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View Full Version : Michelle Obama Tells Black Grads That White People Make Life Tough

05-12-2015, 10:21 AM
Not sure if this was posted already, was MIA yesterday, and don't care if someone already did so anyway! But yeah, amazing how the racism from the Obama's gets more and more noticeable as they get closer and closer to leaving the WH. No reason to talk sensibly, and look for "hope and change", she just stokes the coals and tells them what they 'will' see, before they even see anything. She's a closet racist, which is worse than an open racist.

How well would it go if say, Laura Bush gave a speech at Princeton. And in this speech she talked about black folks, crime and riots, or anything at all specifically to discuss/mention black people. People would STILL be screaming at this very moment about just how racist she is. The double standard is sickening.


Michelle Obama has made numerous racially-charged statements in the past, but none so atrocious as her commencement speech at Alabama’s Tuskegee University on Saturday.

The historically black school welcomed the First Lady’s obscene comments, cheering as she implied over and over again that they will always judged by the color of their skin by their white colleagues.

Indeed, it appears as though FLOTUS is completely letting down her guard now that her husband is not up for another election. If you thought she was bad before, you’re bound to be appalled by the nauseating pandering she did this weekend.

“The road ahead is not going to be easy. It never is, especially for folks like you and me,” Mrs. Obama warned during her speech, before noting that the graduates should expect to be confused with “the help” when attending “formal events.”

“[White people] have questioned our intelligence, our honesty and even our love of this country,” she continued.

It seems Michelle has conveniently forgotten a certain highly-controversial remark which she made back in 2008. “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,” she said during her husband’s campaign for the White House.

That is why people have questioned the First Lady’s patriotism. Not because of the color of her skin, as she would have you believe.


05-12-2015, 11:03 AM
Racist fool. I wonder sometimes for their poor kids - who have to be raised by them. :( Just not fair.

05-12-2015, 11:47 AM
Racist fool. I wonder sometimes for their poor kids - who have to be raised by them. :( Just not fair.

I wonder if their kids were taught at a young age to be leery of white people? And one instance isn't enough, maybe not even 2 or 3. But there is just WAY too much ammo over the past 8 years or so to just be a coincidence or something else. The President of the USA is racist, and his wife even more so, and they go around instigating and making it sound as if white folks are the racists and the reason for the uprising of issues since the nitwits have been in the WH.

05-12-2015, 01:32 PM
I wonder if their kids were taught at a young age to be leery of white people? And one instance isn't enough, maybe not even 2 or 3. But there is just WAY too much ammo over the past 8 years or so to just be a coincidence or something else. The President of the USA is racist, and his wife even more so, and they go around instigating and making it sound as if white folks are the racists and the reason for the uprising of issues since the nitwits have been in the WH.

Look at what fills the media. "We're bad, hate them and hold them back." That lack of ambition, feeling entitled and not getting a job has nothing to do with it.

05-13-2015, 04:48 AM
And boos wonder why some white people dislike them.

05-13-2015, 05:55 AM
Not sure if this was posted already, was MIA yesterday, and don't care if someone already did so anyway! But yeah, amazing how the racism from the Obama's gets more and more noticeable as they get closer and closer to leaving the WH. No reason to talk sensibly, and look for "hope and change", she just stokes the coals and tells them what they 'will' see, before they even see anything. She's a closet racist, which is worse than an open racist.

How well would it go if say, Laura Bush gave a speech at Princeton. And in this speech she talked about black folks, crime and riots, or anything at all specifically to discuss/mention black people. People would STILL be screaming at this very moment about just how racist she is. The double standard is sickening.


Michelle Obama has made numerous racially-charged statements in the past, but none so atrocious as her commencement speech at Alabama’s Tuskegee University on Saturday.

The historically black school welcomed the First Lady’s obscene comments, cheering as she implied over and over again that they will always judged by the color of their skin by their white colleagues.

Indeed, it appears as though FLOTUS is completely letting down her guard now that her husband is not up for another election. If you thought she was bad before, you’re bound to be appalled by the nauseating pandering she did this weekend.

“The road ahead is not going to be easy. It never is, especially for folks like you and me,” Mrs. Obama warned during her speech, before noting that the graduates should expect to be confused with “the help” when attending “formal events.”

“[White people] have questioned our intelligence, our honesty and even our love of this country,” she continued.

It seems Michelle has conveniently forgotten a certain highly-controversial remark which she made back in 2008. “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,” she said during her husband’s campaign for the White House.

That is why people have questioned the First Lady’s patriotism. Not because of the color of her skin, as she would have you believe.


Yes I have posted a couple stories of the Mooch's latest outburst of racism, but hey one more never hurts so post away Jim. They are going to spend the rest of time in office just blatantly doing what they came to do, and that is to drive a stake through America, whether it be Black and White or religion, Christian - Muslim, the Obama's came to town with one thing on their mind and that was to drop America to it's knees, from the inside out.

05-13-2015, 05:59 AM
Here is a article that kind of explains here recent screams of racism, when of course we all know she is the racist.

RUSH: Michelle Obama. I'm gonna tell you something. (sigh) They're just getting started with this stuff, folks. There are 21 months to go, and I have been worried to death that this is all... I'm talking about the Obama presidency. I've been worried about it since before he was inaugurated. I have been worried that this is going to lead to racial strife unlike any that we who are alive today remember.
She is continuing that. You know, the story we had on what she said dedicating the museums, the new Whitney Museum (http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/daily/2015/05/07/michelle_and_barack_obama_want_to_divide_instead_o f_inspire), that young blacks -- "people that look like" her -- just aren't welcome. She's on a roll now. That was just the starter. She is continuing in universities commencement speeches.



05-13-2015, 12:45 PM
Here is a article that kind of explains here recent screams of racism, when of course we all know she is the racist.



You should be shot for posting that big a pic of her. I think I need to use the facilities now. :puke:

05-13-2015, 01:16 PM
I wonder if their kids were taught at a young age to be leery of white people? And one instance isn't enough, maybe not even 2 or 3. But there is just WAY too much ammo over the past 8 years or so to just be a coincidence or something else. The President of the USA is racist, and his wife even more so, and they go around instigating and making it sound as if white folks are the racists and the reason for the uprising of issues since the nitwits have been in the WH.

Nothing for you to wonder. Listen to their so-called leaders. Louis Farrakham, Als Sharpton, Jesse Jackson ... now Obama and his dumbass wife. Nothing comes out of their mouths but backwards-assed hate and self-victimization they blame on whites. AND, if you lived in the Southwest, you'd realize they aren't the only ones. We don't have a black problem here. Got a buttload of whiny-ass Mexicans though.

As an addition, back in the day, if you were a Cuban refugee the government would buy you a house, pay your bills, put you through school and front your business. Why wouldn't they feel privileged? When my daughter the NATIONAL honor student was looking for grants to go to college she was told she wasn't the right color. And that's a quote.

Don't get me wrong. Some of the best people I've known were black, Mexican, and Okinawan. Some of the worst I've known were white. On the average though, that's not how works.

I used to whip their asses at basketball because their idea of playing the game is a dunk. And you just have to be anywhere on the court if they miss and you fouled them. A 5'10" white guy has to actually learn to shoot. And anyone that tells you that "if you can touch the rim you can dunk". BS. The only time in 35 years of playing ball that I dunked was on an 8 footer at an elementary school and I sprained my wrist.:laugh:

Point is I had to work my ass off to get what I wanted. Our society makes them feel privileged and they have fallen into it. "You owe me." The blacks think they're still owed for their ancestors being slaves. As I've said for 30 years .... show me a former slave. I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa. My grandfather picked more cotton on the family farm than ANY black I know. And the worst racism I've ever seen is when my dad got stationed in DC. We lived in Montgomery County, MD and the blacks treated us like shit.

Hard to think that minorities have misused and abused our laws so badly that they get to dictate to the majority.

05-13-2015, 02:56 PM
Not sure if this was posted already, was MIA yesterday, and don't care if someone already did so anyway! But yeah, amazing how the racism from the Obama's gets more and more noticeable as they get closer and closer to leaving the WH. No reason to talk sensibly, and look for "hope and change", she just stokes the coals and tells them what they 'will' see, before they even see anything. She's a closet racist, which is worse than an open racist.

How well would it go if say, Laura Bush gave a speech at Princeton. And in this speech she talked about black folks, crime and riots, or anything at all specifically to discuss/mention black people. People would STILL be screaming at this very moment about just how racist she is. The double standard is sickening.


Michelle Obama has made numerous racially-charged statements in the past, but none so atrocious as her commencement speech at Alabama’s Tuskegee University on Saturday.

The historically black school welcomed the First Lady’s obscene comments, cheering as she implied over and over again that they will always judged by the color of their skin by their white colleagues.

Indeed, it appears as though FLOTUS is completely letting down her guard now that her husband is not up for another election. If you thought she was bad before, you’re bound to be appalled by the nauseating pandering she did this weekend.

“The road ahead is not going to be easy. It never is, especially for folks like you and me,” Mrs. Obama warned during her speech, before noting that the graduates should expect to be confused with “the help” when attending “formal events.”

“[White people] have questioned our intelligence, our honesty and even our love of this country,” she continued.

It seems Michelle has conveniently forgotten a certain highly-controversial remark which she made back in 2008. “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country,” she said during her husband’s campaign for the White House.

That is why people have questioned the First Lady’s patriotism. Not because of the color of her skin, as she would have you believe.


It really is sickening. In fact, everything about the Obamas makes me sick. I am counting the days, hours, minutes until they are the hell out of our reality (praying).

05-13-2015, 02:57 PM
It really is sickening. In fact, everything about the Obamas makes me sick. I am counting the days, hours, minutes until they are the hell out of our reality (praying).

It ain't going to be soon enough.

05-13-2015, 02:59 PM
Yes I have posted a couple stories of the Mooch's latest outburst of racism, but hey one more never hurts so post away Jim. They are going to spend the rest of time in office just blatantly doing what they came to do, and that is to drive a stake through America, whether it be Black and White or religion, Christian - Muslim, the Obama's came to town with one thing on their mind and that was to drop America to it's knees, from the inside out.

It's beginning to look like this cover pic was spot-frickin-on after all....