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View Full Version : After finding that Hillary's emails do exist, judge accepts lawsuit to get them

05-12-2015, 12:21 PM
Apparently this judge had previously refused to open a lawsuit demanding to get Hillary's secret emails, because he believed the Democrats' assurances that the emails no longer existed.

Once he found that the Democrats had lied as usual, and the emails actually did exist, now he has agreed to open the lawsuit.

Uh-oh. Concealment of evidence and truth is crucial to the Democrats' agenda, and their hopes of legitimacy. Any action that brings to light what they were actually doing and saying, could be disastrous for them.

Actually, the action isn't what's disastrous. What they have been doing and saying, is what's disastrous once normal people find it out.

And now that's coming.



Federal Judge Reopens Lawsuit On Clinton Emails

Posted Tuesday, May 12th 2015 @ 12pm by 24/7 News

A government watchdog is praising a federal judge's decision to reopen a lawsuit targeting Hillary Clinton's private email server. Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton tells Fox News that Judge Reggie Walton's decision last Friday is "extraordinary." The suit claims Clinton does not have the right to withhold emails she considers personal. The court had rejected previous requests to reopen the lawsuit because it said the emails didn't exist. This marks the first time a court has acted on the email scandal involving the former Secretary of State.

Clinton has already handed over about 30-thousand emails to a House committee investigating the 2012 Benghazi attacks, but she deleted thousands of others because she considered them private.

05-12-2015, 12:37 PM
I hope they keep pushing and pushing. She is been very quiet lately. She's hoping to get the bad press out of the way and then move forward. Her illegal acts still need to be FULLY investigated and I don't think they should ever drop this email issue. She probably fully destroyed everything by now, likely and literally trashing hardware that contained the emails and backups. But they should still go for this stuff and see if they can recover it, and find out what she is trying to hide. If stuff is destroyed, I think she should be prosecuted.

I also think there should be a list of the 10,000 or so shit she's been involved in over the years and continually broadcast via every media avenue in the 6 months prior to the election.