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View Full Version : Malik Shabazz: ‘Occupier’ Police in Baltimore ‘Might Need to Get Hurt’

05-09-2015, 07:55 AM
OK it is time to take the trash out, I don't think this guy should even get air time as stupid as he is ( second only to sharpton ) but he has got to go sure enough and his comments are enough to make your skin crawl.

Thursday on Fox News Radio’s “The Alan Colmes Show,” while discussing the Baltimore riots in the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death while in police custody, the former national chairman of the New Black Panther Party and current national president of Black Lawyers for Justice, Malik Zulu Shabazz, said the rioters were acting in “self-defense” from police “occupiers” and the “police,” who he claimed are “the people who are attacking us,” “might need to get hurt.”
Shabazz said, “When we look at those youths on the Monday in Baltimore, they didn’t need Malik Shabazz at all. They got out of that high school, and when those cops in riot gear confronted those high-schoolers and started to throw rocks at them, they threw rocks back at them and drove them, in self defense, and drove those riot police off the block.”

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05-09-2015, 11:38 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11082513_10206465719988959_7074713643795496077_n.j pg?oh=de79061d50a176fbad0c90f8178ab99f&oe=55BF565D&__gda__=1438814128_e9d7aace03ae2e5ff2050d48bdeaf0a 7

05-09-2015, 11:49 AM
OK it is time to take the trash out, I don't think this guy should even get air time as stupid as he is ( second only to sharpton ) but he has got to go sure enough and his comments are enough to make your skin crawl.

<iframe src="http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&siteSection=breitbartprivate&videoId=29039896" scrolling="no" noresize="" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" frameborder="no" height="332" width="590"></iframe>


Baltimore is a perfect example of everything wrong in our society. From the AG and mayor on down.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-09-2015, 12:03 PM
Baltimore is a perfect example of everything wrong in our society. From the AG and mayor on down.
Only gonna get worse as long as the stinking pretender is in charge....
How much worse, anybody's guess but its damn sure gonna get worse!--Tyr

05-09-2015, 12:25 PM
Only gonna get worse as long as the stinking pretender is in charge....
How much worse, anybody's guess but its damn sure gonna get worse!--Tyr

It isn't just him. Getting rid of him would help, but it's systemic. The strong in this Nation have let the weak legislate us out of power. The majority has no say. We suffer the tyranny of the minority. And here's what I have to say to them:

Go fuck yourself and if you hate it here so much get the fuck out. If you can't manage your pussy ass on your own, I'll help. But oh hell no .... you'd have to possess a pair to live somewhere else. We suck so bad but the left's pussy asses can't get out of mommy's basement.

Now ask me how I really feel.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-10-2015, 09:44 AM
It isn't just him. Getting rid of him would help, but it's systemic. The strong in this Nation have let the weak legislate us out of power. The majority has no say. We suffer the tyranny of the minority. And here's what I have to say to them:

Go fuck yourself and if you hate it here so much get the fuck out. If you can't manage your pussy ass on your own, I'll help. But oh hell no .... you'd have to possess a pair to live somewhere else. We suck so bad but the left's pussy asses can't get out of mommy's basement.

Now ask me how I really feel.

Don't have to ask, because that pretty much summed up exactly my feelings on it all..:beer:
Consider this, the globalists went to great lengths to install the ffing obama to speed this up drastically.
Why??? Why alter the schedule so drastically, that has me concerned greatly..
What do they see and know that brought that great change..
Previously another 20 to 40 years was scheduled for completing the agenda.
Could it be the --Muslim menace -- thats sped up the globalist agenda? As of now they both are uneasy allies but each plans on destroying the other at the right future time. --Tyr

05-10-2015, 09:53 AM
Don't have to ask, because that pretty much summed up exactly my feelings on it all..:beer:
Consider this, the globalists went to great lengths to install the ffing obama to speed this up drastically.
Why??? Why alter the schedule so drastically, that has me concerned greatly..
What do they see and know that brought that great change..
Previously another 20 to 40 years was scheduled for completing the agenda.
Could it be the --Muslim menace -- thats sped up the globalist agenda? As of now they both are uneasy allies but each plans on destroying the other at the right future time. --Tyr

Is that what y'all call it nowadays? I call it aiding and abetting the enemy. Treason.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-10-2015, 10:22 AM
Is that what y'all call it nowadays? I call it aiding and abetting the enemy. Treason.

Ive called obama traitor since his first few months in office. So yes in certain cases it is treason but that word no longer holds any meaning to the American populace. Those of us educated before the lib school system went full blown indoctrination mode see this clearly. We old dinosaurs were previously to be ignored and left to just die off completely(naturally) but something has changed that.... the enemies of his nation are now planning on killing us off.
My post was about the entities that are behind the scenes pulling the strings, and the world's muslims hold no allegiance to this nation so their actions are not treason at all but are the reality of the "conquer the world campaign" that they wage 24/7 365 days a year..
Every true patriot needs stocked ammo, true heart and a united willingness to do what must be done regardless of the costs--thats exactly what they did way back in 1776......-Tyr

05-10-2015, 10:36 AM
Ive called obama traitor since his first few months in office. So yes in certain cases it is treason but that word no longer holds any meaning to the American populace. Those of us educated before the lib school system went full blown indoctrination mode see this clearly. We old dinosaurs were previously to be ignored and left to just die off completely(naturally) but something has changed that.... the enemies of his nation are now planning on killing us off.
My post was about the entities that are behind the scenes pulling the strings, and the world's muslims hold no allegiance to this nation so their actions are not treason at all but are the reality of the "conquer the world campaign" that they wage 24/7 365 days a year..
Every true patriot needs stocked ammo, true heart and a united willingness to do what must be done regardless of the costs--thats exactly what they did way back in 1776......-Tyr

I was giving him a rope. He ran with it.

05-10-2015, 04:19 PM
It isn't just him. Getting rid of him would help, but it's systemic. The strong in this Nation have let the weak legislate us out of power. The majority has no say. We suffer the tyranny of the minority. And here's what I have to say to them:

Go fuck yourself and if you hate it here so much get the fuck out. If you can't manage your pussy ass on your own, I'll help. But oh hell no .... you'd have to possess a pair to live somewhere else. We suck so bad but the left's pussy asses can't get out of mommy's basement.

Now ask me how I really feel.

Don't have to ask, because that pretty much summed up exactly my feelings on it all..:beer:
Consider this, the globalists went to great lengths to install the ffing obama to speed this up drastically.
Why??? Why alter the schedule so drastically, that has me concerned greatly..
What do they see and know that brought that great change..
Previously another 20 to 40 years was scheduled for completing the agenda.
Could it be the --Muslim menace -- thats sped up the globalist agenda? As of now they both are uneasy allies but each plans on destroying the other at the right future time. --Tyr

I just posted in another thread how all this racism the Obama's are pushing is only going to get the Homies dead, well you can watch as people are getting more and more pissed just here on these simple threads. People are tired of it, the only ones that want this shit are the true racist, white and black a like, others want to see this shit die, if a cop is a criminal ( thug ) and does something wrong prosecute, but if a criminal ( thug ) is doing something wrong then understand he is going to get dealt with as well, or we can keep playing this game until you wake a sleeping GIANT, I am afraid at that point it will be to late.