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View Full Version : `Millenial job seeker goes nuclear after not getting summer job`

04-23-2015, 02:37 PM
`Wouldn't you love to work with this person in your office?
The reality is anyone 20 minutes late for an interview is toast, regardless of a reason, short of an automobile accident or illness......`

`She thought the interview had gone well, but didn't get the job, and says the recruiter told her afterward that she was rejected not for technical failings but because she was not dressed professionally and was late (she says she arrived 20 minutes late after informing the company that she would be a few minutes late).`

`Her F.B. rant is particularly entertaining. She will find it hard to get any employment as a result.`
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`What happened in the aftermath of her ill-fated job interview is a cautionary tale for every young person entering the job market.
If her story has eluded you, here's what happened, as reported by The Plain Dealer's Michael McIntyre in a recentTipoff column (http://www.cleveland.com/tipoff/index.ssf/2015/04/sexism_or_lack_of_professional.html#incart_story_p ackage):

Read on...

http://www.cleveland.com/opinion/ind...incart_opinion (http://www.cleveland.com/opinion/index.ssf/2015/04/disappointed_job_seeker_would.html#incart_opinion)

http://www.dailydot.com/lifestyle/pr...-job-clubbing/ (http://www.dailydot.com/lifestyle/programmer-denied-job-clubbing/)

04-23-2015, 02:39 PM
She looks like a sexual harassment lawsuit just waiting to happen.

And as a second point .... if you're going to tell off the company do it with a private email or better yet, a phone call if possible to the decision maker. Furthermore, think of the problems if she were to conduct a presentation (on site or via webcam) to an audience in India. On top of that, she has demonstrated that she likes to throw F-bombs.

04-23-2015, 02:41 PM
She looks like a sexual harassment lawsuit just waiting to happen.

`....Based on her reaction......I'd say that her prospective employer is heaving a sigh of relief over having dodged a bullet with that PITA`

04-23-2015, 02:46 PM
`Society today is breeding a sense of entitlement into some young people.....disappointment shouldn't lead to retribution.The sad thing is people with this level of rabid liberal crusading passion who cant make a go of it in the corporate world end up in places where they do a lot of damage. Political campaigns... environmental issues... whatever.

`They are so outcast that they end up finding echo chambers full of other people like them and then get loud. That is how we end up with things like horrid gun laws....people who cant drill for oil or log because it will threaten the Aids giving amoeba or other stupid crap.`