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View Full Version : Feds go after motorcycle gang members – by claiming rights to their logo

05-22-2015, 07:26 AM
This is as stupid as stupid comes, and shows just how little the media knows about MC's. The Rico act when first enacted had clubs leaving there cuts ( vest with there club names on it ) at home. Now they say if they take the cut or the logo it will hurt the club, hardly, it will piss them off but there is ways around it, I believe it was the Mongols who would wear a bandana in a certain pocket with a lock attached to it, along with carrying a huge Mag light ( if ya ever held one they are heavy and not much different than carrying a baton ) See these two things showed the world who they where when they weren't wearing their cuts and it was also legal for them to do so, that and the fact that both things they carried to show unity could be used as a weapon.

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The trademarked logo of Southern California's largest motorcycle gang is unmistakable: a black-and-white image of 12th Century conqueror Genghis Khan, wearing sunglasses and bell bottoms riding a chopper while carrying a sword. For the club's 600 fully patched members, the logo is part of their identity and motto: "Mongols Forever, Forever Mongols."
But today, the Mongols Nation trademark is the focus of U.S. prosecutors' effort to dismantle America's most violent motorcycle gangs, from the Mongols to those who shot up a Waco, Texas restaurant over the weekend.
