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04-28-2015, 11:14 PM
Oh yeah!


Baltimore mom who smacked son at riot: I don't play

By Josh Levs, AnneClaire Stapleton and Steve Almasy, CNN

Updated 9:43 PM ET, Tue April 28, 2015

<cite class="el-editorial-source" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: CNN, 'Helvetica Neue', Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif; font-style: normal; font-weight: 700;">(CNN)</cite>You know the Baltimore mom who went to the riot, found her son and lit into him with her right hand? Well, Toya Graham said Tuesday she did it because she didn't want her son to become another Freddie Gray.

She also told CBS News that she's a single mother of six who doesn't play when it comes to her children.

In video captured Monday by CNN affiliate WMAR (http://www.abc2news.com/news/crime-checker/baltimore-city-crime/video-mom-beats-child-for-throwing-rocks-at-baltimore-police), Graham is seen pulling her masked son away from a protest crowd, smacking him in the head repeatedly, and screaming at him.

Graham told CBS News that her son said he wanted to run when he saw her coming.

"I'm a no-tolerant mother. Everybody who knows me, knows I don't play that," Graham told the network. "He knew. He knew he was in trouble."
Graham told CBS News that she and her son made eye contact and she didn't even think about the news cameras when she went after her boy.

"That's my only son and at the end of the day I don't want him to be a Freddie Gray," she told CBS. "I was angry. I was shocked, because you never want to see your child out there doing that."


Tameka Brown, one of Graham's five daughters, told CNN on Tuesday it wasn't that hard for her mom to spot her 16-year-old brother.
"She knows her son and picked him out. Even with the mask on, she knew," Brown said.

Her brother is actually grateful that his mom came to get him, she said. He understands Graham did it because she wants to keep her son alive.
"She has always been tough and knows where we are at," Brown said.

Police Commissioner Anthony Batts thanked her in remarks to the media on Monday night.

"And if you saw in one scene you had one mother who grabbed their child who had a hood on his head and she started smacking him on the head because she was so embarrassed," he said. "I wish I had more parents that took charge of their kids out there tonight."

Graham told CBS that at times she tells her son to stay inside.

"There are some days I'll shield him in the house just so he won't go outside. And I know I can't do that for the rest of my life. He's 16 years old, you know," she said.

04-29-2015, 05:05 AM
She did her son a big favor, she kept him from being killed, hurt, or arrested. Someday, I hope, he will see the wisdom of what she did.

Too bad there aren't moms like that in the Middle East doing the same things with their sons.

"WHAT?!?!? You take that dynamite belt off of you this minute young man and march straight home!"

04-29-2015, 06:03 AM
This Mother is fantastic, many could learn from her about being a parent. What she did is probably safe this kid from getting hurt or even killed ( as noted by KarlMarx ) maybe instead of million man marches and trash like that the black community ought to just have to listen to Moms like this one. ( yes there are plenty that I know personally that have raised their children just like this woman )

04-29-2015, 06:51 AM
She did it for the wrong reasons; but at least she did it. Hooah.

04-29-2015, 09:58 AM

04-29-2015, 08:43 PM
From one of the reports, I believe I understood that his friends responded to him online with remarks that his mom was doing the right thing. He's a minor and he needs to told in no uncertain terms that he is being a douche. It's fortunate that his mom is still able to manage him like this. Guaranteed what she did hit him more in his pride than anywhere else.

04-30-2015, 11:27 AM
https://scontent-4.22773.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/10891808_805211912861450_7547672482219420443_n.jpg ?oh=cd0784057dd2d8a8816b34820473252e&oe=55D88B2D

05-01-2015, 05:42 AM
Seems Mom has had a change of heart, yes this young man was on the front page of the papers and is now being held accountable for what he did. The Mom says the bail is to high ( it does seem high ) but guess what don't break the law and then you don't have to worry where they set bail at.

Go to the article and watch the video of these little darlings going crazy and maybe that bail was set to low.

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/04/30/14/282B5E3B00000578-3062532-image-a-1_1430399836562.jpgThe mother of a rioter says she regrets telling her son to turn himself in.
Allen Bullock, 18, appeared on the front page of the Baltimore Sun last Sunday, smashing a car windscreen with a traffic cone. It was two days before a state of emergency was declared in the Maryland capital to control riots.
After seeing the newspaper, Bullock's stepfather Maurice Hawkins told him he had to 'do the right thing' and contacted police.
But now, with Bullock's bail set at $500,000 and the threat of eight years in jail, his family has wavered in their conviction


05-01-2015, 05:49 AM
I think that's a Mom who turned her son in, but not the same Mom who has bitch slapped her son. And I think the bail in this case is a result of this lovely fellow going out destroying things with the cone. I don't know what the specific charges are though.

Personally, I would have preferred the police had been able to subdue these guys, and use force if they were threatened. But the next best thing is ensuring these animals get to spend some time behind bars for the rioting, violence and other crap they pulled.

05-01-2015, 07:07 AM
She has six children by six different fathers.


05-01-2015, 10:24 AM
She has six children by six different fathers.


Yikes. I won't condemn her lifestyle, unless of course she is collecting from the state/local for her crappy decisions. Far too many of these folks are on welfare and we end up paying for their poor decisions and lack of self responsibility.