View Full Version : My foracst for fightng.

05-31-2015, 08:39 PM
Several days ago Ukraine blocked Russian transit to Russian peace keepers staying in Dnestr Moldavian Republic.
Yesterday the former President of Georgia Michail Saakashvili wanted by Interpol was appointed a Governor of Odessa Region. Odessa is 70 km (47 miles) from this Dnestr Moldavian Republic.
Mr. Saakashvili 08.08.08. attacked Russian peace keepers on the South Osetia - Georgia demarcation line and attacked night sleeping city Tskhinval by rocket launchers, tanks and infantry. The 58-th army of Russian Federation within 5 days shut down this conflict with good trophies - 72 undamaged tanks with full munition, several armed vehicles of American origin and 3 Hammers with equipment and data of satellite targeting with disposition of Russian troops, which Americans claimed to return as US Army property.
I forecast, that within 2-3 weeks Kiev will start fighting against this Republic where are also 160.000 citizens of Russia, besides peace keepers, with the aim to involve Russia directly into this war conflict, which Ukraine will unleash.