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View Full Version : This is a victim of religious bigotry

05-04-2015, 03:49 PM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11203061_10153410785972223_5232105286603431036_n.j pg?oh=ab020908329386ec2b9572620fb7efe4&oe=55DE09FA

This is Dega, a 2 yr old white shepherd. He belongs to my friend Cyndi. At the moment he is at the vet, poisoned by the cowardly,pinhead, inbred, bigoted scum that live down the end of her road. Because she is a witch. And the only answer they have for her being different is to harm an innocent animal.

05-04-2015, 04:00 PM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11203061_10153410785972223_5232105286603431036_n.j pg?oh=ab020908329386ec2b9572620fb7efe4&oe=55DE09FA

This is Dega, a 2 yr old white shepherd. He belongs to my friend Cyndi. At the moment he is at the vet, poisoned by the cowardly,pinhead, inbred, bigoted scum that live down the end of her road. Because she is a witch. And the only answer they have for her being different is to harm an innocent animal.

Got an address on that neighbor? I hate inbred. bigoted pinheads and have lots of time on my hands.

And I REALLY hate asshats that screw with animals. What a coward.

05-06-2015, 08:34 AM
https://scontent-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11203061_10153410785972223_5232105286603431036_n.j pg?oh=ab020908329386ec2b9572620fb7efe4&oe=55DE09FA

This is Dega, a 2 yr old white shepherd. He belongs to my friend Cyndi. At the moment he is at the vet, poisoned by the cowardly,pinhead, inbred, bigoted scum that live down the end of her road. Because she is a witch. And the only answer they have for her being different is to harm an innocent animal.

"because she is a witch"

Fight back!

`Have a pot of water and put your hands in it and think of how much you hate the person who did you wrong. Let the water turn black with hate, then put 7 sticks of cinnamon, whole cinnamon....but if you got powdered cinnamon thats cool.....put a pieces of lemon because of the sourness, also vinegar and milk for color.

Recite this while burning a picture or a piece of paper with the `victims` name on it.
(?)...There has been unfairness done to me

*I summon the elements

I Invoke them

I conjure them to do my bidding

The four watchtowers shall lay their eyes and minds

There shall be fear, guilt, and bad blood

There shall be submission and no pity

I point the 3 fold law against thee

Against thee it shall be pointed

3 fold, a hundred fold is the cost for

My anger and pain

Thee shall be blinded

By the fear

Blinded by my pain

Blinded by me

Blinded by me


*.....After that, get the ashes and throw them in the potion. Put the pot with the ingredients on the stove to boil for a little while. You get to curse them and then give them an aftershock`

05-06-2015, 11:20 AM
Thanks much. Interesting spell btw. However neither Cyndi nor I need the bells and whistles. We just need intent as the power is one we draw on as easily as breathing. Thankfully the sweet boy is doing a bit better.

05-06-2015, 01:24 PM
That's messed up. I'm afraid what I would do is somehow get revenge. I don't take kindly to people who harm animals. Animal abusers make me sick and when I read such stories I feel like dropping one of them off of a 3 story building, making sure he goes straight down feet first, so that hopefully he lives, but can't move his arms or legs, and then I would pee on him. :)

05-06-2015, 08:34 PM
Thankfully, Dega is eating a bit and feeling better a bit at a time. Fortunately, his mama was planning on moving because of this kind of hatred in the area before this. It is a slap in the face when people come to you for help one day then can turn around and do this. Her patience is huge but not where danger to her own is concerned.