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05-09-2015, 12:24 PM
I know, I know, there's a million jokes about this kind of scenario, and even a few involving Hillary and pushing her out :laugh: but this is a serious one with the same question.

So suppose you're on that plane, you know it's gonna crash. There are only 2 parachutes. There are 4 passengers. (all male if you're a guy answering and all females for the ladies...). And I know you can say "hold on to the person" and other technicalities, but you get the drift of why I'm asking. So only 2 can go, and 2 cannot. Or perhaps all 4 stay? What if there was no agreement. Should 2 stay behind and die just because it's "fair"? Or do 2 people get saved because there are 2 chutes available? If you are saved, you have to deal with the guilt, and others asking/wondering why the other 2 remained behind. Be serious now you bastards!!

As for me? I'm knocking all 3 other people out and I'm hitting the ground slowly. If anyone else wakes up before the plane crashes, they are more than welcome to the other chute. :rofl1:

05-09-2015, 12:53 PM
I know, I know, there's a million jokes about this kind of scenario, and even a few involving Hillary and pushing her out :laugh: but this is a serious one with the same question.

So suppose you're on that plane, you know it's gonna crash. There are only 2 parachutes. There are 4 passengers. (all male if you're a guy answering and all females for the ladies...). And I know you can say "hold on to the person" and other technicalities, but you get the drift of why I'm asking. So only 2 can go, and 2 cannot. Or perhaps all 4 stay? What if there was no agreement. Should 2 stay behind and die just because it's "fair"? Or do 2 people get saved because there are 2 chutes available? If you are saved, you have to deal with the guilt, and others asking/wondering why the other 2 remained behind. Be serious now you bastards!!

As for me? I'm knocking all 3 other people out and I'm hitting the ground slowly. If anyone else wakes up before the plane crashes, they are more than welcome to the other chute. :rofl1:

I'd just jump out so long as I got to take Hillary with me. That leaves 2 shutes and 2 people.

05-09-2015, 01:05 PM
I'd just jump out so long as I got to take Hillary with me. That leaves 2 shutes and 2 people.

And you'd probably survive if you made sure you were on top of the windbag at impact.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-09-2015, 01:17 PM
And you'd probably survive if you made sure you were on top of the windbag at impact.

No man has wanted to be on top of that witch since Slick Willie was forced to deliver seed for the daughter..
Why do ya think the Hildabeast kept that pretty wife of the wiener boy around always!
She bez a lap licker fo' sho' in my opinion. She more ugly man than woman anyways..-Tyr

05-09-2015, 01:41 PM
I would put on an O2 Mask and decompress all your butts at 35000ft.... Then I'd jump once I got below 10000 feet.

05-09-2015, 01:42 PM
And you'd probably survive if you made sure you were on top of the windbag at impact.

Well, you just ruined THAT plan. :laugh:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-09-2015, 01:59 PM
Not sure which will be the victim but I am gonna knock somebody's lights out , take one parachute and land myself safe and sound.
What good is power and ability if not used in a crucial and massively important moment? ;) -Tyr

05-09-2015, 02:44 PM
I know, I know, there's a million jokes about this kind of scenario, and even a few involving Hillary and pushing her out :laugh: but this is a serious one with the same question.

So suppose you're on that plane, you know it's gonna crash. There are only 2 parachutes. There are 4 passengers. (all male if you're a guy answering and all females for the ladies...). And I know you can say "hold on to the person" and other technicalities, but you get the drift of why I'm asking. So only 2 can go, and 2 cannot. Or perhaps all 4 stay? What if there was no agreement. Should 2 stay behind and die just because it's "fair"? Or do 2 people get saved because there are 2 chutes available? If you are saved, you have to deal with the guilt, and others asking/wondering why the other 2 remained behind. Be serious now you bastards!!

As for me? I'm knocking all 3 other people out and I'm hitting the ground slowly. If anyone else wakes up before the plane crashes, they are more than welcome to the other chute. :rofl1:

Jim. I'm gonna throw another Monkey Wrench into your question.
So, not to sound like a smart ass but...Your story never mentions whether the Plane is on the GROUND, or in the AIR. Which would mean...NO NEED FOR A PARACHUTE! RIGHT?

I learned a long time ago in the navy...PAY ATTENTION TO DETAILS. That's what I am doing here.

05-10-2015, 06:03 AM
I shouldn't have gave my dumb answer that was a joke. I was actually being serious, hence the 'be serious'!! LOL No riddles, no jokes. Hell, the same scenario can be made for any situation where death is involved an guaranteed. How does one decide who lives and who dies in such a situation?

05-10-2015, 06:14 AM
I shouldn't have gave my dumb answer that was a joke. I was actually being serious, hence the 'be serious'!! LOL No riddles, no jokes. Hell, the same scenario can be made for any situation where death is involved an guaranteed. How does one decide who lives and who dies in such a situation?

Knock the shit out of the other three and then take one parachute to put on my back and one to carry in case the first don't work, it's survival of the fittest ( and I am a sissy when it comes to jumping from a plane, so both would be needed just in case :laugh: )

05-10-2015, 08:45 AM
I shouldn't have gave my dumb answer that was a joke. I was actually being serious, hence the 'be serious'!! LOL No riddles, no jokes. Hell, the same scenario can be made for any situation where death is involved an guaranteed. How does one decide who lives and who dies in such a situation?

How's THIS for serious? I don't give a rat's a$$ how I end up on top of Hillary. Just loan me a gun and one bullet. :laugh:

05-10-2015, 08:53 AM
Probably start by seeing if anyones got parachuting experience, given i assume there is a skill level involved in not breaking you legs upon landing, inwhich case they should get a 'chute. After that it'd be a case of youngest first.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-10-2015, 09:49 AM
Probably start by seeing if anyones got parachuting experience, given i assume there is a skill level involved in not breaking you legs upon landing, inwhich case they should get a 'chute. After that it'd be a case of youngest first.

Youngest first! In yo dreams!
Gonna always be strongest and toughest first, survival of the fittest prevails...
Thats how mankind has survived all this time .. And the right or wrong of that does not fit in the equation.
Survival trumps all.. --Tyr

05-10-2015, 09:59 AM
Probably start by seeing if anyones got parachuting experience, given i assume there is a skill level involved in not breaking you legs upon landing, inwhich case they should get a 'chute. After that it'd be a case of youngest first.

DOn't lock your knees. Usually works like a charm.

05-10-2015, 10:06 AM
I still have things to do. I would be one and after that I don't truly care, assuming I don't know any of the other three. I am not dishonest enough to try for the false altruism. I want to live.

05-10-2015, 10:10 AM
I still have things to do. I would be one and after that I don't truly care, assuming I don't know any of the other three. I am not dishonest enough to try for the false altruism. I want to live.

Some things are worth living for ... some things are worth dying for. Guess which one my daughters' and granddaughters' futures fall under?

05-10-2015, 10:15 AM
Screw with one of my kids. You'll be dead so fast you'll be trying to explain it to God. There's NO mercy here on that level.

I spent my entire youth protecting a bunch of weak fucks who can't get off the couch. I'm half crippled from it. The other half ain't crippled. I'm Southern, a Marine, and a Texan. Family trumps altruism hereabouts.

05-10-2015, 10:35 AM

Obviously don't know what "little girl" or fucking asshole Marine means.

05-10-2015, 10:45 AM
Maybe y'all need to remember who we are.


05-10-2015, 12:18 PM
Maybe y'all need to remember who we are.


I have to spread them before giving them to ya again, but the last 2 post serve the reps, thanks for the post.

05-10-2015, 06:23 PM
I know, I know, there's a million jokes about this kind of scenario, and even a few involving Hillary and pushing her out :laugh: but this is a serious one with the same question.

So suppose you're on that plane, you know it's gonna crash. There are only 2 parachutes. There are 4 passengers. (all male if you're a guy answering and all females for the ladies...). And I know you can say "hold on to the person" and other technicalities, but you get the drift of why I'm asking. So only 2 can go, and 2 cannot. Or perhaps all 4 stay? What if there was no agreement. Should 2 stay behind and die just because it's "fair"? Or do 2 people get saved because there are 2 chutes available? If you are saved, you have to deal with the guilt, and others asking/wondering why the other 2 remained behind. Be serious now you bastards!!

As for me? I'm knocking all 3 other people out and I'm hitting the ground slowly. If anyone else wakes up before the plane crashes, they are more than welcome to the other chute. :rofl1:

Well, two people on one chute wouldn't die....but they'd probably break something. I'd probably go for that option, convincing the other gals to take the chance. And hell, having never sky-jumped, having company on the way down would be comforting...lol.

red state
05-10-2015, 08:31 PM
First of all, the "Who's got experience so that nobody will break their legs" thing is one of the dimmest things I've heard (lately).

Secondly, a Southern gent will probably give the passage to a woman and child BUT.....I would like to add a scenario for the MEN and WOMEN that Jim forgot to add:

What if the person you are considering to sacrifice yourself for finally reveal that they are liberal. I don't give a rat's @$$ how old, young, pretty or ugly you are if you're a liberal. Like a muSLUM.....a thousand of YOU/THEM aren't worth ONE like me or US (as in US of A). You gonna go down the hard way if you've voted and supported my enslavement....COUNT ON IT.

05-11-2015, 06:17 AM
First of all, the "Who's got experience so that nobody will break their legs" thing is one of the dimmest things I've heard (lately).

Secondly, a Southern gent will probably give the passage to a woman and child BUT.....I would like to add a scenario for the MEN and WOMEN that Jim forgot to add:

What if the person you are considering to sacrifice yourself for finally reveal that they are liberal. I don't give a rat's @$$ how old, young, pretty or ugly you are if you're a liberal. Like a muSLUM.....a thousand of YOU/THEM aren't worth ONE like me or US (as in US of A). You gonna go down the hard way if you've voted and supported my enslavement....COUNT ON IT.:clap::clap::clap:

Well said. Absolutely no way whatever that I'd ever sacrifice myself for a liberal.

05-12-2015, 02:03 AM
Two youngest get the chutes. Us old farts have already lived long enough.

05-12-2015, 07:31 AM
When ever you're on a plane that's going down, and some guy starts asking everyone what political party they voted for, you know you've got on with a nut xD

05-12-2015, 07:09 PM
When ever you're on a plane that's going down, and some guy starts asking everyone what political party they voted for, you know you've got on with a nut xD

....`I dont feel` anyone would really know or care in your scenario....most all will be will praying... and the "Liberals"?..."might" be trying to "find" God" in that moment of time....

05-13-2015, 06:57 AM
Forget the chutes! I'm heading to the cockpit, grabbing the controls and I'm bringing this baby in.

05-13-2015, 03:13 PM
When ever you're on a plane that's going down, and some guy starts asking everyone what political party they voted for, you know you've got on with a nut xD

Not necessarily, Noir. After all, he might find out that they were all Conservatives. Have some faith, my son !!

[By the way, talking of Conservative majorities ... did you enjoy last week's General Election ?]

05-13-2015, 07:25 PM
Jim. I still do not understand WHY my question was ignored as an answer to this thread.

Nobody...Honestly has to wonder whether they would use a chute IF they had the choice I presented.:laugh:

Doesn't anyone see the logic in asking WHETHER the plane is on the ground, or in the air?

How bout this? If I offered to give ANYONE here 50K in U.S. Currency if they would jump out of a plane.

How many would say "Hell no!". Unless I also told them after asking.....how the plane was still on the ground?

05-14-2015, 08:04 AM
Jim. I still do not understand WHY my question was ignored as an answer to this thread.

Yours was a great answer if it were a riddle, no doubt!! :) I may even remember that one for the future? But nah, this was a semi-serious question. that apparently I worded wrong, and gave a horrible example. I was just looking to see how others would determine who lives and why. But I believe my question crashed and burned with the plane, so since it was dead, I couldn't answer. :)

05-14-2015, 08:44 AM
I shouldn't have gave my dumb answer that was a joke. I was actually being serious, hence the 'be serious'!! LOL No riddles, no jokes. Hell, the same scenario can be made for any situation where death is involved an guaranteed. How does one decide who lives and who dies in such a situation?

The whole landing on top of Hillary destroyed any seriousness. Bet it created a lot of nausea though. :laugh: The choice is no longer the parachute. It's do I land on top of that fat ass or just crash and burn. :laugh:

05-14-2015, 08:56 AM
First of all, the "Who's got experience so that nobody will break their legs" thing is one of the dimmest things I've heard (lately).

Secondly, a Southern gent will probably give the passage to a woman and child BUT.....I would like to add a scenario for the MEN and WOMEN that Jim forgot to add:

What if the person you are considering to sacrifice yourself for finally reveal that they are liberal. I don't give a rat's @$$ how old, young, pretty or ugly you are if you're a liberal. Like a muSLUM.....a thousand of YOU/THEM aren't worth ONE like me or US (as in US of A). You gonna go down the hard way if you've voted and supported my enslavement....COUNT ON IT.

That's fine n dandy except my mother's a leftwinger. I'd give her the chute. Politics aside, she's STILL my mother.

05-14-2015, 09:11 AM
When ever you're on a plane that's going down, and some guy starts asking everyone what political party they voted for, you know you've got on with a nut xD

What I find interesting about this when someone like you opens your mouth? You ever been on a plane that dropped out of the sky? Guess what Marines use as a main mode of transportation. Ch-46 Sea Knights. Pilots have an old saying: There are those that have crashed and those that will."

When that bird loses power all you're thinking about is never seeing your kids again. THEN you have to strap your balls back on. Or drown. And you got about a half a second to decide.

Abbey Marie
05-15-2015, 11:16 AM
After being almost knocked to the ground by someone just trying to get my seat at the airport, I have no illusions- I'd be out of luck no matter what I chose to do. Survival of the Fittest will win every time.