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05-02-2015, 09:23 AM
Perhaps the finger pointing should be at the politicians and teachers unions:


President Obama, Are You Listening?

The president wants to zero out a program that is saving poor kids from bad schools—the kind of reform that could work in Baltimore too.

Stephen Moore
<time class="timestamp" style="margin: 0px 0px 4px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; outline: 0px; font-size: 13px; vertical-align: baseline; font-family: 'Whitney SSm', sans-serif; display: block; line-height: 2.2rem; color: rgb(102, 102, 102); background: 0px 0px;">May 1, 2015 7:19 p.m. ET</time>187 COMMENTS (http://www.wsj.com/articles/president-obama-are-you-listening-1430522350#livefyre-comment)

Washington, D.C.

The scenes of Baltimore set ablaze this week have many Americans thinking: What can be done to rescue families trapped in an inner-city culture of violence, despair and joblessness?

There are no easy answers, but down the road from Baltimore in Washington, D.C., an education program is giving children in poor neighborhoods a big lift up. The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which George W. Bush (http://topics.wsj.com/person/B/George-W.%20Bush/5369) signed into law in 2004, has so far funded private-school tuition for nearly 5,000 students, 95% of whom are African-American. They attend religious schools, music and arts schools, even elite college-prep schools. Last month at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, I met with about 20 parents and children who participate in the program. I also visited several of these families in their homes—which are located in some of the most beaten-down neighborhoods in the city, places that in many ways resemble the trouble spots in Baltimore.

These families have now pulled together to brace for a David vs. Goliath fight to save the program. For the seventh straight year, President Obama has proposed eliminating this relatively tiny scholarship fund, which at $20 million accounts for a microscopic 0.0005% of the $4 trillion federal budget.
The parents and students point out that the scholarship program has extraordinary benefits—they use phrases like “a godsend for our children,” “a life saver” and “our salvation.” One father, Joseph Kelley, a tireless champion of the program, says simply, “I truly shudder to think where my son would be today without it.” (He and his son,Rashawn Williams, are pictured at home nearby on this page.)

Virginia Ford, whose son escaped the public schools through a private-scholarship to Archbishop Carroll, now runs a group called D.C. Parents for School Choice. She tells me that “kids in the scholarship program have consistently improved their test scores, have higher graduation rates, and are more likely to attend college than those stuck in the D.C. public schools.”


05-02-2015, 09:28 AM
The D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which George W. Bush (http://topics.wsj.com/person/B/George-W.%20Bush/5369) signed into law in 2004, has so far funded private-school tuition for nearly 5,000 students, 95% of whom are African-American.

Hey, thanks for trying to eliminate this Obama.

05-02-2015, 10:03 AM
It's not the schools.

The root of the problem are the parents. Many extremely smart and successful people came from bad schools populated with bad teachers - the difference is that they had parents pushing them to do better and instilled proper morals and ethics into their children.

Many thugs hail from good schools. The entire debate assumes that bad schools are Thug Factories. Kids have and will overcome bad education if they are properly motivated and take their future seriously.

05-02-2015, 11:44 AM
It's not the schools.

The root of the problem are the parents. Many extremely smart and successful people came from bad schools populated with bad teachers - the difference is that they had parents pushing them to do better and instilled proper morals and ethics into their children.

Many thugs hail from good schools. The entire debate assumes that bad schools are Thug Factories. Kids have and will overcome bad education if they are properly motivated and take their future seriously.

It does start with the parents and being poor shouldn't condemn the children to the worst of what these neighborhoods have to offer in regards to schools or sitting with those whose parents don't care.

This is a low cost alternative, it takes the parents though to apply and make their kids do the work and follow the rules. The more kids in such situations, the less thugs there will be in those neighborhoods.

05-02-2015, 01:44 PM
Hey, thanks for trying to eliminate this Obama.

Jim et al. As I have been trying to say since the first day I arrived here on DP. Obama, and Democrats DO NOT WANT BLACK AMERICANS to get better opportunities to be educated, or be permitted to gain Knowledge.

People (from all walks of life, all colors) who are taught the truth in GOOD Schools, untarnished by Unions, or Politics GAIN INTELLIGENCE/KNOWLEDGE through Education. And Democrat Voters GENERALLY are Uneducated, and Information Starved, or prevented from gaining knowledge because IT WILL EXPOSE DEMOCRATS as the real RACISTS..much like the LBJ "Great Society" joke from the sixties those DEMOCRAT VOTERS are still waiting for.

Obama, and Democrats DO NOT WANT THE INTERNET, or SCHOOL CHOICE to survive. If it does. Democrats lose.

05-02-2015, 03:00 PM
Perhaps the finger pointing should be at the politicians and teachers unions:


I can tell you from attending a Maryland public school, that crap will dumb you down quick. My dad was stationed there when I was in the 4th grade and they were teaching crap I'd learned in the 2nd grade in Texas, and just as my daughter had to deal with when I was stationed in DC in the 90's, when they get on American History they are lost in the sauce. They teach propaganda at the 2nd grade level in Jr High.

Neither I nor my daughter agreed with the curriculum and we both, in our day, got in trouble for it.:laugh:

05-02-2015, 03:47 PM
It's not the schools.

The root of the problem are the parents. Many extremely smart and successful people came from bad schools populated with bad teachers - the difference is that they had parents pushing them to do better and instilled proper morals and ethics into their children.

Many thugs hail from good schools. The entire debate assumes that bad schools are Thug Factories. Kids have and will overcome bad education if they are properly motivated and take their future seriously.

I agree and disagree. Parenting is only part of the problem. What the schools teach/societal pressure and peer pressure is as equally guilty. Public schools nowadays are PC. When I was kid, I spent HOURS in the library. We didn't have internet, cell phones, social media, and an education system that catered to the lowest common denominator. The phone was something on the kitchen wall.