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View Full Version : Outrage over 'white privilege' courses for teachers

05-11-2015, 06:42 AM
This is exactly what I have been saying all along, I guess it is OK when the Blacks make it where as a student only needs to score say a 80 to pass where as a white student must score at a higher score. All along I have said it makes the minority group look as though they aren't as smart as the white kids but now that a group other than the blacks did it well now it is racist, or how did the video start, the woman says it is tragically insulting, well wasn't it insulting when they did the same thing last year ?

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05-11-2015, 09:32 AM
Would whoever the Hell's in charge of this white privilege crap PLEASE give me some? I'm Scot-English on one side and Irish-English on the other. You can't get a whole lot whiter than that.:laugh:

05-11-2015, 02:02 PM
Would whoever the Hell's in charge of this white privilege crap PLEASE give me some? I'm Scot-English on one side and Irish-English on the other. You can't get a whole lot whiter than that.:laugh:

:clap::laugh:...Hey...my people Gunny... understand ^^...trust me!

Heres something funny..*This kid is great..(Next Eddie Murphy):laugh:
