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View Full Version : "Reading to your kids is unfair to those whos parents dont...."

05-05-2015, 06:41 PM
`......this is pure ****ing liberalism at it's finest `:thumb:


`THE ABC has questioned whether parents should read to their children before bedtime, claiming it could give your kids an “unfair advantage” over less fortunate children.`

ABC presenter Joe Gelonesi.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/new...-1227335151442 (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/reading-to-children-at-bedtime-abc-questions-value-of-time-honoured-practice/story-fni0cx12-1227335151442)

05-05-2015, 06:48 PM
"Contacted by The Daily Telegraph, Gelonesi said the bedtime stories angle was highlighted by the ABC “as a way of getting attention”"
Their supposed conclusion was, admittedly, a ploy to draw attention. However the point is a great one. Parents take note - READ to your kids! Be subversive!!

05-05-2015, 06:56 PM
"Gelonesi responded online: “This devilish twist of evidence surely leads to a further conclusion that perhaps — in the interests of levelling the playing field — bedtime stories should also be restricted.”

"Asked if it might be just as easy to level the playing field by encouraging other parents to read bedtime stories, Gelonesi said: “We didn’t discuss that.”


05-05-2015, 07:02 PM
Mom never worked but started volunteering at the local library when her youngest was in High school. I sometimes stopped by when she would do story hour for the kids to listen.

05-05-2015, 07:06 PM
`......this is pure ****ing liberalism at it's finest `:thumb:


`THE ABC has questioned whether parents should read to their children before bedtime, claiming it could give your kids an “unfair advantage” over less fortunate children.`

ABC presenter Joe Gelonesi.

http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/new...-1227335151442 (http://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/reading-to-children-at-bedtime-abc-questions-value-of-time-honoured-practice/story-fni0cx12-1227335151442)

Sounds like the one, and only Unfair advantage fell upon those with ABC who have to complain about almost everything, everyday, to impress themselves with Ignorance.
As I stated in another thread. Somebody, somewhere always needs a reason to complain, whine, or feel offended about something. Yet none of them ever brag about Failing an IQ test.

05-05-2015, 07:48 PM
`......this is pure ****ing liberalism at it's finest `:thumb:

And people wonder why I hate liberalism.

05-05-2015, 09:03 PM
This had to be a devil's advocate story, shaming folks into reading to their children.

Bedtime stories have always been around, whether made up or handed down, or from the written page. It helps children to settle down and the rewards, both immediate and long term are well recognized.

While there are many things parents can do to help prepare their children the most significant is to use language a lot. Let them see that the more precise one speaks, both in word choice and orally, the more one is understood. Reading to and with them is one of the easiest and most pleasurable for both.

05-05-2015, 09:29 PM
This had to be a devil's advocate story, shaming folks into reading to their children.

Bedtime stories have always been around, whether made up or handed down, or from the written page. It helps children to settle down and the rewards, both immediate and long term are well recognized.

While there are many things parents can do to help prepare their children the most significant is to use language a lot. Let them see that the more precise one speaks, both in word choice and orally, the more one is understood. Reading to and with them is one of the easiest and most pleasurable for both.

Understand...but to some hoping to change America FEEL... "its just not fair"..They want everybody ...broke ..stupid and dependent...

`THE ABC has questioned whether parents should read to their children before bedtime, claiming it could give your kids an “unfair advantage” over less fortunate children.`

red state
05-05-2015, 11:47 PM
A tad off topic but B.O. himself said when he was running the first time (I believe) something to the effect that; "We can't expect to live comfortably when the rest of the world suffers"....."Our energy bills will necessarily sky-rocket". And the stupid SOB's voted for THAT SOB and this ludicrous ideology.....TWICE!!! I certainly felt the energy bills this winter and most assuredly shared the suffering of the world under this SOB. We've had a "SMART METER" for a year or so (maybe less) and I definitely saw a DRASTIC change in the bill. So, is it fair for one to suffer and not another or for one child to grow up with busy, hard working parents while other children may have the BEST tutors and education that money can offer? SURE it is. In reality, many wealthy kids blow their opportunity almost as much as poor kids.....many times for the same reason (crime and stupidity).

By the way, I've bragged on my children over the years and have mentioned my daughter a few times recently but I have to throw this in: She just received a whopping $30,000.oo scholarship to a prestigious private college this evening at the honors award ceremony. She plans to be a Pharmaceutical Doctor and I'm sure we will need every blooming penny of the scholarship just to keep her in college 3/4 of the way. I expect that she'll have almost as many years in college as she has in school. I truly don't know how we'll manage that task but anything worth having is worth fighting for. Same goes for the parents who don't take time for their kids by taking them hunting, camping or reading the Bible before they drift off to sleep. I read to my kids....more so to my son than my two girls. My son is sharp but he HATES school and just did So-so. My middle child was read to about half as much as my son and she's the big scholarship winner who was supposed to meet B.O. twice in the last three years. My youngest was not read to at all (by me anyway) and is the one who was not home schooled and she was doing just so-so but seems to be gearing up for her last two years in school.

Anyway, very proud of my daughter and wanted to throw in. I believe it boils down to what the child wants and if they want it bad enough in most cases. Some poor kids are DETERMINED to NOT be poor and will follow the same footprints of Dr. Ben Carson (not that I'm an authority on Dr. Ben).