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View Full Version : England smoking ban in effect

07-01-2007, 01:56 PM
Story Highlights

England snuffs out smoking in bars, workplaces and public buildings
Campaigners: Ban biggest boost to public health since 1948
Violators face heavy fines


England is on the right track! We have a simular law here except people can't smoke in bars that don't serve food and can't smoke in casinos at the grocery stores and 7'11's and other gas and convience sotres. You cant smoke at our hospital, restaurants, on any school district property or any place that caters to kids or on state property. My friend in Lousiana said they have laws that you cant smoke in public and you cant smoke in cars if you have children in them with you. I think that is a good idea, why subject your kids to your bad habit and possibly give them cancer.

07-01-2007, 06:36 PM
I am a criminal in most states then. I will smoke when I please and fuck up anybody that tries to stop me.

07-01-2007, 07:05 PM
I am a criminal in most states then. I will smoke when I please and fuck up anybody that tries to stop me.

Yea, but I bet you don't do it around people who don't or do it around children.

07-01-2007, 09:01 PM
Yea, but I bet you don't do it around people who don't or do it around children.

Depends on if they are in the room with me. :laugh2:

07-01-2007, 09:21 PM
Depends on if they are in the room with me. :laugh2:

That's messed up!

07-02-2007, 01:35 AM
Story Highlights

England snuffs out smoking in bars, workplaces and public buildings
Campaigners: Ban biggest boost to public health since 1948
Violators face heavy fines


England is on the right track! We have a simular law here except people can't smoke in bars that don't serve food and can't smoke in casinos at the grocery stores and 7'11's and other gas and convience sotres. You cant smoke at our hospital, restaurants, on any school district property or any place that caters to kids or on state property. My friend in Lousiana said they have laws that you cant smoke in public and you cant smoke in cars if you have children in them with you. I think that is a good idea, why subject your kids to your bad habit and possibly give them cancer.

I am not really in favor of such government enforced legislation on smoking, and other personal habits. I personally think it leads to nanny statism (and idiotic laws such as banning trans fats in NY), and I also think a bar owner should be the one deciding who can smoke in his bar, not the government (after all, a bar is private property).

It's one thing to enforce these type of laws on government property, but I believe the government should not have a say in the matter when it comes to private property.

Smoking with kids? I don't think that is a good idea AT ALL, but I also don't think the government should tell an individual whether or not he/she can smoke in his/her personal vehicle. :)

On a side note, I've always smoked in 7/11's in the South (when I did smoke). ;)