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04-22-2015, 07:57 PM
`..................if you were in charge of setting punishments for crime..............`

`..........How would you fix the corrections system in this country?`

`.......*What would you change in order to fix the problems of crime in this country?`

`.....*Why would you make those choices? `

`*You have a blank slate........... Go!`

04-22-2015, 09:14 PM
`..................if you were in charge of setting punishments for crime..............`

`..........How would you fix the corrections system in this country?`

`.......*What would you change in order to fix the problems of crime in this country?`

`.....*Why would you make those choices? `

`*You have a blank slate........... Go!`

LongTerm. Honestly. FIRST, we as a nation would need to replace Obama, Hillary, and anyone connected to them in any way. Our system of judicial corrections, punishment, and court proceedings have been BASTARDIZED by most all of WASHINGTON, D.C. people in power.
Until they are either removed, or sent to GITMO for Life. There is no real answer here.

04-22-2015, 11:52 PM
LongTerm. Honestly. FIRST, we as a nation would need to replace Obama, Hillary, and anyone connected to them in any way. Our system of judicial corrections, punishment, and court proceedings have been BASTARDIZED by most all of WASHINGTON, D.C. people in power.
Until they are either removed, or sent to GITMO for Life. There is no real answer here.

Ya know aboutime....again you are correct....Yes the whole system is infected with Liberal scum...from Govt to military...there will be so much cleaning to do....I'm `Feeling` after the Plague has been removed...(Good Americans elected ) and Liberals gotten rid of...How would one in charge... change "fix things"...I understand it is a broad question with many of the little pesky facts left out...I guess one can answer in general though....
....Big problem right now I see is false accusations of racism against LEO`s for gain and a AGENDA for many on the left....mix in the sensitivity bullshit made possible by Liberalism....there was a time when people were afraid to commit a crime....now it seems some feel entitled to commit crime....showing no respect for law and order...it almost seems like some breed hood rats intentionally and never give them support to do right and be curtious .....when they get killed...the "he was a good boy" `theme` comes out along with the race card...*and then they (the breeders) get paid...and it starts all over again...we all hear about it and see it day after day almost...again...all this goes back to Liberalism....just like allowing muslims...who come here... ...who want to change things...and to use our laws against us...again for gain and for their movement...again Liberalism allows this to happen...just a few thoughts what seems to be obvious ....

04-22-2015, 11:55 PM
`..................if you were in charge of setting punishments for crime..............`

`..........How would you fix the corrections system in this country?`

`.......*What would you change in order to fix the problems of crime in this country?`

`.....*Why would you make those choices? `

`*You have a blank slate........... Go!`

The assumption that I have the power to fix this, I'm assuming I'm President. In which case, that recruiter goes back into the back of the courtroom. "Son, you can do time ... or you can do time".

Cuz if I'm President , we're going to need a whole lot of ground troops because I'm stopping some shit where it stands.

That ought to about take care of that prisoner problem.

04-23-2015, 12:04 AM
The assumption that I have the power to fix this, I'm assuming I'm President. In which case, that recruiter goes back into the back of the courtroom. "Son, you can do time ... or you can do time".

Cuz if I'm President , we're going to need a whole lot of ground troops because I'm stopping some shit where it stands.

That ought to about take care of that prisoner problem.

`Say it Gunny...Thanks for input...good stuff! I like it some may not...but its ok...:cool:

04-23-2015, 07:10 AM
The assumption that I have the power to fix this, I'm assuming I'm President. In which case, that recruiter goes back into the back of the courtroom. "Son, you can do time ... or you can do time".

Cuz if I'm President , we're going to need a whole lot of ground troops because I'm stopping some shit where it stands.

That ought to about take care of that prisoner problem.

That is absolutely the way to deal with some crimes, we should also go back to the chain gang, make these prisoners work, our roads are filthy, let them clean them, let them cut grass and other things along the roadways. Now the more violent crimes also must be fixed, #1 stop giving those sentenced to death another 20 years to live, let them have one appeal and that is it. After their appeal let them know they will be executed within the next 6 months, let them think about what is coming . Kill some the night they are sentenced and others 3 months later and so on, mix it up so they never know when,keep their heads shaved and ready to go at anytime, let's face it thinking about it is the worst part of the punishment. Then I would televise the execution, let the would be killers and other violent scum see what is coming. With that said yes I would have the death penalty on the table for much more than just murder, child molester dies, rapist dies and so on, there are plenty of crimes that should end with the scum no longer being a issue for the rest of us.

04-23-2015, 08:45 AM
Cure the illness, not the symptoms.

The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/table-43) 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmcensus1.html) (about3 times higher (http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb11-157.html) than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/v...ry.asp?id=1672 (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1672)

A review of the empirical evidence in the professional literature of the social sciences gives policymakers an insight into the root causes of crime. Consider, for instance:

Over the past thirty years, the rise in violent crime parallels the rise in families abandoned by fathers.
High-crime neighborhoods are characterized by high concentrations of families abandoned by fathers.
State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime.
The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers.
The type of aggression and hostility demonstrated by a future criminal often is foreshadowed in unusual aggressiveness as early as age five or six.
The future criminal tends to be an individual rejected by other children as early as the first grade who goes on to form his own group of friends, often the future delinquent gang.

On the other hand:

Neighborhoods with a high degree of religious practice are not high-crime neighborhoods.
Even in high-crime inner-city neighborhoods, well over 90 percent of children from safe, stable homes do not become delinquents. By contrast only 10 percent of children from unsafe, unstable homes in these neighborhoods avoid crime.
Criminals capable of sustaining marriage gradually move away from a life of crime after they get married.
The mother's strong affectionate attachment to her child is the child's best buffer against a life of crime.
The father's authority and involvement in raising his children are also a great buffer against a life of crime.

The scholarly evidence, in short, suggests that at the heart of the explosion of crime in America is the loss of the capacity of fathers and mothers to be responsible in caring for the children they bring into the world. This loss of love and guidance at the intimate levels of marriage and family has broad social consequences for children and for the wider community. The empirical evidence shows that too many young men and women from broken families tend to have a much weaker sense of connection with their neighborhood and are prone to exploit its members to satisfy their unmet needs or desires. This contributes to a loss of a sense of community and to the disintegration of neighborhoods into social chaos and violent crime. If policymakers are to deal with the root causes of crime, therefore, they must deal with the rapid rise of illegitimacy.

http://www.heritage.org/research/rep...-violent-crime (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/1995/03/bg1026nbsp-the-real-root-causes-of-violent-crime)

Teenagers tend to be low skilled. They lack the experience, knowledge and maturity of adults. That means they will be the primary victims of a minimum wage law. But why are black teens more heavily impacted than white teens? Black teens are far more likely to come from broken homes and attend some of the worst schools in the nation. Therefore, a law that discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers will have a greater impact on black workers. Moreover, the minimum wage subsidizes racial discrimination. After all, if you must pay $7.25 an hour to whomever you hire, you might as well hire people you like the most, even if they are of identical skill.

http://www.creators.com/conservative...our-youth.html (http://www.creators.com/conservative/walter-williams/collusion-against-our-youth.html)

04-23-2015, 02:10 PM
Cure the illness, not the symptoms.

The rise of the welfare state in the 1960s contributed greatly to the demise of the black family as a stable institution. The out-of-wedlock birth rate among African Americans today is 73%, three times higher than it was prior to the War on Poverty. Children raised in fatherless homes are far more likely to grow up poor and to eventually engage in criminal behavior, than their peers who are raised in two-parent homes. In 2010, blacks (approximately 13% of the U.S. population) accounted for (http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2010/crime-in-the-u.s.-2010/tables/table-43) 48.7% of all arrests for homicide, 31.8% of arrests for forcible rape, 33.5% of arrests for aggravated assault, and 55% of arrests for robbery. Also as of 2010, the black poverty rate was 27.4% (http://www.infoplease.com/spot/bhmcensus1.html) (about3 times higher (http://www.census.gov/newsroom/releases/archives/income_wealth/cb11-157.html) than the white rate), meaning that 11.5 million blacks in the U.S. were living in poverty.

http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/v...ry.asp?id=1672 (http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1672)

A review of the empirical evidence in the professional literature of the social sciences gives policymakers an insight into the root causes of crime. Consider, for instance:

Over the past thirty years, the rise in violent crime parallels the rise in families abandoned by fathers.
High-crime neighborhoods are characterized by high concentrations of families abandoned by fathers.
State-by-state analysis by Heritage scholars indicates that a 10 percent increase in the percentage of children living in single-parent homes leads typically to a 17 percent increase in juvenile crime.
The rate of violent teenage crime corresponds with the number of families abandoned by fathers.
The type of aggression and hostility demonstrated by a future criminal often is foreshadowed in unusual aggressiveness as early as age five or six.
The future criminal tends to be an individual rejected by other children as early as the first grade who goes on to form his own group of friends, often the future delinquent gang.

On the other hand:

Neighborhoods with a high degree of religious practice are not high-crime neighborhoods.
Even in high-crime inner-city neighborhoods, well over 90 percent of children from safe, stable homes do not become delinquents. By contrast only 10 percent of children from unsafe, unstable homes in these neighborhoods avoid crime.
Criminals capable of sustaining marriage gradually move away from a life of crime after they get married.
The mother's strong affectionate attachment to her child is the child's best buffer against a life of crime.
The father's authority and involvement in raising his children are also a great buffer against a life of crime.

The scholarly evidence, in short, suggests that at the heart of the explosion of crime in America is the loss of the capacity of fathers and mothers to be responsible in caring for the children they bring into the world. This loss of love and guidance at the intimate levels of marriage and family has broad social consequences for children and for the wider community. The empirical evidence shows that too many young men and women from broken families tend to have a much weaker sense of connection with their neighborhood and are prone to exploit its members to satisfy their unmet needs or desires. This contributes to a loss of a sense of community and to the disintegration of neighborhoods into social chaos and violent crime. If policymakers are to deal with the root causes of crime, therefore, they must deal with the rapid rise of illegitimacy.

http://www.heritage.org/research/rep...-violent-crime (http://www.heritage.org/research/reports/1995/03/bg1026nbsp-the-real-root-causes-of-violent-crime)

Teenagers tend to be low skilled. They lack the experience, knowledge and maturity of adults. That means they will be the primary victims of a minimum wage law. But why are black teens more heavily impacted than white teens? Black teens are far more likely to come from broken homes and attend some of the worst schools in the nation. Therefore, a law that discriminates against the employment of low-skilled workers will have a greater impact on black workers. Moreover, the minimum wage subsidizes racial discrimination. After all, if you must pay $7.25 an hour to whomever you hire, you might as well hire people you like the most, even if they are of identical skill.

http://www.creators.com/conservative...our-youth.html (http://www.creators.com/conservative/walter-williams/collusion-against-our-youth.html)

I agree with everything you say fj, my issue is how do you fix it? In Newark NJ they rebuilt the project, made the new ones look beautiful, they opened them up as low income housing and as folks moved out of the old places they rebuilt them as well. Now Newark has two set of slums instead of one, some folks want to live that way. Again I agree in theory but if someone refuses to live the correct way and destroy the new they are given then you can't fix it. How goes the ols saying, Ya can't fix stupid.

04-23-2015, 02:33 PM
That is absolutely the way to deal with some crimes, we should also go back to the chain gang, make these prisoners work, our roads are filthy, let them clean them, let them cut grass and other things along the roadways. Now the more violent crimes also must be fixed, #1 stop giving those sentenced to death another 20 years to live, let them have one appeal and that is it. After their appeal let them know they will be executed within the next 6 months, let them think about what is coming . Kill some the night they are sentenced and others 3 months later and so on, mix it up so they never know when,keep their heads shaved and ready to go at anytime, let's face it thinking about it is the worst part of the punishment. Then I would televise the execution, let the would be killers and other violent scum see what is coming. With that said yes I would have the death penalty on the table for much more than just murder, child molester dies, rapist dies and so on, there are plenty of crimes that should end with the scum no longer being a issue for the rest of us.

We could overhaul a LOT of crap, and I'm as hard on criminals as it comes (wait for it ..........) BUT, I think the way prisoners are treated is appalling.

I'd rather be on a chain gang or put to death than locked down 23 hours a day. IMO, the gang culture has a LOT to do with what's wrong because they are PROUD of their prison tattoos. It gives them status. They're nothing but sociopaths that think if they want it, they just take it.

Dehumanizing them just ensures they are going to get out and be worse than ever. Trust me on this. You know what the difference between jail and deployment is? Not much. Six months at a time, in uniform while awake, shitty Navy food, stuck with the same people you learn to hate. And everyone wonders why Marines are such fierce warriors. Shit, by the time we get off that boat we want to kill everything. :laugh:

Anyway, that environment plays with your head big time if you let it. My deployments definitely changed me, and not for the better.

As far as the death penalty goes, I'm all for it as long as there is 100% positive proof the person is guilty. If there is ANY doubt whatsoever, then life without parole. Too many wrongful convictions. You can always fix a wrongful conviction if the person's doing life. You can't bring them back from the dead if you already killed them.

I also don't like it being used as a political tool. Our justice system needs fixing as much as our penal system does.

Now, assume I'm doing life without parole. How are you going to make me work? You can't make me do shit. Lock me up 23 hours a day? And if that doesn't bother me, you can't do anything else.

04-23-2015, 03:55 PM

.....when they get killed...the "he was a good boy" `theme` comes out along with the race card...*and then they (the breeders) get paid...and it starts all over again...we all hear about it and see it day after day almost...again...all this goes back to Liberalism..

************************************************** *
"Family of black Ferguson teen killed by police to sue city"
`(Reuters) - The family of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old killed in Ferguson last summer by a white police officer, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the city on Thursday, seeking unspecified punitive damages, $75,000 in compensation and changes in policing.The civil lawsuit filed in St. Louis County, Missouri, names the city of Ferguson, former Police Chief Thomas Jackson and former police officer Darren Wilson as defendants.`
The suit calls for a court order prohibiting the use of police techniques "that demean, disregard, or underserve its African-American population".

http://www.aol.com/article/2015/04/2...id%3D870459741 (http://www.aol.com/article/2015/04/23/family-of-black-ferguson-teen-killed-by-police-to-sue-city/21175469/?icid=maing-grid7|main5|dl7|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D870459741)

04-23-2015, 05:42 PM
Ya know aboutime....again you are correct....Yes the whole system is infected with Liberal scum...from Govt to military...there will be so much cleaning to do....I'm `Feeling` after the Plague has been removed...(Good Americans elected ) and Liberals gotten rid of...How would one in charge... change "fix things"...I understand it is a broad question with many of the little pesky facts left out...I guess one can answer in general though....
....Big problem right now I see is false accusations of racism against LEO`s for gain and a AGENDA for many on the left....mix in the sensitivity bullshit made possible by Liberalism....there was a time when people were afraid to commit a crime....now it seems some feel entitled to commit crime....showing no respect for law and order...it almost seems like some breed hood rats intentionally and never give them support to do right and be curtious .....when they get killed...the "he was a good boy" `theme` comes out along with the race card...*and then they (the breeders) get paid...and it starts all over again...we all hear about it and see it day after day almost...again...all this goes back to Liberalism....just like allowing muslims...who come here... ...who want to change things...and to use our laws against us...again for gain and for their movement...again Liberalism allows this to happen...just a few thoughts what seems to be obvious ....

Thanks LongTerm. And, I realized after reading many of the posts here; how the crux, or major aspect of our problems in Our Society today that is so dependent upon Government is...The Real Lack of Proper Education for a large majority of the American people. LACK OF EDUCATION gets us more Socialism, and Uneducated, Wannabe leaders who win Political Office because they are always so able to FOOL, and IMPRESS the less educated with their supposed Knack of using Words, and Language that only Impresses the Uneducated who aren't intelligent enough to Question the Tricksters who call themselves Politicians.

My favorite example of this LACK of education is Congressman Johnson...of GUAM tipping fame.
Just think about how UNEDUCATED the Americans had to be to elect a Jerk like Johnson, and nobody should be able to question the LACK OF INTELLIGENCE, EDUCATION, or BRAIN POWER.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2015, 05:58 PM
I would have two totally separate prison systems.

First conviction prisons-- Every prisoner works six 12 hour shifts a week unless truly unable/sick.
Only prisoners with ten year or less sentences. Nobody gets out in less than having served three quarters of their sentence.
Bad behavior gets prisoner sent to 2nd prison with added time ......

Second conviction Prisons--Make them bust rocks into little pebbles. Then make them bust the pebbles into gravel. Next make them bust the gravel into rock powder.
After that force them to mix said powder with mason cement to then build more more prisons..
All that refuse to work like that--shoot them.. No parole for good behavior- instead shoot the ones that behave badly.
Problem solved.

I never said I'd be a benevolent dictator.. ;)--Tyr

p.s. The entire point for prison is for it not to be a a damn picnic or vacation...
It should be a damn place nobody ever wants to go back to..

04-23-2015, 06:07 PM
I would have two totally separate prison systems.

First conviction prisons-- Every prisoner works six 12 hour shifts a week unless truly unable/sick.
Only prisoners with ten year or less sentences. Nobody gets out in less than having served three quarters of their sentence.
Bad behavior gets prisoner sent to 2nd prison with added time ......

Second conviction Prisons--Make them bust rocks into little pebbles. Then make them bust the pebbles into gravel. Next make them bust the gravel into rock powder.
After that force them to mix said powder with mason cement to then build more more prisons..
All that refuse to work like that--shoot them.. No parole for good behavior- instead shoot the ones that behave badly.
Problem solved.

I never said I'd be a benevolent dictator.. ;)--Tyr

p.s. The entire point for prison is for it not to be a a damn picnic or vacation...
It should be a damn place nobody ever wants to go back to..

Again, if lockdown doesn't bother me, how are you going to make me work? I'm in prison. You can't make me do sh*t so you better be offering something which takes "make" off the table.

Want to shoot? Go ahead. I'm thinking your career is going to be short and you're going to be bretheren with those you were shooting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-23-2015, 06:19 PM
Again, if lockdown doesn't bother me, how are you going to make me work? I'm in prison. You can't make me do sh*t so you better be offering something which takes "make" off the table.

Want to shoot? Go ahead. I'm thinking your career is going to be short and you're going to be bretheren with those you were shooting.

I'd take my chances, life is a gamble.
You may have missed it but I did say how. I stated in no uncertain terms , bad behavior = shoot them.
Prisoners knowing that reality would not choose to not work IMHO.
Once its known getting shot is always the action taken only those suicidal will act up.
No harsher than in war when the kill 'em all mentality rules as it has in most wars in history up until the last century. -Tyr

04-23-2015, 06:25 PM
Again, if lockdown doesn't bother me, how are you going to make me work? I'm in prison. You can't make me do sh*t so you better be offering something which takes "make" off the table.

Want to shoot? Go ahead. I'm thinking your career is going to be short and you're going to be bretheren with those you were shooting.

`....No one has to shoot anyone in Prison....there are ways/options to make prisoners (who earned their stay in Prison) to work...

...want better food?...work..want sun-light? ..work......want books to read?...work...Wanna continue enjoying your hobby? ...work...want clean attire?...work....... Wanna stay locked up...in the dark eating bad food and stinky cloths with nothing to do and Die?....Your choice Prisoner....

*Now...of course...`for now`....Liberalism will not allow this

04-23-2015, 06:34 PM
`....No one has to shoot anyone in Prison....there are ways/options to make prisoners (who earned their stay in Prison) to work...

...want better food?...work..want sun-light? ..work......want books to read?...work...Wanna continue enjoying your hobby? ...work...want clean attire?...work....... Wanna stay locked up...in the dark eating bad food and stinky cloths with nothing to do and Die?....Your choice Prisoner....

*Now...of course...`for now`....Liberalism will not allow this

There are no legal ways. You offer incentives. That takes "make" off the table. Otherwise, you have no legal leverage. Are you suggesting illegal methods?

Your second sentence is just what I said. You offer incentives. You can't threaten with hygiene. Against the law. You can't lock them up in the dark. Alcatraz went the way of the dodo years ago. The food's always bad at best.

But, you can't "make" a prisoner do jack sh*t but serve his time. If he chooses to be locked in the hole 23 hours a day rather than bust his ass for someone's idealism, you ain't going to get a nickel's worth of work out of him.

04-23-2015, 07:14 PM
There are no legal ways. You offer incentives. That takes "make" off the table. Otherwise, you have no legal leverage. Are you suggesting illegal methods?

Your second sentence is just what I said. You offer incentives. You can't threaten with hygiene. Against the law. You can't lock them up in the dark. Alcatraz went the way of the dodo years ago. The food's always bad at best.

But, you can't "make" a prisoner do jack sh*t but serve his time. If he chooses to be locked in the hole 23 hours a day rather than bust his ass for someone's idealism, you ain't going to get a nickel's worth of work out of him.

The way things are today...You are correct....^^

"....Law"...who is writing these "Laws"?...The answer is simple...keep reading...

**Prisoners are just that...Prisons are made for Prisoners ....There are many bad folks that go to Prison....and enjoy it there...get stronger..lift weights...etc..Todays Prisons are very soft....wonder why that is? Prison should be a bad place....a scary place...people should fear prison....*In Prison...Prisoners should do as they are told....they are the ones who made bad decisions to get there....

...Ahhh...the ugly head of Liberalism ...again...
`Most paroled inmates come back to prison.....he past few years California has paroled around 125,000 inmates from state prisons each year. Strangely, that same number enter prison on parole violations and new terms every year. That rather conviently keeps the beds well stocked with bodies and maintains the status quo. The recidivism rate is said to be around 70% over three years. That means of the 125,000 people paroled last year, in two more years over 87,000 of them will be back in prison or will have been back.`...

***"The perpetual question is always why? Why do we have so many people coming back to prison, year after dreary year? Prisoner administrators say they want to know. Prison activists are desperate to find the reasons. The very few citizens who are actually interested in prisons (mostly families of inmates or crime victims) want to know. And the legislature should want to know, but they have shown they have no stomach for the ugliness of prison issues (at least the California Assembly) so they really don’t want to hear about it...."

Some comments:

~ "It costs $24,000 to support a prisoner behind bars, yet the US poverty line for a family of 4 is only $23,050. Food in prison is actually better than food served in public schools. Think about it, we're feeding our rapists and murderers better meals than our own children. We are basically sending prisoners to a private resort. A prisoner should not have these privileges. Prison is supposed to be a form of punishment, not a home away from home" ~

~"Just being locked up is not punishment enough. If the idea of being in prison is supposed to stop people from going into prison why do people repeatedly commit crimes when the finish there sentence. What happens in prisons should shock people out of being criminals and from that massively discourage people from committing crimes and being sent to prison. It's not supposed to be a holiday camp? Is it...?" ~

*​A lot of changes need to be made....(so ..ya....Prisoners dont do much if they dont want to...


04-23-2015, 07:43 PM
This song actually sums up the whole question. Whether you like the law, or hate cops for whatever reason

because many of you have had bad experiences with cops...you blanket all of them the same.

RULE OF THUMB: You will never have a bad experience with ANY police officer IF...you haven't done anything wrong. Your attitude shows if you hate, or do not want to obey the officers who are paid to enforce the laws you may, or may not agree with.
If you dislike any law. GET IT CHANGED...but obey them until that change takes place.

And finally. I don't really give a crap what ANYONE HERE thinks about me and my opinions about the police.


04-23-2015, 07:46 PM
Again, if lockdown doesn't bother me, how are you going to make me work? I'm in prison. You can't make me do sh*t so you better be offering something which takes "make" off the table.

Want to shoot? Go ahead. I'm thinking your career is going to be short and you're going to be bretheren with those you were shooting.

`....No one has to shoot anyone in Prison....there are ways/options to make prisoners (who earned their stay in Prison) to work...

...want better food?...work..want sun-light? ..work......want books to read?...work...Wanna continue enjoying your hobby? ...work...want clean attire?...work....... Wanna stay locked up...in the dark eating bad food and stinky cloths with nothing to do and Die?....Your choice Prisoner....

*Now...of course...`for now`....Liberalism will not allow this

Forget good food, if you want any food you will earn it period !!!

04-23-2015, 11:02 PM
Forget good food, if you want any food you will earn it period !!!

Nice sentiment but you know it doesn't work that way. We're close enough to 30s-40s era Nazi concentration camps. Probably don't need to go full tilt.:laugh:

04-23-2015, 11:54 PM
I would start by removing all leading quotes and periods from sentences that have no reason to have them.

04-23-2015, 11:57 PM
I would start by removing all leading quotes and periods from sentences that have no reason to have them.

``.........why.....does it bother you...........just... ignore them.....ok........``:poke:``

04-24-2015, 06:03 AM
`..................if you were in charge of setting punishments for crime..............`

`..........How would you fix the corrections system in this country?`

`.......*What would you change in order to fix the problems of crime in this country?`

`.....*Why would you make those choices? `

`*You have a blank slate........... Go!`

Nice sentiment but you know it doesn't work that way. We're close enough to 30s-40s era Nazi concentration camps. Probably don't need to go full tilt.:laugh:

I agree Gunny, but I was going with doing it my way. :laugh:

04-24-2015, 08:38 AM
I agree with everything you say fj, my issue is how do you fix it? In Newark NJ they rebuilt the project, made the new ones look beautiful, they opened them up as low income housing and as folks moved out of the old places they rebuilt them as well. Now Newark has two set of slums instead of one, some folks want to live that way. Again I agree in theory but if someone refuses to live the correct way and destroy the new they are given then you can't fix it. How goes the ols saying, Ya can't fix stupid.

Therein lies the rub but at the very least without knowing the problem you're just doing the same old thing which is kind of stupid too. I saw parts of some PBS thing about the St. Louis projects (Pruitt-Igoe (http://www.economist.com/blogs/prospero/2011/10/american-public-housing)) that failed and they said something like "we can't judge all projects based on what happened here." Which may be true if the story wasn't similar to plenty of other efforts around the country (The 7 Most Infamous U.S. Public Housing Projects (http://newsone.com/1555245/most-infamous-public-housing-projects/)).

But our overall problem was that the anti-poverty/welfare efforts incentivized stupidity so until we can somehow stop that then nothing else is going to work. Oh yeah, we also have an abysmal corporate policies that keep jobs from being created, especially on the lower wage end, which is another piece of any reform. In other words, some people have no choice but to live that way. And our schools suck... not sure where to stop with all the ways government has screwed over parts of our population.

04-24-2015, 09:12 AM
Kill everyone. No matter how big the crime, no matter how small, just kill them on the spot. Crime will be almost extinct before long. :)

04-24-2015, 09:28 AM
Kill everyone. No matter how big the crime, no matter how small, just kill them on the spot. Humans will be almost extinct before long. :)


04-24-2015, 11:33 AM
Kill everyone. No matter how big the crime, no matter how small, just kill them on the spot. Crime will be almost extinct before long. :)

We don't get to torture them first?

Pillage their houses, rape their women, sell their families into slavery?


04-24-2015, 02:37 PM
Kill everyone. No matter how big the crime, no matter how small, just kill them on the spot. Crime will be almost extinct before long. :)

I'd prefer sending all the convicted/guilty to GITMO, where they would be confined to small rooms decorated with OBAMA, and HILLARY photo's, while a constant recording of Bill Clinton is played over the public address system that repeats his words "I did not have sexual relations with that young woman, Ms. Lewinski."

And in the background...play Debbie Boone singing "You light up my life", on a continuous reel.

04-24-2015, 04:16 PM
I'd prefer sending all the convicted/guilty to GITMO, where they would be confined to small rooms decorated with OBAMA, and HILLARY photo's, while a constant recording of Bill Clinton is played over the public address system that repeats his words "I did not have sexual relations with that young woman, Ms. Lewinski."

And in the background...play Debbie Boone singing "You light up my life", on a continuous reel.

`....Dear lord your Evil.......:laugh:`

04-24-2015, 04:18 PM
`....Dear lord your Evil.......:laugh:`

Thanks! Love honest compliments whenever, and wherever they occur!:laugh: