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05-15-2015, 08:09 AM
****Comes from Brazil. Excellent job by the police

https://www.facebook.com/manoelmassi...2734877218966/ (https://www.facebook.com/manoelmassisteacciolybastos.bastos.5/videos/462734877218966/)

red state
05-15-2015, 09:52 AM
That's BULL$#IT! Police brutality all the way! Did they even proclaim their presence "POLICE....FREEZE"?!!!! Just roll up and shoot the guys. Heck, the robbers could have been customers holding the REAL robbers till the cops got there.

Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate but there is some truth to my sarcasm.

I knew those guys had it when I saw that car roll buy and then slow up. They were stupid and seemed to take their sweet time. The one who seemed unarmed (and definitely incapacitated) was shot for good measure after the fact.......so, they'll be no wasted court dates or feeding this criminal.

Perhaps we should finish our border fence/wall and post "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" signs after designating our border as military "training grounds". Heck, I bet there wasn't many folks trespassing on nuclear training islands or bomb sites in the desert.......TWICE. HA!!!

We need HARSHness such as this video so we can get a handle on the out of control mess we now have. Only then, can we get back to the way things should be. Of course, Brazil is a big "GUN CONTROL" country. IF they'd allow guns......perhaps liberal areas would be more like conservative communities (peaceful, low crime and FREE).

05-15-2015, 10:16 AM
Man, that was some great timing from the cops there.

Definitely took out the armed one first and then the unarmed one. I'd say Brazil got exactly 2 thugs better in 5 seconds flat.

red state
05-15-2015, 10:56 AM
Man, that was some great timing from the cops there.

Definitely took out the armed one first and then the unarmed one. I'd say Brazil got exactly 2 thugs better in 5 seconds flat.

I kind of hated to see the second one shot (in all honesty) because he was unarmed and even showed a little courtesy by closing the door behind him). It is safe for the cops to treat BOTH as they BOTH could have been armed but to shoot him as he lie seemed a bit overboard. The cops were also wise in controlling those behind the counter cuz I suspect one of them was in on the heist. One "employee" came in just seconds before the armed "suspects".

As you said, all was in great timing.

05-15-2015, 11:59 AM
I kind of hated to see the second one shot (in all honesty) because he was unarmed and even showed a little courtesy by closing the door behind him). It is safe for the cops to treat BOTH as they BOTH could have been armed but to shoot him as he lie seemed a bit overboard. The cops were also wise in controlling those behind the counter cuz I suspect one of them was in on the heist. One "employee" came in just seconds before the armed "suspects".

As you said, all was in great timing.

I have no sympathy. The unarmed one was participating in a planned armed robbery and he certainly looked like the leader in that 2-man crew. I'd wager that if they'd had access to 2 pistols, they'd have both been armed and threatening those workers with them.

I think they waited until that delivery driver returned so they could get his cash, too. Sticking up a pizza joint is pretty stupid and they had to know they weren't going to get much cash out of the deal, so every little bit counts! lol

The cops rolled by and could clearly see both of them wearing the helmets and one of them pointing the pistol.

Both of the idiots got what they deserved, IMO. I just don't have any sympathy for thugs preying on hard working honest people.

red state
05-15-2015, 12:59 PM
True that and point WELL taken. Two less idiots and two less threats to hard working folks only to make others RICH. Besides, if my son were a cop, I'd rather he be safer than sorry. As Jeff has stated, it is better to be judged by 12 in court than carried by six to the grave site. An boy....if only our military and cops had that outstanding body armor that the Brazilian cops were wearing.................Also, if only our cops were as KICK@$$ as these Brazilian REGULARS probably are. I have a friend whom I once sparred with and he, at one time trained under Royce Gracie's crew. He now trains our local police and has classes at a private gym on certain nights of the week. He's a great Christian guy but he and the Brazilian mma techniques are top notch.

05-15-2015, 01:41 PM
I have very little respect for ANYONE who thinks what that video showed, should take place in this nation.

Think about it. Many of you already hate the police already. Would you condone what those Brazilian cops did IF...it was in your home, store, or even city?

If so. You are just as bad as every person in Baltimore who caused any damage, or destroyed property. Much like the Prosecutor who only acted on Emotion.

Sure, we'd all like to see REAL JUSTICE occur. But allowing ANYONE to take such matters into their own hands,without being held responsible is pure ANARCHY.

05-15-2015, 02:16 PM
`.....Very ugly....life can be Ugly. Those bastard thugs were pointing guns at peoples faces who were at work trying to make a living....The LEO`s saw from outside what was going on..who had the guns and who was making the threats....Why give thugs a warning by saying "freeze...or hands up" and take the chance of one of them getting off a shot at employees or the Leo`s?

In this country.....we all see how well its working with thugs being given a chance to stop / surrender...or drop their weapon...(Its not)...they always want to fight it out....lots of risk involved for the LEO`s being politically 'polite" to armed thugs....There is great risk in armed robbery...To all parties.

Good for these cops taking out the trash...

red state
05-15-2015, 03:55 PM
I have very little respect for ANYONE who thinks what that video showed, should take place in this nation.

Think about it. Many of you already hate the police already. Would you condone what those Brazilian cops did IF...it was in your home, store, or even city?

If so. You are just as bad as every person in Baltimore who caused any damage, or destroyed property. Much like the Prosecutor who only acted on Emotion.

Sure, we'd all like to see REAL JUSTICE occur. But allowing ANYONE to take such matters into their own hands,without being held responsible is pure ANARCHY.

Old friend....good friend, you have a valid point and I respect the heck out of you bringing this up. I suppose this is what I was getting at earlier but I also see the other side of it and I truly don't know how I would have responded if I were a cop. It truly is a good thing that I'm not a cop but I don't think I would have responded as they did. It seems that (IF) you were to confront them IMMEDIATELY that their actions saved lives or at least an escalated event involving hostages. As a hunter, I believe I would have passionately waited on them to exit the store......but back-seat/Tuesday quarterbacking is easy to talk about. I still say they did a good job because it is thugs like this who make it bad on the rest of us gun toting nuts.

In closing, and AGAIN, I would hate for those two that were shot to have been the good guys holding the bad guys at bay till the cops got there. Reminds me of that Hispanic war vet who was protecting his home and SWAT shot him dead. Need to dig that story back up cuz it fits what I'm trying to say to a T.

In short, I suppose I'll have to live with a good friend losing respect for me cuz I truly would be grateful (IF) those two were Hell Bent on shooting everyone after they finally got all the money. It happens and a glass door was preventing the cops from simply rushing them.

05-15-2015, 04:45 PM
If you were in that scenario as a customer (wanting to buy something) carrying concealed and these guys (thugs) came in and pointed a gun at your face and others there (knowing one squeeze of the trigger... your life or somebodies can be ended in an instant) would you draw on them and shoot right off the bat....`or` say "freeze...hands up put your weapons down"?

***(that is if they took their eyes of YOU for a second or two).....*I personally don't like my life being put in a thugs hands with him making decisions on it......I see them as dead men walking...they made their choice in life...ALREADY....The cops could of knocked on the window and asked them to surrender....and took a "chance on their reactions"...or do what they did and get it over with and take two sleaze balls off the street.....JMO!

05-15-2015, 05:14 PM
Just awful "police" work :( am bothered so many of you applaud this

Max R.
05-15-2015, 05:15 PM
Old friend....good friend, you have a valid point and I respect the heck out of you bringing this up. I suppose this is what I was getting at earlier but I also see the other side of it and I truly don't know how I would have responded if I were a cop. It truly is a good thing that I'm not a cop but I don't think I would have responded as they did. It seems that (IF) you were to confront them IMMEDIATELY that their actions saved lives or at least an escalated event involving hostages. As a hunter, I believe I would have passionately waited on them to exit the store......but back-seat/Tuesday quarterbacking is easy to talk about. I still say they did a good job because it is thugs like this who make it bad on the rest of us gun toting nuts.

In closing, and AGAIN, I would hate for those two that were shot to have been the good guys holding the bad guys at bay till the cops got there. Reminds me of that Hispanic war vet who was protecting his home and SWAT shot him dead. Need to dig that story back up cuz it fits what I'm trying to say to a T.

In short, I suppose I'll have to live with a good friend losing respect for me cuz I truly would be grateful (IF) those two were Hell Bent on shooting everyone after they finally got all the money. It happens and a glass door was preventing the cops from simply rushing them.
Is this the US shooting of a vet you are referring? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_Guerena_shooting

Monday morning quarterbacking aside, the video is from Brazil, which not that long ago had death squads shooting young gang members.

All vets here know Friendly Fire happens. We don't have to like it, but we certainly need to accept that when people and guns are mixed, sometimes the wrong people are shot. The right people in got shot in the OP video IMO.

From 1990: http://articles.latimes.com/1990-07-08/news/mn-324_1_death-squads

Cleiton, 12, used to steal from the stores in a shopping gallery near the center of Duque de Caxias, one of the grimy, violent suburbs on the sprawling northern outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. He belonged to the ragged legion of street kids who live by their wits and sometimes die by the gun.Cleiton's killers caught up with him one night last January as he slept on a sidewalk near the gallery. A boy called A.G., who knew Cleiton, tells the story in a few words.
"He was sleeping," A.G. said, "and they filled his face with bullets."
Cleiton's death was not an isolated incident. Hundreds of deprived and delinquent Brazilian minors are killed every year.
According to people who monitor the situation, an alarming number of youngsters are killed by "extermination groups"--death squads bent on cleaning up crime-plagued areas.
Death squads have been at work for years in Brazil, but concern has risen in the past year because of the number of youngsters being killed, not only in Rio but also in other urban areas, including Sao Paulo and Recife.

From last year: http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/death-squads-terrorize-rio-de-janeiro-as-brazil-readies-for-world-cup/

Death squads terrorize Rio de Janeiro as Brazil readies for World Cup. Brazil is a nation where police kill more suspects than in any other nation in the world. Police in Rio de Janeiro killed one suspect for every 229 they arrested last year. In the United States, police killed one suspect for every 31,575 they arrested. In 2008 police in Rio de Janeiro, alone, killed an astonishing 1,137 people, whereas in the entire United States police killed 371 people. These are just the official numbers. Fifteen people go missing every day in Rio de Janeiro. Last year nearly 5,000 people went missing. Many people blame the police.......

05-15-2015, 05:22 PM
Just awful "police" work :( am bothered so many of you applaud this

**What should they have done in your opinion?

*Please feel free to Delete this story if your not satisfied with it....no hard feeling from anyone....There was a warning given to this thread....

05-15-2015, 05:31 PM
Old friend....good friend, you have a valid point and I respect the heck out of you bringing this up. I suppose this is what I was getting at earlier but I also see the other side of it and I truly don't know how I would have responded if I were a cop. It truly is a good thing that I'm not a cop but I don't think I would have responded as they did. It seems that (IF) you were to confront them IMMEDIATELY that their actions saved lives or at least an escalated event involving hostages. As a hunter, I believe I would have passionately waited on them to exit the store......but back-seat/Tuesday quarterbacking is easy to talk about. I still say they did a good job because it is thugs like this who make it bad on the rest of us gun toting nuts.

In closing, and AGAIN, I would hate for those two that were shot to have been the good guys holding the bad guys at bay till the cops got there. Reminds me of that Hispanic war vet who was protecting his home and SWAT shot him dead. Need to dig that story back up cuz it fits what I'm trying to say to a T.

In short, I suppose I'll have to live with a good friend losing respect for me cuz I truly would be grateful (IF) those two were Hell Bent on shooting everyone after they finally got all the money. It happens and a glass door was preventing the cops from simply rushing them.

Honestly. It's not a matter of respect, either way. I simply refuse to accept that THIS action become acceptable here in OUR NATION. Which further points to all of the NEGATIVE reporting about our police departments across the nation whom...IN MANY RESPECTS, have been accused of being EXACTLY LIKE those two Brazilian cops in the video.
If WE, as AMERICANS want that kind of police enforcement to be legal, or overlooked. I'm sorry. But I simply refuse to accept that THINKING AMERICANS would like to see it here.
Now, if that effects what ANYONE here thinks of me for voicing my opinion. Go right ahead.
Just wait till you BLINK, and can no longer say what you want. So..I'm guilty for violating Opinions?

05-15-2015, 05:39 PM
I can honestly say I wuz shocked I tell ya, just shocked!!! But offended or upset, hardly!!!

Just like the tsarnaev case up in progressive librawl blueblood land, it's about time we send a clear message, otherwise, all this sorta thuggery's gonna get outta hand an it almost is already in case y'all ain't noticed!!!

red state
05-15-2015, 06:05 PM
I have no sympathy. The unarmed one was participating in a planned armed robbery and he certainly looked like the leader in that 2-man crew. I'd wager that if they'd had access to 2 pistols, they'd have both been armed and threatening those workers with them.

I think they waited until that delivery driver returned so they could get his cash, too. Sticking up a pizza joint is pretty stupid and they had to know they weren't going to get much cash out of the deal, so every little bit counts! lol

The cops rolled by and could clearly see both of them wearing the helmets and one of them pointing the pistol.

Both of the idiots got what they deserved, IMO. I just don't have any sympathy for thugs preying on hard working honest people.

I truly need to clarify something (and this may be a bit more of what AT was talking about) but I meant to say that I hated to see that guy shot (AGAIN) while he was down. I should have been more specific but if AT was talking about him being shot to begin with, I stand my ground on that one.....it just wasn't right or AMERICAN to have shot the unarmed man after he was already down. Now that WAS a cop posing as judge, jury and executioner. Anyway, that is the way I feel about it. I'm just glad nobody was hurt.....the perps being NObodies.

****Comes from Brazil. Excellent job by the police

https://www.facebook.com/manoelmassi...2734877218966/ (https://www.facebook.com/manoelmassisteacciolybastos.bastos.5/videos/462734877218966/)

Just showed my son this......his only comment was that the last moving man should have stayed his butt still. He also made the comment that:

WHAT IF these cops were Brazilian SWAT that had just left a "situation" and were on their way to pick up a few pizzas on their way back home in that lil' toyota rabbit that drove by just before the $#!T hit the fan.

Talk about timeing!!!!! That would be something.

Honestly. It's not a matter of respect, either way. I simply refuse to accept that THIS action become acceptable here in OUR NATION. Which further points to all of the NEGATIVE reporting about our police departments across the nation whom...IN MANY RESPECTS, have been accused of being EXACTLY LIKE those two Brazilian cops in the video.
If WE, as AMERICANS want that kind of police enforcement to be legal, or overlooked. I'm sorry. But I simply refuse to accept that THINKING AMERICANS would like to see it here.
Now, if that effects what ANYONE here thinks of me for voicing my opinion. Go right ahead.
Just wait till you BLINK, and can no longer say what you want. So..I'm guilty for violating Opinions?:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

There goes the: "U MuSt spread REP around first CRAP again" and I can't even remember the last time I gave my old friend a REP. Shame on me cuz he deserves FIVE reps on this one. Jim, stop limiting REPS.....or do the same with the "LIKE" button.

OK.....I'm not a fence sitter and never will be. I believe the cops did the RIGHT thing (until they sent that last bullet thru the unarmed boy's rib cage). With the glass door and the robber being armed BUT one thing I didn't expand on about them even shooting the armed man was that he seemed to be on his way out and, as a deer hunter, would have waited till he was outside the building. In that regard, they were playing with the worker's lives. I'm just glad that I have older, wiser friends who direct me into thinking things out better. Thanks, AT!!! I still remember how stubborn I was while you and Tyr tried to tell me about voting "PEROT" as I did in my youth. HA!!! We simply need to run for office or encourage our military to run for office (instead of taking police jobs).

Is this the US shooting of a vet you are referring? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jose_Guerena_shooting

Monday morning quarterbacking aside, the video is from Brazil, which not that long ago had death squads shooting young gang members.

All vets here know Friendly Fire happens. We don't have to like it, but we certainly need to accept that when people and guns are mixed, sometimes the wrong people are shot. The right people in got shot in the OP video IMO.

From 1990: http://articles.latimes.com/1990-07-08/news/mn-324_1_death-squads

From last year: http://guardianlv.com/2014/03/death-squads-terrorize-rio-de-janeiro-as-brazil-readies-for-world-cup/

YEP....that's the story. It made me also remember RUBY RIDGE and Katrina......all different but somehow connected. ALL SAD and very much so AVOIDABLE!!!! Same goes for high speed chases that kill many Americans each year. I almost bought the farm last year or so when a Memphis cop plunged head on into an older couple who were probably going to see the same movie we were......AVOIDABLE!!!!

05-15-2015, 06:29 PM
**What should they have done in your opinion?

*Please feel free to Delete this story if your not satisfied with it....no hard feeling from anyone....There was a warning given to this thread....

Lots of things are better than wildly shooting into a store. Shows a lust for blood and foolishness.

Why the hell would i delete the thread? Ridiculous comment

05-15-2015, 08:29 PM
Lots of things are better than wildly shooting into a store. Shows a lust for blood and foolishness.

Why the hell would i delete the thread? Ridiculous comment

http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735423#post735423)
Just awful "police" work :( am bothered so many of you applaud this"

It would seem the cops `knew` of these guys....and had a take down team ready (as the car drove by)
The cops were shooting at the thugs through the door....what did you expect them to do Knock and give them ample time to do something stupid and dangerous?...The take down was smooth quick and efficient....

~ "Why the hell would i delete the thread? Ridiculous comment" ~

*Your the Mod and your the one complaining....I feel your first comment above was "ridiculous"

*The cops knew what they were doing "in their own country" and I am sure they had plenty of info on these guys already...

red state
05-15-2015, 08:38 PM
LTG, true that the cops were from their country and probably know the ins and outs but you should really look at the links MAX R sent in one of his posts.....very interesting and sheds light on another side of things (at least I came away with a conflicting view point). Both links are good reads...

05-15-2015, 09:31 PM
LTG, true that the cops were from their country and probably know the ins and outs but you should really look at the links MAX R sent in one of his posts.....very interesting and sheds light on another side of things (at least I came away with a conflicting view point). Both links are good reads...

*...I am glad the guys who were robbing ....pointing guns at people in "THIS VIDEO"...."right here" in this thread that we all seen..... are dead and will never "eva"..."eva" do what that did again....Do you have any {suggestions} on what the police "should have done"...at that moment in time" in "this video" right here "in this thread"...on this page... that we all seen....?

05-16-2015, 05:59 AM
I can't get the dam thing to even play for me, what a deal.

05-16-2015, 07:06 AM
I can't get the dam thing to even play for me, what a deal.

`Get Jim to `help you` fix it `through your computer` with some "remote" assistance action?

05-16-2015, 07:56 AM
`Get Jim to `help you` fix it `through your computer` with some "remote" assistance action?

Yes Jimbo is my go to man when ever I have a issue, I am sure he hates to hear the phone rind after he reads a post like this. :laugh:

05-16-2015, 07:59 AM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735423#post735423)
Just awful "police" work :( am bothered so many of you applaud this"

It would seem the cops `knew` of these guys....and had a take down team ready (as the car drove by)
The cops were shooting at the thugs through the door....what did you expect them to do Knock and give them ample time to do something stupid and dangerous?...The take down was smooth quick and efficient....

~ "Why the hell would i delete the thread? Ridiculous comment" ~

*Your the Mod and your the one complaining....I feel your first comment above was "ridiculous"

*The cops knew what they were doing "in their own country" and I am sure they had plenty of info on these guys already...

They shot blindly into a store with innocents who were in no danger.

First - im not a moderator - im an admin. Second, any mod who deletes a thread "cuz they dont like it" doesnt wait for permission from the OP. If one of the staff deleted this thread i'd find it a dumb thing to do but would stand behind them because we "hired" then for their good judgement on such things. Deleting threads they just dont like almost never happens because we have the most reasonable moderators and admins on the planet. Shit - if the staff here ran the nation we'd be set!

05-16-2015, 09:08 AM
The employees were pretty nonplussed until the shooting started, looked like they had been thru this show often enough. I think it would have been better to wait for the crooks to exit before blasting em, but in Brazil the Cops know better than than I.

At the beginning of this year the site manager at my former site in New Jersey screwed up and like most bigwigs was not fired. Instead he was put in charge of the companies Brazilian site. Things are pretty wild there and he now lives in a walled, guarded community of other foreign exec's, has bodyguards, and is driven to and from work in an armored SUV. In other words, he's pretty much a prisoner and will quit soon just as the company wants him to. :laugh:

05-16-2015, 10:52 AM
They shot blindly into a store with innocents who were in no danger.

First - im not a moderator - im an admin. Second, any mod who deletes a thread "cuz they dont like it" doesnt wait for permission from the OP. If one of the staff deleted this thread i'd find it a dumb thing to do but would stand behind them because we "hired" then for their good judgement on such things. Deleting threads they just dont like almost never happens because we have the most reasonable moderators and admins on the planet. Shit - if the staff here ran the nation we'd be set!

*The two perps were right there `at` the door when shot (easy controlled hit)....store personnel were to the left behind counter....there was nothing blindly about it imo.....

05-18-2015, 06:06 AM
Sure there was - there was flying glass, there were non-freaked-out customers and employees inside. Behind the criminals. Just not a shot a mature shooter should take. No impending, iminent danger. One wasn't armed. Screams of vigilante justice.

05-18-2015, 10:46 AM
Sure there was - there was flying glass, there were non-freaked-out customers and employees inside. Behind the criminals. Just not a shot a mature shooter should take. No impending, iminent danger. One wasn't armed. Screams of vigilante justice.

`​I ask again..what should have the LEO`s in your opinion done?

05-18-2015, 11:05 AM
`I ask again..what should have the LEO`s in your opinion done?

Truth-in-lending: I am not in law enforcement. I am in emergency management and while I work closely with LE and other first responders (Fire, SWAT, etc), I'm not a subject-matter-expert.


a) Do nothing. Possible outcomes - Suspects got away. This was a stunt; not an actual robery.
b) Apprehend upon exiting the establishment using less-than-lethal options.
c) Apprehend upon exiting using lethal options
d) Shoot wildly through a large glass door at what you THINK is a robery. Claim duress because one of them had a weapon, while nobody within the store seemed completely bothered by the situation.

(shrug). Off the top of my head...

red state
05-18-2015, 01:03 PM
`​I ask again..what should have the LEO`s in your opinion done?

I've answered this very early on in this thread but here it goes again: As a deer hunter *(BOW HUNTER) I know the importance of being patient. In fact, it is a necessity to be successful. Likewise, as a cop, I would have easily assessed the situation and saw that they had already robbed the folks and were exiting. Therefore, I would have waited till they had, indeed, exited before shooting. HECK, I may have even shot or at least shot AT both of them but I would NOT have shot (AGAIN) the unarmed guy AFTER I had already hit him. From what I saw, the boy would not have lived anyway but he certainly wasn't going to live after that last shot through both lungs and what appeared to be an exit through the liver.

The link I asked you to read by [Max R] was very interesting and I truly thought you would have commented on this as well. It appears that there is an extermination going on when the problem is in Brazil's creating the problem by abandoning (literally) their kids. READ THE LINK.....

05-18-2015, 01:24 PM
I've answered this very early on in this thread but here it goes again: As a deer hunter *(BOW HUNTER) I know the importance of being patient. In fact, it is a necessity to be successful. Likewise, as a cop, I would have easily assessed the situation and saw that they had already robbed the folks and were exiting. Therefore, I would have waited till they had, indeed, exited before shooting. HECK, I may have even shot or at least shot AT both of them but I would NOT have shot (AGAIN) the unarmed guy AFTER I had already hit him. From what I saw, the boy would not have lived anyway but he certainly wasn't going to live after that last shot through both lungs and what appeared to be an exit through the liver.

The link I asked you to read by [Max R] was very interesting and I truly thought you would have commented on this as well. It appears that there is an extermination going on when the problem is in Brazil's creating the problem by abandoning (literally) their kids. READ THE LINK.....

Too many people are out for overkill justice. However, what you aren't getting is "justice" and "life" are not regarded the same world-wide. I agree with you. Once he was incapacitated, mission accomplished. He was just murdered after that.

That's not the way 3rd world people think. They don't care about the leftwing MSM. Riot on them and they'll just kill you too.

One of the biggest problems I see between us and the ME is Americans are so arrogant they we think everyone thinks like us when they don't. We believe there is some inherent rule of liberty and justice as our society has written it when there is not. I'm not saying it's right. Just that it is. Human life is worthless in SE Asia and South America and Africa. We judge everyone by OUR standards, not theirs.

05-18-2015, 03:15 PM
I could be wrong, but it only looks like 2 shots were taken. There were no customers in the store and this must be a pretty dangerous area of town ta have 3 LEO's patrollin together in full armor. Whether or not one of the coworkers was in on it, doesn't matter, clearly though, the employees were pretty calm, but they were also in apparent danger. While lookin pretty amateurish, these criminals could have a reputation of rape or kidnappin, or of leavin bodies behind, who knows???

LEO's have a tough job to do, they have to make life and death decisions, that involve there own life, sometimes on a daily basis. If your gonna pull a gun on someone, much like Texas Hold em, ya have to realize that, this equals all in!!! The bottom line is, the bad guys are dead an no other casualties but a store front!!!

I could never second guess the officers with only this as evidence!!!

05-18-2015, 03:17 PM
I could be wrong, but it only looks like 2 shots were taken. There were no customers in the store and this must be a pretty dangerous area of town ta have 3 LEO's patrollin together in full armor. Whether or not one of the coworkers was in on it, doesn't matter, clearly though, the employees were pretty calm, but they were also in apparent danger. While lookin pretty amateurish, these criminals could have a reputation of rape or kidnappin, or of leavin bodies behind, who knows???

LEO's have a tough job to do, they have to make life and death decisions, that involve there own life, sometimes on a daily basis. If your gonna pull a gun on someone, much like Texas Hold em, ya have to realize that, this equals all in!!! The bottom line is, the bad guys are dead an no other casualties but a store front!!!

I could never second guess the officers with only this as evidence!!!

`Amen Granny! Thanks for dropping by!:cool:

05-18-2015, 03:23 PM
I could be wrong, but it only looks like 2 shots were taken. There were no customers in the store and this must be a pretty dangerous area of town ta have 3 LEO's patrollin together in full armor. Whether or not one of the coworkers was in on it, doesn't matter, clearly though, the employees were pretty calm, but they were also in apparent danger. While lookin pretty amateurish, these criminals could have a reputation of rape or kidnappin, or of leavin bodies behind, who knows???

LEO's have a tough job to do, they have to make life and death decisions, that involve there own life, sometimes on a daily basis. If your gonna pull a gun on someone, much like Texas Hold em, ya have to realize that, this equals all in!!! The bottom line is, the bad guys are dead an no other casualties but a store front!!!

I could never second guess the officers with only this as evidence!!!

I don't care WHAT they did. Not my problem. I merely made an observation based on .... wait for it ... observation. :)

Brazil is a completely different topic than radical Islam. Brazil ain't trying to take over the world by terror. How they police themselves within their borders isn't our business. We've gotten into the business of minding everyone else's business and it's failed every time.

I can see taking out the threat to the entire world as we know it. As far as THIS incident? I feel the same way as I do about Michael Brown. You got dead committing a crime. Tough. Don't be a criminal.

red state
05-18-2015, 04:59 PM
Still, WHAT IF, as I said at the beginning of the thread, but, what if, the scenario was somewhat different and these were the good guys holding the culprets till the law arrived. It has happened. That's my only take on it.....that and the murder of the guy that was already down and incapacitated. As Gunny said, however, it is not our country, our laws or our call. For all we know, ANYBODY brandishing a gun (IS) the bad guy. We keep putting that situation as if it happened here. Max R did put a bit of harsh reality in it and that is that these youths LITERALLY have to do something to survive.....they always have and always will till Brazil fixes that particular problem with their youth being discarded like trash. It is almost on the same level as our aborting MILLIONS of babies and put out with the trash. To each his own, I suppose. We ALL got a LOT of cleaning up to do.

05-18-2015, 05:18 PM
It started with a video of Brazilian police officers shooting (supposedly) two (supposed) robbers.

And now.....Take a long look at how angry everyone who responded has become over a video that took place a couple years ago (as far as I can tell).

Most of us offered our opinions, while others insisted either of two options...which NONE of us have any control over. Other than sounding like angry...unquestionably uninformed members of a forum on the Internet.

Now I know why I find it less useful anymore to bother coming here, to dare and offer any kind of opinion since...to do so, generally becomes a near useless exercise in Futility where the ANGRY argue with everyone else, and declare those who disagree...as less than able, or qualified to express ourselves.

It has been more than FIFTY years since I attended Elementary school, and threads like this have become reminders of those days again.
If that offends anyone. Good. And if someone insists...this is just a forum. Agreed. So, like almost every other post I have been making lately. JUST GO AHEAD AND IGNORE ME.
I fully understand why now.

05-18-2015, 05:20 PM
Still, WHAT IF, as I said at the beginning of the thread, but, what if, the scenario was somewhat different and these were the good guys holding the culprets till the law arrived. It has happened. That's my only take on it.....that and the murder of the guy that was already down and incapacitated. As Gunny said, however, it is not our country, our laws or our call. For all we know, ANYBODY brandishing a gun (IS) the bad guy. We keep putting that situation as if it happened here. Max R did put a bit of harsh reality in it and that is that these youths LITERALLY have to do something to survive.....they always have and always will till Brazil fixes that particular problem with their youth being discarded like trash. It is almost on the same level as our aborting MILLIONS of babies and put out with the trash. To each his own, I suppose. We ALL got a LOT of cleaning up to do.

My answer to "what if" is this: You don't have time to second guess. Not if you want to go home each night. I'm not a cop. They do a different job. If I thought any threat meant the life of one of my Marines I wasn't wasting any time.

And sometimes you're wrong. One of the things I can thank God for is I wasn't wrong. I have enough Baptist guilt going through me that it would probably put me over the edge.:laugh:

It isn't a to each his own. It's about survival for them. It's about being so busy judging others we never look at ourselves for us. Perhaps we should clean our own house before we tell others how to clean theirs?

05-18-2015, 07:41 PM
It has been more than FIFTY years since I attended Elementary school, and threads like this have become reminders of those days again.
If that offends anyone. Good. And if someone insists...this is just a forum. Agreed. So, like almost every other post I have been making lately. JUST GO AHEAD AND IGNORE ME.
I fully understand why now.

Except none or little to none of what you just wrote actually happened in this thread. (shrug).

Are you going to do this every time folks disagree in a thread? You want harmony? Wanna buy the world a coke?

05-18-2015, 08:02 PM
"Mad men"
http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/blogs/browbeat/2015/05/18/mad_men_finale_and_coke_an_interview_with_the_real _life_ad_man_who_created/f28abfc96cd9217b8bc7fd48dd3621a9_mm71421.jpg.CROP. promo-mediumlarge.jpg


05-18-2015, 08:58 PM
Except none or little to none of what you just wrote actually happened in this thread. (shrug).

Are you going to do this every time folks disagree in a thread? You want harmony? Wanna buy the world a coke?

To quote Jim, the owner of this forum. Everyone has the right to agree, or disagree here. Offer opinions, or idea's that others won't, or will like. THAT'S HOW FORUMS WORK.

05-18-2015, 11:14 PM
To quote Jim, the owner of this forum. Everyone has the right to agree, or disagree here. Offer opinions, or idea's that others won't, or will like. THAT'S HOW FORUMS WORK.

I could offer the same advice back to you. The world ain't just black and white and we don't have to agree about everything. Hell, the person I disagree with and argue with most IS my brother. Ask Jim how THAT works.

You're STILL a brother in arms to me. Don"t be so cranky. Trying to take my position as the biggest a-hole here, or what?:poke:

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-18-2015, 11:27 PM
Except none or little to none of what you just wrote actually happened in this thread. (shrug).

Are you going to do this every time folks disagree in a thread? You want harmony? Wanna buy the world a coke?

Not me. I prefer Dr. Pepper first choice and Sprite as a second choice.
Sprite was always a good mixer for vodka, gin or whiskey... sadly those three are no longer on my list due to health restrictions.:waaaah:-Tyr

05-18-2015, 11:47 PM

05-19-2015, 01:22 PM
I like their justice system to. especially when it comes to Negotiations


05-19-2015, 02:39 PM
I like their justice system to. especially when it comes to Negotiations


*Yup...remember that good find!....no MEOWING and pussyfootin around with criminals...


05-19-2015, 03:09 PM
I could offer the same advice back to you. The world ain't just black and white and we don't have to agree about everything. Hell, the person I disagree with and argue with most IS my brother. Ask Jim how THAT works.

You're STILL a brother in arms to me. Don"t be so cranky. Trying to take my position as the biggest a-hole here, or what?:poke:

Nope. Not in any competition here. So you haven't lost your spot.:thumb: