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View Full Version : HILL-ARIOUS: Bill Clinton's Wife Condemns 'Scourge Of Sexual Assault' In First Big Sp

04-25-2015, 03:20 PM
If she wasn't seriously running for office this would actually be funny, with all the woman her husband wronged ( and she stood by his side for money... power... whatever reason ) she is going to talk out against sexual assault on campuses :eek: Does anyone remember Monica, the 18 year old intern that well y'all know all about that. :laugh:

In the first major speech of her scandal-plagued presidential campaign, Democrat Hillary Clinton explicitly raised the issue of sexual assault on college campuses. Clinton delivered the wide-ranging speech at the Women in the World Summit in New York City on Thursday, according to Inside Higher Ed (https://www.insidehighered.com/quicktakes/2015/04/24/clinton-criticizes-scourge-sexual-assault).
“When women of any age, whether on college campuses or military bases or even in their homes, face sexual assault, then no woman is secure,” she declared


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-25-2015, 04:00 PM
If she wasn't seriously running for office this would actually be funny, with all the woman her husband wronged ( and she stood by his side for money... power... whatever reason ) she is going to talk out against sexual assault on campuses :eek: Does anyone remember Monica, the 18 year old intern that well y'all know all about that. :laugh:


There is no more hypocritical beast on earth than a liberal dem.....
Its just that this female lib dem is so damn truly ugly to boot.
If married to her Id played round too...
Slick Willie obviously had just cause!------ Hildabest is a four bagger....-:laugh:-Tyr

04-25-2015, 05:58 PM
If she wasn't seriously running for office this would actually be funny, with all the woman her husband wronged ( and she stood by his side for money... power... whatever reason ) she is going to talk out against sexual assault on campuses :eek: Does anyone remember Monica, the 18 year old intern that well y'all know all about that. :laugh:


Jeff: All of this stuff from Hillary sounds like she is just a really jealous, angry biatch because NO MAN has ever attempted to bother even THINKING of assaulting her. Which is probably why she let BUBBA run free for so long since SHE NEEDED THE MONEY.

04-25-2015, 07:57 PM

To set the stage for why the country needs Hillary Clinton to be the next president, Democrats are trying to force-feed Americans a “war on women” pablum, when such a war–as they present it–does not exist. For the real “war on women,” however, Democrats might turn to Hillary Clinton herself and her husband, former President Bill Clinton.Juanita Broaddrick never wanted to meet the press. In February of 1999, Dorothy Rabinowitz, a member of The Wall Street Journal (http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB919379691540145000?mg=reno64-wsj)‘s editorial board, wrote that when the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke the year before, the media pursuit was on for Broaddrick as it became clear her story about an alleged sexual assault by Bill Clinton would have significant impact on the outcome of the impeachment proceedings against the President.

In January of 1999, a month after Clinton’s impeachment by the House–and in the midst of the Senate trial grappling with whether Monica Lewinsky should testify–Broaddrick finally agreed to meet NBC’s Lisa Myers for an interview. As Rabinowitz wrote, Broaddrick’s decision to go forward with an interview came after “she contemplated all the layers of tawdry rumor about her that had multiplied in the wake of the other, larger scandal involving the president.”
Her account begins in 1978, when then-Juanita Hickey was a 35 year-old Clinton campaign worker, and Attorney General Bill Clinton, who was running for governor of Arkansas, visited a nursing home where she worked as a nurse.

Fairly quickly after that conversation, however, Broaddrick said she was shocked when Clinton put his arms around her and then began kissing her.
“I first pushed him away and just told him, ‘No, please don’t do that,’ and I forget, it’s been 21 years, Lisa, and I forget exactly what he was saying,” Broaddrick said. “It seems like he was making statements that would relate to ‘Did you not know why I was coming up here?’ and I told him at the time, I said, ‘I’m married, and I have other things going on in my life, and this is something that I’m not interested in.'”
“Then he tries to kiss me again. And the second time he tries to kiss me he starts biting my lip,” said Broaddrick, crying. “He starts to, um, bite on my top lip and I tried to pull away from him. … And then he forces me down on the bed.” Elaborating, she said, “I just was very frightened, and I tried to get away from him and I told him, ‘No,’ that I didn’t want this to happen … but he wouldn’t listen to me,” she continued. “He was such a different person at that moment, he was just a vicious awful person.”
Broaddrick told Myers she stopped resisting at one point.
“It was a real panicky, panicky situation,” she said. “I was even to the point where I was getting very noisy, you know, yelling to ‘Please stop.’ And that’s when he pressed down on my right shoulder and he would bite my lip.”
Broaddrick told Myers the waist of her skirt and her pantyhose were also torn.
“When everything was over with, he got up and straightened himself, and I was crying at the moment and he walks to the door, and calmly puts on his sunglasses,” she continued. “And before he goes out the door he says ‘you better get some ice on that.’ And he turned and went out the door.”
“Is there any way at all that Bill Clinton could have thought that this was consensual?” asked Myers.
“No. Not with what I told him, and how I tried to push him away,” answered Broaddrick. “It was not consensual.”
“You’re saying that Bill Clinton sexually assaulted you, that he raped you,” said Myers.
“Yes,” responded Broaddrick.....
....Though Broaddrick heard that NBC had scheduled Myers’ interview with her to air on the January 29, 1999, Dateline episode, it never aired on that date, or for several weeks afterward. The sheer explosiveness of the story and the exhaustive research on Broaddrick and her husband that NBC undertook apparently only placed the Dateline interview in the arena of a “work in progress.”
Rabinowitz described the disbelief of some at NBC:

Other sources at NBC asked–profoundly off the record–how much more confirmation could the story need? They had four witnesses giving corroborating testimony–citizens with nothing to gain and possibly much to lose by going public and talking, as the husband of one witness kept warning her. Still, they had come forward. NBC had investigated and investigated, and it was not yet enough. Word went out from NBC that the network had to cross-check dates, or lacked enough dates. Meanwhile, for any journalist asking what happened to the interview with Mrs. Broaddrick, the office of NBC News president Andrew Lack had a simple, uplifting message–namely that NBC wanted to make sure the story was “rock solid” journalism.
As the interview did not air, according to Rabinowitz, Broaddrick was now fearful that she would be “passed off as just another bimbo with a Clinton story.” However, she recalled Myers telling her, “The good news is you’re credible. The bad news is you’re very credible.”