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View Full Version : Baltimore mayor apologizes to rioters for using T-word

05-28-2015, 05:49 AM
OOO the poor rioters, there not thugs they are just acting out according to the Mayor, no reason to wonder any further why these thugs are acting the way they are. Unbelievable that no matter what happened anyone would condone what these THUGS are doing, also in the news today is they are considering the T word ( thugs ) the New N word. :laugh: Personally I figure as long as they are acting the way they are call them what ever you want and you would be correct.

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As Baltimore burns, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is turning the flip-flop into a high art form, to the point where she is now apologizing to the rioters for calling them “thugs.”
She stated early Monday that police were instructed to allow “those who wished to destroy space to do that.” By Monday evening, facing heavy criticism from residents and business owners, she walked back from those comments
