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View Full Version : I Sent a Letter to Senator McCain

05-13-2015, 05:55 PM
I've been away for a bit...

I sent an letter to Senator/Captain McClain, suggesting he put forth a Bill to declare English as
being the Official Language of these United States. I am getting tired of having to "Press One" for Spanish..."Press Two" for English>

"Senator McCain:

I am a 37 year Coast Guard vet (25 active and 12 GS-11).

I have admired you for years for being able to reach across the aisle and attempt to unlock the hard-headedness that exists in the Congress. I voted for you based on that fact as well as your previous record.

What I am suggesting, with the power of your experience and ability, is to push forth a bill to Amend the Constitution to declare "English/North American Dialect" as being the official language of this Nation!

I am getting so tired of having to "Press One for Espagniol"..."Press Two for English".

My Great-Grandfather came here from Austria in 1898...he learned English, and was immigrated and given citizenship LEGALLLY.

Should I request the rules be changed to Press buttons for French, Korean, 35 different dialects for Chinese, and more?

You, in your influence can push a Bill to declare English as our National Language.

Think of the cost-savings all over. There would be no need for Bi-lingual labels, Signs, and Official Publications to be printed and posted. That would cut down on a great deal of expense.

Hold these supposed "Immigrants" to acquire the ability to speak OUR Native language.

You are good enough to push it.


Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-13-2015, 06:07 PM
I've been away for a bit...

I sent an letter to Senator/Captain McClain, suggesting he put forth a Bill to declare English as
being the Official Language of these United States. I am getting tired of having to "Press One" for Spanish..."Press Two" for English>

"Senator McCain:

I am a 37 year Coast Guard vet (25 active and 12 GS-11).

I have admired you for years for being able to reach across the aisle and attempt to unlock the hard-headedness that exists in the Congress. I voted for you based on that fact as well as your previous record.

What I am suggesting, with the power of your experience and ability, is to push forth a bill to Amend the Constitution to declare "English/North American Dialect" as being the official language of this Nation!

I am getting so tired of having to "Press One for Espagniol"..."Press Two for English".

My Great-Grandfather came here from Austria in 1898...he learned English, and was immigrated and given citizenship LEGALLLY.

Should I request the rules be changed to Press buttons for French, Korean, 35 different dialects for Chinese, and more?

You, in your influence can push a Bill to declare English as our National Language.

Think of the cost-savings all over. There would be no need for Bi-lingual labels, Signs, and Official Publications to be printed and posted. That would cut down on a great deal of expense.

Hold these supposed "Immigrants" to acquire the ability to speak OUR Native language.

You are good enough to push it.


Very damn sad that this is even needed!!
In fact, truth be told its actually treasonous that this needs to even be addressed IMHO.
But then again I am a dinosaur that was actually taught history, our nation's founding and what freedom truly means!
Thats not being taught in our liberal indoctrination camps(schools) any more..--Tyr

05-13-2015, 06:16 PM
I've been away for a bit...

I sent an letter to Senator/Captain McClain, suggesting he put forth a Bill to declare English as
being the Official Language of these United States. I am getting tired of having to "Press One" for Spanish..."Press Two" for English>

"Senator McCain:


You would suggest the government mandate what the phone tree of a private enterprise should say? That seems a little intrusive.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-13-2015, 06:22 PM
You would suggest the government mandate what the phone tree of a private enterprise should say? That seems a little intrusive.
No more intrusive than the things the government has been doing to private enterprise and to private citizens alike..
Lets look at the other side of the coin shall we?--Tyr

05-13-2015, 06:26 PM
No more intrusive than the things the government has been doing to private enterprise and to private citizens alike..
Lets look at the other side of the coin shall we?--Tyr

And that's the problem isn't it? Government is big and it should be bigger because I want it to do something for ME! :rolleyes:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-13-2015, 06:51 PM
And that's the problem isn't it? Government is big and it should be bigger because I want it to do something for ME! :rolleyes:
I did not make the request but here is the rub.
Did he request that for himself or was it for the good of the country as it was founded?
Motives make a huge difference , eh?
This nation was founded as an English speaking nation--mother was Britain.
Why should we now yield to eliminate the primary language being English?
Seems that ME does not enter in the equation except that the "ME" is actually "we the citizens" that are damn tired of giving up our rights and our heritage!

05-13-2015, 06:57 PM
I did not make the request but here is the rub.
Did he request that for himself or was it for the good of the country as it was founded?
Motives make a huge difference , eh?
This nation was founded as an English speaking nation--mother was Britain.
Why should we now yield to eliminate the primary language being English?
Seems that ME does not enter in the equation except that the "ME" is actually "we the citizens" that are damn tired of giving up our rights and our heritage!

So you are of the mind that if intrusive government action can be argued as "for the good of the country" it's OK for a conservative to request it?

05-13-2015, 07:33 PM
This is reminding me of some of my 'libertarian' conversation with Drummond. It sure seemed like he was advocating for more government mandates.

I happen to agree that the way to assimilation is in large part learning fluent English, both verbal and written. Seems to me the most effective way to make that desirable is to make it necessary to reach higher. While there's not a thing to be done about Hallmark or Gibson selling multi-language greeting cards ;) ; it does seem reasonable to stop providing all government forms in x number of languages, which I think is a state function for the most part-at least for driving and such.

If there's a law requiring employers to provide applications and such in multiple languages, should be repealed. That is just another unfunded mandate, whichever level would be involved.

We shouldn't be forcing anyone to learn any language, just save money by removing any impediments to encouraging learning English.

05-13-2015, 07:54 PM
You would suggest the government mandate what the phone tree of a private enterprise should say? That seems a little intrusive.

I said nor inferred no such thing. Be cautious putting words in someone else's mouth.

05-14-2015, 09:33 AM
I said nor inferred no such thing. Be cautious putting words in someone else's mouth.

You implied, I inferred. ;) Nevertheless you advocated for a Constitutional Amendment stating you're tired of pushing 2 for English which I took to mean that you would be for requiring private enterprises to no longer offer such an option. But that's why I ask the question, so you can tell me that was not your intention. :)

05-14-2015, 09:43 AM
You implied, I inferred. ;) Nevertheless you advocated for a Constitutional Amendment stating you're tired of pushing 2 for English which I took to mean that you would be for requiring private enterprises to no longer offer such an option. But that's why I ask the question, so you can tell me that was not your intention. :)

Feeling arbitrary this morning? This is the USA. We speak American English. I actually am bilingual and can speak Spanish. I refuse. Go to Russia and see what they think about learning your intrusive language.

However, I WILL agree we don't need an Amendment to the Constitution. We already have enough stupid legislation.

05-14-2015, 08:02 PM
I think McCain is part of the problem and personally, I think his usefulness in government has long since past!!!

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-14-2015, 08:10 PM
Feeling arbitrary this morning? This is the USA. We speak American English. I actually am bilingual and can speak Spanish. I refuse. Go to Russia and see what they think about learning your intrusive language.

However, I WILL agree we don't need an Amendment to the Constitution. We already have enough stupid legislation.

Go to Russia and see what they think about learning your intrusive language.

^^^^^^ Point set and match..... --:beer:

This is the USA, let the newbies learn English, by God a damn lot of great and brave men have died to keep this a sovereign nation!
Myself, I am tired of people saying how WE must sacrifice our values and established culture to give to others.
If theirs was so damn much better --why the hell did they run here or illegally break in?
True, our Constitution if obeyed /honored already protects us from this ffing PC SHAT BUT THE TROUBLE IS ITS NOT BEING honored or upheld by the authorities charged with that sacred duty.. --Tyr

05-15-2015, 07:01 AM
^^^^^^ Point set and match.....

Actually you seem to be ignoring the relevant bits.

So you are of the mind that if intrusive government action can be argued as "for the good of the country" it's OK for a conservative to request it?

This is reminding me of some of my 'libertarian' conversation with Drummond. It sure seemed like he was advocating for more government mandates.

If we can't count on conservatives to honor the Constitution and our small government roots then who can we count on? When even the small government folks wish for big government then that's when we're truly screwed.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-15-2015, 07:48 AM
Actually you seem to be ignoring the relevant bits.

If we can't count on conservatives to honor the Constitution and our small government roots then who can we count on? When even the small government folks wish for big government then that's when we're truly screwed.

Amigo, a true conservative will and does thus honor. I do, can not speak for other's personal actions.
Conservatives across the nation scream out--for the Federal government to honor the Constitution!
In fact, conservatives are the only ones doing that in any meaningful numbers.
That voice of sanity is not only being ignored it is also being viciously attacked by government, media, and their allies -this nation's enemies..

If anybody missed anything , I dare to say it is you..-Tyr

05-15-2015, 07:50 AM
I am getting so tired of having to "Press One for Espagniol"..."Press Two for English".

Where do you phone that gives you this message?

05-15-2015, 08:08 AM
If anybody missed anything , I dare to say it is you..-Tyr

I think I've got a handle on it. Small government except when you want big government.

05-15-2015, 08:08 AM
Where do you phone that gives you this message?

Try living in the United States. ATM's even say it. I don't mind drummond because his heart's in the right place. You, on the other hand, are the personification of Prime Minister Chamberlain and Obama.

Go join the British Royal Marines. You won't make it because they're some hardass MFers. And I want pics of you getting your ass run into the ground for all 3 days you might last.

red state
05-15-2015, 08:11 AM
We live with neighbors who were more like "US" once upon a time and we all had mutual respect. With the age of communism's attack on the "NEW WORLD", we no longer freely travel our own borders as we once did because we now do not trust one another and, like all great dividers such as the 'ONE' we have in the White House, we now have an imbalance and hatred toward the type of people who founded, established and ONCE protected this Land of the FREE, home of the BRAVE.

We also have a gov. that is willing to be more like Ye Ole Merry King of Ye Merry Ole England with leaders of industry adding to the problem by welcoming illegals and others who have no intentions of "fitting in" or contributing to the well being of this Nation. I have worked in places where they actually cut our pay YET brought in salaried employees whose only purpose was to "translate". We had good laws on the table to prevent much of this but, like our border laws, we allow our industry to be bombarded with illegals and America haters to the point that our teens can no longer count on after school jobs. It is a mess and yet we still have ignorant anti-American scum like a poster or two here who see nothing wrong and attack those who see the problem and call it like it is.

The letter to McShame was a big waste of paper, ink and stamp because, as Granny Hawkins put it; he is part of the problem. The only way to fix this mess we have on all counts is to continue to place people like Tyr, Granny and others of "low importance" into office because THEY are the REAL America. Perhaps it is already too late....

red state
05-15-2015, 08:20 AM
Try living in the United States. ATM's even say it. I don't mind drummond because his heart's in the right place. You, on the other hand, are the personification of Prime Minister Chamberlain and Obama.

Go join the British Royal Marines. You won't make it because they're some hardass MFers. And I want pics of you getting your ass run into the ground for all 3 days you might last.

Sir, you are 110% correct. As with America, it is the "HARD @$$E$" who fought to preserve this Nation and the "HARD @$$E$" who explored and built it. The only problem is, like the UK, it is the HARD @$$E$ that get shot up and passed up because, in general, the leftist scum won't do it and can't keep their nose to the grind stone it took to put most of our bridges and high rise buildings up. Many who formed this Nation were immigrants but they were LEGAL immigrants who were PROUD to be American and fit in as best and quickly at they were able. America is weak because these "new" Americans and "new" brand of immigrants are weak and HATE this Nation.

The UK still has a few REAL men but it is the girly-men we see posting the same crap that has ruined their country and post the same crap on this board. I agree, I'd like to see such "girly-men" try out for the British Royal Marines. Would be quite entertaining just to see that 'mop' erased.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-15-2015, 08:23 AM
I think I've got a handle on it. Small government except when you want big government.

Only part of the Federal government thats constitutionally supposed to be big is the military Hoss.
Show me where I have ever advocated for the type of massive government we have now... otherwise stop with the false accusations and lame replies..
Big error in your post was when you stated, "I think"--when actually you were using a false accusation to try to divert from the point I clearly made. Tyr

05-15-2015, 09:57 AM
Only part of the Federal government thats constitutionally supposed to be big is the military Hoss.
Show me where I have ever advocated for the type of massive government we have now... otherwise stop with the false accusations and lame replies..
Big error in your post was when you stated, "I think"--when actually you were using a false accusation to try to divert from the point I clearly made. Tyr

The military? And??? Nevertheless the premise of the thread is more government to solve a non(IMO)-issue. Sounds like you're all for it.

Of course your completely familiar with false accusations. ;)