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View Full Version : "Leftists"" Who they are, what they want, and why they're bad

04-22-2015, 12:23 PM

04-22-2015, 12:26 PM
Ok, I need to "go" anyway. :pee:

04-22-2015, 12:30 PM

Bill Nye 'The Science Guy.' Rants against climate while flying around on AF 1. :laugh2:

What L. Acorn wrote regarding the abuse of power in WI is an excellent example of leftists gone mad.

McConnell wanting to keep NSA all encompassing snooping powers in tact is a leftist example.

04-22-2015, 01:51 PM
No matter what she has done, they are going to give Hillary a pass and blindly vote left. If a Republican was accused of even HALF what she has been, the wailing and gnashing of teeth would be so loud on the left on message boards the internet would explode.

04-22-2015, 02:02 PM
Enemies of Conservatism. Enemies of responsible conduct. Devotees, through discovering that it best meets their lust for power, of collectivism. Power-mad freaks intent upon wielding power for their own ends, dominating individuals to such an extent that individual freedom is throttled.

Their idea of power is total control over everything. Society's direction. Peoples' beliefs, so that even when an individual believes s/he has come up with an original thought, the basis for it comes from parameters first decided by Leftist diktat.

And they're the ultimate propagandists. If reality defies their preferred worldview, it is dispensed with, to ensure that the preference is all that's perceived. Think Orwell's '1984'.

An example which has great potential to be ruinous to Western freedoms is the lie that 'Islam is a religion of peace'. Daily, the world sees proof of the very opposite. But Leftists insist that THEIR LIE be believed, and reality permanently ignored.

Summing this all up ... I don't consider it an exaggeration, when you really get down to it, to view Leftists as enemies of humanity. Because this can easily be the result of all their disgusting machinations.

Possible example: Obama's drive to favouring Iran. Which could easily lead to Iran getting nukes, thereby achieving a publicly declared Holocaustal ambition against Israel.

There is only one fully decent outcome to strive towards, in my opinion ... ultimately, to see to it that the world realises how poisonous Leftism really is to humanity itself. I'd love to see it reviled just as strongly and completely as its Nationalist version, that of 'National Socialism', now is.

I have hopes that it won't take a world war to bring that about !

04-22-2015, 02:06 PM
]Enemies of Conservatism. Enemies of responsible conduct. Devotees, through discovering that it best meets their lust for power, of collectivism. Power-mad freaks intent upon wielding power for their own ends, dominating individuals to such an extent that individual freedom is throttled.[/B]

You just described BOTH parties.

04-22-2015, 02:21 PM
You just described BOTH parties.

You are, it seems, just seeing this from an American perspective. I have a greater concern. I've seen it in action across the world. I've seen Leftism bring the UK to the brink of ruination.

And don't forget the Cold War. The USSR was decidedly Leftist ! Didn't the world come to within mere minutes of being reduced to a radioactive slagheap, courtesy of Soviet military ambitions, at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis ?

If you referred in part to your own GOP ... to consider it 'anti-Conservative' is surely ridiculous. They may not be perfect. They may well need radical overhaul. But theirs is an example of an entity requiring repair, not flagrant mis-classification.

04-22-2015, 02:49 PM
You are, it seems, just seeing this from an American perspective. I have a greater concern. I've seen it in action across the world. I've seen Leftism bring the UK to the brink of ruination.

And don't forget the Cold War. The USSR was decidedly Leftist ! Didn't the world come to within mere minutes of being reduced to a radioactive slagheap, courtesy of Soviet military ambitions, at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis ?

If you referred in part to your own GOP ... to consider it 'anti-Conservative' is surely ridiculous. They may not be perfect. They may well need radical overhaul. But theirs is an example of an entity requiring repair, not flagrant mis-classification.

No, I'm not seeing it from just an American perspective. I know EXACTLY what the progressive left has done. I've seen what it'd done to Europe and I see what it's doing here. Remember, we are an extension mostly of Europeans. We're just behind becoming what you are. I mean look ... we have Neville Chamberlain as our President -- making a meaningless deal with the devil.

I grew up during the Cold War and my father was military. I got a REAL good handle on it. We didn't live in Karamursel, Turkey in the 60s and Iraklion, Crete in the 70s to work on our tans.

If the GOP was conservative, Obama wouldn't be in office. He's in office because conservatives refused to support what the GOP was doing. Pandering to the left.

04-23-2015, 02:54 PM
No, I'm not seeing it from just an American perspective. I know EXACTLY what the progressive left has done. I've seen what it'd done to Europe and I see what it's doing here. Remember, we are an extension mostly of Europeans. We're just behind becoming what you are. I mean look ... we have Neville Chamberlain as our President -- making a meaningless deal with the devil.

I stand corrected, then ! Thank you for setting me straight.

If the GOP was conservative, Obama wouldn't be in office. He's in office because conservatives refused to support what the GOP was doing. Pandering to the left.

I became aware of that dissatisfaction with the GOP at the time of your last election. Then, I was posting on another American Conservative forum (Tyr will be aware of which one, as he found me there) ... and I got involved in arguments with other Conservatives who declared they were not going to vote GOP because it wasn't Conservative enough for them. I argued that this threatened letting Obama win by default. And I believe I was proved right.

It's one reason I'm no longer there - I was annoyed at the memberships' apparent determination to allow that 'default' result to come about.

So I certainly see your argument.

My belief is that the first order of business should be to make sure the GOP wins, and when they have, THEN would be a better time to push for reform.

04-23-2015, 03:03 PM
I stand corrected, then ! Thank you for setting me straight.

I became aware of that dissatisfaction with the GOP at the time of your last election. Then, I was posting on another American Conservative forum (Tyr will be aware of which one, as he found me there) ... and I got involved in arguments with other Conservatives who declared they were not going to vote GOP because it wasn't Conservative enough for them. I argued that this threatened letting Obama win by default. And I believe I was proved right.

It's one reason I'm no longer there - I was annoyed at the memberships' apparent determination to allow that 'default' result to come about.

'Tis a quandry.

Do I vote for the Republican no matter what just to keep the Dem out of office? (I did). Or, do I stick my head up my butt and act like a baby and not vote because "my" guy didn't get the GOP nomination? I'll say what I've said since 2008 only now I can rub it in.

LOOK at what you people taking your precious little stand on your convictions got. Take a GOOD look. The Middle East is in chaos and WE are the biggest pussies on the block. YOU, the people who didn't vote because of your childishness, caused this EVERY BIT AS MUCH as anyone who voted for O-blah-blah.

I didn't vote for McLame. I voted AGAINST the Dems. But y'all's little tantrums gave us 4 years of O-blah-blah, Reid and Pelosi, and now a President throwing a tantrum equal to yours because he isn't getting his way in Congress anymore.

Go ahead and do it again. Then we can have Billary and her Mafia-like organization.

04-23-2015, 04:32 PM
'Tis a quandry.

Do I vote for the Republican no matter what just to keep the Dem out of office? (I did). Or, do I stick my head up my butt and act like a baby and not vote because "my" guy didn't get the GOP nomination? I'll say what I've said since 2008 only now I can rub it in.

LOOK at what you people taking your precious little stand on your convictions got. Take a GOOD look. The Middle East is in chaos and WE are the biggest pussies on the block. YOU, the people who didn't vote because of your childishness, caused this EVERY BIT AS MUCH as anyone who voted for O-blah-blah.

I didn't vote for McLame. I voted AGAINST the Dems. But y'all's little tantrums gave us 4 years of O-blah-blah, Reid and Pelosi, and now a President throwing a tantrum equal to yours because he isn't getting his way in Congress anymore.

Go ahead and do it again. Then we can have Billary and her Mafia-like organization.


I certainly see your argument.

I blame Obama for the rise of ISIS. Obama wanted pull-outs of troops, and very publicly announced his intentions, long before he could arrange it.

That created weakness, perceivable as such, exploited as such. Terrorist factions were given years to plan ahead to place their side in the best position possible for them. And we see the reality today.

04-23-2015, 04:54 PM

I certainly see your argument.

I blame Obama for the rise of ISIS. Obama wanted pull-outs of troops, and very publicly announced his intentions, long before he could arrange it.

That created weakness, perceivable as such, exploited as such. Terrorist factions were given years to plan ahead to place their side in the best position possible for them. And we see the reality today.

He's stupid. Playing to an audience trumped reality. ISIS is the result. No way shoud he have pulled us out of Iraq when he did. This moron has a disconnect with reality. His stupid Chicago politics based mindset makes him a mental cripple. His mentors are an America hating preacher and American domestic terrorist. Neither know crap about the real world, and neither does he.

What's that old saying about being so busy looking for the enemy within you never see the enemy without, and never see it coming?

04-23-2015, 05:13 PM
He's stupid. Playing to an audience trumped reality. ISIS is the result. No way shoud he have pulled us out of Iraq when he did. This moron has a disconnect with reality. His stupid Chicago politics based mindset makes him a mental cripple. His mentors are an America hating preacher and American domestic terrorist. Neither know crap about the real world, and neither does he.

What's that old saying about being so busy looking for the enemy within you never see the enemy without, and never see it coming?

We agree. Though ... WAS it stupidity on Obama's part, or something more ?

Even if you're right, and stupidity does account for Obama's decisions, I'm sure he doesn't make them entirely on his own. Once he became President, he'd have had no shortage of advisers. And, I'm sure, no shortage of strategy meetings to attend, or reports to chew over.

Whatever Obama's early decisions were, there would have been ample latitude for their correction. But Obama carried on, regardless. That speaks to me less of 'stupidity' and rather more of sheer strength of purpose. Of implacable, unwavering determination.

What, in truth, REALLY accounts for that ?

04-23-2015, 05:22 PM
We agree. Though ... WAS it stupidity on Obama's part, or something more ?

Even if you're right, and stupidity does account for Obama's decisions, I'm sure he doesn't make them entirely on his own. Once he became President, he'd have had no shortage of advisers. And, I'm sure, no shortage of strategy meetings to attend, or reports to chew over.

Whatever Obama's early decisions were, there would have been ample latitude for their correction. But Obama carried on, regardless. That speaks to me less of 'stupidity' and rather more of sheer strength of purpose. Of implacable, unwavering determination.

What, in truth, REALLY accounts for that ?

I'm going with "delusion". And he has made his decisions on his own. He gone against the advice of every adviser he has if it didn't suit his agenda. His administration is a perfect picture of the result. Failure after failure.