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View Full Version : The Progessive Diaries. Laws from the hopes and dreams of Liberals/Progressives.

05-22-2015, 12:32 PM
Below you will find a list - and please add to and I'll update my OP - of Laws that sound GREAT to "Progressives".

Off the top of my head:

1) Refuse Certification: Prior to discarding any real property to include vehicles, animals, food, blankets, clothes, hair care supplies, medicine and others, Citizens must pay for Government inspection. The government inspector will decide if the item has possible value to other citizens or government agencies. The inspector will be hired at GS09, and their time inspecting will be paid for by the household receiving the inspection at an hour-for-hour cost. For example, an inspector in Detroit will bill his/her/other service at $25.21-32.77 (depending on employee within grade rate)/hr, two hour minimum. Only one subject area inspected per visit. For example, if Mr. and Mr. Smith want to throw away their bedsheets, the inspector will first collect the sheets, send to laundry services (at the cost of the owner). Initial visit will be billed at 1 hour. Upon cleaning, inspector will return to the house with the items and conduct examination. This will be a 2 hour cost. If the item is found servicable, the item will be sent to government-approved charity. Shiping and transportation costs to be paid by the owner. If Mr. and Mr. Smith have a sheet AND, say, a hair dryer, the hair dryer will be inspected seperately with similar process.

As an alternative, for heavy trashers, tax households may pay a 'Refuse Fee' of $2600 per year. Each house must itemize what they despose of, and remit that list with their tax return. The $2600 (ONLY $100 per week - who can't afford that?) will go towards buying for government-approved charity of their chose NEW items matching the items desposed of. If a family throws away 50lbs of beef in the year, they will itemize it and a portion of their annual fee will cover 50lbs of beef for a local charity. And so on. If they take a car to a wrecking yard, they will remit the blue-book value to the Government to cover the cost of a new car to be given to a charity. How heartless of people who would oppose this law. It's sad this would have to be a law in the first place. Poor people NEED stuff and it’s the duty of every citizen WITH stuff to ensure they give their stuff to people who did not pay for it. After all, NO property is accumulated without help from the Government. From society.

2) Pay distribution. Employers will deposit electronic debits (after all, actual money is racist, proabbly) into holding accounts of wage-earners. Upon need, the wage earner will petition the account managers for approval of release of funds. Any funds remaining at the end of every pay month will be remitted to government-selected charitable foundations. Afterall, would be heartless and mean and hateful to oppose such a law. Poor people - who are victimized and disabled by their genetic laziness - NEED money - erp - credits. Nobody NEEDS all their wage; this way, wages go directly to government officials who are duty-bound NOT to squander it. I promise, they will not. Probably.

Let's do more.

To make my OP you must reason through your law and give MORE than just the law - must put effort into writing how it will be administered.

05-24-2015, 08:17 AM
Or not! Ha! :-)