View Full Version : Zionists in U.S. Government are 5th Columnists working for Israel

04-21-2015, 10:51 PM
Why are we Americans tolerating Zionists politicians filling our U.S. Government offices? These Zionists are working for Israel, a foreign state, against American democratic institutions such as equality for all. Zionism is racism, pure and simple. Zionism is the racist war policy developed by European Jewish convert descendants claiming to be "Semites" when we Ashkenazim are not at all and my dna analysis proves this to anyone who believes the Zionist lie that we are all descended from ancient Hebrews.

American Presidents are so politically afraid of the Zionist coalition between powerful Jews controlling America's monetary system and Evangelical Christians, that they routinely cave in to Zionist support of Israel. I mean it's sickening see a black man President saying America "loves" Israel when I personally know hundreds of Americans who do not at all. "Israel"? What has Israel done for America but get us into a racist war that will eventually backfire on America's credibility as a free nation. Are we free? Not when Money controls government elections, not when Zionists control our U.S. Government major offices.

04-21-2015, 11:59 PM
*God Bless Israel in its fight against Muslim Terrorists and Ignorant naive Leftists supporting the cancer of islam...

04-22-2015, 05:37 AM
*God Bless Israel in its fight against Muslim Terrorists and Ignorant naive Leftists supporting the cancer of islam...

We ought to be supporting Israel any which way we can, they are helping keeping these animals in check, at least as much as that is possible.

04-22-2015, 07:54 AM
I refuse to lower AMERICAN values to racist levels as you Zionist and Israel supporters are willing to do. You're against American values and pro-anti-democracy and human rights. You're Ugly Americans we don't need to inflict racist opinions on Americans. You types never think morally about israel and its racist genocidal agenda of gobbling up all of Palestine and forcing all Arab Gentile Palestinians into submission to European religious fanatics. No Western democracy would tolerate the building of racially segregated communities as civil rights movement established while you Zionists are dangerous dinosaurs living in a lost world where you think Europeans can rule the earth and do anything they like forever. America is no longer European-American majority and you are out of step with reality and coasting on social inertia. But your days of political power are going to end because conservatives are not the majority of Americans, never were. America is too independent and bright for past mistakes to rule our future.

Go talk to real Palestinians. There are tens of thousands of them in America and you all need to counter Zionist propaganda by talking to the actual victims of it's racist genocidal ideology. Maybe then you'll get morality and be able to see that America can't afford to support racism anymore. It's against ours and world principals established through the years of fighting injustice and racial discrimination. "For Jews Only", that's what America is financing in Israel's stealing of more and more of Palestine every month, every year of illegal settlement building. Don't stand for racism and injustice. It's not American.

04-22-2015, 08:15 AM
I refuse to lower AMERICAN values to racist levels as you Zionist and Israel supporters are willing to do. You're against American values and pro-anti-democracy and human rights. You're Ugly Americans we don't need to inflict racist opinions on Americans. You types never think morally about israel and its racist genocidal agenda of gobbling up all of Palestine and forcing all Arab Gentile Palestinians into submission to European religious fanatics. No Western democracy would tolerate the building of racially segregated communities as civil rights movement established while you Zionists are dangerous dinosaurs living in a lost world where you think Europeans can rule the earth and do anything they like forever. America is no longer European-American majority and you are out of step with reality and coasting on social inertia. But your days of political power are going to end because conservatives are not the majority of Americans, never were. America is too independent and bright for past mistakes to rule our future.

Go talk to real Palestinians. There are tens of thousands of them in America and you all need to counter Zionist propaganda by talking to the actual victims of it's racist genocidal ideology. Maybe then you'll get morality and be able to see that America can't afford to support racism anymore. It's against ours and world principals established through the years of fighting injustice and racial discrimination. "For Jews Only", that's what America is financing in Israel's stealing of more and more of Palestine every month, every year of illegal settlement building. Don't stand for racism and injustice. It's not American.

When the Palestinians stop embracing terrorist groups like Hamas, then the rest of the world might start taking them seriously. Are you a supporter of Hamas and their actions?

04-22-2015, 08:15 AM
And Btw, are you American yourself? Born and bred here? Live here? just curious...

04-22-2015, 08:25 AM
I refuse to lower AMERICAN values to racist levels as you Zionist and Israel supporters are willing to do. You're against American values and pro-anti-democracy and human rights. You're Ugly Americans we don't need to inflict racist opinions on Americans. You types never think morally about israel and its racist genocidal agenda of gobbling up all of Palestine and forcing all Arab Gentile Palestinians into submission to European religious fanatics. No Western democracy would tolerate the building of racially segregated communities as civil rights movement established while you Zionists are dangerous dinosaurs living in a lost world where you think Europeans can rule the earth and do anything they like forever. America is no longer European-American majority and you are out of step with reality and coasting on social inertia. But your days of political power are going to end because conservatives are not the majority of Americans, never were. America is too independent and bright for past mistakes to rule our future.

Go talk to real Palestinians. There are tens of thousands of them in America and you all need to counter Zionist propaganda by talking to the actual victims of it's racist genocidal ideology. Maybe then you'll get morality and be able to see that America can't afford to support racism anymore. It's against ours and world principals established through the years of fighting injustice and racial discrimination. "For Jews Only", that's what America is financing in Israel's stealing of more and more of Palestine every month, every year of illegal settlement building. Don't stand for racism and injustice. It's not American.

America isn't populated by a white majority? When did this happen?

Racially segregated communities in Israel, huh? Example?

Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?

Illegal settlement building? Where and how?

"Jews Only"? Where have you seen this practice?

Let's see your supporting links, sparky! Do yourself a favor and use credible links by professional news organizations.

Let us get to the bottom of these serious allegations.

04-22-2015, 08:28 AM
I refuse to lower AMERICAN values to racist levels as you Zionist and Israel supporters are willing to do. You're against American values and pro-anti-democracy and human rights. You're Ugly Americans we don't need to inflict racist opinions on Americans. You types never think morally about israel and its racist genocidal agenda of gobbling up all of Palestine and forcing all Arab Gentile Palestinians into submission to European religious fanatics. No Western democracy would tolerate the building of racially segregated communities as civil rights movement established while you Zionists are dangerous dinosaurs living in a lost world where you think Europeans can rule the earth and do anything they like forever. America is no longer European-American majority and you are out of step with reality and coasting on social inertia. But your days of political power are going to end because conservatives are not the majority of Americans, never were. America is too independent and bright for past mistakes to rule our future.

Go talk to real Palestinians. There are tens of thousands of them in America and you all need to counter Zionist propaganda by talking to the actual victims of it's racist genocidal ideology. Maybe then you'll get morality and be able to see that America can't afford to support racism anymore. It's against ours and world principals established through the years of fighting injustice and racial discrimination. "For Jews Only", that's what America is financing in Israel's stealing of more and more of Palestine every month, every year of illegal settlement building. Don't stand for racism and injustice. It's not American.

The only noticeable difference between your posts and David Duke's followers is use of the acronym "ZOG".

04-23-2015, 06:57 AM
America isn't populated by a white majority? When did this happen?

Racially segregated communities in Israel, huh? Example?

Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?

Illegal settlement building? Where and how?

"Jews Only"? Where have you seen this practice?

Let's see your supporting links, sparky! Do yourself a favor and use credible links by professional news organizations.

Let us get to the bottom of these serious allegations.

I am so sorry. I did jump the gun on what's being called the "Browning of America" because where I live in California, it's already happened, as it has in 19 states across America. By 2043 all of America will be non-white majority according to statistical census takers.



It's a very good thing, this darkening of Americans as exposure to sunlight increases with global warming. Most all Native Americans were dark skinned peoples when Europeans arrived as that period's European racist expansion and takeovers of Americas, Africa, Australia, NZ, and the millions of natives who lost their lives and land and resources to the European invaders, just like what's happening to Palestinians by European Jewish invaders, or more accurately, European Jewish convert descendant invaders without any ancestry at all from Palestine. I can prove this as I am one of these European Jewish convert descendants, Ashkenazim, as well as Libyan and Tunisian Jewish convert descendants (Sephardic or Mizraim).

The only Jews who have any right to be in Palestine are Palestinian Jews. Packing Israel with European Jewish converts to take Palestine over is a crime against humanity and thus recognized as such by its victims, Palestinians, and all the Middle East Arab populations surrounding the European and European-American Zionist installation of the European Jewish colony of Israel, an act that could only be seen by Middle East Arabs as another Crusader war against them, which it most certainly is and Americans cannot see this at all. Americans cannot see that if Middle East Arab Muslims were successful in getting the country of Belgium for themselves by getting the Security Council to again break the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations as they did in 1947-48, and proceeded to install an Arab Muslim State in place of Belgium what this would do to Europeans seeing this happen? Would they calmly accept an invasion and takeover of a central European nation as "Allah's Will"? My fellow Americans, please get your heads out of your behinds and THINK RATIONALLY about what we are financing and arming to the teeth in the heart of the Middle East. We and Israel carrying out a modern Crusader War against Middle East Arab Muslims have and are Provoking world war with all Muslims. We are creating Radical Islam as a reaction to our actions against them.

Racially segregated communities in Israel, huh? Example?


Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?

Quakers made these maps and my Palestinian peace activist friends also post them, up-dating them as more settlement building "For Jews Only" keeps going on, gobbling up more and more of the West Bank.

Illegal settlement building? Where and how?


"Jews Only"? Where have you seen this practice?

Suburb outside of Tel Aviv where I stayed in 2003 with an Israeli peace activist. I walked around her neighborhood and saw no Palestinians at all and she confirmed they had their communities and Jews had theirs. And on my bus rides across Israel you saw the same pattern most everywhere, Jews had their communities (the best areas, the best lands) and Palestinians had theirs, (slums mostly, I stayed in the West Bank (as a Jew btw, but Jewish Christian peace activist, in a Muslim family's home. There I heard the wails of despair coming from four Muslim women of the household when they reacted to the murders of two or three Palestinians in Gaza on Al J..zarra(sp) News. They turned at me who they served with delicious Arab entres to make me feel comfortable, with anger and pointed at the TV; "You see?! You see?!" And I told them I did see and did not agree with my country's policy. They accepted me because I was a peace activist and even this Jew could and did walk without fear by myself in streets where all the others I saw, and there were many, were Palestinians. In Nazareth, I saw from the bus Upper Nazareth where Israeli Jews live looking down on Old Nazareth below filled with Palestinian Israeli Christians and Muslims. Outside of Bethlehem I saw where settlements for Jews only had been built over my Palestinian host's former picnic park area Bethlehemites enjoyed as part of citizens of Bethlehem. Israeli Jews destroyed the little forest there and built these enormous settlement communities. My other Palestinian peace activist friend's land, in the family for almost a hundred years, was and has been confiscated by IDF for Israel's plans to build still another settlement there For Jews Only.

This is what Americans are financing: racial warfare, racial discrimination that would never be tolerated here in America anyplace now. Maybe back in moral dinosaur "white people rule" it was American policy but America's strength has always come from its open arms to the world's oppressed as America's decline in freedom and freedom of opportunity has come from closing those arms in a racial segregation manner. Look at the white cops vs black men statistics that plainly show our own racist problems that keep us supporting religious racism against Middle East Arabs. Without Israel as a European, European American provocation of Middle East Arab Muslims, another Crusader War against them to seize and control the Holy Land and Jerusalem, we could actually talk meaningful peace with Palestinians and all Arab and Muslim peoples. We are creating our own monster by breaking international law to protect nations against invasion and takeover by foreigners. That is what we had to do once we ourselves became our own nation by kicking out the foreign occupiers, the British. Remember?

04-23-2015, 07:01 AM
Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?

With any luck they will completely get rid of palestine and make it a distant memory. Peace will be achieved when the world is rid of terrorists and their ardent supporters.

04-23-2015, 09:12 AM
I am so sorry. I did jump the gun on what's being called the "Browning of America" because where I live in California, it's already happened, as it has in 19 states across America. By 2043 all of America will be non-white majority according to statistical census takers.



Concession acknowledged.

It's a very good thing, this darkening of Americans as exposure to sunlight increases with global warming. Most all Native Americans were dark skinned peoples when Europeans arrived as that period's European racist expansion and takeovers of Americas, Africa, Australia, NZ, and the millions of natives who lost their lives and land and resources to the European invaders, just like what's happening to Palestinians by European Jewish invaders, or more accurately, European Jewish convert descendant invaders without any ancestry at all from Palestine. I can prove this as I am one of these European Jewish convert descendants, Ashkenazim, as well as Libyan and Tunisian Jewish convert descendants (Sephardic or Mizraim).

The only Jews who have any right to be in Palestine are Palestinian Jews. Packing Israel with European Jewish converts to take Palestine over is a crime against humanity and thus recognized as such by its victims, Palestinians, and all the Middle East Arab populations surrounding the European and European-American Zionist installation of the European Jewish colony of Israel, an act that could only be seen by Middle East Arabs as another Crusader war against them, which it most certainly is and Americans cannot see this at all. Americans cannot see that if Middle East Arab Muslims were successful in getting the country of Belgium for themselves by getting the Security Council to again break the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations as they did in 1947-48, and proceeded to install an Arab Muslim State in place of Belgium what this would do to Europeans seeing this happen? Would they calmly accept an invasion and takeover of a central European nation as "Allah's Will"? My fellow Americans, please get your heads out of your behinds and THINK RATIONALLY about what we are financing and arming to the teeth in the heart of the Middle East. We and Israel carrying out a modern Crusader War against Middle East Arab Muslims have and are Provoking world war with all Muslims. We are creating Radical Islam as a reaction to our actions against them.

Who says Jews don't have any right to live there? You? The millions of muzzies clamoring for their blood?

I don't know if you've noticed, but muzzies have been murdering people of all religions worldwide, regardless of their color or nationality. If the victim isn't a specific flavor of muslim, then they're killed - usually indiscriminately. Most muslims are killed by other muslims.

Aligning yourself with such views doesn't speak well for your capacity for objective thinking and tells me that you are a muslim.

In my experience, the only people running around railing against "Zionists" are muslims or nazis - and neither has a moral leg to stand on. Which category do you belong to?

Racially segregated communities in Israel, huh? Example?


That's a real nifty blog, but it isn't a professional news organization. Would you like me to respond with Rosanne Barr's blog? It will carry the same weight. ( ! )

Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?


Quakers made these maps and my Palestinian peace activist friends also post them, up-dating them as more settlement building "For Jews Only" keeps going on, gobbling up more and more of the West Bank.

Those are real nifty maps maps and propaganda made by "palestinian" activists. Again, not a professional news organization.

News flash : West Bank was lost by Jordan in the 1967 Six Day War. In 1988, Jordan officially stripped all those left behind of their Jordanian citizenship and renounced all claims to the area. That land is Israel's.

If you have a grievance about the plight of those ex-Jordanians, then the appropriate party to rail against is the government of Jordan for :

1) Initiating a war against Israel

2) Losing the war in breathtakingly incompetent fashion

3) Abandoning their former citizens in a callous manner

4) Refusing to allow their former citizens entry back into the newer, smaller Jordan

There are no "Jews Only" areas enforced by Israel. If palestinians choose to live among other palestinians, and Jews choose to live among other Jews, then that's their business and they're free to do so. This is not something new, look around you in CA. You have predominantly mexican neighborhoods, white neighborhoods, black neighborhoods, asian neighborhoods - people tend to gravitate that way.

Claiming that Israel has "Jews Only" areas is preposterous and actually is unconstitutional. You're being lied to. Research it.

Illegal settlement building? Where and how?


It seems that the "Illegal" portion is disputed. Lawyers have been arguing for and against since 1967 and it still hasn't been resolved. So it would be more accurate for you to say it's your opinion that they are illegal.

Review points 1 through 4 above, and change out 'Jordan' with Syria and Egypt as needed. The points remain valid.

"Jews Only"? Where have you seen this practice?

Suburb outside of Tel Aviv where I stayed in 2003 with an Israeli peace activist. I walked around her neighborhood and saw no Palestinians at all and she confirmed they had their communities and Jews had theirs. And on my bus rides across Israel you saw the same pattern most everywhere, Jews had their communities (the best areas, the best lands) and Palestinians had theirs, (slums mostly, I stayed in the West Bank (as a Jew btw, but Jewish Christian peace activist, in a Muslim family's home. There I heard the wails of despair coming from four Muslim women of the household when they reacted to the murders of two or three Palestinians in Gaza on Al J..zarra(sp) News. They turned at me who they served with delicious Arab entres to make me feel comfortable, with anger and pointed at the TV; "You see?! You see?!" And I told them I did see and did not agree with my country's policy. They accepted me because I was a peace activist and even this Jew could and did walk without fear by myself in streets where all the others I saw, and there were many, were Palestinians. In Nazareth, I saw from the bus Upper Nazareth where Israeli Jews live looking down on Old Nazareth below filled with Palestinian Israeli Christians and Muslims. Outside of Bethlehem I saw where settlements for Jews only had been built over my Palestinian host's former picnic park area Bethlehemites enjoyed as part of citizens of Bethlehem. Israeli Jews destroyed the little forest there and built these enormous settlement communities. My other Palestinian peace activist friend's land, in the family for almost a hundred years, was and has been confiscated by IDF for Israel's plans to build still another settlement there For Jews Only.

Sounds to me like you are easily swayed by propaganda aired by Al Jazeera and other muslim PR pieces. Their greatest coup is misleading gullible youth (like Rachel Corrie, the idiot American girl that got run over by a bulldozer) to get involved and repeat the half-truths and outright lies they are broadcasting.

The fact is, Israel wants peace and ONLY retaliates. If those "palestinians" wanted peace, then they'd stop the idiots in their midst from lobbing rockets at civilian centers and all other terrorist activities. Instead, they whitewash, justify and lie about what led up to an IDF operation.

Of course they're living in slums! That's what happens when you get the snot beaten out of you by a World-Class Military! If your neighborhood is bombed to rubble every other year, it's hard to make a nice neighborhood.

No, the palestinians are responsible for their plight because they don't take action and at the very least are guilty of tacitly supporting terrorism by allowing it to continue - and I suspect most of them are guilty of actively supporting it. I saw the videos of those peaceful palestinians cheering as thousands of rockets were launched at Israeli cities - and then read the bleeding-heart stories about how mean ol' Israel came and beat the shit out of them in response.

The world works like this : Fuck with the Bull, you get the Horn.

This is what Americans are financing: racial warfare, racial discrimination that would never be tolerated here in America anyplace now. Maybe back in moral dinosaur "white people rule" it was American policy but America's strength has always come from its open arms to the world's oppressed as America's decline in freedom and freedom of opportunity has come from closing those arms in a racial segregation manner. Look at the white cops vs black men statistics that plainly show our own racist problems that keep us supporting religious racism against Middle East Arabs. Without Israel as a European, European American provocation of Middle East Arab Muslims, another Crusader War against them to seize and control the Holy Land and Jerusalem, we could actually talk meaningful peace with Palestinians and all Arab and Muslim peoples. We are creating our own monster by breaking international law to protect nations against invasion and takeover by foreigners. That is what we had to do once we ourselves became our own nation by kicking out the foreign occupiers, the British. Remember?

You have a very curious grasp of history. England wasn't an occupier; it was a colonial empire and we were a colony. Taxation without representation was the big issue.

We support Israel because they are our ally and the only shining beacon of Democracy in that whole hellish region. Yeah, the Israelis even have women palestinian members in their government. That's certainly oppressive, isn't it?

There is no racial warfare; there is only a Nation under attack by people who have sworn to destroy her by any means necessary simply because they're Jews. Every single one of her neighbors have stated this goal.

You're on the wrong side of the issue, and I fear that's due to your lack of education on the subject. Your Blogs and Al Jazeera aren't doing you any favors to learn the truth. It's hard enough to sift through professional news stories for the truth without adding outright propaganda to the mix.

04-23-2015, 02:07 PM
America isn't populated by a white majority? When did this happen?

Racially segregated communities in Israel, huh? Example?

Israel is stealing Palestine? How are they doing that?

Illegal settlement building? Where and how?

"Jews Only"? Where have you seen this practice?

Let's see your supporting links, sparky! Do yourself a favor and use credible links by professional news organizations.

Let us get to the bottom of these serious allegations.

Is this guy agnosticunchristanacolyte's brother?

04-23-2015, 04:30 PM
All you people trying to railroad Arab Muslims into being the only bad guys is pure outright racist bigotry in action. You don't understand because you don't want to, that it is illegal and immoral for people of one nation thousands of miles away from another to go in and take over everything by force of arms. That's a Crime! And that's what Israel is--a criminal enterprise that came about by the Security Council breaking the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations, that U.N. Right again signed by Pres. Obama in 2010. You are anti-Americans siding with criminal lawbreakers and racist war promoters. You don't address this criticism, do you, that you are racists siding with European Jewish racist genocidal policies, because you have no defense for it except Zionist lies. One has only to look back on Christian fanatical racists in America who are still active pushing war with Muslims like your posts do as well. You don't see that Islam has become immensely more radical as Muslims continue to see Israel has no intention of being anything but a criminal state breaking all U.N. Resolutions and International Laws in order to conduct their racial war with Arab Gentile Palestinians and Middle East Arabs in general.

European Jewish convert descendants, us Ashkenazim, who began the Zionist movement, have ZERO right to claim Palestine as none of our forebearers ever stepped foot in Palestine. My Ashkenazi dna test shows all sorts of Ashkenazim ancestry from all over Europe, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria-Hungary, Netherlands, but only goes in the direct of Palestine to Uzbekistan, in the heart of the old Khazar kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century or 7th. I do have Sephardic genes too but they are traced to Tunisia and Libya, again not Palestine. And really, this Zionist idea that any "Jew" has a Right of Return is pure racist bunk and quite an evil doctrine that would cause utter chaos internationally if other countries adopted this immorality as have Zionist Jews. The ONLY reason Israel exists today is due to Evangelical Zionist Christians and Jews in America politically supporting Israel like the modern 5th Columnists they are working for a foreign government, as you Zionists also do supporting racial warfare and everything anti-American policy protecting against racists.

Please stop working to undermine American values of self-determination and equal rights for all citizens. You should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting racial warfare and the killing of innocents for religious liars and cheats and land-stealers. And no, the Reactions of the victims of Jewish racial warfare cannot be condemned when they turn to violence as the only means of stopping European takeover and elimination of Palestine. God is not on your side and if you don't believe me, read what's happened to the Bible's credibility as God's real agents in our times are Israeli archeologists and historians exposing the Bible stories for what they always were: Judah's myths of origin without any historical foundation, myths Zionists are using to kill Palestinians and steal their land away from them.

04-23-2015, 04:38 PM
With any luck they will completely get rid of palestine and make it a distant memory. Peace will be achieved when the world is rid of terrorists and their ardent supporters.:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

04-23-2015, 04:44 PM
I teach Celestial Torah Christianity as a Jewish Christian as rabbis do not know it at all as Judaism's earthly torah is pure man-made priests of Judah religious propaganda promoting the nationalization of God as if God were a Jew which unfortunately is exactly what rabbis teach as if "Ha Shem" were not Jewish narcissism carried to ridiculous extreme of claiming the name of God to be Jewish, the language of God to be Hebrew, the nation of God to be Israel. Not when you do your ancient Near Eastern religious histories and find out how very much Judaism owes to stealing ancient pagan religious ideas without attribution of course, such as the whole foundational concept of the Torah which is derived from ancient Egyptian beliefs, not Hebrew at all.

Learn to separate religious fanatics propaganda from real history which isn't easy to do as the Jewish/Pauline Christian bonding going on in our century tries its best to keep Abrahamic believers from learning the true origins of Judaism's religious beliefs in older pagan religions. The Jewish Bible started painting Arabs black as sin with the story of Ishmael and again with the hatred of Amalek story and you people, 2500 years later are still acting as if these Jewish hatreds are still viable ideas Americans should embrace. Time to remember what America stands for and it isn't racism.

04-23-2015, 04:56 PM
All you people trying to railroad Arab Muslims into being the only bad guys is pure outright racist bigotry in action. You don't understand because you don't want to, that it is illegal and immoral for people of one nation thousands of miles away from another to go in and take over everything by force of arms. That's a Crime! And that's what Israel is--a criminal enterprise that came about by the Security Council breaking the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations, that U.N. Right again signed by Pres. Obama in 2010. You are anti-Americans siding with criminal lawbreakers and racist war promoters. You don't address this criticism, do you, that you are racists siding with European Jewish racist genocidal policies, because you have no defense for it except Zionist lies. One has only to look back on Christian fanatical racists in America who are still active pushing war with Muslims like your posts do as well. You don't see that Islam has become immensely more radical as Muslims continue to see Israel has no intention of being anything but a criminal state breaking all U.N. Resolutions and International Laws in order to conduct their racial war with Arab Gentile Palestinians and Middle East Arabs in general.

European Jewish convert descendants, us Ashkenazim, who began the Zionist movement, have ZERO right to claim Palestine as none of our forebearers ever stepped foot in Palestine. My Ashkenazi dna test shows all sorts of Ashkenazim ancestry from all over Europe, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria-Hungary, Netherlands, but only goes in the direct of Palestine to Uzbekistan, in the heart of the old Khazar kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century or 7th. I do have Sephardic genes too but they are traced to Tunisia and Libya, again not Palestine. And really, this Zionist idea that any "Jew" has a Right of Return is pure racist bunk and quite an evil doctrine that would cause utter chaos internationally if other countries adopted this immorality as have Zionist Jews. The ONLY reason Israel exists today is due to Evangelical Zionist Christians and Jews in America politically supporting Israel like the modern 5th Columnists they are working for a foreign government, as you Zionists also do supporting racial warfare and everything anti-American policy protecting against racists.

Please stop working to undermine American values of self-determination and equal rights for all citizens. You should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting racial warfare and the killing of innocents for religious liars and cheats and land-stealers. And no, the Reactions of the victims of Jewish racial warfare cannot be condemned when they turn to violence as the only means of stopping European takeover and elimination of Palestine. God is not on your side and if you don't believe me, read what's happened to the Bible's credibility as God's real agents in our times are Israeli archeologists and historians exposing the Bible stories for what they always were: Judah's myths of origin without any historical foundation, myths Zionists are using to kill Palestinians and steal their land away from them.


Let's cut through all of this, and recognise one central truth here. You hate Jews with a passion that I'm sure some of the hardest-line Muslim terrorists on the planet would envy.

Is it perhaps your view that Hitler should've been permitted to complete his Holocaust, his 'Final Solution' ?

Do you perhaps hold the view that the Jewish race hasn't suffered nearly ENOUGH in human history ?

I say that sheer human justice and decency argues for the State of Israel to not only exist, but to prosper as much as possible. Instead .... you want MORE enmity. MORE bloodshed.

Israel is a major military power. It could, if it so chose, and whenever it chose, reduce Palestine to dust. Instead, it endures literally many hundreds of terrorist attacks from that region, and ONLY acts when it must defend itself .. and in a scenario in which the provocation to do so much more than this must be immense.

But you seem to have no appreciation of that remarkable reality, nor the Israeli near-superhuman capacity for amazing restraint.

What accounts for that ? Race hatred ? A common cause felt with one or more terrorist faction(s) ?

When Ahmadinejad threatened to 'wipe Israel off the map', did you approve ?

If Iran gets nukes, and attacks Israel with one(or more), will you look at a photo of an Israeli radioactive crater and cheer its existence ?

You talk of 'criminality'. Doesn't what I've been considering in this post qualify as that, in your 'worldview' .. ?

04-23-2015, 04:57 PM
All you people trying to railroad Arab Muslims into being the only bad guys is pure outright racist bigotry in action. You don't understand because you don't want to, that it is illegal and immoral for people of one nation thousands of miles away from another to go in and take over everything by force of arms. That's a Crime! And that's what Israel is--a criminal enterprise that came about by the Security Council breaking the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations, that U.N. Right again signed by Pres. Obama in 2010. You are anti-Americans siding with criminal lawbreakers and racist war promoters. You don't address this criticism, do you, that you are racists siding with European Jewish racist genocidal policies, because you have no defense for it except Zionist lies. One has only to look back on Christian fanatical racists in America who are still active pushing war with Muslims like your posts do as well. You don't see that Islam has become immensely more radical as Muslims continue to see Israel has no intention of being anything but a criminal state breaking all U.N. Resolutions and International Laws in order to conduct their racial war with Arab Gentile Palestinians and Middle East Arabs in general.

European Jewish convert descendants, us Ashkenazim, who began the Zionist movement, have ZERO right to claim Palestine as none of our forebearers ever stepped foot in Palestine. My Ashkenazi dna test shows all sorts of Ashkenazim ancestry from all over Europe, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria-Hungary, Netherlands, but only goes in the direct of Palestine to Uzbekistan, in the heart of the old Khazar kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century or 7th. I do have Sephardic genes too but they are traced to Tunisia and Libya, again not Palestine. And really, this Zionist idea that any "Jew" has a Right of Return is pure racist bunk and quite an evil doctrine that would cause utter chaos internationally if other countries adopted this immorality as have Zionist Jews. The ONLY reason Israel exists today is due to Evangelical Zionist Christians and Jews in America politically supporting Israel like the modern 5th Columnists they are working for a foreign government, as you Zionists also do supporting racial warfare and everything anti-American policy protecting against racists.

Please stop working to undermine American values of self-determination and equal rights for all citizens. You should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting racial warfare and the killing of innocents for religious liars and cheats and land-stealers. And no, the Reactions of the victims of Jewish racial warfare cannot be condemned when they turn to violence as the only means of stopping European takeover and elimination of Palestine. God is not on your side and if you don't believe me, read what's happened to the Bible's credibility as God's real agents in our times are Israeli archeologists and historians exposing the Bible stories for what they always were: Judah's myths of origin without any historical foundation, myths Zionists are using to kill Palestinians and steal their land away from them.

Last I checked, there weren't any Jews lining up Christians and killing them. On the other hand, seems to me, a bunch of extremist idiots calling themselves Muslims are. I'll take the reality vs your long-winded crap I didn't bother to read.

04-23-2015, 05:32 PM

Let's cut through all of this, and recognise one central truth here. You hate Jews with a passion that I'm sure some of the hardest-line Muslim terrorists on the planet would envy.

Is it perhaps your view that Hitler should've been permitted to complete his Holocaust, his 'Final Solution' ?

Do you perhaps hold the view that the Jewish race hasn't suffered nearly ENOUGH in human history ?

I say that sheer human justice and decency argues for the State of Israel to not only exist, but to prosper as much as possible. Instead .... you want MORE enmity. MORE bloodshed.

Israel is a major military power. It could, if it so chose, and whenever it chose, reduce Palestine to dust. Instead, it endures literally many hundreds of terrorist attacks from that region, and ONLY acts when it must defend itself .. and in a scenario in which the provocation to do so much more than this must be immense.

But you seem to have no appreciation of that remarkable reality, nor the Israeli near-superhuman capacity for amazing restraint.

What accounts for that ? Race hatred ? A common cause felt with one or more terrorist faction(s) ?

When Ahmadinejad threatened to 'wipe Israel off the map', did you approve ?

If Iran gets nukes, and attacks Israel with one(or more), will you look at a photo of an Israeli radioactive crater and cheer its existence ?

You talk of 'criminality'. Doesn't what I've been considering in this post qualify as that, in your 'worldview' .. ?


~ "Israel is a major military power. It could, if it so chose, and whenever it chose, reduce Palestine to dust. Instead, it endures literally many hundreds of terrorist attacks from that region, and ONLY acts when it must defend itself .. and in a scenario in which the provocation to do so much more than this must be immense.

*****But you seem to have no appreciation of that remarkable reality, nor the Israeli near-superhuman capacity for amazing restraint.****

What accounts for that ? Race hatred ? A common cause felt with one or more terrorist faction(s) ?

When Ahmadinejad threatened to 'wipe Israel off the map', did you approve ?" ~

Well done^^^

***I believe Gunny may be correct in his assumption... saying this new poster might be "related" to another new special poster we have here....:laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2015, 06:25 PM
All you people trying to railroad Arab Muslims into being the only bad guys is pure outright racist bigotry in action. You don't understand because you don't want to, that it is illegal and immoral for people of one nation thousands of miles away from another to go in and take over everything by force of arms. That's a Crime! And that's what Israel is--a criminal enterprise that came about by the Security Council breaking the U.N. Charter protecting the Right of Self-Determination of Indigenous Populations, that U.N. Right again signed by Pres. Obama in 2010. You are anti-Americans siding with criminal lawbreakers and racist war promoters. You don't address this criticism, do you, that you are racists siding with European Jewish racist genocidal policies, because you have no defense for it except Zionist lies. One has only to look back on Christian fanatical racists in America who are still active pushing war with Muslims like your posts do as well. You don't see that Islam has become immensely more radical as Muslims continue to see Israel has no intention of being anything but a criminal state breaking all U.N. Resolutions and International Laws in order to conduct their racial war with Arab Gentile Palestinians and Middle East Arabs in general.

European Jewish convert descendants, us Ashkenazim, who began the Zionist movement, have ZERO right to claim Palestine as none of our forebearers ever stepped foot in Palestine. My Ashkenazi dna test shows all sorts of Ashkenazim ancestry from all over Europe, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovakia, Austria-Hungary, Netherlands, but only goes in the direct of Palestine to Uzbekistan, in the heart of the old Khazar kingdom that converted to Judaism in the 8th Century or 7th. I do have Sephardic genes too but they are traced to Tunisia and Libya, again not Palestine. And really, this Zionist idea that any "Jew" has a Right of Return is pure racist bunk and quite an evil doctrine that would cause utter chaos internationally if other countries adopted this immorality as have Zionist Jews. The ONLY reason Israel exists today is due to Evangelical Zionist Christians and Jews in America politically supporting Israel like the modern 5th Columnists they are working for a foreign government, as you Zionists also do supporting racial warfare and everything anti-American policy protecting against racists.

Please stop working to undermine American values of self-determination and equal rights for all citizens. You should be ashamed of yourselves for supporting racial warfare and the killing of innocents for religious liars and cheats and land-stealers. And no, the Reactions of the victims of Jewish racial warfare cannot be condemned when they turn to violence as the only means of stopping European takeover and elimination of Palestine. God is not on your side and if you don't believe me, read what's happened to the Bible's credibility as God's real agents in our times are Israeli archeologists and historians exposing the Bible stories for what they always were: Judah's myths of origin without any historical foundation, myths Zionists are using to kill Palestinians and steal their land away from them.

Stated as you operate with total disregard of history, complete and utter hatred for Jews and a delusional concept of the world and how it operates.
I am guessing you are very young, quite gullible and a bit off the ole rocker....
I see this as you never once admitted the atrocities and teachings of the muslim herds is murderously wrong AND SHOULD BE STAMPED OUT.
Your propaganda spewing has no effect upon me. -Tyr

04-23-2015, 06:45 PM
Stated as you operate with total disregard of history, complete and utter hatred for Jews and a delusional concept of the world and how it operates.
I am guessing you are very young, quite gullible and a bit off the ole rocker....
I see this as you never once admitted the atrocities and teachings of the muslim herds is murderously wrong AND SHOULD BE STAMPED OUT.
Your propaganda spewing has no effect upon me. -Tyr

`Hey Tyr..."Some"... Young...sensitive...submissive indoctrinated left leaning folks have love and respect for muslim terrorists... heck...many are even signing up with ISIS...just the way it is......some of the females want to marry them....some of the males have other desires...



04-23-2015, 07:10 PM
`Hey Tyr..."Some"... Young...sensitive...submissive indoctrinated left leaning folks have love and respect for muslim terrorists... heck...many are even signing up with ISIS...just the way it is......some of the females want to marry them....some of the males have other desires...



Yeah, they can go ahead. Go live in a sandbox. The second it behooves those assholes you're a hostage. They don't care about anyone's stupidity except that it plays into their hands. The very second it becomes convenient you're an American hostage.

Ask Bergdahl.

04-23-2015, 08:01 PM

This fellow, like so many Zionists, forgets all about Jewish terrorism, forgets all about Gaza, forgets all about America's commitment to end racism and that includes Zionist Jewish racism.

Does it make you feel proud to be a racist, Drummond? Or to diss Social Security that your parents and you will need desperately in old age? Or are you quite happy that America is no longer a democracy (you guys always claimed that anyway) but a plutocracy, our country is ruled by a 2 or even 1% minority, extremely wealthy people while the millions of us Americans have virtually no say anymore in how we are governed. Money people make our votes meaningless and this is what you sponsor supporting capitalist greedos over the People's democratic rights enshrined in our Constitution but ignored by politicians serving their corporate masters instead of the People who make the corporate masters rich and without whom, there is no capitalist profits as no capitalist can make a dime without the People making it possible, something every capitalist forgets when railing against the People's economic democracy.

04-23-2015, 08:13 PM
I'd like to see just how many members here are Zionist racists, like Drummond, as I'm not seeing any comments contradicting Zionist racist posts directed at Arab Palestinians and not at Jewish Israelis who as the statistics show, are child-killers compared to Palestinians as Israelis are killing Palestinian kids at a rate of 5 to 1. Israelis are locking up teenage Palestinians and yet not a single Israeli Jew has been locked up in jail by Palestinians. Zionists are like King George supporters against Americans seeking self-determination before the Revolutionary War. They back the foreign Europeans trying to eliminate democracy so Europeans can keep control of non-European lands by installing European colonists. Most American Europeans got the message of America--Democracy for ALL Americans, but not a dwindling proportion of Europeans intent on racial warfare and subjugation of other races, that legacy still very much alive in America's police departments.

It's time to stop racism and that includes foreign racism that Americans are sponsoring via Zionist collusion and financing using American tax-payer's monies.

04-23-2015, 08:46 PM
I'd like to see just how many members here are Zionist racists, like Drummond, as I'm not seeing any comments contradicting Zionist racist posts directed at Arab Palestinians and not at Jewish Israelis who as the statistics show, are child-killers compared to Palestinians as Israelis are killing Palestinian kids at a rate of 5 to 1. Israelis are locking up teenage Palestinians and yet not a single Israeli Jew has been locked up in jail by Palestinians. Zionists are like King George supporters against Americans seeking self-determination before the Revolutionary War. They back the foreign Europeans trying to eliminate democracy so Europeans can keep control of non-European lands by installing European colonists. Most American Europeans got the message of America--Democracy for ALL Americans, but not a dwindling proportion of Europeans intent on racial warfare and subjugation of other races, that legacy still very much alive in America's police departments.

It's time to stop racism and that includes foreign racism that Americans are sponsoring via Zionist collusion and financing using American tax-payer's monies.

Personally, I'm proud that American ammunition is raining down on Hamas. :salute:


"Have You Forgotten?"

I hear people saying we don't need this war
But, I say there's some things worth fighting for
What about our freedom and this piece of ground
We didn't get to keep 'em by backing down
They say we don't realize the mess we're getting in
Before you start your preaching let me ask you this my friend

Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside going thru a living hell
And you say we shouldn't worry 'bout bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

They took all the footage off my T.V.
Said it's too disturbing for you and me
It'll just breed anger that's what the experts say
If it was up to me I'd show it everyday
Some say this country's just out looking for a fight
Well, after 9/11 man I'd have to say that's right

Have you forgotten how it felt that day?
To see your homeland under fire
And her people blown away
Have you forgotten when those towers fell?
We had neighbors still inside going thru a living hell
And we vowed to get the one’s behind bin Laden
Have you forgotten?

I've been there with the soldiers
Who've gone away to war
And you can bet that they remember
Just what they're fighting for

Have you forgotten all the people killed?
Yeah, some went down like heroes in that Pennsylvania field
Have you forgotten about our Pentagon?
All the loved ones that we lost and those left to carry on
Don't you tell me not to worry about bin Laden

Have you forgotten?

04-23-2015, 08:53 PM
Why are we Americans tolerating Zionists politicians filling our U.S. Government offices? These Zionists are working for Israel, a foreign state, against American democratic institutions such as equality for all. Zionism is racism, pure and simple. Zionism is the racist war policy developed by European Jewish convert descendants claiming to be "Semites" when we Ashkenazim are not at all and my dna analysis proves this to anyone who believes the Zionist lie that we are all descended from ancient Hebrews.

American Presidents are so politically afraid of the Zionist coalition between powerful Jews controlling America's monetary system and Evangelical Christians, that they routinely cave in to Zionist support of Israel. I mean it's sickening see a black man President saying America "loves" Israel when I personally know hundreds of Americans who do not at all. "Israel"? What has Israel done for America but get us into a racist war that will eventually backfire on America's credibility as a free nation. Are we free? Not when Money controls government elections, not when Zionists control our U.S. Government major offices.

Finally. Biomystic...better known in past life as ARCHIE BUNKER, has arrived here at DP.


04-23-2015, 09:24 PM
I'd like to see just how many members here are Zionist racists, like Drummond, as I'm not seeing any comments contradicting Zionist racist posts directed at Arab Palestinians and not at Jewish Israelis who as the statistics show, are child-killers compared to Palestinians as Israelis are killing Palestinian kids at a rate of 5 to 1. Israelis are locking up teenage Palestinians and yet not a single Israeli Jew has been locked up in jail by Palestinians. Zionists are like King George supporters against Americans seeking self-determination before the Revolutionary War. They back the foreign Europeans trying to eliminate democracy so Europeans can keep control of non-European lands by installing European colonists. Most American Europeans got the message of America--Democracy for ALL Americans, but not a dwindling proportion of Europeans intent on racial warfare and subjugation of other races, that legacy still very much alive in America's police departments.

It's time to stop racism and that includes foreign racism that Americans are sponsoring via Zionist collusion and financing using American tax-payer's monies.

Doesn't work that way, kid.

I addressed and tore down your entire opening salvo, and here you are blithely skipping along like it didn't happen.

Acknowledge you were wrong and we can move along. I can see there's a few here waiting to take a bite out of you and you're making it real easy.

04-23-2015, 09:31 PM
Personally, I'm proud that American ammunition is raining down on Hamas. :salute:


Personally, people like you to me are moral cretins and your opinions are garbage ones of racists who don't give a damn about morality or equality or fair play. The Gaza wars are crimes against humanity, Israelis targeting Palestinian families in their homes, killing hundreds of people in Gaza who rightfully seek to rid their country of foreign invaders and occupiers. We don't fault the French Resistance fighters for their role in fighting Nazis and they were no angels, but make the same fight to free a country from fascist invaders, well, then the tune changes, doesn't it. Suddenly, the Palestinian resisters to foreign invasion and occupation are "terrorists" just like the Nazis labeled French Resistance fighters.

I feel sorry that tailfins that you are a moral cretin and one hopes God feels sorry for your sick mind too. "Proud" of killer apes in human form killing people, that makes you no better than the ISIS supporters.

04-23-2015, 09:40 PM
Doesn't work that way, kid.

I addressed and tore down your entire opening salvo, and here you are blithely skipping along like it didn't happen.

Acknowledge you were wrong and we can move along. I can see there's a few here waiting to take a bite out of you and you're making it real easy.

Sorry, moral imbecile, but you didn't ever, you can't ever, dislodge my moral arguments against your racist sound-bite reasoning. You don't have the intellect to judge moral people as you are among the lesser minds who entertain violent racism as if it were a good thing. Nobody can reason with your type of moral degeneracy so I post to people who really want to think ethically about their actions, unlike you and fellow Zionist racists.

Post again when you grow up morally. Until that time, your posts are only good for showing how far gone in mental illness Zionists are who actually think racism can be gotten away with in the 21st Century. You're like people who think white cops can continue to shoot black men forever and get away it. You're a living dinosaur as the world moves on past your 18th century bigotry.

04-23-2015, 09:53 PM
Sorry, moral imbecile, but you didn't ever, you can't ever, dislodge my moral arguments against your racist sound-bite reasoning. You don't have the intellect to judge moral people as you are among the lesser minds who entertain violent racism as if it were a good thing. Nobody can reason with your type of moral degeneracy so I post to people who really want to think ethically about their actions, unlike you and fellow Zionist racists.

Post again when you grow up morally. Until that time, your posts are only good for showing how far gone in mental illness Zionists are who actually think racism can be gotten away with in the 21st Century. You're like people who think white cops can continue to shoot black men forever and get away it. You're a living dinosaur as the world moves on past your 18th century bigotry.


Well now, that doesn't seem very tolerant of you. What ever happened to accepting other people's different views? Isn't diversity the watchword of liberal youth these days? You seem awfully judgey.

I'm definitely feeling oppressed. Possibly even bullied.

I don't blame you that you don't want to respond. You were cornered and you ran, which is what 99% of liberals who roll in here and get spanked after mouthing off just like you did.

A bit of friendly advice : Break up your wall of text and people will be more inclined to read your muslim rants.

You're not off to a stellar start around here - might want to brush up on some facts instead of liberal hyperbole.

04-23-2015, 09:59 PM
Biowhatever you call yourself. You found the wrong place to preach your endless hatred, based on ignorance.

Too bad somebody taught you to be such a hateful child who thinks everyone else is beneath you.

But then. Thanks for being so openly ignorant here. We all needed to be reminded about how so many like you will probably join ISIS.

04-23-2015, 10:17 PM
Sorry, moral imbecile, but you didn't ever, you can't ever, dislodge my moral arguments against your racist sound-bite reasoning. You don't have the intellect to judge moral people as you are among the lesser minds who entertain violent racism as if it were a good thing. Nobody can reason with your type of moral degeneracy so I post to people who really want to think ethically about their actions, unlike you and fellow Zionist racists.

Post again when you grow up morally. Until that time, your posts are only good for showing how far gone in mental illness Zionists are who actually think racism can be gotten away with in the 21st Century. You're like people who think white cops can continue to shoot black men forever and get away it. You're a living dinosaur as the world moves on past your 18th century bigotry.

`Dude...You are one badly twisted... indoctrinated Fried in the head `FU` Liberal....JMO....

*You must of started young....in your training....


04-23-2015, 10:48 PM
Sorry, moral imbecile, but you didn't ever, you can't ever, dislodge my moral arguments against your racist sound-bite reasoning. You don't have the intellect to judge moral people as you are among the lesser minds who entertain violent racism as if it were a good thing. Nobody can reason with your type of moral degeneracy so I post to people who really want to think ethically about their actions, unlike you and fellow Zionist racists.

Post again when you grow up morally. Until that time, your posts are only good for showing how far gone in mental illness Zionists are who actually think racism can be gotten away with in the 21st Century. You're like people who think white cops can continue to shoot black men forever and get away it. You're a living dinosaur as the world moves on past your 18th century bigotry.

You have no moral argument. Tearing down your rhetoric is easy. We're just trying to not dogpile you. But you got your ass handed to you. We'll wait while you figure out to address the actual facts presented to you with actual facts instead of attacking the messenger.

04-23-2015, 11:28 PM
mental illness Zionists are who actually think racism can be gotten away with in the 21st Century. You're like people who think white cops can continue to shoot black men forever and get away it. You're a living dinosaur as the world moves on past your 18th century bigotry.

`​Is this one of the innocent black men the cops shot "and got away with it?"


*Common now...I know you remember the innocent Gental Giant...


You Know the Officer that shot this thug (self defense) was cleared and found Innocent by the DOJ...

And how about this fine young man...remember him..?




04-24-2015, 06:16 AM
`​Is this one of the innocent black men the cops shot "and got away with it?"


*Common now...I know you remember the innocent Gental Giant...


You Know the Officer that shot this thug (self defense) was cleared and found Innocent by the DOJ...

And how about this fine young man...remember him..?




Such nice young black boys :eek: the parents of these guys ought to be sentenced to the time in prison the kids would of gotten ( if they weren't so stupid to get themselves killed ) just because they raised them.

04-24-2015, 07:24 AM
Personally, people like you to me are moral cretins and your opinions are garbage ones of racists who don't give a damn about morality or equality or fair play. The Gaza wars are crimes against humanity, Israelis targeting Palestinian families in their homes, killing hundreds of people in Gaza who rightfully seek to rid their country of foreign invaders and occupiers. We don't fault the French Resistance fighters for their role in fighting Nazis and they were no angels, but make the same fight to free a country from fascist invaders, well, then the tune changes, doesn't it. Suddenly, the Palestinian resisters to foreign invasion and occupation are "terrorists" just like the Nazis labeled French Resistance fighters.

I feel sorry that tailfins that you are a moral cretin and one hopes God feels sorry for your sick mind too. "Proud" of killer apes in human form killing people, that makes you no better than the ISIS supporters.

Actually, I'm starting a cretin's club here on DP. It's called the Cretin's Clearwater Revival. We like to run through the jungle.


04-24-2015, 09:04 AM
You anti-American 5th Columnists supporting the foreign government of Israel are not addressing my criticisms, are you? You haven't any moral defense for your racist views so you attack me personally for bringing them to your attention thinking this site is invulnerable to moral people. Yes, I am a liberal but that doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate racists and racist ideologies or theologies. Not going to happen on my watch. You Zionists are the largest and worst anti-Semites in the world as you support European colonists waging a genocidal war against real Semitic peoples. I am Ashkenazi Jewish and know my peoples religious propaganda far better than you guys if your Gentiles and I don't for a minute buy into Judaism's racist ideologies that spawned Zionism and the current racial war against Palestinian Arab Muslims and Christians Israel conducts--with our American tax-payer's money and our weaponry. Your hands are bloody, Zionists, and mine aren't.

And, btw, just because I'm here demolishing your supposed monopoly of racist conservatives and Zionists on this site, don't think I don't do the same thing on other discussion sites where Muhammadan moral cretins are also posting their religion of war ideology. On the planet now, there are two fundamentalist religious crazies taking Americans to the brink of world war, Zionists and Muhammadans. I don't call them Muslims because they aren't. Only Ahmadiyyah Muslims are true Muslims, true followers of a religion of peace but I doubt any of you know they exist thinking all Islam is filled with Shiites and Sunni fundamentalist religious crazies, violent crazies who think and act just like fundamentalist Christians did for over a thousand years and just like ancient Israelites did in the brief time ancient Israel existed.

And please do your homework and read the real history of Hebrews who wrote the Bible myths because you all are dinosaurs morally due to laziness in doing your historical homework about the religious beliefs you blindly follow. You have fallen for the con job of ancient priests of Judah. The Bible Unearthed should cure you of Bible idolatry that spawns modern violent religious war as Abrahamics, all of them, cannot seem to ever stop their religious warfare. My war is a war against inhumanity and if I am intolerant of inhumanity it is because I will not let human beings hurt each other if I can help stop it. Don't confuse my anger at your Zionist war mongering racist beliefs with siding with the other religious and political lunatics running amok in our world. We don't need another round of European racist genocidal colonization! This is the 21st Century, not 1592, not 1886. The world is not European white majority. Get a clue! The more Europeans provoke non-Europeans, the more chance of racial warfare Against Europeans and look at the numbers, please, and get moral to get Europeans out from under their past racist history.

04-24-2015, 09:04 AM
Be careful if you disagree and accuse this one of having his facts wrong - or lying.

Skeptic and Bob, you've both called me a liar on a public forum now and I want to know your real names and addresses so my lawyer can contact you and we'll go to court. It's time you stop libeling people and acting like schoolyard bullies verbally abusing theist posters. Email your contact information...

So if any of you are mean to this nice fella, please give him your details as well and take your medicine! :laugh:

04-24-2015, 09:05 AM
You anti-American 5th Columnists supporting the foreign government of Israel are not addressing my criticisms, are you?

Do you support Hamas and their actions? Do you think palestine would be better off if they didn't have terrorists leading? Why do palestinians gladly accept this, and also cheer when seeing them shoot off rockets with literally no specific destination in mind?

Abbey Marie
04-24-2015, 09:14 AM
Be careful if you disagree and accuse this one of having his facts wrong - or lying.

So if any of you are mean to this nice fella, please give him your details as well and take your medicine! :laugh:

I wonder if he has a "Zionist" lawyer? :laugh2:

04-24-2015, 09:19 AM
I wonder if he has a "Zionist" lawyer? :laugh2:

Maybe Hamas will represent him, and off with anyone's head that dare talk smack about him! He'll see it as an "honor killing". Kinda funny when talking about muslims, and saying honor killing, when 75%+ and up of them have no idea what honor is.

04-24-2015, 09:28 AM
The interwebs are wonderful, are they not?

U.C. Berkeley anthropology major '60's counterculture drop-out no degrees but have my official minister's credential I paid $15 for back in 1981 or so.

After dropping out of school I turned towards art career as I was naturally in the lost Psychedelic Art movement (only art movement in history that was deliberately passed over by the gallery/art owner world because galleries refused to be associated with illegal drugs--Pop Art is what they gave the world--Andy Warhol, etc, while we psychedelic artists had brought a whole new art dimension--manifesting the imagery found universally in the human brain--sorry, I digress..)
Made a three minute experimental animation film shown in a Hollywood theater twice, masterpiece painting personally selected by the curator of the De Young Museum in S.F, and Talia Shire (Rocky) was my girlfriend at one time, we went ice skating just like in the movie together, you can touch me now..I mean how's that for rabbi credentials?

Been an activist most of my adult life. Started a commune that started Communities Magazine still going today--commune long gone. Organized a land trust, ran a community resource and activist meeting hall for years, environmental activist, environmental consultant and organizer of a state and national lottery for a local tribe (failed project) for years, failed pot grower but nice person most of the time. Inventor, designer of many new things but always too poor to (living rurally and not a successful pot grower) to finance patents and development. Invented a home biomass heated cabin design that would have got a Carter Administration ERDA grant but Reagan shut the program down. Toy designer and Super Bread recipe originator. Friend of Native Americans and Palestinians and prophet of God about town.

This explains everything. I almost ruptured a spleen reading this.

I love his $15 Rabbi Credentials that he's using to lend authority to his rants.

God, I hate hippies.

04-24-2015, 09:50 AM
Be careful if you disagree and accuse this one of having his facts wrong - or lying.

So if any of you are mean to this nice fella, please give him your details as well and take your medicine! :laugh:

How about he gives his details to Tyr and abouttime? Since they are retired and have few assets, they can go kick his ass with minimal repercussions.

04-24-2015, 10:13 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Biomystic
.... drop-out no degrees..

After dropping out of school .. deliberately passed over.....I mean how's that for rabbi credentials?

...commune long gone. ....(failed project) for years, failed pot grower ... always too poor to (living rurally and not a successful pot grower) to finance patents and development....shut the program down.

See a pattern here?

Abbey Marie
04-24-2015, 10:17 AM
The interwebs are wonderful, are they not?

This explains everything. I almost ruptured a spleen reading this.

I love his $15 Rabbi Credentials that he's using to lend authority to his rants.

God, I hate hippies.

You simply CANNOT make this "stuff" up!

And how do you fail at growing pot?! Any dude with a grow light and water, grew it in the 60s.

04-24-2015, 10:19 AM
You simply CANNOT make this "stuff" up!

And how do you fail at growing pot?! Any dude with a grow light and water, grew it in the 60s.

It's what Rush Limbaugh calls a ne'er-do-well.

04-24-2015, 10:20 AM
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/VCDnR6Px-co" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

04-24-2015, 12:34 PM
Is this guy agnosticunchristanacolyte's brother?

Gotta hand it to you, you nailed it on the head.

He's a self-proclaimed "Gnostic Christian".

04-24-2015, 12:44 PM
You anti-American 5th Columnists supporting the foreign government of Israel are not addressing my criticisms, are you? You haven't any moral defense for your racist views so you attack me personally for bringing them to your attention thinking this site is invulnerable to moral people. Yes, I am a liberal but that doesn't mean I'm going to tolerate racists and racist ideologies or theologies. Not going to happen on my watch. You Zionists are the largest and worst anti-Semites in the world as you support European colonists waging a genocidal war against real Semitic peoples. I am Ashkenazi Jewish and know my peoples religious propaganda far better than you guys if your Gentiles and I don't for a minute buy into Judaism's racist ideologies that spawned Zionism and the current racial war against Palestinian Arab Muslims and Christians Israel conducts--with our American tax-payer's money and our weaponry. Your hands are bloody, Zionists, and mine aren't.

And, btw, just because I'm here demolishing your supposed monopoly of racist conservatives and Zionists on this site, don't think I don't do the same thing on other discussion sites where Muhammadan moral cretins are also posting their religion of war ideology. On the planet now, there are two fundamentalist religious crazies taking Americans to the brink of world war, Zionists and Muhammadans. I don't call them Muslims because they aren't. Only Ahmadiyyah Muslims are true Muslims, true followers of a religion of peace but I doubt any of you know they exist thinking all Islam is filled with Shiites and Sunni fundamentalist religious crazies, violent crazies who think and act just like fundamentalist Christians did for over a thousand years and just like ancient Israelites did in the brief time ancient Israel existed.

And please do your homework and read the real history of Hebrews who wrote the Bible myths because you all are dinosaurs morally due to laziness in doing your historical homework about the religious beliefs you blindly follow. You have fallen for the con job of ancient priests of Judah. The Bible Unearthed should cure you of Bible idolatry that spawns modern violent religious war as Abrahamics, all of them, cannot seem to ever stop their religious warfare. My war is a war against inhumanity and if I am intolerant of inhumanity it is because I will not let human beings hurt each other if I can help stop it. Don't confuse my anger at your Zionist war mongering racist beliefs with siding with the other religious and political lunatics running amok in our world. We don't need another round of European racist genocidal colonization! This is the 21st Century, not 1592, not 1886. The world is not European white majority. Get a clue! The more Europeans provoke non-Europeans, the more chance of racial warfare Against Europeans and look at the numbers, please, and get moral to get Europeans out from under their past racist history.

You mean not addressing your insults and lame, baseless accusations? I bet you think you're original too.:laugh:

04-24-2015, 12:45 PM
Be careful if you disagree and accuse this one of having his facts wrong - or lying.

So if any of you are mean to this nice fella, please give him your details as well and take your medicine! :laugh:

Oh. One of "those" huh? :laugh2:

04-24-2015, 01:04 PM
I refuse to lower AMERICAN values

Too late. You already did.

Go play on a freeway.

04-24-2015, 01:15 PM
This fellow, like so many Zionists, forgets all about Jewish terrorism, forgets all about Gaza, forgets all about America's commitment to end racism and that includes Zionist Jewish racism.

Does it make you feel proud to be a racist, Drummond? Or to diss Social Security that your parents and you will need desperately in old age? Or are you quite happy that America is no longer a democracy (you guys always claimed that anyway) but a plutocracy, our country is ruled by a 2 or even 1% minority, extremely wealthy people while the millions of us Americans have virtually no say anymore in how we are governed. Money people make our votes meaningless and this is what you sponsor supporting capitalist greedos over the People's democratic rights enshrined in our Constitution but ignored by politicians serving their corporate masters instead of the People who make the corporate masters rich and without whom, there is no capitalist profits as no capitalist can make a dime without the People making it possible, something every capitalist forgets when railing against the People's economic democracy.

Oh dear. You have to play the race card, don't you, to try and 'justify' your own hatespeech posting ?

So tell me, Mr 'non' racist .... how much of your own posting is geared towards stoking up hatred for the Jewish State of Israel ? How strong and uncompromising has your language been in pursuit of that goal ?

'Capitalist greedos over the People's democratic rights' ... this is Leftie-speak, your point essentially meaningless (and probably copied from some Communist source ? Am I right ?).

This is hardly worth dealing with in any detail at all. You're driven by hatred of Israel, hatred of Capitalists ... you're a Leftie who - as Tyr suspects - seems to be a little off his rocker.

By the way, you completely ducked my point about Ahmadinejad, his Holocaustal threats, Iran's aim to get nukes which would satisfy those threats. WHY ? Your hatred of Israel seems to me to be so very great ... why not indulge it just that small step further ?

Go on ... you know you want to ....

Abbey Marie
04-24-2015, 02:09 PM
How about he gives his details to Tyr and abouttime? Since they are retired and have few assets, they can go kick his ass with minimal repercussions.

Maybe we can hook him up with Pale. ;)

04-24-2015, 02:33 PM
Oh dear. You have to play the race card, don't you, to try and 'justify' your own hatespeech posting ?

So tell me, Mr 'non' racist .... how much of your own posting is geared towards stoking up hatred for the Jewish State of Israel ? How strong and uncompromising has your language been in pursuit of that goal ?

'Capitalist greedos over the People's democratic rights' ... this is Leftie-speak, your point essentially meaningless (and probably copied from some Communist source ? Am I right ?).

This is hardly worth dealing with in any detail at all. You're driven by hatred of Israel, hatred of Capitalists ... you're a Leftie who - as Tyr suspects - seems to be a little off his rocker.

By the way, you completely ducked my point about Ahmadinejad, his Holocaustal threats, Iran's aim to get nukes which would satisfy those threats. WHY ? Your hatred of Israel seems to me to be so very great ... why not indulge it just that small step further ?

Go on ... you know you want to ....

Sir Drummond. As you have probably seen by now. Many of us actually enjoy seeing Douchebags come here with their ignorant, hateful rants that expose their lack of intelligence, and any semblance of Humanity.
People like this turd....scuse me...Big Turd Biowhatever...just enjoy sharing their miserable Un-life with others to make them feel wanted...like a bad case of Constipation. And the only thing members like Bio are looking to accomplish...usually ends up in a garbage can, or disposal..ready for graduation to Maggot-land.

04-24-2015, 02:52 PM
Sir Drummond. As you have probably seen by now. Many of us actually enjoy seeing Douchebags come here with their ignorant, hateful rants that expose their lack of intelligence, and any semblance of Humanity.
People like this turd....scuse me...Big Turd Biowhatever...just enjoy sharing their miserable Un-life with others to make them feel wanted...like a bad case of Constipation. And the only thing members like Bio are looking to accomplish...usually ends up in a garbage can, or disposal..ready for graduation to Maggot-land.

It kind of like watching a gorilla at the zoo throw poop.

04-24-2015, 03:11 PM
Why are we Americans tolerating Zionists politicians filling our U.S. Government offices? These Zionists are working for Israel, a foreign state, against American democratic institutions such as equality for all. Zionism is racism, pure and simple. Zionism is the racist war policy developed by European Jewish convert descendants claiming to be "Semites" when we Ashkenazim are not at all and my dna analysis proves this to anyone who believes the Zionist lie that we are all descended from ancient Hebrews.

American Presidents are so politically afraid of the Zionist coalition between powerful Jews controlling America's monetary system and Evangelical Christians, that they routinely cave in to Zionist support of Israel. I mean it's sickening see a black man President saying America "loves" Israel when I personally know hundreds of Americans who do not at all. "Israel"? What has Israel done for America but get us into a racist war that will eventually backfire on America's credibility as a free nation. Are we free? Not when Money controls government elections, not when Zionists control our U.S. Government major offices.

There is nothing "mystic" about your brand of racism. It's the sameole-sameole drivel....boring as $hit crappola.

04-24-2015, 04:10 PM
...............We live rent free in your head...:laugh:

04-24-2015, 04:15 PM
...............We live rent free in your head...:laugh:

LongTerm. That's not possible for Bio. His head is between his butt cheeks!:clap:

04-24-2015, 04:30 PM
Friday song....:cool:


`I...could be your sister
...Or maybe I'm your brother
....I could be your best friend
Or I might be your lover

......I'm your freaky behavior
Oh, a funky new waver
I'm your freaky behavior
Oh, a funky new waver and watch me

I'm your freaky behavior
Oh, a funky new waver
I'm your freaky behavior
A funky new waver

Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh
Oh oh.......................`

04-24-2015, 04:46 PM
Sir Drummond. As you have probably seen by now. Many of us actually enjoy seeing Douchebags come here with their ignorant, hateful rants that expose their lack of intelligence, and any semblance of Humanity.
People like this turd....scuse me...Big Turd Biowhatever...just enjoy sharing their miserable Un-life with others to make them feel wanted...like a bad case of Constipation. And the only thing members like Bio are looking to accomplish...usually ends up in a garbage can, or disposal..ready for graduation to Maggot-land.

Aboutime, I think that you're seriously understating your case !! :laugh2::laugh2:

Well said, anyway ...:clap:

04-24-2015, 07:19 PM
I mean searching my history looking for ways to slander me personally because you can't get at me with logical arguments for your Zionist racist lunatic support of Israel. That is pathetic! Especially when I am 71 years old and of course have a history as an artist/social, environmental and spiritual activist which you guys can't stand, e.g. your silly putdowns of hippies who if you ever learn American sociology have given even you types, all Americans, experienced solutions for every single social movement that Americans are facing in our times. We hippies starting in the early 60's were working on environmental protection. I was designing alternative community for ecological integration and reduced water and heat consumption in 1962 and formed an commune in 1972 that started Communities Magazine which is still going strong today, 43 years later. Our drug of choice, marijuana that you types were outlawing in the '60's, giving big sentences out, slandering this the world's mildest intoxicant and an incredible medical panacea is where today, huh? huh? You types are political dinosaurs and only ride on the backwardness of Americans where Christianity still holds back intelligence from government and injects these really bad religious ideas you all still embrace, like Zionism.

I still haven't heard ONE WORD from you giving rationale for your racist beliefs. Lot's of words of ad hominen attack though because your out of intellectual or moral ammunition and are relying on gang slander now to "answer" my posts ripping your Anti-American Fifth Columnist politics to shreds. It does you no good to attack me personally when you can't defend your racist ideology in public without being accused by others besides me, as moral cowards and racist war-mongers. It's types like you guys that sell America to the rich who buy away American democratic government. It's types like you who bring world war to Americans because you have no idea how to deal with international problems except throw money at the weapons makers and their lobbyists working our government for handouts for the rich.

04-24-2015, 07:23 PM
I mean searching my history looking for ways to slander me personally because you can't get at me with logical arguments for your Zionist racist lunatic support of Israel. That is pathetic! Especially when I am 71 years old and of course have a history as an artist/social and spiritual activist which you guys can't stand, e.g. your silly putdowns of hippies who if you ever learn American sociology have given even you types every single social movement that Americans are facing in our times. We hippies starting in the early 60's were working on environmental protection. I was designing alternative community for ecological integration and reduced water and heat consumption in 1962 and formed an commune in 1972 that started Communities Magazine which is still going strong today, 43 years later. Our drug of choice, marijuana that you types were outlawing in the '60's, giving big sentences out, slandering this the world's mildest intoxicant and an incredible medical panacea is where today, huh? huh? You types are political dinosaurs and only ride on the backwardness of Americans where Christianity still holds back intelligence from government and injects these really bad religious ideas you all still embrace, like Zionism.

I still haven't heard ONE WORD from you giving rationale for your racist beliefs. Lot's of words of ad hominen attack though because your out of intellectual or moral ammunition and are relying on gang slander now to "answer" my posts ripping your Anti-American Fifth Columnist politics to shreds. It does you no good to attack me personally when you can't defend your racist ideology in public without being accused by others besides me, as moral cowards and racist war-mongers. It's types like you guys that sell America to the rich who buy away American democratic government. It's types like you who bring world war to Americans because you have no idea how to deal with international problems except throw money at the weapons makers and their lobbyists working our government for handouts for the rich.

Doggone Bio. Here, all of us thought your own people killed you, and you went to take a long DIRT NAP.

Does anyone know YOU....Muammar Gaddafi....are still around, convinced you are smarter than the average idiot?

04-24-2015, 07:24 PM

Anyway, you hittin the bong tonight? I bet you are!! :420:

04-24-2015, 08:05 PM
`....See Bio...were not that bad....we read all your misguided thoughts...and your still here...Try to Relax and stop being so paranoid...Lighten up...."mix it up a bit"...There are many threads here with different topics.....give it a try...and see how it goes...if you get crazy...you get crazy back.....

04-24-2015, 08:11 PM
I mean searching my history looking for ways to slander me personally because you can't get at me with logical arguments for your Zionist racist lunatic support of Israel. That is pathetic! Especially when I am 71 years old and of course have a history as an artist/social, environmental and spiritual activist which you guys can't stand, e.g. your silly putdowns of hippies who if you ever learn American sociology have given even you types, all Americans, experienced solutions for every single social movement that Americans are facing in our times. We hippies starting in the early 60's were working on environmental protection. I was designing alternative community for ecological integration and reduced water and heat consumption in 1962 and formed an commune in 1972 that started Communities Magazine which is still going strong today, 43 years later. Our drug of choice, marijuana that you types were outlawing in the '60's, giving big sentences out, slandering this the world's mildest intoxicant and an incredible medical panacea is where today, huh? huh? You types are political dinosaurs and only ride on the backwardness of Americans where Christianity still holds back intelligence from government and injects these really bad religious ideas you all still embrace, like Zionism.

I still haven't heard ONE WORD from you giving rationale for your racist beliefs. Lot's of words of ad hominen attack though because your out of intellectual or moral ammunition and are relying on gang slander now to "answer" my posts ripping your Anti-American Fifth Columnist politics to shreds. It does you no good to attack me personally when you can't defend your racist ideology in public without being accused by others besides me, as moral cowards and racist war-mongers. It's types like you guys that sell America to the rich who buy away American democratic government. It's types like you who bring world war to Americans because you have no idea how to deal with international problems except throw money at the weapons makers and their lobbyists working our government for handouts for the rich.

Don't flatter yourself.

All you've done on this board so far is spout rhetoric and the usual idiot liberal sound bites. At first I thought you were a 15-year old brainwashed muslim kid who didn't know any better... the intellect fit, along with the appalling grasp of history and aversion to facts. But, I guess a burned-out hippie fits, too. I've just never encountered one like you before.

Usually hippies are despicable cowardly pacifists who just want to work on their bong-hitting technique, but you have a unique hatred of Jews for some reason. Burned out hippies with strong Nazi leanings are pretty rare.

Allow me to recap your performance thus far :

1) Pronounce your religious authority (with a $15 mail-in certificate)

2) Proclaim your astounding intellect (but hard cold facts leave you helpless)

3) Illustrate you have no clue between a religion and a race

4) Announce that everyone here is a moron

5) Decree that everyone here is a racist

6) Offer nothing but speculation and your opinions but declare all you say as fact

7) Refuse to face factual rebuttals to your inane rants

You're old enough to know better, but looking at your history around the Internet and what appears to be a 100% Banned Rate at every other board you've been on, even age hasn't blessed you with any kind of discernible wisdom.

If you weren't such a prick, everyone here would give you a chance... but you have some serious screws loose, man.

04-24-2015, 08:13 PM
You can always tell when a Friday rolls around here. All of the Loonies are given the weekend off to allow the nurses, and doctors to prepare for Monday's long line of Lobotomies, mixed with Colonoscopies to help the patients pass, or fail their IQ tests.:laugh:

It's a process called BIO-Degradation!

Abbey Marie
04-24-2015, 11:09 PM

Anyway, you hittin the bong tonight? I bet you are!! :420:

Is that a bong?! I always thought it was a guy putting his p**** through a door. No kidding!

04-24-2015, 11:31 PM
Is that a bong?! I always thought it was a guy putting his p**** through a door. No kidding!


I can see your experience with bongs is quite limited, young lady!

and what a dirty mind you have!

04-24-2015, 11:43 PM
I teach Celestial Torah Christianity as a Jewish Christian as rabbis do not know it at all as Judaism's earthly torah is pure man-made priests of Judah religious propaganda promoting the nationalization of God as if God were a Jew which unfortunately is exactly what rabbis teach as if "Ha Shem" were not Jewish narcissism carried to ridiculous extreme of claiming the name of God to be Jewish, the language of God to be Hebrew, the nation of God to be Israel. Not when you do your ancient Near Eastern religious histories and find out how very much Judaism owes to stealing ancient pagan religious ideas without attribution of course, such as the whole foundational concept of the Torah which is derived from ancient Egyptian beliefs, not Hebrew at all.

Learn to separate religious fanatics propaganda from real history which isn't easy to do as the Jewish/Pauline Christian bonding going on in our century tries its best to keep Abrahamic believers from learning the true origins of Judaism's religious beliefs in older pagan religions. The Jewish Bible started painting Arabs black as sin with the story of Ishmael and again with the hatred of Amalek story and you people, 2500 years later are still acting as if these Jewish hatreds are still viable ideas Americans should embrace. Time to remember what America stands for and it isn't racism.

*Bio...Give me your thoughts on Muslim terrorists that are committing atrocities around the world These days...

04-24-2015, 11:45 PM
Night Train's utterly racist comment and fascist ideology behind it:

"Of course they're living in slums! That's what happens when you get the snot beaten out of you by a World-Class Military! If your neighborhood is bombed to rubble every other year, it's hard to make a nice neighborhood."

This is the same racist attitude Native Americans and all victims of European colonial racists invading and taking over non-European lands have to deal with from racist European-Americans. I've worked with Native Americans for over 20 years now and am really not interested in hearing this kind of racist crap being posted on any discussion forum. Sorry, but I'm not here to listen to killer ape apologists who forget what America stands for and forget altogether how to be human beings instead of pigs and wolves and hyenas in human form.

Go back to your racist brethren as I've posted what I had to say and am not here to listen to garbage values of oinkers on parade, got better things to do with my time.

04-24-2015, 11:53 PM
Night Train's utterly racist comment and fascist ideology behind it:

"Of course they're living in slums! That's what happens when you get the snot beaten out of you by a World-Class Military! If your neighborhood is bombed to rubble every other year, it's hard to make a nice neighborhood."

This is the same racist attitude Native Americans and all victims of European colonial racists invading and taking over non-European lands have to deal with from racist European-Americans. I've worked with Native Americans for over 20 years now and am really not interested in hearing this kind of racist crap being posted on any discussion forum. Sorry, but I'm not here to listen to killer ape apologists who forget what America stands for and forget altogether how to be human beings instead of pigs and wolves and hyenas in human form.

Go back to your racist brethren as I've posted what I had to say and am not here to listen to garbage values of oinkers on parade, got better things to do with my time.

Bio...try to focus...enough with the typical leftist anti-America rants....you reap what you sow...Please answer my question...

`*Bio...Give me your thoughts on Muslim terrorists that are committing atrocities around the world These days...`

Anton Chigurh
04-25-2015, 12:04 AM
Biomystic, proving trolls are good for business, one post at a time.

red state
04-25-2015, 12:11 AM
Night Train's utterly racist comment and fascist ideology behind it:

"Of course they're living in slums! That's what happens when you get the snot beaten out of you by a World-Class Military! If your neighborhood is bombed to rubble every other year, it's hard to make a nice neighborhood."

This is the same racist attitude Native Americans and all victims of European colonial racists invading and taking over non-European lands have to deal with from racist European-Americans. I've worked with Native Americans for over 20 years now and am really not interested in hearing this kind of racist crap being posted on any discussion forum. Sorry, but I'm not here to listen to killer ape apologists who forget what America stands for and forget altogether how to be human beings instead of pigs and wolves and hyenas in human form.

Go back to your racist brethren as I've posted what I had to say and am not here to listen to garbage values of oinkers on parade, got better things to do with my time.

You lying piece of $#!T. This will probably be my last comment because, FRANKLY, you bore the hell out of me but just so you know. I have that Native American 'thing' for you right here and some on this board can and will tell you the same. My band of Native Americans fought for every American war but sided with the Confederates just as we would side against this overbearing gov. that is restricting more rights that Ye Ole Merry King George III of Ye Ole Merry England. You don't have to be 100% Native American to know that most "so-called" Native Americans aren't living up to their heritage or way of life as much as the whitest of white-EEs. They have lost their "SAVAGE" and have become pets.

To your continual garbage about Europeans taking OUR land.....there were many White-eye who sided with Native Americans but to shed light on your dribble; do you truly believe that the MANY tribes and creeds didn't rob, enslave and murder other tribes? Yeah....you are either REAL ignorant or simply one of the worse liars I've ever happened upon.

Answer the damn questions presented to you by some outstanding members here or STFU!!! We've had our Arbos, jaFARTS and other un-unmentionables so follow suit and go away. If you refuse to answer the questions, I would hope that everyone leaves you writing your $#!T in vain cuz what I've seen is not worth reading...

Abbey Marie
04-25-2015, 12:37 AM

I can see your experience with bongs is quite limited, young lady!

and what a dirty mind you have!

Well, one of those comments may be true. :laugh2:

04-25-2015, 12:42 AM
Night Train's utterly racist comment and fascist ideology behind it:

"Of course they're living in slums! That's what happens when you get the snot beaten out of you by a World-Class Military! If your neighborhood is bombed to rubble every other year, it's hard to make a nice neighborhood."

This is the same racist attitude Native Americans and all victims of European colonial racists invading and taking over non-European lands have to deal with from racist European-Americans. I've worked with Native Americans for over 20 years now and am really not interested in hearing this kind of racist crap being posted on any discussion forum. Sorry, but I'm not here to listen to killer ape apologists who forget what America stands for and forget altogether how to be human beings instead of pigs and wolves and hyenas in human form.

Go back to your racist brethren as I've posted what I had to say and am not here to listen to garbage values of oinkers on parade, got better things to do with my time.

My wife is half Athabascan, dipshit. There goes your racist theory.

And she thinks you're an idiot, too.


04-25-2015, 12:53 AM
Moving to Cage

04-25-2015, 06:47 AM
Is that a bong?! I always thought it was a guy putting his p**** through a door. No kidding!

Oh my! First I had to re-read this a few times. I saw p**** and thought it was referring to a different word, with the same amount of characters, and I'm thinking, I don't think that word is banned? Then I'm thinking, I can't believe Abs would even write that word with asterisks!! But then I thought, how would a guy be trying to do such a thing anyway? Then I thought, how could a woman even try to do such a thing. Then I re-read it again, looked at the smiley, re-read it again, and put it all together. But damn, all I see is a bong. But now I see a guy trying to FU$% the door, and will always see that now! I can't use it anymore, need to find me a new bong smiley! LOL

Your dirty woman!! :lol: (I kid, I kid)

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2015, 07:49 AM
`Dude...You are one badly twisted... indoctrinated Fried in the head `FU` Liberal....JMO....

*You must of started young....in your training....


He is muslim or liberal, can not be both but either one is FUBAR... Tyr

04-25-2015, 08:28 AM
Especially when I am 71 years old and of course have a history as an anti-social ..... activist.

Fixed that for ya.

04-25-2015, 09:00 AM
Is that a bong?! I always thought it was a guy putting his p**** through a door. No kidding!

:wicked99: That used to be one of my favorite smilies. Thanks, Abbey. LOL!

04-25-2015, 02:07 PM
You lying piece of $#!T. This will probably be my last comment because, FRANKLY, you bore the hell out of me but just so you know. I have that Native American 'thing' for you right here and some on this board can and will tell you the same. My band of Native Americans fought for every American war but sided with the Confederates just as we would side against this overbearing gov. that is restricting more rights that Ye Ole Merry King George III of Ye Ole Merry England. You don't have to be 100% Native American to know that most "so-called" Native Americans aren't living up to their heritage or way of life as much as the whitest of white-EEs. They have lost their "SAVAGE" and have become pets.

To your continual garbage about Europeans taking OUR land.....there were many White-eye who sided with Native Americans but to shed light on your dribble; do you truly believe that the MANY tribes and creeds didn't rob, enslave and murder other tribes? Yeah....you are either REAL ignorant or simply one of the worse liars I've ever happened upon.

Answer the damn questions presented to you by some outstanding members here or STFU!!! We've had our Arbos, jaFARTS and other un-unmentionables so follow suit and go away. If you refuse to answer the questions, I would hope that everyone leaves you writing your $#!T in vain cuz what I've seen is not worth reading...:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

04-25-2015, 02:14 PM
Biomystic, LongTermGuy has asked you to give us your thoughts, with this challenge - I quote --

*Bio...Give me your thoughts on Muslim terrorists that are committing atrocities around the world These days...

I, too, want to see your answer.

Abbey Marie
04-25-2015, 02:38 PM
Oh my! First I had to re-read this a few times. I saw p**** and thought it was referring to a different word, with the same amount of characters, and I'm thinking, I don't think that word is banned? Then I'm thinking, I can't believe Abs would even write that word with asterisks!! But then I thought, how would a guy be trying to do such a thing anyway? Then I thought, how could a woman even try to do such a thing. Then I re-read it again, looked at the smiley, re-read it again, and put it all together. But damn, all I see is a bong. But now I see a guy trying to FU$% the door, and will always see that now! I can't use it anymore, need to find me a new bong smiley! LOL

Your dirty woman!! :lol: (I kid, I kid)

Lol! I love your whole thought process.

Abbey Marie
04-25-2015, 02:39 PM
:wicked99: That used to be one of my favorite smilies. Thanks, Abbey. LOL!

I will see a bong. I will see a bong. :laugh2:

04-25-2015, 02:44 PM
I will see a bong. I will see a bong. :laugh2:

`Abbey.....how many cups of coffee have you had today?:coffee:

`......Its a rainy wet nasty day today in my neck of the woods....so I am enjoying my coffee and desert.... and surfing...:laugh2:

04-25-2015, 03:14 PM
I mean searching my history looking for ways to slander me personally because you can't get at me with logical arguments for your Zionist racist lunatic support of Israel. That is pathetic! Especially when I am 71 years old and of course have a history as an artist/social, environmental and spiritual activist which you guys can't stand, e.g. your silly putdowns of hippies who if you ever learn American sociology have given even you types, all Americans, experienced solutions for every single social movement that Americans are facing in our times. We hippies starting in the early 60's were working on environmental protection. I was designing alternative community for ecological integration and reduced water and heat consumption in 1962 and formed an commune in 1972 that started Communities Magazine which is still going strong today, 43 years later. Our drug of choice, marijuana that you types were outlawing in the '60's, giving big sentences out, slandering this the world's mildest intoxicant and an incredible medical panacea is where today, huh? huh? You types are political dinosaurs and only ride on the backwardness of Americans where Christianity still holds back intelligence from government and injects these really bad religious ideas you all still embrace, like Zionism.

I still haven't heard ONE WORD from you giving rationale for your racist beliefs. Lot's of words of ad hominen attack though because your out of intellectual or moral ammunition and are relying on gang slander now to "answer" my posts ripping your Anti-American Fifth Columnist politics to shreds. It does you no good to attack me personally when you can't defend your racist ideology in public without being accused by others besides me, as moral cowards and racist war-mongers. It's types like you guys that sell America to the rich who buy away American democratic government. It's types like you who bring world war to Americans because you have no idea how to deal with international problems except throw money at the weapons makers and their lobbyists working our government for handouts for the rich.

When you get around to the part where you can speak in your own words instead of robbing someone else's rhetoric, let me know.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2015, 03:52 PM
How about he gives his details to Tyr and abouttime? Since they are retired and have few assets, they can go kick his ass with minimal repercussions.

Nice that I live in your brain rent free.
Do not worry about me TF, as I am a survivor and living the good life, with good wife and great family.
Wealth, as in material things you could lose it all in a day my friend.
Yet you got one part right, I can do my own fighting and do it very , very well. Not that any is needed here or with you.
It is enough to know that you feel the need to insult me and get a cheap thrill from it...
Now that is my pleasure to give to you.
Generous dude like me should get a hearty thank you but don't strain yourself.. :laugh:--Tyr

04-25-2015, 05:43 PM
Nice that I live in your brain rent free.
Do not worry about me TF, as I am a survivor and living the good life, with good wife and great family.
Wealth, as in material things you could lose it all in a day my friend.
Yet you got one part right, I can do my own fighting and do it very , very well. Not that any is needed here or with you.
It is enough to know that you feel the need to insult me and get a cheap thrill from it...
Now that is my pleasure to give to you.
Generous dude like me should get a hearty thank you but don't strain yourself.. :laugh:--Tyr

So you are confirming what I said: You could afford to have a criminal record. Do you plan to apply to live in rental property? Do you plan to apply to go work for a company? Can you think of anything in your plans that might be impeded by a criminal record? I don't know if it's an insult or not, but it's an interesting point to ponder if you getting a criminal record would impede your life in any way.

04-25-2015, 05:59 PM
Israeli security forces on Saturday shot dead a Palestinian man who stabbed an officer in the West Bank hours after a knife-wielding teenager was killed at an east Jerusalem checkpoint.
<section class="yom-mod " id="mediacontentrelatedstory" data-ylk="mid:mediacontentrelatedstory;mpos:1;elm:hdln;elmt: ct;cat:Related Stories;rspns:nav;t1:a3;t2:lst-ct;itc:0;sec:lst-ct;" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">

The two incidents were the latest in a spate of apparent lone wolf attacks by Palestinians targeting Israeli civilians and security personnel since last October.</section>They were followed by a suspected deliberate hit-and-run in east Jerusalem wounding three police officers, and a Molotov cocktail thrown at an Israeli bus in the West Bank.

Earlier Saturday a border police officer shot dead a Palestinian man who was `stabbing a colleague` at a checkpoint near the Tomb of Patriarchs, or Ibrahimi Mosque as it is known to Muslims, in the southern West Bank city Hebron, police said.
Spokeswoman Luba Samri said the policeman was in moderate condition with stab wounds to the head and chest.
The 20-year-old suspected assailant, named by Palestinian media as Assad al-Salayma, died of his injuries en route to hospital in Jerusalem...


04-25-2015, 06:01 PM
Israeli security forces on Saturday shot dead a Palestinian man who stabbed an officer in the West Bank hours after a knife-wielding teenager was killed at an east Jerusalem checkpoint.
<section class="yom-mod " id="mediacontentrelatedstory" data-ylk="mid:mediacontentrelatedstory;mpos:1;elm:hdln;elmt: ct;cat:Related Stories;rspns:nav;t1:a3;t2:lst-ct;itc:0;sec:lst-ct;" style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;">

The two incidents were the latest in a spate of apparent lone wolf attacks by Palestinians targeting Israeli civilians and security personnel since last October.</section>They were followed by a suspected deliberate hit-and-run in east Jerusalem wounding three police officers, and a Molotov cocktail thrown at an Israeli bus in the West Bank.

Earlier Saturday a border police officer shot dead a Palestinian man who was `stabbing a colleague` at a checkpoint near the Tomb of Patriarchs, or Ibrahimi Mosque as it is known to Muslims, in the southern West Bank city Hebron, police said.
Spokeswoman Luba Samri said the policeman was in moderate condition with stab wounds to the head and chest.
The 20-year-old suspected assailant, named by Palestinian media as Assad al-Salayma, died of his injuries en route to hospital in Jerusalem...


GREAT NEWS since there ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS PALESTINIAN'S. Unless you call yourself Bio!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2015, 08:25 PM
So you are confirming what I said: You could afford to have a criminal record. Do you plan to apply to live in rental property? Do you plan to apply to go work for a company? Can you think of anything in your plans that might be impeded by a criminal record? I don't know if it's an insult or not, but it's an interesting point to ponder if you getting a criminal record would impede your life in any way.

I only confirmed that I see your insecurity that leads you to attack both AT and I.
You have no memory do you?
Ive told you several times I am not retired, and why would I rent ?? I live in my own home bought in 1993.
If you are going to try to play this shit at least get something right..
As it looks even more childish when its this damn inaccurate. :laugh::laugh::laugh:--Tyr