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View Full Version : Michelle Obama Addresses Tuskegee University Graduates

05-10-2015, 04:08 PM
Here is the reason racism is so bad in this country, I agree it wasn't gone but the Obama family has pushed racism back 50 years, and it is do to moronic statements like this, or lets make it easy, it is because of dumb asses like the Mooch. Nothing will be easy she say's, hell I have been watching her old stanking ass getting on planes flying all over the world on vacations, didn't look hard at all. Hell one would say it looked so easy it almost looked criminal. These POS in the WH want to make a statement before they leave, and what they are going to do is wind up getting a lot of there buddies dead !!

Michelle Obama on Saturday invoked the storied history of Tuskegee University as she urged new graduates to soar to their futures, saying the past provides a blueprint for a country still struggling with the "age-old problems" of discrimination and race.
The first lady gave the commencement address at the historically black university in Alabama. Obama described how the Tuskegee Airmen, the famed first African-American pilots of World War II, endured humiliating slights as they shattered racial stereotypes about the capabilities of black men and how the university's students in the 1800's made bricks by hand to construct campus buildings so future generations could study there.
"Generation after generation, students here have shown that same grit, that same resilience to soar past obstacles and outrages -- past the threat of countryside lynchings; past the humiliation of Jim Crow; past the turmoil of the Civil Rights era. And then they went on to become scientists, engineers, nurses and teachers in communities all across the country -- and continued to lift others up along the way," Obama said.

I love this, I wonder if she is talking about the woman that asked her ( because she was tall to please help her reach something on the top shelf ) yes how dare that pecker-wood ask for help. People questioning the love they have for their country, does anyone besides me remember when Obama was sworn in the first time and the Mooch stated she was finally proud of her country.

The first lady said she and President Barack Obama have dealt with the sting of daily slights through their entire lives. "The people at formal events who assumed you were the help and those that have questioned our intelligence, our honesty and even our love of this country."


05-10-2015, 04:18 PM
Before the Obama election in 2008. I wasn't aware that anyone could listen to a GARBAGE CAN speak!

05-11-2015, 02:30 PM
OK so this article is basically the same as the original but the Mooch did add something else ( I didn't see in the first article )

First Lady Michelle Obama urged students at Tuskegee University, a historically black university in Alabama, to remain involved in civic life during a time of tension regarding race relations across the country.
At the school's commencement address, the First Lady listed scenarios in which African-Americans feel they encounter systemic discrimination, such as "nagging worries that you're going to get stopped or pulled over for absolutely no reason." She said those feelings are "real," but disengaging is not an option.

<iframe width="590" height="332" src="http://launch.newsinc.com/?type=VideoPlayer/Single&widgetId=1&trackingGroup=69016&siteSection=washingtonexaminer_nws_us_sty_vmpp&videoId=29047395" frameborder="no" scrolling="no" noresize marginwidth="0" marginheight="0"></iframe>

This is the part that cracked me up. She still wants to talk about the events in Baltimore ( where police have been charged ) but she also brings up Ferguson ( where as a jury found the cop innocent ) she says that blacks don't feel they get the same treatment as whites, hmmm maybe if they stop breaking laws then they won't be getting arrested. Just a hunch but if the idiot didn't just commit a strong armed robbery he would still be alive today, call me silly but again in order to have the cops harass you then you must of done something to get them there.

Obama noted that events like those in Baltimore and Ferguson have generated feelings of futility amongst black men and women who believe the institutions of civil society aren't designed to protect or represent them.
"They're rooted in decades of structural challenges that have made too many folks feel frustrated and invisible. And those feelings are playing out in communities like Baltimore and Ferguson and so many others across this country," she said.


05-13-2015, 08:29 AM
~ "It is especially irresponsible of Mrs. Obama to be spreading her cultural gasoline on college campuses, where the excesses of identity politics and multiculturalism continue to poison young minds.
Don't like suffering the "daily slights" of questions about your honesty? Stop lying." ~


05-13-2015, 09:22 AM

