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06-01-2015, 10:39 PM

Keep Hillary-Slayer Carly in this Thing

by Roger L Simon
JUNE 2, 2015 - 3:05 AM


I had been hearing for weeks that Carly Fiorina was the hottest speakeron the nascent Republican campaign circuit - except perhaps for Marco Rubio, but the senator’s formidable communications skills have been known for years . Even The New York Timeswas trumpeting Fiorina’s appeal in a column describing the long lines to hear the former Hewlett-Packard CEO speak under the typically equivocal NYT headline “Carly Talks, Iowa Swoons and the Polls Shrug (http://www.nytimes.com/2015/05/25/us/politics/carly-fiorina-talks-iowa-swoons-is-it-serious.html?_r=0),” just to make sure nobody gets ahead of themselves.

Well, maybe they won’t shrug at some point, but whatever the case, it was with some interest that I accepted an invitation to attend a luncheon at which Fiorina was speaking. And I’m here to affirm what others have been saying. This lady can communicate. In fact, she’s exceptionally good at it. Even more, she actually has something to say. And can answer questions. Intelligently and without evading the subject even once.

But before I go further, I have to acknowledge what many of you may already suspect. When Fiorina speaks there is another woman in the room. A ghost. And her name is Hillary Rodham Clinton. You can’t get the former secretary of state out of your mind as Carly is talking, because two versions of a modern woman are automatically being presented to you – one genuinely progressive in the true English-language sense of that simple word and one a metaphorical “progressive” in the Orwellian Democratic Party usage with which we are continually assaulted. One answers questions about practically everything while the other avoids answering anything and on those rare occasions when she does, lies.


06-03-2015, 01:55 AM
I've donated to Carly's campaign. I think she's great and like her ideas.