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View Full Version : .....`Head transplant: man will be attached to new body in under an hour and aim`

04-23-2015, 08:58 PM
`The Italian doctor who has claimed that he could transplant a man’s head onto a donor’s body has said that he could do much of the procedure in less than an hour.

The procedure — which Canavero has admitted is just a first step towards his ultimate aim of creating immortality — will see a man's head removed and placed on a donor's body.

That will see the man's head get cooled down — as it is when doctors operate on some parts of the brain — and switched onto the different body. Doctors will then have a few minutes to attach the blood vessels and the whole thing will take less then an hour, Canavero said.`

`Surgeon Sergio Canavero has `vowed to go to China` he is banned from doing it everywhere else, arguing that the transplant has ‘political meaning’ — and some on the internet claim it might all be a marketing stunt`

http://www.independent.co.uk/news/sc...-10198982.html (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/head-transplant-man-will-be-attached-to-new-body-in-under-an-hour-and-aim-is-immortality-doctor-says-10198982.html)

04-23-2015, 09:35 PM
Sounds pretty quacky to me.

If you can sever a spine and reattach it so that it again carries electrical traffic, then we wouldn't have millions of paralyzed people who rely on wheelchairs.

What good would being just a head do? You couldn't even talk. I guess you could blink out some morse code, but then what?

I get a whole Frankenstein kind of vibe from this story.

The Good Doctor is dipping into the morphine stash, methinks.

04-23-2015, 09:39 PM
Sounds pretty quacky to me.

If you can sever a spine and reattach it so that it again carries electrical traffic, then we wouldn't have millions of paralyzed people who rely on wheelchairs.

What good would being just a head do? You couldn't even talk. I guess you could blink out some morse code, but then what?

I get a whole Frankenstein kind of vibe from this story.

The Good Doctor is dipping into the morphine stash, methinks.

`Ya it does sound quacky...I just stumbled on to the story while reading another story about a 1000 pound man having to be moved buy crane to go to hospital...he would be good for the transplant.......crazy stuff....

04-23-2015, 10:01 PM
some seriously disturbing stuff.

Some Japanese anime i've seen has dealt with this Sci-Fi topic in some really disturbing ways.
There's a new Outer Limits(i think) episode that had Karen Valentine and Kelsey Grammar in it that had the theme.
Anyone watching the new TV show Gotham. one of the story lines there goes into similar.

the "donors" are what makes it most unnerving.

touched on this before here

04-24-2015, 06:25 AM
`Ya it does sound quacky...I just stumbled on to the story while reading another story about a 1000 pound man having to be moved buy crane to go to hospital...he would be good for the transplant.......crazy stuff....

Holy Hell that dude must have eaten a lot of Big Macs :laugh: