republican. :)

07-01-2007, 10:00 PM
Take the quiz...see where you end up.....


Abbey Marie
07-02-2007, 12:27 AM

CENTRISTS espouse a "middle ground" regarding government control of the economy and personal behavior. Depending on the issue, they sometimes favor government intervention and sometimes support individual freedom of choice.

Centrists pride themselves on keeping an open mind, tend to oppose "political extremes," and emphasize what they describe as "practical" solutions to problems.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-02-2007, 06:44 AM
I do oppose their position onthe war in Iraq. Unlike previous conventional wars, we must get beyond the mindset of having a plan for the next election cycle or two, and look long term, as the radical islamic murderers have, and think in terms of centuries!

Pale Rider
07-02-2007, 06:04 PM

07-02-2007, 06:18 PM
I have noticed what whack job the Libertarians are trotting out....in the past, it has usually been a nutball. I would appreciate someone like Jesse Ventura throwing his hat in the ring, especially since he legitimizes only from the perspective that he had been elected governor of Minnesota....


Take the quiz...see where you end up.....

07-02-2007, 06:22 PM
I'm 30% personal, 90% economic.

07-02-2007, 11:42 PM
Let me say first that I AM a Libertarian. Iwas a Libertarian when being a Libertarian was not cool. We were whackos, extremists and considered not worth listening to. We thought in the 80's the War on Drugs was a waste of money and resources. Libertarians have advocated a Flat Tax or fair Tax for decades, it's just that the strain on the average AMerican was not tough enough to get the "base" to listen. Since only the very rich were paying the largest percentage of the taxes, noone really noticed.

Personal Liberty was an issue of soul for the Libertarians since buck was a calf. Republicans claim to be the champions of personal liberty but need I say anything else.

All of a sudden common sense is beginning to take hold. Conservatives are thinking. Hmmmm! I could make a statement, vote Libertarian and get my point across as well as vote my true heart....OR......I can compromise, fearing that the lesser of two evils will win if I vote with them and continue to vote for a party I do NOT totally agree with.


That said, I'll say this, once upon a time some guys got together in a room in Philidelphia. They were good men who were brave, UNCOMPROMISING (unlike ourselves) and they risked their very lives by undertaking a task you know of oh too well. Benjamin Franklin ( A REAL LIBERTARIAN) would roll over in his grave and vomit if he knew of our actions today at voting time. We sell our souls to the devil when we compromise and do not vote exactly as we feel.

If we believe the Libertarian philosophy is more truely aligned aith what we believe then we should risk and vote our heart. If the right loses, fine, the message is sent. The left and the right will see it. The message will be clear.

The War on drugs is a waste of resources.
Telling me I have no right to carry a concealed weapon to protect myself and my family is a damn crime in itself.
Charging me more tax because I have more ambition is unfair as hell.
Stopping me on the highway to "routinely" check my personal vehicle is embarrasing and a violation of my rights and privacy.
Red Taping me to death to run a small business is a travesty.
elling my grand daughter she should say "Happy Holidays" to folks and teaching her that in a school I fucking pay for is a damn crime.

Folks, let's get real! Stopping playing this stupid little pretend to be game of thinking that either one of our political "biggie" parties really has our best interests at heart. VOTE LIBERTARIAN!!!!!

Let's send 5 million votes at em this trip and watch how the playing field changes. Let's have half the heart those brave men did and change America back to the society that it was founded to becvome and once was.


You do not have to win every battle to win a War! In order to deter an enemy you must make him fear you. If he feels you have no army he will attack without hesitation.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-03-2007, 07:11 AM
I agree with you, up to a point.....I think homeland security usurps some civil liberties for the safety and security for all...not the same old ballgame, as it used to be. If I am inconvenienced because the cops/feds or MiB decide they need to check cars, fine with me....You won't find anything illegal going on in my vehicle. (as it should be with all vehicles going down the road, wouldn't you agree?)

The war is my biggest difference with the Libertarian party, but I am sure that could be addressed at their national convention. No timetable for a pullout, and a COHERENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN for dealing with radical islam for the next century would be a good place to start. The next election cycle is not long term thinking in how to deal with those so ideologically opposed to our way of life, liberty and freedoms, however abhorent Ben Franklin or those fine men in Philadelphia would find our current state of affairs.