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View Full Version : 2,053 users online?

04-30-2015, 03:00 PM
That's what it shows at the bottom for the most users online ever, and it was on 4-10-15

WTF? I know that was like 2,023 guests, but still. There's nothing like that recorded in the stats for the site, just on here. Must have been like a chinese search engine that sent a 1000 bots here and sucked the site up in a few minutes! LOL

04-30-2015, 03:15 PM
That's what it shows at the bottom for the most users online ever, and it was on 4-10-15

WTF? I know that was like 2,023 guests, but still. There's nothing like that recorded in the stats for the site, just on here. Must have been like a chinese search engine that sent a 1000 bots here and sucked the site up in a few minutes! LOL


04-30-2015, 03:19 PM
That's what it shows at the bottom for the most users online ever, and it was on 4-10-15

WTF? I know that was like 2,023 guests, but still. There's nothing like that recorded in the stats for the site, just on here. Must have been like a chinese search engine that sent a 1000 bots here and sucked the site up in a few minutes! LOL

Jim. Remember that timely, old, often used expression "A clock is only right two times a day"?

All of the advertisements that happen to appear in the background on nearly every page any of us click on to read, ALSO cause your visitor count to increase. That's just the way the system works. And, that's BEFORE the "cookies" placed on everyone's PC, or Laptop RECOUNT every visit as well.

There's a reason we called Computers "FRED" back in the early 80's while Microsoft, and Apple were developing these amazing tools. By the way, in Navy training parlance....FRED stood for F"in Ridiculous Electronic Device. And it still does. :laugh:

04-30-2015, 03:22 PM
Jim. Remember that timely, old, often used expression "A clock is only right two times a day"?

All of the advertisements that happen to appear in the background on nearly every page any of us click on to read, ALSO cause your visitor count to increase. That's just the way the system works. And, that's BEFORE the "cookies" placed on everyone's PC, or Laptop RECOUNT every visit as well.

There's a reason we called Computers "FRED" back in the early 80's while Microsoft, and Apple were developing these amazing tools. By the way, in Navy training parlance....FRED stood for F"in Ridiculous Electronic Device. And it still does. :laugh:

Don't you have an ad blocker?

04-30-2015, 03:27 PM
Don't you have an ad blocker?

Yes. But if you take a long look. Even ad blockers KEEP COUNT of the cookies being directed at the protected sites. In Jim's case with the entire DP website. Every time someone happens to click on any page, and one of the ads in the background attempt to show....that is counted as well. Not rocket science. Just something AOL managed to start, and use many, many years ago. AOL still manages to hide files on EVERY COMPUTER.

04-30-2015, 03:35 PM
Yes. But if you take a long look. Even ad blockers KEEP COUNT of the cookies being directed at the protected sites. In Jim's case with the entire DP website. Every time someone happens to click on any page, and one of the ads in the background attempt to show....that is counted as well. Not rocket science. Just something AOL managed to start, and use many, many years ago. AOL still manages to hide files on EVERY COMPUTER.

Interesting to know.

I only had AOL a little while. Didn't care too much for it.

04-30-2015, 04:50 PM
That's what it shows at the bottom for the most users online ever, and it was on 4-10-15

WTF? I know that was like 2,023 guests, but still. There's nothing like that recorded in the stats for the site, just on here. Must have been like a chinese search engine that sent a 1000 bots here and sucked the site up in a few minutes! LOL

...wonder if they were "Unique";)

04-30-2015, 05:00 PM
All of the advertisements that happen to appear in the background on nearly every page any of us click on to read, ALSO cause your visitor count to increase. That's just the way the system works. And, that's BEFORE the "cookies" placed on everyone's PC, or Laptop RECOUNT every visit as well.

Not in the webhosting world. If that were the case, by just myself alone there would be thousands per week. Those are "hits". Hits are everything, kinda like you said - downloads, pages... all count towards hits. Visits is when someone comes here, looks around for awhile, and bails. That entire "trip" through the site counts as a visit. And then you have a unique visitor, which would be like most of us regulars, a visitor that tends to come here often.

04-30-2015, 05:01 PM
...wonder if they were "Unique";)

My Mom's favorite joke of all time...

How do you catch a unique rabbit?

Unique up on him!

04-30-2015, 05:17 PM
My Mom's favorite joke of all time...

How do you catch a unique rabbit?

Unique up on him!

Good one!...

`I monitor my promoted personal business website with stats ...links...referrals...tracking.... and I find "Unique" visitors are a good thing :laugh:

04-30-2015, 07:28 PM
Not in the webhosting world. If that were the case, by just myself alone there would be thousands per week. Those are "hits". Hits are everything, kinda like you said - downloads, pages... all count towards hits. Visits is when someone comes here, looks around for awhile, and bails. That entire "trip" through the site counts as a visit. And then you have a unique visitor, which would be like most of us regulars, a visitor that tends to come here often.

Forget it. I have no idea what I'm talking about here. Just posted something off the top of my head to impress everyone with useless information because, rather than trying to be helpful. I wanted another reason to be proven wrong. Tell me everything you know about webhosting, and the webhosting world. My 25 years of computer, communications in the navy was just a joke, and the 20 years after I retired were useless too!

Forgive me for attempting to offer some help. Why do I bother?

05-04-2015, 11:32 AM
My Mom's favorite joke of all time...

How do you catch a unique rabbit?

Unique up on him!

Love that one. There's a follow up.

Who do you catch a tame rabbit?

Tame way.

05-04-2015, 12:34 PM
Forget it. I have no idea what I'm talking about here. Just posted something off the top of my head to impress everyone with useless information because, rather than trying to be helpful. I wanted another reason to be proven wrong. Tell me everything you know about webhosting, and the webhosting world. My 25 years of computer, communications in the navy was just a joke, and the 20 years after I retired were useless too!

Forgive me for attempting to offer some help. Why do I bother?

Huh? Just saw this now. Why get pissy, I was simply explaining. Who said anything about your experience with the Navy and your knowledge was a joke? But the truth is, you were simply wrong. I posted what hits/visitors/unique visitor are. What ads are on this site will not change the visitor count. It won't change the amount of users online, which is what the thread was originally about. But if you want to spout about experience - then how about correcting me with facts, and links, to backup what you said: All of the advertisements that happen to appear in the background on nearly every page any of us click on to read, ALSO cause your visitor count to increase.

But I'll post something here and let these facts do their own explaining:

Hit - any and every request (image, html, css, js etc...)
PageView - every request to a page (html, aspx, asp, php etc...)
Visit - a session, the duration of someone coming to your website, regardless of the number of page views they have generated


Technical definition of a hit

each file sent to a browser by a web server is an individual hit.

Technical definition of a page view

a page view is each time a visitor views a webpage on your site, irrespective of how many hits are generated. Pages are comprised of files. Every image in a page is a separate file. When a visitor looks at a page (i.e. a page view), they may see numerous images, graphics, pictures etc. and generate multiple hits.

For example, if you have a page with 10 pictures, then a request to a server to view that page generates 11 hits (10 for the pictures, and one for the html file). A page view can contain hundreds of hits. This is the reason that we measure page views and not hits.

Technical definition of a visit

a visit happens when someone or something (robot) visits your site. It consists of one or more page views/ hits. One visitor can have many visits to your site.

Technical definition of a visitor

a visitor is the browser of a person who accepts a cookie. Opentracker tracks cookies through a javascript. By this definition, a visitor is a human being, and their actions are 'human' events, because only humans use javascript to navigate the internet. If a cookie is not accepted, then we use IP numbers to track visitors.


The only way whatsoever that the ads come into play is perhaps "hits". But even then, the only code for the ads are to center it - the rest is hosted remotely by Google - so they will see "hits" on their side for all the images they are loading for us.

05-05-2015, 05:47 AM
My Mom's favorite joke of all time...

How do you catch a unique rabbit?

Unique up on him!

Dam bro I miss that old corny joke.

And to think how many times I told her how stupid it was, now I would give my left N** to hear it one more time.

05-05-2015, 10:32 AM
Dam bro I miss that old corny joke.

And to think how many times I told her how stupid it was, now I would give my left N** to hear it one more time.

Yeah, that was the funny part, is that she told me that joke no less than 500x, and I think like 498 of those times were just to piss me off.

And dude, did you just censor yourself over the word "nut"? LOL Even Mom would have laughed at you! :lol:

05-06-2015, 12:33 AM
Yeah, that was the funny part, is that she told me that joke no less than 500x, and I think like 498 of those times were just to piss me off.

And dude, did you just censor yourself over the word "nut"? LOL Even Mom would have laughed at you! :lol:

I was thinking of the ladies and trying to be nice. Seems like most of the ladies have seen me say to many things out of the way, heck I am sure more than they wanted. :laugh:

05-06-2015, 07:17 AM
I was thinking of the ladies and trying to be nice. Seems like most of the ladies have seen me say to many things out of the way, heck I am sure more than they wanted. :laugh:

Damn, they've heard way worse from me alone. Now you're gonna make me feel guilty! I ask for boobies and you're afraid to say the word nut. Everyone here needs to go to the diner with you in SC, at 5:30am. Stop acting like you're a nice guy, you're killing me here! LOL

05-06-2015, 07:27 AM
Damn, they've heard way worse from me alone. Now you're gonna make me feel guilty! I ask for boobies and you're afraid to say the word nut. Everyone here needs to go to the diner with you in SC, at 5:30am. Stop acting like you're a nice guy, you're killing me here! LOL

The word nut is fine until you put a s behind it, then it was to of been referring to part of the male anatomy, and yes folks that I respect get respect. Honestly I have changed a lot of the years Jim, yup I still have fun but I also try and respect folks that do deserve it. Although I am not perfect and I am sure I will explode again ( probably on this site ) But I am trying. :cool:

05-06-2015, 07:28 AM
The word nut is fine until you put a s behind it, then it was to of been referring to part of the male anatomy, and yes folks that I respect get respect. Honestly I have changed a lot of the years Jim, yup I still have fun but I also try and respect folks that do deserve it. Although I am not perfect and I am sure I will explode again ( probably on this site ) But I am trying. :cool:

You could just say that you would give up your left testicle then, be a little more anatomically correct. :)

05-06-2015, 07:40 AM
You could just say that you would give up your left testicle then, be a little more anatomically correct. :)

Yes I could of but then no one would of believed I wrote it :laugh: like I said I am changing, it will take time. LOL :laugh: