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View Full Version : After 5-Year-Old With Disability Was Bullied, These Bikers Had Her Back

06-02-2015, 07:55 AM
This is cool, bikers never get the credit for all the good they do, all you ever hear ( if you hear anything at all ) is the things like what happened in TX. Every weekend during the riding season their is a ride for some kind of benefit, they are usually for Children or Cancer. We have a ride this weekend called Jammin Jubilee and it is for kids with disabilities, all proceeds go to a camp where these kids can come for 2 weeks in the summer, it gives that parents ( care giver ) a break and the kids have a blast, but I seriously doubt even the local media will pick it up. Bikers get a bad wrap so when I see something good in the news it is nice to post it.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" src="http://up.anv.bz/latest/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiTElOIiwicCI6ImRlZmF1bHQiL CJ2IjoiNTEzNDkyIiwicGx1Z2lucyI6eyJkZnAiOnsiY2xpZW5 0U2lkZSI6eyJhZFRhZ1VybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9wdWJhZHMuZy5kb 3VibGVjbGljay5uZXQvZ2FtcGFkL2Fkcz9zej0xeDEwMDAmaXU 9LzU2NzgvbGluLktSUUUvbmV3cy9iaWtlcnMtY29tZS10by01L XllYXItb2xkLWJ1bGxpZWQtZ2lybHMtcmVzY3VlL2RldGFpbCZ jaXVfc3pzPTMwMHgyNTAmZ2RmcF9yZXE9MSZlbnY9dnAmb3V0c HV0PXhtbF92YXN0MiZhZF9ydWxlPTEifX0sImFuYWx5dGljcyI 6eyJwZGIiOiI4Nzg4OTY0MyJ9LCJvbW5pdHVyZSI6eyJwcm9ma WxlIjoiTElOIiwiYWNjb3VudCI6ImRwc2Rwc2tycWUsZHBzZ2x vYmFsIiwidHJhY2tpbmdTZXJ2ZXIiOiJsaW50di4xMjIuMm83L m5ldCJ9fX0" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>

Bikers may have a tough reputation, but what these guys did for a child who was bullied was simply sweet.
A 5-year-old girl from Albuquerque, New Mexico, whose identity has not been revealed, was reportedly assaulted on the way back from school. After being told about the incident, the Punishers, a motorcycle club, surprised the girl who has a mental disability late last month in an effort to make her feel empowered. (http://krqe.com/2015/05/29/bikers-come-to-5-year-old-bullied-girls-rescue/)


06-02-2015, 08:13 AM
This is cool, bikers never get the credit for all the good they do, all you ever hear ( if you hear anything at all ) is the things like what happened in TX. Every weekend during the riding season their is a ride for some kind of benefit, they are usually for Children or Cancer. We have a ride this weekend called Jammin Jubilee and it is for kids with disabilities, all proceeds go to a camp where these kids can come for 2 weeks in the summer, it gives that parents ( care giver ) a break and the kids have a blast, but I seriously doubt even the local media will pick it up. Bikers get a bad wrap so when I see something good in the news it is nice to post it.

<iframe scrolling="no" allowfullscreen="" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" src="http://up.anv.bz/latest/anvload.html?key=eyJtIjoiTElOIiwicCI6ImRlZmF1bHQiL CJ2IjoiNTEzNDkyIiwicGx1Z2lucyI6eyJkZnAiOnsiY2xpZW5 0U2lkZSI6eyJhZFRhZ1VybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly9wdWJhZHMuZy5kb 3VibGVjbGljay5uZXQvZ2FtcGFkL2Fkcz9zej0xeDEwMDAmaXU 9LzU2NzgvbGluLktSUUUvbmV3cy9iaWtlcnMtY29tZS10by01L XllYXItb2xkLWJ1bGxpZWQtZ2lybHMtcmVzY3VlL2RldGFpbCZ jaXVfc3pzPTMwMHgyNTAmZ2RmcF9yZXE9MSZlbnY9dnAmb3V0c HV0PXhtbF92YXN0MiZhZF9ydWxlPTEifX0sImFuYWx5dGljcyI 6eyJwZGIiOiI4Nzg4OTY0MyJ9LCJvbW5pdHVyZSI6eyJwcm9ma WxlIjoiTElOIiwiYWNjb3VudCI6ImRwc2Rwc2tycWUsZHBzZ2x vYmFsIiwidHJhY2tpbmdTZXJ2ZXIiOiJsaW50di4xMjIuMm83L m5ldCJ9fX0" frameborder="0" height="360" width="640"></iframe>


It's like everything else in this country. The 1%er's represent the other 99%.

06-02-2015, 08:15 AM
What ever sells Gunny is what the media picks up on.

06-02-2015, 08:16 AM
By the way the video didn't come through and I have no idea why, when I went to edit the post the video comes right up :laugh: but then when I hit save it is gone, so if ya want to watch it you have to go to the address. :laugh: