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04-23-2015, 09:55 PM

Loretta Lynch Confirmed Attorney General, 56-43
Daniel Doherty | Apr 23, 2015

Loretta Lynch has been confirmed as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States (via ABC News):

The Senate narrowly confirmed Loretta Lynch as the next attorney general today, 166 days after she was first nominated for the post.
The Senate approved Lynch’s nomination with a vote of 56 to 43.

Stay tuned for updates.

XXXXXX > UPDATE: The following Senate Republicans voted 'aye' (via TPM):

`In an unexpected turn, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voted with the Democratic caucus to confirm Lynch after slow-walking her nomination.
The other Republicans who voted for Lynch were Sens. Orrin Hatch (UT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Jeff Flake (AZ), Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), Mark Kirk (IL), Kelly Ayotte (NH), Ron Johnson (WI) and Rob Portman (OH).

XXXX> UPDATE: Before the vote, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke against Ms. Lynch's confirmation, listing all the reasons why he believes she should not succeed Eric Holder as Attorney General. `

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danield...&newsletterad= (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2015/04/23/developing-loretta-lynch-confirmation-n1989585?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=)

Loretta Lynch’s Anti-Gun Record
`Sadly, the Senate has put its stamp of approval on a person who is expected to try to implement the semi-auto ban, which she supports, by executive fiat.
Apparently, it’s okay with McConnell and a majority of Senators that Lynch stated, under oath, that she has no problem implementing Obama’s unlawful, politically motivated amnesty orders — even though a federal court has found them unconstitutional.
And Lynch went on to feign ignorance on universal background checks and Operation Choke Point’s anti-gun ramifications — even though she was under oath.
Of course, Obama apologists rant about how “qualified” Lynch supposedly is. But think about it: What if she had refused to enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Would Obama have simply chalked that up to a “difference on policy”?
Why, then, should an anti-gun advocate who spits on the Constitution’s Second Amendment be treated as somehow acceptable?
It is almost impossible to think of anything which would be different if Democrats were still in control of the Senate. So now it’s time to hold your Senators accountable:``


04-23-2015, 11:21 PM
Just supports what I said. Ideals have no place in Congress. Just money and greed. This woman's an idiot. I wouldn't let her run a daycare much less be AG.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-24-2015, 07:41 AM
Great, a female version of the SOB obama!!!
Just what this nation needs and the SENATE BASTARD that voted to confirm should ALL be voted out of office.
It is not that they do not see what this female piece of shit is rather it is they just don't care--Politics above ALL ELSE!
And in my opinion that is the same as treason...
They just vote in a another traitor to help the ffing traitor in the Whitehouse... --Tyr

04-24-2015, 11:43 AM

Loretta Lynch Confirmed Attorney General, 56-43
Daniel Doherty | Apr 23, 2015

Loretta Lynch has been confirmed as the 83rd Attorney General of the United States (via ABC News):

The Senate narrowly confirmed Loretta Lynch as the next attorney general today, 166 days after she was first nominated for the post.
The Senate approved Lynch’s nomination with a vote of 56 to 43.

Stay tuned for updates.

XXXXXX > UPDATE: The following Senate Republicans voted 'aye' (via TPM):

`In an unexpected turn, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) voted with the Democratic caucus to confirm Lynch after slow-walking her nomination.
The other Republicans who voted for Lynch were Sens. Orrin Hatch (UT), Lindsey Graham (SC), Jeff Flake (AZ), Thad Cochran (MS), Susan Collins (ME), Mark Kirk (IL), Kelly Ayotte (NH), Ron Johnson (WI) and Rob Portman (OH).

XXXX> UPDATE: Before the vote, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke against Ms. Lynch's confirmation, listing all the reasons why he believes she should not succeed Eric Holder as Attorney General. `

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danield...&newsletterad= (http://townhall.com/tipsheet/danieldoherty/2015/04/23/developing-loretta-lynch-confirmation-n1989585?utm_source=thdailypm&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=nl_pm&newsletterad=)

Loretta Lynch’s Anti-Gun Record
`Sadly, the Senate has put its stamp of approval on a person who is expected to try to implement the semi-auto ban, which she supports, by executive fiat.
Apparently, it’s okay with McConnell and a majority of Senators that Lynch stated, under oath, that she has no problem implementing Obama’s unlawful, politically motivated amnesty orders — even though a federal court has found them unconstitutional.
And Lynch went on to feign ignorance on universal background checks and Operation Choke Point’s anti-gun ramifications — even though she was under oath.
Of course, Obama apologists rant about how “qualified” Lynch supposedly is. But think about it: What if she had refused to enforce the 1964 Civil Rights Act? Would Obama have simply chalked that up to a “difference on policy”?
Why, then, should an anti-gun advocate who spits on the Constitution’s Second Amendment be treated as somehow acceptable?
It is almost impossible to think of anything which would be different if Democrats were still in control of the Senate. So now it’s time to hold your Senators accountable:``


We now have a one-party system (the Uniparty).....chock full of self-serving aholes, greedy bastards and traitors to America. Fundamental transformation, indeed.

04-25-2015, 06:26 PM
NOW...do any of you finally understand how I have been so insistent about NOT TRUSTING ANY Politician?

How many times must it be thrown in your face before you understand Politicians are NOT interested in WE THE PEOPLE...After elections? All politicians have only THEIR OWN POLITICAL CAREER in mind. PERIOD!

04-25-2015, 08:32 PM
`Eric Holder Farewell Address: "Eric Holder Is Free"...`

`Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder makes remarks on his final day of office at the Department of Justice.`


04-26-2015, 06:06 AM
`Eric Holder Farewell Address: "Eric Holder Is Free"...`

`Outgoing Attorney General Eric Holder makes remarks on his final day of office at the Department of Justice.`


I didn't even play it, I have heard more than I want to from this POS, good riddens to him !!!