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View Full Version : One link to a poem I authored published in a book .

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-28-2015, 10:25 PM
A link to a fine poem collection book that used my poem.
I was asked and gave my permission for the use of one poem as a donation.


Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
by Kim Bond (Goodreads Author)
5.0 of 5 stars 5.00 · rating details · 1 rating · 0 reviews
Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection includes over 20 incredible poems by poets Jan Allison, Jeanne Beaumont, Faye Gibson, Jay Harding, Judy K. Haught, Joyce Johnson, Richard Lamoureux, Robert Lindley, Antony Mark, Stephan Mcbride, Liam Mcdaid, Brenda Meier-Hans, Casarah Nance, Kimmy Nelson, Regina Riddle, Isaac Thomas, Leon Wilson, Dave Wood, and more! Draw nearer to ou ...more

Published March 24th 2015 by Smashwords Edition
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Creator: A Christian Poetry Collection
by Kim Bond (Goodreads Author)


Total of 30 poems by a total of 15 poets
0f that total of 30 , twelve poems (one-third presented) are mine.
I had nothing to do with the choosing and listing
the majority being mine.
Here are the poems I authored.
In order as they are presented at the linked site...-Tyr

1. God Sends Promises and Love
2. We Loved Her In Vain
3. Soul Seeks Its Maker
4. The Curves Of Those Sensual Lips
5. As Midnight Moon Shines Upon Her Eyes
6. The Morning Sun Speaks
7. Ten Years Today, Our Love
8. Longing For You
9. Falling Into Her Vision From The Start
10. The Priest with Spirited Eyes
11. As We Cry In The Darkness
12. The Rare Moment

05-29-2015, 12:20 PM

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
05-29-2015, 06:44 PM

Thanks, I think,.... "congradulations"? -is that congratulations?

Didn't know if it was a typo or intentional new word I have no knowledge of myself..--Tyr

05-30-2015, 06:25 AM
Thanks, I think,.... "congradulations"? -is that congratulations?

Didn't know if it was a typo or intentional new word I have no knowledge of myself..--Tyr

lets call it my unintended attempt at creative writing.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
07-15-2015, 09:02 AM
Just ran across this one on an Internet search. I had forgotten it. -Tyr


Written by: Robert Lindley | Read Poems by Robert Lindley
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A Poem On Quotes

A quote can inspire others to fame
words to so fiercely spirit tame
Compassion stabbed out with a pen
heart cracked open , sacrifice then

Never fear to gift hope to others
think of love, as in our mothers
Take bits of wisdom to freely share
ladder be damned , take the stairs

Record good thoughts to inspire joy
leave those to help but not annoy
Angels see our souls often laid bare
they rejoice when we unselfishly share

Think of others with poetic shared words
Yes, fly we can, it is not just for the birds

Robert J. Lindley 07-25-2014

My Seven Poetry Quotes

1.To show heart, wisdom and compassion write poetry and
write it often!
by Robert J. Lindley

2. Ink the pen, share with all that will read then.
by Robert J. Lindley

3. If a drug you must have, choose poetry and generosity.
by Robert J. Lindley

4.To slay the beast deny its feast by writing
food for thought and savor spiritual inspiration.
by Robert J. Lindley

5. Write to save your soul, always a worthy goal.
by Robert J. Lindley

6. Poetry saves lives as does frequent hand washing.
by Robert J. Lindley

7. Hope appeared, poetry was born!
by Robert J. Lindley

Another one just found..

Stolen, use of my poem.
So far worse examples exist in which they actually claim they wrote my poem,
at least this one listed me as the author. Although , I know neither
Teddi beres or the mysterious Mist Thei... -Tyr

Teddi Beres Follow
Mist Morning
One last cup just for the snow covered road work awaiting,
I'll not be late or so bold
Black magic, it damn sure hits the sweet spot
cranks my brain, gets me going like a rifle shot
Yes my fair lady, please pour just one more
I need the boost to race out the front door
That tastes so like goodness in a great kiss
love my black coffee, morning joe I never miss
"For the Love Of Coffee, I Tarry" by Robert J. Lindley
(Met my friend, Mist Thei, outside HY's for morning coffee.)


Several of my friends (poets) have told me this--If they steal your work its because it is good, nobody steals garbage!
I reply, so what, stealing is still stealing. -Tyr