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View Full Version : Justice and Blacks

04-28-2015, 06:00 PM
A black commentator is on CNN STILL calling Ferguson injustice. And talking about Justice when this police report on Gray allegedly comes out Friday.

WHAT justice? If you aren't hanging a white cop, then as far as the black community is concerned, there is no justice. Never mind if you go all the way back to \:

Liberty City, Miami 1980 - blacks burned down their own community

The OJ trial - Blacks were threatening to riot if he was found guilty, even though he was a white man's hero.

Rodney King -- blacks tore up and looted part of LA.

Ferguson - idiot attacks cop and goes for his gun.

Now this. They don't want justice. They want revenge on whoever they can blame regardless the facts.

04-28-2015, 06:12 PM
You think they are concerned with justice; they mean just us.

04-28-2015, 06:34 PM
You think they are concerned with justice; they mean just us.

I think it's a bigger problem than that. Communities are being destroyed. And they weren't in white neighborhoods.

The problem is all of these race-baiters and activists who have these people convinced they're getting screwed. They've kept racism alive as a business, using fear as a tactic. The fact is, if anyone actually analyzes the situation, if you're poor, white and drive a beat up pickup truck you are just as likely to get pulled over as any black. But we just get manhandled any old way the cops want and slammed in jail. No riots. No looting. No one cares.

Blacks also believe they are owed something. They are raised that way and it isn't just other blacks instilling that belief. Rich white leftwingers are just as bad at instilling that entitlement thought process and more than willing to use middle class tax dollars to pay for it.

04-28-2015, 07:26 PM
Just another reminder. Investigate for yourselves, and take note about which Political Party is in charge of cities like Baltimore. Then, remember how cities, and states in the Northeast are experiencing the exodus of people to other states where the TAX BASE isn't punishing people who voted DEMOCRAT.