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05-06-2015, 04:27 PM
`Pizza shop worker Devin Jeran was excited about the raise that was coming his way thanks to Seattle’s new $15 an hour minimum wage law. Or at least he was until he found out that it would cost him his job.`

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`Owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.
“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
Small businesses in Seattle have up to six more years to phase in the new $15 an hour minimum wage, but even though she only has 12 employees, Z pizza counts as part of a “large <nobr>business franchise (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/04/30/pizza-shop-worker-loves-seattles-new-15-minimum-wage-finds-cost-job/#)</nobr>.” As a result, she is on a sped up timeline to implement the full raise.
“I know that I would have stayed here if I had 7 years, just like everyone else, if I had an even <nobr>playing (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/04/30/pizza-shop-worker-loves-seattles-new-15-minimum-wage-finds-cost-job/#)</nobr> field,” she said (http://q13fox.com/2015/04/28/owner-of-pizza-shop-says-new-minimum-wage-law-is-forcing-her-to-close/). “The discrimination I’m feeling right now against my small business makes me not want to stay and do anything in Seattle.”

http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/04/...ijQOxwOABHO.99 (http://redalertpolitics.com/2015/04/30/pizza-shop-worker-loves-seattles-new-15-minimum-wage-finds-cost-job/#4agVOijQOxwOABHO.99)

05-06-2015, 04:58 PM
so they wanna make a career at the bottom??

05-06-2015, 09:06 PM
How many times, how many ways did I say it? If the minimum wage rockets up to $15/hr, the businesses are going to do what? Lay people off, reduce hours, and/or raise prices. In no reality will the business owners just suck it up. This is especially true of smaller businesses, who just flatly don't have the ability to suck it up.

05-06-2015, 09:21 PM
How many times, how many ways did I say it? If the minimum wage rockets up to $15/hr, the businesses are going to do what? Lay people off, reduce hours, and/or raise prices. In no reality will the business owners just suck it up. This is especially true of smaller businesses, who just flatly don't have the ability to suck it up.


05-06-2015, 09:24 PM

05-06-2015, 09:58 PM
I still wonder what happens to the people that are making 14 or 15 bucks a hour now and have been on the job for years, do they jump to 20 a hour ? Yes this minimum wage thing is going to be the last nail in the USA coffin.

05-06-2015, 10:19 PM
I still wonder what happens to the people that are making 14 or 15 bucks a hour now and have been on the job for years, do they jump to 20 a hour ? Yes this minimum wage thing is going to be the last nail in the USA coffin.

`Jeff..wondered about that also....Probably stay the same....weird times we live in...

05-06-2015, 10:29 PM
`Jeff..wondered about that also....Probably stay the same....weird times we live in...

You know Bro I have friends that are making 12 and 13 bucks a hour here in the south and they consider themselves doing OK, one works in a cotton mill, he bust his butt for the money, he is also like 6'6" 350 lbs, I don't think he will find it to humorous when he steps out for lunch only to find out the kid flipping burgers makes more than him. :laugh: I would hate to be his boss that night.

05-06-2015, 10:41 PM
You know Bro I have friends that are making 12 and 13 bucks a hour here in the south and they consider themselves doing OK, one works in a cotton mill, he bust his butt for the money, he is also like 6'6" 350 lbs, I don't think he will find it to humorous when he steps out for lunch only to find out the kid flipping burgers makes more than him. :laugh: I would hate to be his boss that night.

Understand ^^:laugh:
`....I really dont feel all that will last that long...(this minimum wage increase stuff)...we are living in `Liberally` inflated "yes we can" times...things can and will change fast...soon..There is a price for making /pulling money out of thin air and the failure of `spreading the wealth`...hopefully things can be corrected after the next election before a shtf scenario takes place...


05-08-2015, 03:29 PM
If those who work in FAST FOOD Joints really want to earn 15 dollars an hour. Fine. As long as they TIP the customers for not going to another restaurant, and DEDUCT the cost of whatever the customer bought FIRST.


05-08-2015, 03:57 PM
I still wonder what happens to the people that are making 14 or 15 bucks a hour now and have been on the job for years, do they jump to 20 a hour ? Yes this minimum wage thing is going to be the last nail in the USA coffin.

Been wondering he same. I'm a skilled electrician. You're going to pay someone who makes pre-made burgers more than me? I built McDonald's for a living. I didn't cook tasteless burgers in it.

05-08-2015, 04:05 PM
There are x-ray techs starting out in this state with an associates degree making $17 an hour. The liberals are going to kill this country one state at a time.

05-08-2015, 05:55 PM
$15hr minimum wage = $31500 per year for shoveling French Fries

NYPD Rookie Salary = 40,000 per year

Blue Lives and Salaries Matter

05-08-2015, 06:37 PM
$15hr minimum wage = $31500 per year for shoveling French Fries

NYPD Rookie Salary = 40,000 per year

Blue Lives and Salaries Matter

You asked for it. The proverbial "you", not personal. Pansy ass Mf-ers talking shit. Get your ass out there and walk the walk. I'm sick of this crap. Put me in a steel cage with O-blah-blah AND Biden.

I don't even like cops. They treat vets like shit. But I understand what they have to do. Grow some f-ing balls and get out there and do it or STFU.