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red states rule
06-01-2015, 03:50 AM
I am sitting back and watching the liberal media fawn over Hillary Clinton as she partakes on another "listening tour" with pre-screened and carefully coached voters while ducking questions regarding the many scandals that are piling up around her higher then the snow drifts did in Boston last winter.

I cannot comprehend how anyone could vote for Hillary. She is a shameless hypocrite whose primary concern is fame and fortune; not governing within the framework of the US Constitution and what is best for America. Hillary as President would be a repudiation of the best traditions of America.

Her candidacy is working at this point because the Democratic Party is morally bankrupt. When a party feels that the best leader they can select is Hillary, a flawed woman, famous for her lies, deception and corrupted practices to enrich her family even a mildly honest liberal should hesitate to follow the Hillary limo to the polls.

Bill and Hillary have gone from Arkansas vacation property scams, and being dead broke when they left the White House in 2001 to global pay to play operation. They no longer deal in amounts less than $10,000 to avoid scrutiny and put it right out there and defy anyone to question it.

Bill sets up a shell company to funnel his speaking fees (which doubled when Hillary was Sec of State) and the left and liberal media yawn.

Will the "integrity gene" kick in among the traditional Dem voters? Will blacks cease being a reliable voting block? Will they at some point realize the Dem formula hasn't worked for them? Look to Baltimore and the recent happenings for your answer. Generations of liberal Democrat rule and there does not appear to be a demand for change - only more taxpayer money.

Seems liberals are asking themselves the same question Hillary shouted while dismissing the murder of four Americans in Benghazi; "What difference, at this point, does it make"? All that mater to many on the left is winning, and damn the consequences.

06-01-2015, 02:54 PM
Red State. I totally agree with your questions about Bubba's, Pant-suit, other half. But there is a really scary, dangerous sad reality that goes along with the HILLARY games of staying quiet.

I suspect. Unless the Republicans find THAT really STRONG candidate that can push Hillary out of the way.
WE THE PEOPLE....are going to end up with Hillary as our next president.
And I believe. The very same Idiots...I mean, voters who voted for Obama Twice, are still the same Idiots...I mean voters who will vote for Hillary. Not because she's Black, but ....because she is something other than a MALE.
Young, unmarried, mothers will vote for her merely because THEY WANT A WOMAN to replace the terrible men.
END OF STORY. Either way. WE THE PEOPLE are gonna get SCREWED.

red states rule
06-03-2015, 02:54 AM
I know it is early, but Hilliary's poll numbers are beginning to drop. Given the scandals and the addition of Bernie and Martin into the race - her numbers are dropping


red states rule
06-03-2015, 04:11 PM
http://media.townhall.com/Townhall/Car/b/payn_c13096820150602120100.jpg (http://www.debatepolicy.com/political-cartoons/2015/06/02/130966)

06-04-2015, 05:14 PM
Hillary Clinton got a real surprise, and Welcome in Texas.

Since she refuses to answer, or allow anyone to ask her any questions.

Some Texans decided to make her feel welcome in their own...Fantastic Way.
“I did not have textual relations w/ that server.”

06-04-2015, 06:16 PM
How could anyone, Male, Female, Black, White, Hetero, Gay, or Polka-dotted even consider this
cheap carpet-bagging aged hippie?

She has NOTHING but lies and deceit...listen to her fake accents when she addresses a group....listen to her condescending manner and delivery. She talks down to people...

PT Barnum was right....but there must have been many suckers born that will fall for
her line of crap.