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View Full Version : `The new reality in Baltimore......`

05-22-2015, 03:58 PM
`Violence surges as Baltimore police officers feel hesitant.`

`You want less aggressive policing? This is what you get. Dumb shits .`

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/mar...ry.html#page=1 (http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/crime/blog/bs-md-ci-police-prosecutors-morale-20150508-story.html#page=1)

05-22-2015, 08:05 PM
Just what my brother predicted would happen. The police will take the calls, but they are not going to risk it all by being proactive/preventative.

The real losers are the law abiding folks that live there and can't move away.

05-22-2015, 10:25 PM
Just what my brother predicted would happen. The police will take the calls, but they are not going to risk it all by being proactive/preventative.

The real losers are the law abiding folks that live there and can't move away.

`You are right Kat...such a shame....Everyone in their right mind knows what going on over there....The black power theology movement is strong there....and its fuel is Political correctness...

05-22-2015, 10:36 PM
Welcome to the beginning ( well not really the beginning but we are still in the early stage ) of the new America, I said the night Obama won the second election that was the end of the white Christian male and it is heading that way very quickly, of course getting rid of the Christian male has a lot more going with it than just removing them.

05-23-2015, 06:27 AM
OK murder is up, 100 so far this year, non fatal shootings are up and we are to believe it is all ( or at least in good part ) do to the police being pissed or afraid to do there job. How about this scenario, maybe the brothers are getting more and more brazen as they watch thugs getting away with what ever they want all over this country, maybe the fact that our president our justice department and in many cities the local government is so quick to blame the police ( or anything or anybody except the poor thug ) that they are just getting out of control.

Maybe it is is time for all people to realize this is exactly what Obama wanted when he took office, yes how convenient for the Mooch ( Obama's lovely bride :puke: ) to just happen to start spitting how racist everything is, yup free Museums, racist, schools, racist, you name it and the Mooch will tell you how racist it is and how hard the poor Obama's have had it, when truth be told they have been force feed with a frigging Gold spoon since they were hatched.

Crime is rising in Baltimore, and some law enforcement experts suspect an anti-cop climate stemming from the racially charged case of Freddie Gray is at least partly responsible.
Homicides in 2015 so far stand at 100, up from 71 for the same period last year, and on pace to be the Charm City’s deadliest year since 2007. Nonfatal shootings are up 70 percent this year, following a particularly violent week that saw 19 people shot on Tuesday and Wednesday alone.
“It’s extremely frustrating,” Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said Thursday. “It is disheartening, but I am still resolved to continue to reduce violent crime in our city.”


Baltimore violence out of control after Freddie Gray riots

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://video.foxnews.com/v/embed.js?id=4248222126001&w=466&h=263"></script><iframe src="//video.foxnews.com/v/video-embed.html?video_id=4248222126001&loc=debatepolicy.com&ref=about%3A%2F%2F" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" height="263" width="466"></iframe><noscript>Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/05/23/violent-crime-surges-as-arrests-drop-in-baltimore-post-riots/)</noscript>

I love the fact that they have Mark Fuhrman speaking http://www.debatepolicy.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif man that adds a lot to the story.

05-24-2015, 07:33 AM
It's not the people, the neighborhoods and not even the events that transpired. It's having folks answer to the emotions of clueless people by tossing everyone and anyone involved under the bus. At this point of the case, releasing certain facts wouldn't harm anything. I've really yet to see anything other than the man is dead, and everyone arrested that was near him. Hell, they could all be guilty as sin, but they could all be innocent. But all of the lives and careers ruined already, regardless. I hope the facts prove without a doubt that all 6 were 100% guilty and without a doubt involved, otherwise they succumbed to emotions and screwed them on the same thing.

And without these facts coming out as of yet - why would other police take a chance on getting arrested if someone makes retarded claims next, and the city reacts to it, and then they are the next offered up?

Lack of communication of facts about these arrests here, but plenty of facts about "I hear what you are saying crap" about the protesters and then arrests - which should have NOTHING WHATSOEVER as to whether or not charges are/were filed.

05-24-2015, 08:49 AM
Jim's post above (http://www.debatepolicy.com/showthread.php?49764-Texas-biker-clash-leaves-9-dead-%91Police-shoot-at-white-thugs-and-no-one-gets-mad-se&p=736739#post736739) reminds me of something people in these neighborhoods could do, which is actively work with police-in fact the decent folks that want to be able to send their kids safely to school; be able to play outside; shop with reasonable prices not jacked up ones, due to cost of doing business; attract new businesses; etc.,-become a majority of CI's.

The reasons they don't get the protections enjoyed in many areas is that the police are focused on controlling gangs and drugs. Obviously the dangers inherent in these interactions are the same that prevent the law abiding to avoid the troubles. This 'rat them out' type of approach should be encouraged by 'community leaders,' and embraced by those police that the neighborhoods are most comfortable with. Concurrently there should be a 'reach out' to those one the edges of those gangs and other criminals-ways to be more integretated into the law abiding and mentors to help gain skills to be able to 'lift themselves up.' This is where private citizens and groups can do so much more than government.

05-25-2015, 04:21 PM
The result of Liberal Politicians who depend on the Lack of Education of the poor victims of POLITICS.

They can blame Republicans and White people as much as they want. But just look at the photos of those
IN CHARGE in Baltimore...and in Congress from MD. The answers are obvious. And, they are all Democrats, a few
of them even admit they are members of the American, Socialist Party. ANY QUESTIONS?

05-26-2015, 07:16 PM
I am posting this because it comes from Black America . com, it's not one of those peckerwood media sources reporting.

Anyway first let me admit I didn't watch the entire video, once I knew where it was going I chuckled and shut it off. Now a couple of months ago the dam cops where no good, well guess what, they are still no good only know because they aren't doing enough. Many predicted this would happen in these area's, yes these well behave folks that had the police picking on them ( and yes it does happen, just not only to black folks ) now have higher crime rates than ever, hell let them police their selves it is working so well.

Baltimore we have a problem!
And I’m not talking about police excessive force or the shooting of unarmed black men.
The numbers are startling.
In just 72 hours, this past Memorial Weekend 29 people were shot, 7 were killed.
This month is the city’s deadliest in more than a decade, since 1999.
There have been 108 homicides so far this year, up 40 percent from last year.
City officials are dumbfounded to say the least.
The mayor says it’s disheartening.
The Police Chief Anthony Batts blames, in part, the recent unrest.


05-26-2015, 07:34 PM
I watched Greta Van Sustern tonight. She reports that the riots cost the city about 20 million dollars and that the " leadership" is going to apply for FEMA funds to cover it.

Taxpayers are screwed again.

05-27-2015, 08:17 AM
During the rioting several leaders of that community implored the people to stop, warning that this was going to set the community back several decades; in a community that had never fully recovered from the riots of the 60's.

So it has happened.

It's a shame, Baltimore in the past decade had many things going for it regarding tourism. I know we enjoyed our visits to Ft. McHenry when I went with a couple class trips as part of DC tours. My dad, brother and I enjoyed it again not so long ago, we also went to dinner in a 'not so great' neighborhood recommended by one of the curators at the fort. It was a a grand place, though didn't look like it on the outside. Food was wonderful and the staff was extremely friendly and one could tell they enjoyed their jobs. While my dad and I probably would have just gone to a restaurant on the water or back to DC, my brother said the best way to visit would be to talk to a local about a 'gem.' We found it. Bet though we wouldn't repeat after watching the current news. As I said, that's a shame, for the people who owned that restaurant and worked there.