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Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 01:29 AM
See my response to Polite Russian, above.

You can't have a Nazi government with the 3rd most powerful man as a Jew. That's ridiculous.

Besides, the Ukrainians quickly reversed that award.

The only people claiming that Nazis run Kiev is unsupported Kremlin propaganda. If it were true, the entire planet would have headlines screaming about a Nazi government existing anywhere in the world in big, capitol letters. It would be a massive firestorm and the UN would be issuing condemnation after condemnation followed by 3,154 resolutions.

And what about bout parades of the waffen ss veterans in Latvia?) nobody cares.
Ukrain nationalists fight on the hitler side in ww2. And now their leader is a hero of Ukraine

05-28-2015, 01:42 AM
The USA stated that they invested 5 billion dollars into "democracy" in Ukraine. Nowadays we can see the results. Fruit is ripe.
The same results we can see in the other countries where US struggled for "democracy"


When and how did we invest $5 Billion into Ukraine's democracy?

As far as your link goes, did you read it?

The attorney generalship has come to the same conclusion. The police are accused of not having hindered the unrest. As far as the fire in the Trade Unions House, there is neither evidence of arson nor chemical weapons use. The blaze began when a wooden barricade in the foyer caught fire while both sides lobbed Molotov cocktails. The flames spread quickly thanks to a draft causing a "stack effect." It is conspicuous that the authorities have confirmed the central theses of the independent investigative group.Charges have been brought against a total of 22 people, half of them are in investigative custody. Another 13 suspects are on the run, among them a police chief and some of the leaders of the pro-Russian movement. There was previously speculation that Russian intelligence services had played a role in Odessa. There was no word of this in the attorney generalship's statement.

However, one of the most important questions that Sergey Dibrov and his colleagues failed to find an answer to was: why didn't the police do anything? "They were scared to take on the responsibility," is his attempt at an explanation. Police and ambulance corps were in a "disastrous state" at the time. Yet, many in Odessa find it difficult to believe that the whole situation was simply a chain of events. Many blame Moscow, others Kyiv. Solid evidence has yet to be found.

Sounds like the SVR or the GRU was involved, don't you think? The Police Chief was bought off and fled when things went badly, and that's why the local police didn't stop the Pro-Russian "protesters".

This is all interesting, but you still haven't demonstrated how there is a Nazi government in Kiev with a legitimate source, though. I provided professional AP links for you demonstrating that there were no Nazis involved.

If you believe the Kremlin without any supporting evidence, then just say so. Citing blogs and nutjobs certainly doesn't bolster your argument.

05-28-2015, 01:47 AM
And what about bout parades of the waffen ss veterans in Latvia?) nobody cares.
Ukrain nationalists fight on the hitler side in ww2. And now their leader is a hero of Ukraine

No, Polite Russian. He is not a Hero of the Ukraine.

I already answered this :

After the war, in 1959, in Munich, Germany, Bandera was assassinated by the KGB.

On 22 January 2010, the outgoing President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko awarded Bandera the posthumous title of Hero of Ukraine.

The award was condemned by European Parliament, Russian, Polish and Jewish organizations and was declared illegal by the following Ukrainian government and a court decision in April 2010.

In January 2011, the award was officially annulled.


Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 02:10 AM
No, Polite Russian. He is not a Hero of the Ukraine.

I already answered this :


Oh, damn I made a mistake. They made heroes of Ukraine rebel army, not only bandera. That was about a month ago.

05-28-2015, 02:15 AM
When and how did we invest $5 Billion into Ukraine's democracy?

Victoria Nuland's Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to "Subvert Ukraine"


See the comments. They are rather interesting.
As to "Kremlin", I trust our President and Minister Lavrov, but not your politically engaged mass media. You see, I am over 60 y.o. and I saw a lot, including your propaganda. You have no alternative sources of information. You even were not able to see the complete ceremony of WOG in Sochi. And you religiously keep on believing that TWO Boeings could ruined THREE high-rises by the method of industrial destruction and that ID of Boeing pilot could flow out on the street undamaged, from the burning aircraft stuck inside the building. :(

05-28-2015, 03:36 AM
Thank you for your post. You see i NEVER start speaking politics. I am answering the questions the other raised.
I think politics is not a proper subject for this very forum. There are much more interesting things to speak about to get acquainted closer and to learn something new about each other.
As to politics one thing is true - Britain has no friends. Britain has interests. http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/friends.gif

Politics is not a proper subject for a political message board? :wtf:

And you might want to think again about Britain having no friends. Seems to me, the last time anyone was a real threat to Britain they ended up with a boot stamped "USA" up their butts. Family is family.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 04:00 AM
Politics is not a proper subject for a political message board? :wtf:

And you might want to think again about Britain having no friends. Seems to me, the last time anyone was a real threat to Britain they ended up with a boot stamped "USA" up their butts. Family is family.

Well. Now guys from Novorossia trying to something like you did with Brits, but with Ukraine and with a boot, stamped "Novorossia".

I know, that there are some differences

05-28-2015, 10:33 AM
Victoria Nuland's Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to "Subvert Ukraine" Here you go : http://www.politifact.com/punditfact/statements/2014/mar/19/facebook-posts/united-states-spent-5-billion-ukraine-anti-governm/

That's $5.1 Billion in money, programs and services given by the USA to Ukraine - since 1992.

If you'll recall, after the collapse of the Soviet Empire there were a LOT of suddenly independent nations that were completely bankrupt and needed help. There are literally hundreds of other countries around the world that we've done the same for, with programs such as the Peace Corps, AIDs assistance, Malaria assistance, Food assistance, Medical assistance, Agricultural assistance, Economic growth, Humanitarian assistance, Defense assistance, etc.

I completely agree, though, we should not be giving billions to other countries. And I think you'll find that 100% of everyone on this board will agree - the amount of money we give away is truly staggering and it should stop.

And it's not like we gain any goodwill from the truckloads of money we give away. It's thrown back in our faces just like you've done here, with insinuations - if not outright accusations - of the money spent to help a bankrupt fledgling democracy get started being used to subvert it in some nefarious plot.

Also, to put this in some sort of context : In 2013 alone, American citizens (not the government) gave away $335.17 Billion to charity voluntarily. By comparison, the U.S. Government gave away at least $50.6 Billion in foreign aid in 2013.

So in context, $5.1 Billion in aid spread out over 23 years to Ukraine is a drop in the bucket compared to the volume of cash flowing out of this country to hundreds of other countries annually.

As to "Kremlin", I trust our President and Minister Lavrov,

Well, you would have saved everyone a lot of time if you'd just come out and said so. There's no point in even showing you facts and figures if you take Putin's word as gospel and reject any other information worldwide.

...but not your politically engaged mass media. You see, I am over 60 y.o. and I saw a lot, including your propaganda. You have no alternative sources of information.

I don't think you understand how the international media works. Journalists will happily cut each other's throats to "scoop" rival journalists, especially when it comes to uncovering some misdeed committed by the USA. A cursory look around the planet at media organizations shows no shortage of anti-American rhetoric, baseless or not. It's become fashionable to demonize America in the media, and our own media outlets are at the forefront of America bashing.

No alternative sources of information? I have the world's media at my fingertips. Other than access to classified government files, what am I missing? Oh wait - I do have access. Snowden gave those to me. How's old Edward doing over there, btw?

To suggest that America controls the media is laughable, and you only need to read the headlines to understand why. America is scrutinized and criticized more heavily than any other country in the media worldwide, deserved or not.

You even were not able to see the complete ceremony of WOG in Sochi. And you religiously keep on believing that TWO Boeings could ruined THREE high-rises by the method of industrial destruction and that ID of Boeing pilot could flow out on the street undamaged, from the burning aircraft stuck inside the building. :(

Ummm... yeah, I think we're done here. :rolleyes:

I will say that this was an entertaining deflection, but you never did demonstrate how Kiev is a Nazi government, complete with a Jew as the 3rd most powerful man in it... Other than conspiracy sites, Youtube channels and blogs, that is.

So to sum up your position, Balu : Vlad Putin said they were Nazis, therefore they are, and that's why there was a 97% affirmative vote to be annexed by Putin. Got it.

05-28-2015, 10:46 AM
Personally, i think that Putin is trying to divert domestic attention away from a flat-lining economy and massive social problems with whipped-up nationalism and military muscle-flexing.

Russia needs a generation of peace and quiet to develop its economy and stabilize its society rather than wasting resources in pointless and dangerous adventures. Putin just seems to have no clue how to do so, and seems a preening narcissistic caudillo.

Abbey Marie
05-28-2015, 10:49 AM
Balu. We, the members of this Forum, have been warned, and even scolded about NOT starting arguments here. So. Here you come. Sounding so Putin-like, expecting we the members to just accept you, and your claims without question?

This may come as a surprise to you. But, those of us here on this forum, and in other Online Forums are FAR MORE KNOWLEDGABLE as Americans than the other 99.9% of Uninformed Americans who easily FALL for the claims you are making here. Too bad for you, and your fellow Comrads from Russia who have recently become new members here. YOU are not fooling me, and probably no other members either.
Now...if I get scolded for making that statement to you. I fully expect it, and do not care.

That is patently false.

You were ASKED not to be negative in the INTRODUCTIONS forum.

And it was very clearly stated at that.

05-28-2015, 12:37 PM
Balu. We, the members of this Forum, have been warned, and even scolded about NOT starting arguments here. So. Here you come. Sounding so Putin-like, expecting we the members to just accept you, and your claims without question?

This may come as a surprise to you. But, those of us here on this forum, and in other Online Forums are FAR MORE KNOWLEDGABLE as Americans than the other 99.9% of Uninformed Americans who easily FALL for the claims you are making here. Too bad for you, and your fellow Comrads from Russia who have recently become new members here. YOU are not fooling me, and probably no other members either.
Now...if I get scolded for making that statement to you. I fully expect it, and do not care.

I only get scolded every once in awhile. :angel:

05-28-2015, 12:45 PM
Ok, let's remember, that he was a king (emperor, czar). And he was forced to leave the empire. But I agree, that he may be not the best emperor.
russian orthodox church call him "saint".. Lol

He was a dumbass as a leader. That's the problem with elitists. Obama is the same. They have NO idea what the people need or want. They just want to maintain a status quo, live like a king, and pretend the people are happy.

AND, Nicholas tried to get his butt out of a crack by engaging in war. He wasn't the first, nor the last. Just "another". In the meantime, he runs off to play war and leaves his country in the hands of a complete screwball. Rasputin was pulling the Czarina's strings like a puppetmaster.

Unfortunately, the cost of war was starving the population of his own country and they rebelled.

05-28-2015, 12:47 PM
Don’t talk crap Tyr. Listen to Obama’s speeches on exceptionalism, they’re all over the internet. What do you want me to do, go and find them for you, package them and return here with the obvious? Stop your nit-picking and go and find out the information yourself!

Who wants to listen to Obama? He's the most unqualified President since Jimmy Carter. If Obama told me the sky was blue, I'd go outside and look just to make sure it wasn't just another lie.

05-28-2015, 12:49 PM
The U.S. has Installed a Neo-Nazi Government in Ukraine



05-28-2015, 12:51 PM
Nazism of Ukraine’s Western-Backed Government Is Hidden by Western ‘News’ Media


Ukraine’s neo-Nazi Leader "Top Military Adviser to KIEV Gov" Legalizes Nazi Fighters.


I have to say ... I'm getting a good ab workout laughing at this US-installed government crap. :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

05-28-2015, 12:53 PM
And what about bout parades of the waffen ss veterans in Latvia?) nobody cares.
Ukrain nationalists fight on the hitler side in ww2. And now their leader is a hero of Ukraine

Why should anyone care?

But let's back this up a bit. You got pissed because I referred to the Cold War; yet, you're wrapped around WWII? A LOT of selectivity in your beliefs. We call it cherry picking facts here.

05-28-2015, 12:55 PM
Well. Now guys from Novorossia trying to something like you did with Brits, but with Ukraine and with a boot, stamped "Novorossia".

I know, that there are some differences


Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 01:19 PM


05-28-2015, 01:21 PM

Your response had nothing to do with anything I posted.

05-28-2015, 01:25 PM
Politics is not a proper subject for a political message board? :wtf:

And you might want to think again about Britain having no friends. Seems to me, the last time anyone was a real threat to Britain they ended up with a boot stamped "USA" up their butts. Family is family.:clap::clap::clap::clap::salute:

05-28-2015, 01:31 PM
And what about bout parades of the waffen ss veterans in Latvia?) nobody cares.
Ukrain nationalists fight on the hitler side in ww2. And now their leader is a hero of Ukraine

If you're really going to bog this thread down with WWII stuff, reflect on the fact that Stalin's first instinct, and action, was to treat Hitler as an ally.

They became adversaries only because Hitler turned on Stalin, and attacked Russia.

05-28-2015, 01:36 PM
If you're really going to bog this thread down with WWII stuff, reflect on the fact that Stalin's first instinct, and action, was to treat Hitler as an ally.

They became adversaries only because Hitler turned on Stalin, and attacked Russia.

Stalin felt betrayed when Hitler attacked him. There was little difference between the two. What tipped the scale was Hitler's racism. Rather ironical that Hitler himself was short and had brown hair and brown eyes.:laugh:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend is the rule that applies here. Stalin was as bad, if not worse, than Hitler. I believe he was actually more paranoid than Hitler.

05-28-2015, 01:46 PM
Stalin felt betrayed when Hitler attacked him. There was little difference between the two. What tipped the scale was Hitler's racism. Rather ironical that Hitler himself was short and had brown hair and brown eyes.:laugh:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend is the rule that applies here. Stalin was as bad, if not worse, than Hitler. I believe he was actually more paranoid than Hitler.

I completely agree on all points.

I believe our Russian newcomers badly need to get some deprogramming .. they have obviously been force-fed a very curious outlook, courtesy of their Mother Russia.

05-28-2015, 02:09 PM
I completely agree on all points.

I believe our Russian newcomers badly need to get some deprogramming .. they have obviously been force-fed a very curious outlook, courtesy of their Mother Russia.

I find reading what they post intriguing. Not ONE direct answer to simple questions, and can't stay on their own topics.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 02:10 PM
Stalin felt betrayed when Hitler attacked him. There was little difference between the two. What tipped the scale was Hitler's racism. Rather ironical that Hitler himself was short and had brown hair and brown eyes.:laugh:

The enemy of my enemy is my friend is the rule that applies here. Stalin was as bad, if not worse, than Hitler. I believe he was actually more paranoid than Hitler.

I believe Stalin was worse. Agree with all points about Stalin.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 02:14 PM
I find reading what they post intriguing. Not ONE direct answer to simple questions, and can't stay on their own topics.

give me quotes pls.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 02:15 PM
I completely agree on all points.

I believe our Russian newcomers badly need to get some deprogramming .. they have obviously been force-fed a very curious outlook, courtesy of their Mother Russia.

Ok, you can try. It will be interesting :)

05-28-2015, 02:33 PM
Ok, you can try. It will be interesting :)

The point is, why are you here if you aren't willing to listen to what we have to say? You're typical Russians, so busy arguing about what you think you know, that you don't listen to a damned thing.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 02:46 PM
The point is, why are you here if you aren't willing to listen to what we have to say? You're typical Russians, so busy arguing about what you think you know, that you don't listen to a damned thing.

Well, I can say about you the same. You dont listen to my point of view. Even, whan we talk about MY history.

But I'm open for dialog without agression, blaming each other and so on. You - dont. Whan I'm trying to tell my point - you do not even accept the another point of view. Lol. :3

05-28-2015, 03:13 PM
Well, this thread has been all over the map and really should have been broken into specific topics for discussion - and that's my fault by asking you politically loaded questions. I didn't see this expanding like it did.

But as you can see, Polite Russian, there is an interest by a large percentage of Americans & Brits that are interested in what you have to say.

Your introductory thread turned into it's own animal & perhaps it's best to start a specific thread for each topic. It's hard to keep track of things when there's 20 different topics being discussed.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 03:18 PM
Well, this thread has been all over the map and really should have been broken into specific topics for discussion - and that's my fault by asking you politically loaded questions. I didn't see this expanding like it did.

But as you can see, Polite Russian, there is an interest by a large percentage of Americans & Brits that are interested in what you have to say.

Your introductory thread turned into it's own animal & perhaps it's best to start a specific thread for each topic. It's hard to keep track of things when there's 20 different topics being discussed.

Well... My idea was simple. You ask me about russia, my opinion of the situation in the world, and I answer you.

05-28-2015, 03:38 PM
I find reading what they post intriguing. Not ONE direct answer to simple questions, and can't stay on their own topics.

Sir Drummond. I know this may sound silly, and even laughable; but I am now able to see where OUR U.S.A. Democrats get their political training, and techniques.

Typical, shared Russian/Democrat principles of always Asking another question, without answering one!

Maybe they are right. PUTIN really is more of their Hero than Obama could ever dream of being???

05-28-2015, 04:36 PM
Sir Drummond. I know this may sound silly, and even laughable; but I am now able to see where OUR U.S.A. Democrats get their political training, and techniques.

Typical, shared Russian/Democrat principles of always Asking another question, without answering one!

Maybe they are right. PUTIN really is more of their Hero than Obama could ever dream of being???

I see where you're coming from in this. But, added to whatever validity your conclusions have, is the apparent fact that ordinary Russians are only given facts to digest which the Russian State machine prefers them to know.

Added to which ... I believe Putin has shaped himself into a form of cult figure. Add this to the generations Russians have had to accept straight dictatorship as their norm .. they'll defer to authority with far less willingness to question than either of us could accept. A radically different psychology is at work here.

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 05:05 PM
I see where you're coming from in this. But, added to whatever validity your conclusions have, is the apparent fact that ordinary Russians are only given facts to digest which the Russian State machine prefers them to know.

Added to which ... I believe Putin has shaped himself into a form of cult figure. Add this to the generations Russians have had to accept straight dictatorship as their norm .. they'll defer to authority with far less willingness to question than either of us could accept. A radically different psychology is at work here.

well. I agree. Russia need strong hand. Czar, if you want :) too big territory, too many nations. All of that need to be under control. But dictatorship... No, Putin is not a dictator. It's radical difference between life in the ussr and today's Russia. At least people, who live in the ussr said that. We still have those dumb commies, but they do not have any serious power.

05-28-2015, 05:09 PM
well. I agree. Russia need strong hand. Czar, if you want :) too big territory, too many nations. All of that need to be under control. But dictatorship... No, Putin is not a dictator. It's radical difference between life in the ussr and today's Russia. At least people, who live in the ussr said that. We still have those dumb commies, but they do not have any serious power.

Polite Russian. Really? Would you like to make a BET on your statement about Putin..Not being a Dictator?

You can prove it by showing all of us here....What publicly displaying YOUR disagreement with Putin will get you.

You want to talk RADICAL...write to Putin, and tell him you Disagree with Anything he is doing. You will instantly learn the meaning of Radical. Then you can write to us here, and tell us how low the Temperatures are in SIBERIA this time of year. (Make sure your LAPTOP battery is charged)

Polite Russian
05-28-2015, 05:21 PM
Polite Russian. Really? Would you like to make a BET on your statement about Putin..Not being a Dictator?

You can prove it by showing all of us here....What publicly displaying YOUR disagreement with Putin will get you.

You want to talk RADICAL...write to Putin, and tell him you Disagree with Anything he is doing. You will instantly learn the meaning of Radical. Then you can write to us here, and tell us how low the Temperatures are in SIBERIA this time of year. (Make sure your LAPTOP battery is charged)

Unfortunately I cant. I am a policeman, so I can't criticize government (prohibited by the law) But usual citizens can. And they love to criticize government. I can give you a proof, but it will be russian webpage. We got a lot of opposition radio stations, tv channels, groups in social networks (we got our analogue of Facebook - vk.com)
You know, it is fun to listen stories from Americans about my country :) I live here and I know what's going on.

I can tell you about our freedoms tomorrow, if you want to. Life here is not so bad, as you think. I mean really. But now I'm going to have some sleep. :3
tell me, if you want details :)

05-28-2015, 05:25 PM
Unfortunately I cant. I am a policeman, so I can't criticize government (prohibited by the law) But usual citizens can. And they love to criticize government. I can give you a proof, but it will be russian webpage. We got a lot of opposition radio stations, tv channels, groups in social networks (we got our analogue of Facebook - vk.com)
You know, it is fun to listen stories from Americans about my country :) I live here and I know what's going on.

I can tell you about our freedoms tomorrow, if you want to. Life here is not so bad, as you think. I mean really. But now I'm going to have some sleep. :3
tell me, if you want details :)

Sleep well as I await your Intentional, Unanswered questions I posed...which could have been answered BEFORE you told us you had to SLEEP.

Sadly. Here in America. Many of us already know YOU are not permitted to say such things about your DICTATOR.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-28-2015, 06:14 PM
Don’t talk crap Tyr. Listen to Obama’s speeches on exceptionalism, they’re all over the internet. What do you want me to do, go and find them for you, package them and return here with the obvious? Stop your nit-picking and go and find out the information yourself!

Are you that clueless? Going to advise that I listen to the obamascum speeches. Now I know you are a lying liberal or else delusional.
Obama couldnt give a speech worth listening to if the bastard had a century to write it.

You tout you supposed superior knowledge and recommend obama speeches, damn I almost hurt my ribs laughing after reading that
stupid tripe.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

So you are an obama fan, funny how that does not shock me..
Some mighty fine false colors you attempt to fly here. --Tyr

05-28-2015, 06:20 PM
Polite Russian. Really? Would you like to make a BET on your statement about Putin..Not being a Dictator?

You can prove it by showing all of us here....What publicly displaying YOUR disagreement with Putin will get you.

You want to talk RADICAL...write to Putin, and tell him you Disagree with Anything he is doing. You will instantly learn the meaning of Radical. Then you can write to us here, and tell us how low the Temperatures are in SIBERIA this time of year. (Make sure your LAPTOP battery is charged)
Unfortunately you don't know Russian, otherwise you could enjoy our TV shows where are opponents to Putin and, it may sound strange, they keep on living where they prefer, but not there, where they had to, judging by your statement. :)

05-28-2015, 07:19 PM
Are you that clueless? Going to advise that I listen to the obamascum speeches. Now I know you are a lying liberal or else delusional.
Obama couldnt give a speech worth listening to if the bastard had a century to write it.

You tout you supposed superior knowledge and recommend obama speeches, damn I almost hurt my ribs laughing after reading that
stupid tripe.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

So you are an obama fan, funny how that does not shock me..
Some mighty fine false colors you attempt to fly here. --Tyr

Tyr. I am nearly convinced that John is actually someone who would fit perfectly into the Obama administration. In fact. I am also nearly convinced that John probably doesn't want us to know he voted for Obama twice; which is the definition of insanity..."doing something and failing...then trying the same thing again and expecting different results". Pretty obvious to me. Hey John. Do you happen to have your very own TELEPROMPTER too?

Abbey Marie
05-28-2015, 08:45 PM
Whatever else you say, this man is a stud. Can you picture Obama doing this?


PS I note he is wearing a cross...

05-28-2015, 08:50 PM
Well, I can say about you the same. You dont listen to my point of view. Even, whan we talk about MY history.

But I'm open for dialog without agression, blaming each other and so on. You - dont. Whan I'm trying to tell my point - you do not even accept the another point of view. Lol. :3

You are correct. I quit listening when I figured out you had nothing to offer.

I've addressed your point more than twice. Each time. you have deflected to another topic. If you have a point to make, back it up.

05-28-2015, 08:51 PM
Well... My idea was simple. You ask me about russia, my opinion of the situation in the world, and I answer you.

No you haven't.

05-28-2015, 08:51 PM
Sir Drummond. I know this may sound silly, and even laughable; but I am now able to see where OUR U.S.A. Democrats get their political training, and techniques.

Typical, shared Russian/Democrat principles of always Asking another question, without answering one!

Maybe they are right. PUTIN really is more of their Hero than Obama could ever dream of being???


05-28-2015, 09:32 PM



05-28-2015, 10:54 PM
Well... My idea was simple. You ask me about russia, my opinion of the situation in the world, and I answer you.

Yep, I know... as I said, that was my fault.

05-28-2015, 11:19 PM
Whatever else you say, this man is a stud. Can you picture Obama doing this?


PS I note he is wearing a cross...
I think, that this is not bad too.


05-29-2015, 12:39 AM
I believe Stalin was worse. Agree with all points about Stalin.
I can not agree. Thanks to his leadership and governance, thanks to his credibility among citizens of the USSR we were able to raise our country after our Civil War from the devastation we had and withstand in Create Patriotic War, won the Nazi Germany as well as to rebuild the country after the War WITHOUT any foreign assistance under suppression of The Truman doctrine.

Polite Russian
05-29-2015, 03:37 AM
I can not agree. Thanks to his leadership and governance, thanks to his credibility among citizens of the USSR we were able to raise our country after our Civil War from the devastation we had and withstand in Create Patriotic War, won the Nazi Germany as well as to rebuild the country after the War WITHOUT any foreign assistance under suppression of The Truman doctrine.

I accept your point position, but I will stay with my opinion :)
Let's do not start discussion good/bad Stalin here. Offtop.

05-29-2015, 05:31 AM
Whatever else you say, this man is a stud. Can you picture Obama doing this?


PS I note he is wearing a cross...

Yes, I could picture Obama doing him, ooo wait you mean looking that good. :laugh:

05-29-2015, 06:27 AM
I accept your point position, but I will stay with my opinion :)
Let's do not start discussion good/bad Stalin here. Offtop.
WE DIDN'T start discussing Stalin. DID WE? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

Polite Russian
05-29-2015, 06:50 AM
WE DIDN'T start discussing Stalin. DID WE? http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/dntknw.gif

We did not. I'm just try'n to prevent discussion. :)

05-29-2015, 08:26 AM
Unfortunately you don't know Russian...

He doesn't really know English either.

PS I note he is wearing a cross...

Porn chicks wear crosses too... or so I've heard. :scared:

05-29-2015, 09:39 AM
He doesn't really know English either.

But he knows American: lift-elevator, harvest-crop, autumn-fall, tube-subway... http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

05-29-2015, 11:45 AM
But he knows American: lift-elevator, harvest-crop, autumn-fall, tube-subway... http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/smile3.gif

I wasn't referring to you with my comment. Welcome BTW.

05-29-2015, 11:55 AM
I wasn't referring to you with my comment. Welcome BTW.

It was a joke. Sorry! http://www.kolobok.us/smiles/standart/sad.gif

05-29-2015, 04:35 PM
We did not. I'm just try'n to prevent discussion. :)

Oh come on! Let's DO talk about him. Now let's see....

how many millions of "his own people" did he actually murder? Some say over 20 million. And then some say more like 40 million.

Wow. That's an awful lot of genocide there.

Joseph Stalin, who died 60 years ago in Moscow, was a small man -- no more than 5-foot-4. The abused son of a poor, alcoholic Georgian cobbler, Josef Vissarionovich Djughashvili (the future Stalin) also had a withered arm, a clubbed foot and a face scarred by small pox, but he stood very tall as one of history’s most prolific killers.

Stalin’s extremely brutal 30-year rule as absolute ruler of the Soviet Union featured so many atrocities, including purges, expulsions, forced displacements, imprisonment in labor camps, manufactured famines, torture and good old-fashioned acts of mass murder and massacres (not to mention World War II) that the complete toll of bloodshed will likely never be known.

An amoral psychopath and paranoid with a gangster’s mentality, Stalin eliminated anyone and everyone who was a threat to his power – including (and especially) former allies. He had absolutely no regard for the sanctity of human life.

But how many people is he responsible for killing?

In February 1989, two years before the fall of the Soviet Union, a research paper by Georgian historian Roy Aleksandrovich Medvedev published in the weekly tabloid Argumenti i Fakti estimated that the death toll directly attributable to Stalin’s rule amounted to some 20 million lives (on top of the estimated 20 million Soviet troops and civilians who perished in the Second World War), for a total tally of 40 million.


Polite Russian
05-29-2015, 04:38 PM
Oh come on! Let's DO talk about him. Now let's see....

how many millions of "his own people" did he actually murder? Some say over 20 million. And then some say more like 40 million.

Wow. That's an awful lot of genocide there.

Lets talk about him not in this thread? ) Make your own. :3

05-29-2015, 04:42 PM
Lets talk about him not in this thread? ) Make your own. :3

Polite Russian. Would you like to answer the question I asked you last night? You know? The one about how you are forbidden from speaking about your PUTIN...Dictator??
And, if you have time...before you go to sleep again. Tell us about the reports we are hearing, and reading about PUTIN Whistleblowers...being murdered, poisoned, and never seen again?

Just wondering if PUTIN allows you to talk about such things with your FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

05-29-2015, 04:50 PM
Lets talk about him not in this thread? ) Make your own. :3

As I pointed out before, this is not YOUR thread. It belongs to the board. Seeing as how you've been all over the place in it, don't presume to tell others what they can say.

Unless otherwise stated by STAFF, not YOU, anything you post is fair game.

Polite Russian
05-29-2015, 04:57 PM
Polite Russian. Would you like to answer the question I asked you last night? You know? The one about how you are forbidden from speaking about your PUTIN...Dictator??
And, if you have time...before you go to sleep again. Tell us about the reports we are hearing, and reading about PUTIN Whistleblowers...being murdered, poisoned, and never seen again?

Just wondering if PUTIN allows you to talk about such things with your FREEDOM OF SPEECH?

sorry, I forgot about your question. I got an exams at the univercity, so my thoughts go away sometimes :)
Can you repeat the question pls? You asking about our freedom of speech?

Murdered wistleblowers?????? Lol, never heard about )
Can you give me some links?? Mb I just did not understood that correctly

Polite Russian
05-29-2015, 05:00 PM
As I pointed out before, this is not YOUR thread. It belongs to the board. Seeing as how you've been all over the place in it, don't presume to tell others what they can say.

Unless otherwise stated by STAFF, not YOU, anything you post is fair game.

Lol. I created THIS thread and outlined the theme. So I want to have some kind of order here. Discussion about Stalin if offtop. So It will be better to create another thread.

05-29-2015, 06:16 PM
Lol. I created THIS thread and outlined the theme. So I want to have some kind of order here. Discussion about Stalin if offtop. So It will be better to create another thread.

Actually you may request that others follow as you like, but there's no saying they will. Same problem you had with my suggestion of a new thread-you thought it was 'moderator' it wasn't, just a suggestion.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2015, 06:52 PM
He doesn't really know English either.

Porn chicks wear crosses too... or so I've heard. :scared:


Abbey Marie
05-29-2015, 06:55 PM
sorry, I forgot about your question. I got an exams at the univercity, so my thoughts go away sometimes :)
Can you repeat the question pls? You asking about our freedom of speech?

Murdered wistleblowers?????? Lol, never heard about )
Can you give me some links?? Mb I just did not understood that correctly

PR, some friendly advice- don't let anyone try to force you into a discussion. If you want to discuss a topic, go ahead. If not, don't. You are not personally responsible for defending Russia, or all the various Russian leaders over the years.

Abbey Marie
05-29-2015, 06:56 PM
Lol. I created THIS thread and outlined the theme. So I want to have some kind of order here. Discussion about Stalin if offtop. So It will be better to create another thread.

I agree. Plenty of room on the board for a new thread. In fact, many people here will complain if a thread goes off-topic.

05-29-2015, 07:12 PM
Lol. I created THIS thread and outlined the theme. So I want to have some kind of order here. Discussion about Stalin if offtop. So It will be better to create another thread.

You don't determine the order or lack thereof. The Staff does. YOU, not anyone else, have deflected to whatever topic you wish. Yet, you choose to not respond to anything, and try to dictate who can and can't say what.

This ain't Russia, Ivan. We say what we want so long as it is within the rules and AGAIN, creating a thread doesn't mean you own it. The board does. Try getting THAT through your little brain housing group.

YOU interjected politics into your own thread. Deal with that which you have wrought.

05-29-2015, 09:53 PM
I agree. Plenty of room on the board for a new thread. In fact, many people here will complain if a thread goes off-topic.

Abbey, encouraging officiousness just causes resentment. Is that what you really want to do? I'm not singling these guys out, just stating a general principle.

Polite Russian
05-30-2015, 12:15 AM
You don't determine the order or lack thereof. The Staff does. YOU, not anyone else, have deflected to whatever topic you wish. Yet, you choose to not respond to anything, and try to dictate who can and can't say what.

This ain't Russia, Ivan. We say what we want so long as it is within the rules and AGAIN, creating a thread doesn't mean you own it. The board does. Try getting THAT through your little brain housing group.

YOU interjected politics into your own thread. Deal with that which you have wrought.

here go the offensive language. Bravo, mr marine.
If it is not Russia that means, that there is no order? Lol. I never dictate someone to do something, you paranoid. It was an offer.
Your buttheart makes me laugh :)

you reeealy want to discuss about Stalin, or you just need a reason to argue with me? My girlfriend sometimes do the same.

Abbey Marie
05-30-2015, 01:37 AM
Abbey, encouraging officiousness just causes resentment. Is that what you really want to do? I'm not singling these guys out, just stating a general principle.

I see a certain amount of "using the rules' on both sides. What I am trying to do is not a secret- encourage our newest members so they don't leave.

Polite Russian
06-01-2015, 04:37 PM
Hey guys, may be you can find that interesting. This man said, that he is a volunteer from USA. Can you confirm this? He talk like american, I think... Well, definitly not like Russian, who learned english :)