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View Full Version : Republicans and Flat Tax

05-16-2015, 04:14 PM
Journalist Patricia Cohen wrote for The New York Times 15 May 2015:
No matter how many Republicans end up squeezing onto a campaign stage for the 2016 presidential primary debates, one thing is just about certain: Every one of them will vow to cut taxes. So, with as many as 19 contenders all repeating the same message, standing out from the crowd will be a challenge.

For some hopefuls, the flat tax has turned into a way to grab attention.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/16/business/economy/republican-presidential-candidates-rally-around-flat-tax.html?ref=todayspaper)

And to try to dupe voters into believing in it. You would think that, touting their belief in the Constitution, they would be for the Constitutional system of taxation.

05-16-2015, 05:17 PM
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

05-16-2015, 06:58 PM
And to try to dupe voters into believing in it. You would think that, touting their belief in the Constitution, they would be for the Constitutional system of taxation.

Maybe they're living in the real world. Nevertheless I think they shouldn't just tout their desire for tax cuts but a complete rewrite of the tax code. Eliminating the corporate income tax is my current preference along with indexing capital gains to inflation.

05-17-2015, 07:07 AM
Eliminating the corporate income tax is my current preference...

And replace it with...

05-17-2015, 07:23 AM
And replace it with...


05-17-2015, 09:14 AM

Then, what about this:


05-17-2015, 09:26 AM
Journalist Patricia Cohen wrote for The New York Times 15 May 2015:
No matter how many Republicans end up squeezing onto a campaign stage for the 2016 presidential primary debates, one thing is just about certain: Every one of them will vow to cut taxes. So, with as many as 19 contenders all repeating the same message, standing out from the crowd will be a challenge.

For some hopefuls, the flat tax has turned into a way to grab attention.

article (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/16/business/economy/republican-presidential-candidates-rally-around-flat-tax.html?ref=todayspaper)

And to try to dupe voters into believing in it. You would think that, touting their belief in the Constitution, they would be for the Constitutional system of taxation.

Democrats promise the same thing. Look how long they've been promising minorities a free ride that still live in tenements. You want to be the pot, or the kettle?

05-17-2015, 02:09 PM
And replace it with...

The corporate tax? Nothing. The corporate tax is a backdoor tax on labor and capital and they should bear the burdens of the tax.

Then, what about this:

What about it? That's a spending problem, not a revenue problem.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMJ7v7Pm89HFSCsAfjJn7YiVIi6mO33 4o4GR1uv-xI1VfenNu7

Revenue to GDP is pretty static regardless of post-war tax rates and tax structure. Besides, our current corporate tax structure is probably the least competitive in the world and our domestic businesses are suffering for it. There are studies showing that foreign corporations actually benefit from a domestic corporate tax.

Besides, your graph is a touch disingenuous:


05-17-2015, 03:50 PM
Besides, your graph is a touch disingenuous:

It is what it is...

Debt Clock (http://www.usdebtclock.org/)


05-17-2015, 04:02 PM
spending cuts - NOT TAX INCREASES will reduce our nation's debt.

Lemme ask you this - should I ask my employer for more salary because I can't pay my bills?

05-17-2015, 05:57 PM
Then, what about this:


Amazing indago how you intentionally avoided, or ignored also telling us about how that SOARING RED LINE to the right in that photo you CUT & PASTED...didn't say anything about how OBAMA was responsible for the Increases...that EXCEEDED all 43 presidents before him. Would you like to explain that?

05-17-2015, 06:49 PM
Amazing indago how you intentionally avoided, or ignored also telling us about how that SOARING RED LINE to the right in that photo you CUT & PASTED...didn't say anything about how OBAMA was responsible for the Increases...that EXCEEDED all 43 presidents before him. Would you like to explain that?

How it got there wasn't the point, LoInfo! It's there!

05-17-2015, 06:51 PM
How it got there wasn't the point, LoInfo! It's there!

Good, typical, Liberal, Non-answer. And you never answered the question. How Progressive of you.

05-17-2015, 07:01 PM
Good, typical, Liberal, Non-answer. And you never answered the question. How Progressive of you.

How it got there is your strawman no doubt noted in another thread. Why don't you go look it up and get back to us.

05-17-2015, 07:16 PM
It is what it is...

Debt Clock (http://www.usdebtclock.org/)


You're right. Unfair. I can spend my money a lot better on me than the government has. If you don't want to work don't. But don't expect those that do to give you a free ride.

And I'm not talking about people that actually need help. I'm talking about the people that think they're entitled. You're entitled to breathe. The rest is on YOU, not ME. Go earn your own crap. Or do you just wait for an excuse to go loot a sporting goods store for your favorite pair of Nike's and ball caps?

05-17-2015, 07:27 PM
If you don't want to work don't. But don't expect those that do to give you a free ride.


05-17-2015, 08:10 PM
How it got there is your strawman no doubt noted in another thread. Why don't you go look it up and get back to us.

More proof that the liberal excuse tactic is at work for you. If you can't honestly answer a question. You must deflect, and accuse, or blame to save your LYING Butt.

05-18-2015, 04:47 AM
spending cuts - NOT TAX INCREASES will reduce our nation's debt.

Lemme ask you this - should I ask my employer for more salary because I can't pay my bills?

Do that, and let us know how it works out for you...

05-18-2015, 06:02 AM
^^^ yet the people we elect do the same thing to US. We pay their salary to manage the finances of the nation. Clearly evidence shows we've elected fools. Now those fools demand MORE money because they mucked-up our nation's finances.

05-18-2015, 07:04 AM
More proof that the liberal excuse tactic is at work for you. If you can't honestly answer a question. You must deflect, and accuse, or blame to save your LYING Butt.

Here, let me help you out here: here's a thread on the National Debt. You can check it out to see how it got that way:

National Debt Thread (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?47825-Do-you-know-how-much-we-pay-for-JUST-INTEREST-every-year-on-the-National-Debt&p=716466#post716466)

05-18-2015, 08:40 AM
It is what it is...

And what it is is not adjusted for inflation nor normalized to our GDP which is orders of magnitude higher than the 1940s as well.

Did you want to discuss Republicans and the Flat Tax?

05-18-2015, 08:42 AM
Here, let me help you out here: here's a thread on the National Debt. You can check it out to see how it got that way:

National Debt Thread (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?47825-Do-you-know-how-much-we-pay-for-JUST-INTEREST-every-year-on-the-National-Debt&p=716466#post716466)

And if that doesn't get you excited, try this:

Enlightenment (https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/omb/budget/fy2013/assets/hist.pdf)

05-18-2015, 12:01 PM
How it got there wasn't the point, LoInfo! It's there!

Good, typical, Liberal, Non-answer. And you never answered the question. How Progressive of you.

Yeah ... let's pay no attention to that elephant in the room.

05-18-2015, 12:04 PM
How it got there is your strawman no doubt noted in another thread. Why don't you go look it up and get back to us.

Seems you need a vocabulary lesson, sonny. YOU put the info out there. Pointing out the fallacy of YOUR presentation is NOT a "strawman".

05-18-2015, 12:15 PM
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

What do you find repulsive about the Constitutional system of taxation?

05-18-2015, 12:52 PM
What do you find repulsive about the Constitutional system of taxation?

There is nothing Constitutional about our system of taxation. As a matter of fact, it discriminates against those who get off their butts and earn money.

red state
05-18-2015, 01:20 PM
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap:

EXACTLY! We pay 10% at our church in tithes....in that way ALL pay the same "fair share". Like you, don't get me started!!!! The way things are, we NEVER really own anything and since the end of the War Between the States, we have seen a decline in Freedom through the "IRS" and increasing "revenue" takers/robbers. I understand the need for money to support our military, bridges and roadways but there is so much waste and ROBBERY it sickens me to even consider "what if". Just Friday, I saw that B.O. is going to be paid FOR LIFE (not only for being our worse president in my lifetime, but for being the corrupt, do nothing senator he was. That simply isn't right and is part of the waste/robbery that I don't agree with.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap:

05-18-2015, 01:28 PM
:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap:

EXACTLY! We pay 10% at our church in tithes....in that way ALL pay the same "fair share". Like you, don't get me started!!!! The way things are, we NEVER really own anything and since the end of the War Between the States, we have seen a decline in Freedom through the "IRS" and increasing "revenue" takers/robbers. I understand the need for money to support our military, bridges and roadways but there is so much waste and ROBBERY it sickens me to even consider "what if". Just Friday, I saw that B.O. is going to be paid FOR LIFE (not only for being our worse president in my lifetime, but for being the corrupt, do nothing senator he was. That simply isn't right and is part of the waste/robbery that I don't agree with.

:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::c lap::clap:

Since the end of the "War of US Aggression" the 10th got thrown out the window.

red state
05-18-2015, 04:49 PM
Since the end of the "War of US Aggression" the 10th got thrown out the window.

To our misfortune, much was thrown out the window....yet this "experiment" continues on (even if on three legs).

05-18-2015, 04:53 PM
To our misfortune, much was thrown out the window....yet this "experiment" continues on (even if on three legs).

It's still got three? I think we're already down on the forequarters.

red state
05-18-2015, 05:02 PM
It's still got three? I think we're already down on the forequarters.

....or slithering like the immoral snake we have become. My THREE legs were wishful thinking. WE were probably down to three legs during BUSH I years. Lost two under Clinton (or at least the Military did). With B.O. we are probably legless and now toothless (as the Iranians have proven).

05-18-2015, 05:09 PM
....or slithering like the immoral snake we have become. My THREE legs were wishful thinking. WE were probably down to three legs during BUSH I years. Lost two under Clinton (or at least the Military did). With B.O. we are probably legless and now toothless (as the Iranians have proven).

Oh you have NO idea. My last 8 years in the military were under Clinton. One of the reasons I just turned in my papers. He did more behind the scenes crap to us than you can imagine.

Whoever thinks Bill Clinton was a good guy needs to share what they're smoking. Apparently the left likes smooth talkers without substance to their words. Let's look: Carter, Clinton and O-blah-blah. QUite a record they got going for them.

red state
05-18-2015, 06:23 PM
Oh you have NO idea. My last 8 years in the military were under Clinton. One of the reasons I just turned in my papers. He did more behind the scenes crap to us than you can imagine.

Whoever thinks Bill Clinton was a good guy needs to share what they're smoking. Apparently the left likes smooth talkers without substance to their words. Let's look: Carter, Clinton and O-blah-blah. QUite a record they got going for them.

Yet they'll all say that Clinton was one of the BEST or the BEST president we had in the last century. B.O. has this century.....so it does reveal how they think........THEY DON'T. I have a real good friend and church brother who told me a great deal about his service under Clinton during our Men's outing this past Sat. Funny, that SOB would have probably had SWAT, ATF and who knows on us cuz we had rifles, pistols and shotguns (at a church, FATHER & SON type event). I'll never forget how they handled WACO and I most certainly will NEVER forget Ruby Ridge........or Katrina.

My son won the skeet shoot by the way......missed one lousy shot the entire day!!!!!! If he shot regularly or had the right connections, I have no doubt that he'd have been an excellent archery, rifle or shotgun representation to our Olympics. Just had t throw that in.....now back to the regularly scheduled discussion.

05-18-2015, 06:58 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735548#post735548)
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

What do you find repulsive about the Constitutional system of taxation?

You can't think of any reason that you prefer a flat tax over the Constitutional tax system?

05-18-2015, 07:03 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735548#post735548)
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

You can't think of any reason that you prefer a flat tax over the Constitutional tax system?

indago. You should stick to your copy/paste talents. Obviously, Economics of any kind involving numbers, or logic isn't making you qualified to post something Original, as in THOUGHT.

05-18-2015, 07:32 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735548#post735548)
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

You can't think of any reason that you prefer a flat tax over the Constitutional tax system?

Inheritance taxing is double taxing. You say:

"...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit."

Someone has already paid taxes on the original $100,000 and they give $40,000 to another person. That gift simply happens after death. I don't see the difference?

05-18-2015, 07:38 PM
http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by dmp http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/debate_policy/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?p=735548#post735548)
Flat tax is a pretty good deal.

Hell - Ending refunds for fockers who PAID NO TAXES would be a good first step.

Remove double taxing such as...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit. Also remove inheritance taxes - make EVERYONE Pay something.

But don't get me started.

You can't think of any reason that you prefer a flat tax over the Constitutional tax system?

Yeah? How about ending no taxes for people that pay no taxes? Might want to try again. Again.

05-18-2015, 08:45 PM
Inheritance taxing is double taxing. You say:

"...if I pay taxes on my income of 100,000 dollars, and give another person $40,000, THEY have to pay taxes too. That's bullshit."

Someone has already paid taxes on the original $100,000 and they give $40,000 to another person. That gift simply happens after death. I don't see the difference?

What are you not understanding?

If I give somebody $40,000 out of $100,000 for which I've already been taxed, THEY MUST pay taxes on their $40,000. That's double-dipping. We have inheritance taxes, too! If I have $1M in assets and try to leave it to my family, in some cases they must pay 50% Tax on what I leave them.

It's all bullshit. This thread has proven again and again the Government collects WAY TOO MUCH Money to be broke-ass and in debt all the time.

Mother fuckers elected to lead us are shitboxes. WHY do they stay in office? They keep promising idiots more "free shit" they have to charge to get to them. IF they even give it.

05-18-2015, 08:50 PM
What are you not understanding?

If I give somebody $40,000 out of $100,000 for which I've already been taxed, THEY MUST pay taxes on their $40,000. That's double-dipping. We have inheritance taxes, too! If I have $1M in assets and try to leave it to my family, in some cases they must pay 50% Tax on what I leave them.

It's all bullshit. This thread has proven again and again the Government collects WAY TOO MUCH Money to be broke-ass and in debt all the time.

Mother fuckers elected to lead us are shitboxes. WHY do they stay in office? They keep promising idiots more "free shit" they have to charge to get to them. IF they even give it.

dmp. Because...the uneducated, info-challenged, selfish, blood suckers who pay no taxes keep voting for those shitboxes. The Obama's, Clinton's, and Democrats all know....keeping the people ILLITERATE is a guarantee for democrat votes at election time. A LARGE percentage of Americans WANT FREE STUFF, and have no problem taking it from the other Americans who WORK for it, EARN it, and PAY for it.

05-18-2015, 10:42 PM
What are you not understanding?

If I give somebody $40,000 out of $100,000 for which I've already been taxed, THEY MUST pay taxes on their $40,000. That's double-dipping. We have inheritance taxes, too! If I have $1M in assets and try to leave it to my family, in some cases they must pay 50% Tax on what I leave them.

It's all bullshit. This thread has proven again and again the Government collects WAY TOO MUCH Money to be broke-ass and in debt all the time.

Mother fuckers elected to lead us are shitboxes. WHY do they stay in office? They keep promising idiots more "free shit" they have to charge to get to them. IF they even give it.

And yet every year millions of Americans celebrate their independence from Britain, and an old feudal society, and celebrate a pledge of allegiance to a newer feudal society and government, where the term "serf" is replaced by the newer term taxpayer, and millions toady to this new hierarchy by bowing and scraping every year and sending their private information to their masters.

05-18-2015, 11:03 PM
dmp. Because...the uneducated, info-challenged, selfish, blood suckers who pay no taxes keep voting for those shitboxes. The Obama's, Clinton's, and Democrats all know....keeping the people ILLITERATE is a guarantee for democrat votes at election time. A LARGE percentage of Americans WANT FREE STUFF, and have no problem taking it from the other Americans who WORK for it, EARN it, and PAY for it.

Spot on.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-18-2015, 11:21 PM
There is nothing Constitutional about our system of taxation. As a matter of fact, it discriminates against those who get off their butts and earn money.

That it does and IN SPADES!!!!
It is logically and mathematically impossible to tax a nation into prosperity-- yet is entirely possible to tax a nation into poverty, misery and third world status. Dictators do that and the big Dictator we have is the big government ran by the big traitor and lying scum the bambastard.
Sure the out of control tax system didn't start with him but he has maxed it to death- to the point of creating an ever expanding and greater new debt, equally the combined accumulated debt of the previous 43 presidents in only 6 years of his RULE..
How to pay off this new debt would ideally be to institute economic policies that stir national growth and business opportunities but no he punts on that. He just demands more tax revenues.
It is like being in a sinking boat and instead of bailing water out one is bailing it IN...
Any logical unbiased look at his economic policies and outrageous spending actions and one can only conclude -deliberate destruction is the goal!
I defy any person to attempt to disprove that glaring reality. -Tyr

05-19-2015, 04:12 AM
Here's some relief for some...

Journalist Richard Wolf wrote for USA TODAY 18 May 2015:
The Supreme Court came down against double taxation Monday in a case that could cost some states and cities millions of dollars. The justices sided with taxpayers over governments in a case that tested Maryland's income tax system, which does not grant a full credit to residents who also pay income taxes in states where they work.

article (http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/05/18/supreme-court-double-taxation/22066863/)

05-19-2015, 03:16 PM
And yet every year millions of Americans celebrate their independence from Britain, and an old feudal society, and celebrate a pledge of allegiance to a newer feudal society and government, where the term "serf" is replaced by the newer term taxpayer, and millions toady to this new hierarchy by bowing and scraping every year and sending their private information to their masters.

indago. Since you are obviously so full of hatred for this nation in almost every way possible. You do have an option most of us would happily assist you in taking. As in YOU SHOULD LEAVE...ASAP.

05-19-2015, 09:19 PM
indago. Since you are obviously so full of hatred for this nation in almost every way possible. You do have an option most of us would happily assist you in taking. As in YOU SHOULD LEAVE...ASAP.

So that's your strategy for handling a problem: Cut'nRun! I might have known that behind that facade of Bluster'nBullShit was a Coward Whining'nSniveling to get out.

05-20-2015, 05:26 PM
So that's your strategy for handling a problem: Cut'nRun! I might have known that behind that facade of Bluster'nBullShit was a Coward Whining'nSniveling to get out.

indago. Thanks again for proving you have no ability to comprehend simple sentences. That "LEAVE" was for you. But your feeble attempts to liberally redirect my words...FAILED.

05-21-2015, 01:24 PM
indago. Thanks again for proving you have no ability to comprehend simple sentences. That "LEAVE" was for you. But your feeble attempts to liberally redirect my words...FAILED.

How would that help Mr. McLellan get his money back from the Government?

Posted (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49550-Government-On-The-Take&p=733610#post733610)

05-21-2015, 02:13 PM
How would that help Mr. McLellan get his money back from the Government?

Posted (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49550-Government-On-The-Take&p=733610#post733610)

Another typical, liberal tactic applied by indago. Instead of answering questions...just pose more questions that have nothing to do with the original topic. Thank you Nancy (indago) Pelosi.

05-21-2015, 07:27 PM
Another typical, liberal tactic applied by indago. Instead of answering questions...just pose more questions that have nothing to do with the original topic. Thank you Nancy (indago) Pelosi.

Posted (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49550-Government-On-The-Take&p=735903#post735903)

05-22-2015, 04:21 AM
Posted (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49550-Government-On-The-Take&p=735903#post735903)

Paul Kersey: "What are we, Jack?"

Jack: "What do you mean?"

Paul Kersey: "I mean, if we're not pioneers, what have we become? What do you call people who, when faced with a condition of fear, do nothing about it? They just run and hide."

Jack: "Civilised?"


"If a man sees a wrong, and does nothing, can he then call himself a man?" — kwai chang caine

05-22-2015, 04:29 AM
Problem with the Flat Tax is that it'll just get right back here again, because it's inherently flawed that it can be turned into a progressive tax. Our current progressive income tax started out as a 10% tax against the top 1%. How's that working out for everyone?

05-22-2015, 05:25 AM
Problem with the Flat Tax is that it'll just get right back here again, because it's inherently flawed that it can be turned into a progressive tax. Our current progressive income tax started out as a 10% tax against the top 1%. How's that working out for everyone?

Yes, they really put one over on us with that one. Even William Jennings Bryan complained about it. We should return to the Constitutional system of taxation.