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04-29-2015, 04:37 PM
This is allegedly what the Mayor of Baltimore's instructions were to an unnamed person in the Baltimore Police hierarchy Monday. I have no source to corroborate the allegation.

However. Actions speak louder than words. Look at what the police DIDN'T do Monday.

04-29-2015, 05:01 PM
Reminds me of Noir, from another thread, where he downplayed destruction of businesses and property - because they were insured. I guess the magical insurance fruit monkey spits money out of his ass and no one actually pays for it. :)

Seriously though, anyone thinking like that shouldn't be in charge. People DO lose money. They lose their homes, businesses and all they have worked for. Lots of work has to be done to even remotely get back to where they were before. Some can't afford to do so.

A friend of mine used to make fun of my shitty car back in the day, and referred to it as a piece of shit. I was always quick to remind him that yes, but it was MY piece of shit.

04-29-2015, 05:21 PM
Reminds me of Noir, from another thread, where he downplayed destruction of businesses and property - because they were insured. I guess the magical insurance fruit monkey spits money out of his ass and no one actually pays for it. :)

Seriously though, anyone thinking like that shouldn't be in charge. People DO lose money. They lose their homes, businesses and all they have worked for. Lots of work has to be done to even remotely get back to where they were before. Some can't afford to do so.

A friend of mine used to make fun of my shitty car back in the day, and referred to it as a piece of shit. I was always quick to remind him that yes, but it was MY piece of shit.

Not just. You are correct about the insurance. That is a low-rent neighborhood with low-rent business. I bet a lot were not insured.

I totally get it with the car thing. I had an AMC Gremlin once.

But that mayor's not worried about crap on her government check and living in another part of town. Her biggest worry it seems is her backpeddaling from her statements.

04-29-2015, 05:35 PM
Reminds me of Noir, from another thread, where he downplayed destruction of businesses and property - because they were insured. I guess the magical insurance fruit monkey spits money out of his ass and no one actually pays for it. :)

Seriously though, anyone thinking like that shouldn't be in charge. People DO lose money. They lose their homes, businesses and all they have worked for. Lots of work has to be done to even remotely get back to where they were before. Some can't afford to do so.

A friend of mine used to make fun of my shitty car back in the day, and referred to it as a piece of shit. I was always quick to remind him that yes, but it was MY piece of shit.

Even if insurance pays off, the policy can be cancelled as a bad risk. If insurance is required by creditors, the business will have to close if not insurable.

04-29-2015, 08:21 PM
Video and text:
‘Let Them Loot, It’s Only Property’: LEO Source Claims Baltimore Mayor Ordered Cops to Stand Down``

`A senior law enforcement source told Fox News that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake ordered police officers to stand by and watch the looting Monday.`
“Let them loot, it’s only property,” Rawlings-Blake said, according to Fox News’ source.

http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/04/29/let-them-loot-its-only-property-leo-source-claims-baltimore-mayor-ordered-cops-to-stand-down/ (http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/04/29/let-them-loot-its-only-property-leo-source-claims-baltimore-mayor-ordered-cops-to-stand-down/)

04-30-2015, 12:14 AM
Even better ...

A Sheriff Lewis (from a surrounding county I assume) reported they were ordered to stand down and a bunch of Baltimore PD officers aren't real happy.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
04-30-2015, 08:33 AM
I heard on a radio program yesterday that the obama had called that POS mayor and told her to tell her cops to stand down!
Guess who gave the stand down order that killed those Americans in Benghazi?
Both orders came directly from the top...
The obama and his gang of thieves are neck deep in starting and maintaining this crap.... --Tyr