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GW in Ohio
07-02-2007, 08:10 AM
A secret U.S. law enforcement report, prepared for the Department of Homeland Security, warns that al Qaeda is planning a terror "spectacular" this summer, according to a senior official with access to the document.
"This is reminiscent of the warnings and intelligence we were getting in the summer of 2001," the official told ABCNews.com.
U.S. officials have kept the information secret, and Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said today on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" that the United States did not have "have any specific credible evidence that there's an attack focused on the United States at this point."
As ABCNews.com reported, U.S. law enforcement officials received intelligence reports two weeks ago warning of terror attacks in Glasgow and Prague, the Czech Republic, against "airport infrastructure and aircraft."
The warnings apparently never reached officials in Scotland, who said this weekend they had received "no advance intelligence" that Glasgow might be a target.
Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff declined to comment specifically on on the report today, but said "everything that we get is shared virtually instantaneously with our counterparts in Britain and vice versa."
Unlike the United States, officials in Germany have publicly warned that the country could face a major attack this summer, also comparing the situation to the pre-9/11 summer of 2001.


Let's hope our people can sniff out any attacks before they happen.

07-02-2007, 10:46 AM

Let's hope our people can sniff out any attacks before they happen.

Yes, let's hope they do. I guess fighting them over ''there'' may not be the say all and tell all of our safety here in the USA?

We all really need to keep our eyes and ears opened here in the USA, and take measures to keep the ''radicals'' out of our country.

I hate this ''chatter'' stuff, I wish it was more specific, so us Americans could be more informed.

07-02-2007, 10:55 AM
I noticed Thursday morning on I think CNN a representative of Homeland Security said that these types of attacks had been attempted in the US already, though they hadn't gotten to the 'operational' stage.

We don't hear of attempts like this. My brother has told me for years, (part of his position is interfacing with FBI/feds and local police), that while attempts and plans continue to be made by terrorists, so far the difficulty in getting explosives beyond those found in the UK attempts and fertilizer are nearly impossible. Not so tight in Europe, such as plastique.

When I asked him why they don't let the public know more about the threats, he said it was double edged sword. If reported the people would not as easily grow complacent, but the 'bad guys' would be able to figure out how they were discovered. Problem today is that I think many, especially those that detest GW, chalk the terror talk up to just hype on the part of the administration.

07-02-2007, 11:08 AM

Let's hope our people can sniff out any attacks before they happen. Imagine the level of Al Queada activity in the civilized world if we weren't kicking their asses in the ME.

07-02-2007, 11:11 AM
Very interesting Kathianne, it is a double edged sword!

We are also in a better position than Britain, because over the last few decades we have not alienated our Muslim communities, they have become part of the melting pot, as with our other communities, much more so than in England.

People try to lump all muslims together and joke about them being/not being a religion of peace, but in our country, for the ''most'' part, the 3 million muslims we have in our country, have been peaceful. I believe this is because us Americans have welcomed them with opened arms.

I hope we do not alienate them in the future, things could end up being like Britain, here, if we do...and it doesn't seem very ''stable'' over there!

07-02-2007, 11:20 AM

People try to lump all muslims together and joke about them being/not being a religion of peace, but in our country, for the ''most'' part, the 3 million muslims we have in our country, have been peaceful. I believe this is because us Americans have welcomed them with opened arms.


IMO they are waiting until they are a higher percentage, and more of us become limp-wristed liberals, to try a takeover.

07-02-2007, 11:22 AM
Very interesting Kathianne, it is a double edged sword!

We are also in a better position than Britain, because over the last few decades we have not alienated our Muslim communities, they have become part of the melting pot, as with our other communities, much more so than in England.

People try to lump all muslims together and joke about them being/not being a religion of peace, but in our country, for the ''most'' part, the 3 million muslims we have in our country, have been peaceful. I believe this is because us Americans have welcomed them with opened arms.

I hope we do not alienate them in the future, things could end up being like Britain, here, if we do...and it doesn't seem very ''stable'' over there!

We do not have the percentages of Muslims in this country as do many of the Western European countries, that helps. For the most part, the opportunities for them are the same as any other immigrant and also in the main, they are not concentrated into certain areas, very different than in UK, France in particular. (notable exception: Dearborn, MI).

I have noticed a quite dramatic uptick in traditional garb worn by Muslims in our area, post 9/11. It's not a matter of my just becoming aware of it, as many of these families were in the schools around here prior to that event. Since then, most have taken to wearing the scarfs and complete covering of females, something that was missing when the children were younger and we were all watching soccer and baseball games in shorts. I don't know what that's about, but it does put up barriers, every bit as much as when some of the evangelicals would gather to pray, before a game.

GW in Ohio
07-02-2007, 12:19 PM
Imagine the level of Al Queada activity in the civilized world if we weren't kicking their asses in the ME.

Excuse me while I respond to that.....


Now allow me to respond verbally.....


We have created more US-hating terrorists by our invasion of Iraq than existed before.

GW in Ohio
07-02-2007, 12:22 PM
IMO they are waiting until they are a higher percentage, and more of us become limp-wristed liberals, to try a takeover.

You guys have no idea how unintentionally funny you are, do you?

I especially liked the adjective you tacked on to "liberals".......limp-wristed.

That was good. :clap::salute::clap:

07-02-2007, 12:34 PM
Very interesting Kathianne, it is a double edged sword!

We are also in a better position than Britain, because over the last few decades we have not alienated our Muslim communities, they have become part of the melting pot, as with our other communities, much more so than in England.

People try to lump all muslims together and joke about them being/not being a religion of peace, but in our country, for the ''most'' part, the 3 million muslims we have in our country, have been peaceful. I believe this is because us Americans have welcomed them with opened arms.

I hope we do not alienate them in the future, things could end up being like Britain, here, if we do...and it doesn't seem very ''stable'' over there!

Excellent point. The Brits have a history of discrimination against their Muslim minorities, naturally it's bred much resentment.

07-02-2007, 12:34 PM
IMO they are waiting until they are a higher percentage, and more of us become limp-wristed liberals, to try a takeover.

Why a "takeover"?

07-02-2007, 01:04 PM
they wait until they are/are close to the majority and then make everything muslim? if you don't follow it you die.

and yes i think that it is true partially that we haven't had as many attacks over here becasue of what we are doing in the ME, but we also our tightened borders and home security has probably helped

07-02-2007, 02:53 PM
they wait until they are/are close to the majority and then make everything muslim? if you don't follow it you die.

and yes i think that it is true partially that we haven't had as many attacks over here becasue of what we are doing in the ME, but we also our tightened borders and home security has probably helped

In the US they'd better get their skates on then, 300 million people and from what I read there's more concern about Hispanic people (predominantly Roman Catholic) taking over eh? In the UK, population - dunno about 50-something million? Again, the Muslim community is going to have to breed like rabbits (with the same gestation period) to get ready for a take-over.

07-02-2007, 02:56 PM
lol. yah. the muzzies and the hispanics are gonna have to fight over america more than anything else

PS- not to be racist, but the mexicans do breed like rabbits it seems

07-02-2007, 03:09 PM
lol. yah. the muzzies and the hispanics are gonna have to fight over america more than anything else

PS- not to be racist, but the mexicans do breed like rabbits it seems

Only compared to Americans and Western Europeans. ;)

07-02-2007, 03:24 PM
Excuse me while I respond to that.....


Now allow me to respond verbally.....


We have created more US-hating terrorists by our invasion of Iraq than existed before.

really.........us cole, somalia, kobar, nigeria, bali, wtc 1....i call bullshit on you....

07-02-2007, 03:28 PM


July 2, 2007
U.S. Ties Iran to Deadly Iraq Attack

BAGHDAD, July 2 — Iranian operatives helped plan a January raid in Karbala in which five American soldiers were killed, an American military spokesman in Iraq said today.

Brig. Gen. Kevin J. Bergner, the military spokesman, also said that Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps has used operatives from the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah as a “proxy” to train and arm Shiite militants in Iraq.

American military officials have long asserted that the Quds Force, an elite unit of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, has trained and equipped Shiite militants in Iraq. The Americans have also cited extensive intelligence indicating that Iran has supplied Shiite militants with the most lethal type of roadside bomb in Iraq, a bomb called the explosively formed penetrator, which is capable of piercing an armored vehicle.

Previously, Iranian officials have said that the United States is fabricating evidence to back up its accusation that Iran is sending bombs and weapons into Iraq. Some critics have cast doubt on the American military statements about the penetrator bombs, saying the evidence linking them to Iran was circumstantial and inferential.

In remarks that were reported over the weekend, Iran’s defense minister, Mohammad Najar, denied American claims of Iran’s “military interference” in Iraq. “We have many times announced that we are ready to cooperate with the Iraqi government so to restore security and stability to that country,” Mr. Najar was quoted as saying in a July 1 report by the Iranian student news agency, ISNA. It did not make clear which remarks he was responding to.Today’s assertions by the American military spokesman, which were presented at a news briefing here, marked the first time that the United States has charged that Iranian officials have helped plan operations against American troops in Iraq and have had advance knowledge of specific attacks that have led to the death of American soldiers.

In effect, American officials are charging that Iran has been engaged in a proxy war against American forces for years, though officials today sought to confine their comments to the specific incidents covered in their briefing.

When the Karbala attack was carried out on January 20 this year, American and Iraqi officials said that it appeared to be meticulously planned. The attackers carried forged identity cards and wore American-style uniforms.

One American died at the start of the raid, but the rest of the American soldiers were abducted before they were killed.

Some officials speculated at the time that the aim of the raid might have been to capture a group of American soldiers who could have been exchanged for Iranian officials that American forces detained in Iraq on suspicion of supporting Shiite militants there.

But while Americans officials wondered about an indirect Iranian role in the Karbala raid, until today they stopped short of making a case that the Quds Force may have been directly involved in planning the attack.


07-02-2007, 05:33 PM
Why a "takeover"?So they can make everyone a muzzy. Its in the Koran. Think evangelicanism with a sword and burka.

Pale Rider
07-02-2007, 05:54 PM

Let's hope our people can sniff out any attacks before they happen.

You wanna see how fast we can seal our southern border? Let a few new terrorist attacks happen here...

07-02-2007, 06:19 PM
I do hope the next major attack is on a predominately liberal city or area.

There are more jihadist in the middle east because iran has been very successful in recruiting them. Once iran is taken down do the silly liberals think there will be more terrorists?

I expect this will be a summer of terror attempts but I don't see much happening. The real test is if they do succeed and they are shown to have snuck across the border.

07-02-2007, 06:20 PM
I do hope the next major attack is on a predominately liberal city or area.

You mean like the attacks that happened in NYC (Liberal) or DC (itself liberal)?

IT's a lovely sentiment, regardless, is it not?

07-02-2007, 06:38 PM
Excellent point. The Brits have a history of discrimination against their Muslim minorities, naturally it's bred much resentment.

What does that mean? That resentfull minorites should practice terrorism?

07-02-2007, 06:42 PM
You mean like the attacks that happened in NYC (Liberal) or DC (itself liberal)?

IT's a lovely sentiment, regardless, is it not?

funny isn't it.....think of all the places the terrorists attack....they sure seem to dislike left wing groups....

07-02-2007, 07:20 PM
You mean like the attacks that happened in NYC (Liberal) or DC (itself liberal)?

IT's a lovely sentiment, regardless, is it not?

I just feel that if we have to take casualties let them be liberals. Conservatives will get revenge. The rest of the liberals will run and hide and try to figure out why they hate us.

GW in Ohio
07-03-2007, 08:37 AM
You wanna see how fast we can seal our southern border? Let a few new terrorist attacks happen here...

Pale: I want to see us seal off our southern border now.

I want it sealed off tight not only to close off the flow of illegal immigrants, but to close off access to any potential terrorists.

But if you're a terrorist with some money, there's much easier access across the Canadian border.

GW in Ohio
07-03-2007, 08:39 AM
I just feel that if we have to take casualties let them be liberals. Conservatives will get revenge. The rest of the liberals will run and hide and try to figure out why they hate us.

Fucking astounding.....

Let 'em kill the liberals, huh?

What the fuck kind of American are you?

GW in Ohio
07-03-2007, 08:41 AM
I do hope the next major attack is on a predominately liberal city or area.

You are truly a pathetic excuse for an American.

07-03-2007, 08:46 AM
Excuse me while I respond to that.....


Now allow me to respond verbally.....


We have created more US-hating terrorists by our invasion of Iraq than existed before.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that we had an accurate census of " US hating terrorists" prior to the Iraq invasion?. Are you remembering to take all the ones our troops have killed off the "list" ?

07-03-2007, 09:51 AM
Fucking astounding.....

Let 'em kill the liberals, huh?

What the fuck kind of American are you?

A practical one? :poke:

07-03-2007, 04:48 PM
You are truly a pathetic excuse for an American.

I'm really hoping you and gaby are at ground zero as well. Nothing unAmerican about that. Just a personal preference.

07-03-2007, 04:57 PM
i'm no more an apologist or lover of the left, or the right as GW envisions it, but I sure as shit am for America getting though this attack from the left and the Islamics. Personally, I'm appalled at those on the right that think they can envelope the problem to their cause. On the other hand I'm dismayed at the lefts attempts to say that it's 'all our fault' for failing to be more concerned or broad minded.

Hagbard Celine
07-03-2007, 05:06 PM
i'm no more an apologist or lover of the left, or the right as GW envisions it, but I sure as shit am for America getting though this attack from the left and the Islamics. Personally, I'm appalled at those on the right that think they can envelope the problem to their cause. On the other hand I'm dismayed at the lefts attempts to say that it's 'all our fault' for failing to be more concerned or broad minded.
Oh yeah, you're a centrist alright. :rolleyes: Kathianne is fair and balanced.

07-03-2007, 05:29 PM
Oh yeah, you're a centrist alright. :rolleyes: Kathianne is fair and balanced.

Fine, tell me what you are looking for.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-03-2007, 07:44 PM
We have been lucky and some of the mandates issued after the Oklahoma City bombings about tighter controls over pre-cursor materials and some other high tech detonation and triggering mechanisms has led to the successes and the lack of successful IED or VBIED attacks in the US, to date. Making flammable liquids aerosols and even more explosive is a difficult process, is also a bit out of reach of most amateur bomb-makers in my opinion.....someone else may know more than I on the matter, but the results are pretty impressive, so far, I'd say.

Isolation from geographically, from the Middle East is also a big part of why we have had fewer attacks here, as well.....One can drive from London to Baghdad in a couple of days.....

Yeah, I suspect we have been lucky, but it doesn't hurt that there are a lot of folks who are willing to stand up and report things that aren't the way the are supposed to be.....and I am sure to bet that there will not likely be an attack in a mall or other public place where it is legal for citizens to carry a concealed weapon, as the perpetrators may very well be dispatched before law enforcement even shows up.....but those places where it is illegal will unfortunately end up catching the brunt of militants attacks.....If I were in their planning organization, that is what I would do.....

07-03-2007, 07:51 PM
So they can make everyone a muzzy. Its in the Koran. Think evangelicanism with a sword and burka.

Ah, I see. Like Christians have sometimes done throughout history?

Why is it that organised religion folks want to take everyone over?

Oh well, if they win I'd be among the first up against the wall then.

07-03-2007, 07:56 PM
What does that mean? That resentfull minorites should practice terrorism?

No it means what I wrote - it's an observation, that the Brits have discriminated against the Muslim minority. The Brits have a history of denial of racial discrimination going back, in my memory, to the 1950s. Of course it's even older than that. In 1290 King Edward I expelled the Jews.

But I digress.

No, there's not much of a moral defence for terrorism. The best I can come up with is resistance to occupation, terrorist tactics against military targets are probably morally defensible in that case.

07-03-2007, 08:14 PM
Ah, I see. Like Christians have sometimes done throughout history?

Why is it that organised religion folks want to take everyone over?

Oh well, if they win I'd be among the first up against the wall then.

Christians might piss you off or annoy you but they don't have the slightest intention of putting you up against the "wall". Helping the lesser of two "evils" may be worth investigating in this particular situation.

07-03-2007, 08:17 PM
Ah, I see. Like Christians have sometimes done throughout history?

Why is it that organised religion folks want to take everyone over?

Oh well, if they win I'd be among the first up against the wall then.

I consider the bold part as the usual cop out by liberals. Comparing christians of hundreds of years ago with those now days is just grasping for a crutch to stand your argument up with. I expect better from you. I'm an atheist myself and I can't stand that comparison. Modern day islam is a vicious evil ideology, as it has been since it was first developed. You would be more accurate to compare it to the thugs of india worshiping kali.

As for what happens to you if they win. Being put against the wall would be the quick way. Most likely you have have your hands and feet cut off and then your head. And it won't be done quickly. Personally I would go down with a gun in my hands taking as many with me as I could.

07-03-2007, 08:47 PM
Ah, I see. Like Christians have sometimes done throughout history?

Why is it that organised religion folks want to take everyone over?

Oh well, if they win I'd be among the first up against the wall then. Are you equating some Christians with Islam? Because deception is part of the Koran.

07-03-2007, 08:54 PM
Christianity and Islam are basically one and the same. They just have a different way of worship. Some Muslims are radical. Some Christians are radical.
There are some alleged "Christians" on this board that are as hateful as any radical Muslim out there. For no reason other than ignorance and pure hate.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-03-2007, 09:06 PM
Isn't it desirable to bring other's in to your religion? Don't ALL religions express that desire? (some more forcibly than others) I know I have a "friend" that continually tries to recruit me in to her church to "save" me..

07-03-2007, 10:06 PM
Christianity and Islam are basically one and the same. They just have a different way of worship. Some Muslims are radical. Some Christians are radical.
There are some alleged "Christians" on this board that are as hateful as any radical Muslim out there. For no reason other than ignorance and pure hate.

Wow. Did bin Laden tell you this while you were living with him in his cave?

07-03-2007, 10:24 PM
Christians might piss you off or annoy you but they don't have the slightest intention of putting you up against the "wall". Helping the lesser of two "evils" may be worth investigating in this particular situation.

I was actually thinking of how Christians forced Jews to convert. Forced conversion isn't limited to Islam. Jews, on the other hand, don't want you unless you're really, really serious about conversion. I'm digressing again.

My point is that the religion (Judaism aside) doesn't matter. It's the people running it our using it as an excuse who are the problem. Christianity specifically rejects forced conversion doesn't it? But it was still done. It's a form of behaviour that is despicable, regardless of the religion.

07-03-2007, 10:31 PM
I consider the bold part as the usual cop out by liberals. Comparing christians of hundreds of years ago with those now days is just grasping for a crutch to stand your argument up with. I expect better from you. I'm an atheist myself and I can't stand that comparison. Modern day islam is a vicious evil ideology, as it has been since it was first developed. You would be more accurate to compare it to the thugs of india worshiping kali.

As for what happens to you if they win. Being put against the wall would be the quick way. Most likely you have have your hands and feet cut off and then your head. And it won't be done quickly. Personally I would go down with a gun in my hands taking as many with me as I could.

Not a cop-out, more of a reminder (as in my other post) that it's not so much a matter of religion as it is of a human tendency. Why I have no idea. If we're going to make comparisons between religions (which I try to avoid but if it's brought up I won't ignore) then it has to be warts and all.

As far as being up against the wall - just a bit of colour for the post. I don't see myself as being forced to convert or die any time soon. In Australia we have a very small Muslim population that's contained mainly in Sydney even though we've had Muslims living with us since the 19th Century. The first mosque in Australia was built in the far north of my state in 1880. We've had a mosque in our capital city since 1888 (we've got a couple more since the original one). So far so good :D

07-03-2007, 10:32 PM
Are you equating some Christians with Islam? Because deception is part of the Koran.

No I'm pointing out that humans behave in certain ways if they believe their actions are guided by/advised by/approved (of)/endorsed by - their god.

07-03-2007, 10:35 PM
Isn't it desirable to bring other's in to your religion? Don't ALL religions express that desire? (some more forcibly than others) I know I have a "friend" that continually tries to recruit me in to her church to "save" me..

Judaism doesn't. It will accept converts but it puts many hurdles in the way so that the person is absolutely sure they wish to convert. Now I'm sure that someone is going to put a bit of "the Jews believe they are the Chosen People and don't want anyone else in with them" spin on that, but I prefer to think that Judaism doesn't see itself as being in a big competition with every other religion to sign people up.

Gadget (fmr Marine)
07-04-2007, 07:33 AM
True, I was generalizing, though...Orthodox Jews do desire their families to be large (7-10 children), so as to affect political processes in coming generations, I've heard, though....as do many religious groups whoi are in the political minority.

07-04-2007, 10:42 AM
No I'm pointing out that humans behave in certain ways if they believe their actions are guided by/advised by/approved (of)/endorsed by - their god.OK, but you haven't addressed the fact that the Christian Bible tells us to turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor and all while the Koran details methods of death and deception against infadels. With that in mind, how can you equate a few errant Christians with a significant percentage of Islamists?

07-04-2007, 11:31 AM
True, I was generalizing, though...Orthodox Jews do desire their families to be large (7-10 children), so as to affect political processes in coming generations, I've heard, though....as do many religious groups whoi are in the political minority.

Interesting point. I suppose hundreds of years of living among the Gentiles will do that.

07-04-2007, 11:44 AM
OK, but you haven't addressed the fact that the Christian Bible tells us to turn the other cheek, love thy neighbor and all while the Koran details methods of death and deception against infadels. With that in mind, how can you equate a few errant Christians with a significant percentage of Islamists?

I don't know if it was a "few errant Christians". If I remember rightly a Pope had to issue an order to a few Kings to cut it out. But I think it's not so much a question of the numbers as the times. Christianity has been through its vicious mediaevalism period, it's certainly not a violent religion now. Islam is being used by a bunch of current vicious mediaevalists who appear to be interpreting their religion as suits them. They're religious nutters. Their wacky visions of an Islamic Caliphate are patently ridiculous. There's no way known they'll succeed in that objective.

07-04-2007, 11:50 AM
I don't know if it was a "few errant Christians". If I remember rightly a Pope had to issue an order to a few Kings to cut it out. But I think it's not so much a question of the numbers as the times. Christianity has been through its vicious mediaevalism period, it's certainly not a violent religion now. Islam is being used by a bunch of current vicious mediaevalists who appear to be interpreting their religion as suits them. They're religious nutters. Their wacky visions of an Islamic Caliphate are patently ridiculous. There's no way known they'll succeed in that objective.

Actually that period was Christians defending themselves against Muslims and driving them back to the Middle East. The persecution of Christians by the Muslim Invaders created a society that was backwards when compared to the European society before the first Muslim invasions.

GW in Ohio
07-05-2007, 07:58 AM
I'm really hoping you and gaby are at ground zero as well. Nothing unAmerican about that. Just a personal preference.

You're a sweet guy, gaffer.

I've run into a lot of asshole conservatives in my time, but I've never encountered one who actually wished liberals to die.

Are you sure you're on our side?

07-05-2007, 08:44 AM
You're a sweet guy, gaffer.

I've run into a lot of asshole conservatives in my time, but I've never encountered one who actually wished liberals to die.

Are you sure you're on our side?
I thought he was being nice to y'all. At ground zero you feel nothing. A mile or so out and you die a slow, painful death. Far be it for you open-minded liberals to see the best in people.

07-05-2007, 11:49 AM
zwahiri just released a 95 minute video tape and among his other ramblings he calls for smaller attacks, random shootings and bombings and any other means available. Such attacks should be carried out in smaller communities. They would be designed to create terror throughout the nation.

In other news there is an islamic website (I don't have the name) that talks about 30 nuclear strikes attempted on the US that were disrupted. Not clear on whether a dirty bomb or actual nuke. Still researching this.

Pale Rider
07-06-2007, 02:37 AM
Pale: I want to see us seal off our southern border now.

I want it sealed off tight not only to close off the flow of illegal immigrants, but to close off access to any potential terrorists.

But if you're a terrorist with some money, there's much easier access across the Canadian border.

Yes there is access to America from the north too, and I would expect that if we seal up the southern border, it will force those extremists from other countries, that are other than mexican, will simply try and enter from the north. But with that in mind, it should make it easier to identify them then, because we'll at least know where they're at. But working with Canada will be next, and we'll tighten up that border as well.

Pale Rider
07-06-2007, 03:31 AM
Wow. Did bin Laden tell you this while you were living with him in his cave?

Either that or while she was married to al-zarqawi in Iraq.