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View Full Version : `Race Activist and Ferguson Organizer Issues Chilling 3 Word Command to Blacks....`

05-17-2015, 03:35 PM

`......As if people in Baltimore needed encouragement for more violence, Dr. Mauricelm-Lei Millere, a former New Black Panther (http://conservativetribune.com/black-panther-leader-bombing/) and race activist who played a role in organizing protests in Ferguson, has issued a chilling command to black people to kill police officers “in broad daylight” depending on the verdict of the Freddie Gray Case.
“If Freddie Gray’s killers walk, you will see cops being killed in broad daylight,” wrote Millere in a message on his Twitter account. “Many are being killed now. In self defense,blacks must kill.”....Millere claimed to be a psychotherapist and is even credited with first identifying a mental illness known as Manic Aggression Personality Disorder......Apparently affecting only African Americans, this disorder allegedly stemmed from many blacks once having been enslaved by whites which now caused them to act out violently against perceived threats, according to Millere.....The command from Millere for blacks to kill police officers was predicated on the false idea that white cops have been targeting and gunning down unarmed black men in the streets on a daily basis, when the data points (http://conservativetribune.com/fbi-bombshell-cop-killings/) to a very different scenario.
*Liberal culture is so easily offended and ready to protest that it judges the accused guilty before any evidence is brought forth or actual verdict decided....

http://conservativetribune.com/race-...-word-command/ (http://conservativetribune.com/race-activist-3-word-command/)

05-17-2015, 10:07 PM
`Behavior determines response......Both ways....*Know the enemy......


https://sites.google.com/site/whoisd...eimillere/home (https://sites.google.com/site/whoisdrmauricelmleimillere/home)

05-19-2015, 01:07 PM
are they actually willing to die for the cause???

05-19-2015, 01:16 PM
So how do I kill only half myself? Weird.

05-19-2015, 01:17 PM
are they actually willing to die for the cause???

`Behavior determines response...` so far I have seen much stupid Behavior from them and most of the time... death was the result.....