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View Full Version : Juveniles pelt Baltimore police with rocks; police retaliate

04-28-2015, 07:00 AM
The Kids are throwing bricks and other objects at the police, man their parents must be so proud !! :rolleyes: But this video also shows the cops throwing the trash throw at them back at these thugs, hell throw lead back at them and this trash will end quickly.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4199944503001&w=466&h=263"></script><noscript>Watch the latest video at <a href="http://video.foxnews.com">video.foxnews.com</a></noscript>


04-28-2015, 07:49 AM
Watched a lot of the coverage last evening on FOX and CNN. There's no doubt the police were vastly outnumbered. Why there wasn't a curfew last night??? Also watched the 'good people,' that were helping those being attacked by the thugs and that were in agony about what was happening to their neighborhoods. Saw a black, 30 year Vet out yelling at the thugs to 'go home and study.' He said he's not 'black, white, or any other color, just an American that loves his country.' He blamed parents that didn't have their kids at home and in their care.

The burning of the senior center was most heartbreaking, so desperately needed, nine years in being built-was to open in December-total loss.

The past few hours I've been reading http://live.baltimoresun.com/Event/Latest_updates_from_the_Freddie_Gray_case_in_Balti more

started around page 20-coverage of the funeral-read forward to pg 1, watching the riots unfold.

04-28-2015, 08:06 AM
found the 'mom' video:

https://youtu.be/HmgzGXM2Dqo (https://youtu.be/HmgzGXM2Dqo)

04-28-2015, 02:28 PM
Watched a lot of the coverage last evening on FOX and CNN. There's no doubt the police were vastly outnumbered. Why there wasn't a curfew last night??? Also watched the 'good people,' that were helping those being attacked by the thugs and that were in agony about what was happening to their neighborhoods. Saw a black, 30 year Vet out yelling at the thugs to 'go home and study.' He said he's not 'black, white, or any other color, just an American that loves his country.' He blamed parents that didn't have their kids at home and in their care.

The burning of the senior center was most heartbreaking, so desperately needed, nine years in being built-was to open in December-total loss.

The past few hours I've been reading http://live.baltimoresun.com/Event/Latest_updates_from_the_Freddie_Gray_case_in_Balti more

started around page 20-coverage of the funeral-read forward to pg 1, watching the riots unfold.

I tried to watch CNN for awhile to get a different take. They are too sympathetic to the rioters and looters, IMO. One clown was whining because he felt he didn't have any opportunities. Well, if you burn down and/or loot the places that can provide opportunity you're not exactly helping your own cause.

04-28-2015, 07:47 PM
I tried to watch CNN for awhile to get a different take. They are too sympathetic to the rioters and looters, IMO. One clown was whining because he felt he didn't have any opportunities. Well, if you burn down and/or loot the places that can provide opportunity you're not exactly helping your own cause.

Actually first caught the mom video on CNN. This afternoon heard a councilman call for 'adults' to come form lines between police and 'demonstrators.' Heard him on 'the line' just a bit ago, joined by mostly men and a few women. When asked if he thought it would work? He replied he hoped so, that it was so far...didn't know what would happen in the next two hours, but there were people that 'wanted answers' and some that just wanted to get 'free stuff' and belong in jail.

Heard many 'voices of reason' on both FOX and CNN. No, I didn't bother with MSNBC. :laugh:

04-28-2015, 08:00 PM
Saw this posted from one of my fav posters on another site, pretty much sums up what good has happened amidst so much bad:


A mom, a vet, and a guy with a trashcan, 3 heroes defying the mob in Maryland
April 28th, 2015 by MOTHAX (http://www.burnpit.us/users/mothax)

7 (http://www.burnpit.us/2015/04/mom-vet-and-guy-trashcan-3-heroes-defying-mob-maryland#)

Next story » (http://www.burnpit.us/2015/04/florida-fraternity-brothers-harass-disabled-veterans)

http://www.burnpit.us/sites/burnpit/files/blog-image/Riots.jpgThe whole world is watching this, so might as well discuss what I see. I'm not going to go into what started this or anything else. I know virtually nothing about the incident that precipitated the riots, except that I got so exhausted reading the guys rap sheet I had to take a break halfway through. What I do know, is that this Mom should be made the chief of police or something:
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/J5aNhO7c4qw" frameborder="0" width="500" height="281" style="margin: 10px 0px;"></iframe>
My butt hurts just thinking of the smackdown my Mom would have given me.
Meanwhile, Vietnam Vet and Baltimore resident Robert Valentine seems like a fearless hero to me, and compared to those around him, is also blessed with the wisdom of Solomon:
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/3o5bU9O9soY" frameborder="0" width="500" height="281" style="margin: 10px 0px;"></iframe>
And then Twitchy had this guy (http://twitchy.com/2015/04/28/god-bless-him-more-than-1000-baltimore-residents-volunteer-to-help-clean-up-after-last-nights-riots-photos/) (and a few others), who may be my favorite, because this guy's not looking for glory, recognition or anything else, he's doing what people ought to be doing. He picked up a trashcan, and went out to clean up his neighborhood:
Good on you Jason.
I'm not going into the polics behind this, or the thinking, or anything else. I don't get it, and it seems idiotic, but what do I know? But I will say this, we need about 50,000 more Moms like the first lady, a battalion of Robert Valentine's, and a nation of men and women like Jason Butler that want to make their neighborhood, city, state and nation a better place.
I know what most are going to say about the riots. But try to focus on these people even as you watch these cretins burn down CVS' and old peoples retirement homes, steal toilet paper (what is this, Caracas?) and liquor, and smash police cars and assault people. The vast bulk of Baltimore is holed up in their houses right now wanting this to stop, and stop immediately. But this mom, this vet, and this man with his trashcan aren't afraid of these "thugs" as the Mayor called the rioters, their out there being heroes in their own way.
And for that I salute all three.

04-28-2015, 09:54 PM

04-28-2015, 11:00 PM
Watching tonight to see how the curfew would go. I had to turn off FOX when who appears but Geraldo in Baltimore. Really? He nearly got in fisticuffs with someone 'blocking his camera.' Doofus. What was Hannity thinking sending that twit to 'cover?'

04-29-2015, 06:36 AM

Rev all though this cartoon did crack me up lets be serious, no one has to tell these folks to burn or loot something, hell they aren't even smart enough not to burn there own neighborhoods up. With that said Rev understand I am not talking about Black folks, I am talking about the scum doing this trash, I agree there is a issue ( in some cases ) and as long as there is some cases then there is a issue at hand, but the good black folks aren't the ones burning and looting.

04-29-2015, 06:58 AM
No one had to tell these folks to rob, steal/loot and terrorize. The extreme majority of it that I saw was from overhead cameras on helicopters, and the news people and police were nowhere to be seen. The police stood back and therefore the media did as well. NO ONE forced these folks to do what they did. No one tricked them. No one did anything in any way whatsoever that prompted these actions. These actions are 1000000000000% on those who acted like animals, thugs and criminals.

Hell, this doesn't even have ZILCH to do with rights, black shootings, economy or anything like that. This is simply idiots acting like criminals. I'll guarantee you that those involved weren't rays of sunshine the day before, and just used this as an excuse to act out, destroy and steal things. Anyone saying otherwise is only making excuses for their criminal behavior.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-29-2015, 07:06 AM
All of this is being used to instill great fear into our already cowardly leaders and to allow the obama to advance his agenda.
Why has he not been impeached? Part of the reason given often is the blacks would riot nationwide!
See, see how the ffing obama using his own form of terrorism?