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View Full Version : Baltimore prosecutor Mosby on cops: 'Thugs'

05-28-2015, 05:33 AM
Seems the prosecutor is a bit of a racist, wow what a surprise. :rolleyes: I am no expert by no means but if a jury clears these 6 cops they should string this racist Bi*** up in town square. She calls the cops thugs and that I can live with if they are truly guilty, but then says I told you last week about infuriating certain white people.

Critics of Baltimore City state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby have further evidence of the zealous prosecutor’s bias against police officers, this time from her activities on social media.
Following her May 1 announcement of charges to be filed against six Baltimore police officers who participated in the April 12 arrest and transport of Freddie Gray – who died a week later, apparently from injuries sustained while in custody – Mosby came under fire for her inflammatory language and questionable legal judgment.
The debate online that followed over Mosby’s actions — both pro and con — eventually drew the prosecutor herself in to express an opinion, reported Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2015/05/27/marilyn-mosby-endorsed-tweets-calling-baltimore-cops-thugs/).
On May 6, Mosby favorited a tweet by 3ChicsPolitico calling the charged officers “thugs.”


05-28-2015, 07:13 AM
This lady is a idiot, watch this video and see who the real racist is, makes ya wonder if these cops truly are guilty. She needs to be pulled from this case.

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