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View Full Version : 17 Things About the Baltimore Riots the Media Won't Tell You

05-01-2015, 05:47 AM
OOppss 17 little facts the media over looked :rolleyes:

Yes they just happen to over look what a stand up guy Ol Gray was, and yes they forgot to tell us how many more are breaking the law and should be in jail for doing so. The media needs to report the news as it happens, not cherry pick what sells.

Much of the mainstream media coverage of the Baltimore riots has focused on the supposed misdeeds of police in a city with an alleged history of police brutality, but far less attention has been given to a number of complicating factors surrounding the outbreak.

Widespread rioting, looting, and burning erupted on Monday after the funeral of 25-year-old Freddie Gray, who was arrested in Baltimore on April 12 and died a week later from spinal injuries he suffered while in custody.

Here is a Newsmax look at the 17 things about the Baltimore riots the media won't tell you:


05-01-2015, 07:22 PM
Note of reminder to ALL who happened to watch the coverage of that lady STATES Attorney.

As I watched, I could see how dedicated she was to sounding, and looking like one of the THUGS who helped during the riots earlier in the week in Baltimore. The only thing she didn't do was Shake her Head like a Chicken across her shoulders...while swearing at the press, and calling everybody out there MoFo's.

Bottom line. That statement was nothing but a temporary APPEASEMENT/APOLOGY, much like Obama would do. But, I see it as the groundwork she has planned to use...following the court cases for the Indicted Police Officers SHE THREW UNDER THE BALTIMORE BUS, as preparation for the PLANNED/SHARPTON RIOTS everyone knows....will take place when THINKING, EDUCATED PEOPLE decide the officers are INNOCENT.

Then...Obama will declare Martial Law on Baltimore after the entire Baltimore Black Leadership is forced to RESIGN as the buildings burn again, and the NATIONAL GUARD take over the city.