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05-27-2015, 07:17 PM
The world is obsessed with queers nowadays.

Your tax money:

The National Institutes of Health through its National Institute of Mental Health has awarded $52,293 in taxpayer funding to the Toronto-based Centre for Addiction and Mental Health to study how to reduce discrimination of lesbian, gay and transgender people with schizophrenia by members of the community they are in frequent contact with, like the “convenience store clerk.”


Randy Berry, the State Department’s first envoy for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) persons, said on Tuesday he is leaving on a 15-country, five-week trip to encourage foreign governments to include protection for homosexuals in their constitutions.


National Park Service Classroom Series:

Overview Students will learn the connection between the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall and the GLBT Civil Rights Movement.


They are so lovable, like big teddy bears.


John V
05-27-2015, 07:40 PM
Ooooh Perianne, she's gorgeous. Yes let's celebrate. :rofl1:

06-30-2015, 11:39 AM
I wonder who the media would pull for if there were to be a war between blacks, queers, and Muslims?

06-30-2015, 01:26 PM
I wonder who the media would pull for if there were to be a war between blacks, queers, and Muslims?

Perianne. They already are pulling for Gays, and the WAR has been on for a long time.

Notice how Islamic Muslims like ISIS have been intentionally MURDERING Christians, Muslims, and most of all...anyone who is GAY????

The media only pulls for those who bring in the most REVENUE, and ATTENTION to their SAVE THE WORLD amateur, wannabe journalism careers that win them their 15 minutes of fame before they are forgotten.

06-30-2015, 01:36 PM
I wonder who the media would pull for if there were to be a war between blacks, queers, and Muslims?

The UK would consider the smallest sign of any such thing brewing as actionable under hatespeech laws. They'd probably arrest ringleaders. Then, human rights interests would intervene and argue that action against any one group was prejudicial and get them released. We'd then have an almighty debate about it, several marches in central London (probably with celebrities getting involved, on account of cameras being present) maybe a riot or 2 (as a fringe 'benefit' of the marches ?), then everyone would go back to their usual lives ...

... until the next time ...

... and the time after that ...

... etc etc ...

06-30-2015, 01:42 PM
The world is obsessed with queers nowadays.

Your tax money:



National Park Service Classroom Series:


They are so lovable, like big teddy bears.


They must make themselves look as stupid as possible, and to think it is a hate crime to hand this freak jis A$$.

Abbey Marie
06-30-2015, 05:03 PM
The UK would consider the smallest sign of any such thing brewing as actionable under hatespeech laws. They'd probably arrest ringleaders. Then, human rights interests would intervene and argue that action against any one group was prejudicial and get them released. We'd then have an almighty debate about it, several marches in central London (probably with celebrities getting involved, on account of cameras being present) maybe a riot or 2 (as a fringe 'benefit' of the marches ?), then everyone would go back to their usual lives ...

... until the next time ...

... and the time after that ...

... etc etc ...

Just wait until the ICJ gets a chokehold on proceedings.