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View Full Version : Health insurers seek big premium hikes for ObamaCare plans in 2016

red states rule
06-03-2015, 02:59 AM
I wonder how the liberal media, Obama supporters, and the WH will spin this. Will they ignore it? Blame Bush? Attack those "evil" insurance companies? Or demand a government run healthcare system for all like the VA?

I wonder how those who actually believed Obama when he lied about all the money they would save will react when they get their rate increase in the mail

Dozens of health insurers selling plans under ObamaCare have requested hefty premium increases for 2016, according to preliminary information published Monday by the White House.

The insurers have cited higher-than-expected care costs from customers they gained under the ObamaCare's coverage expansion and the rising cost of prescription drugs and other expenses as reasons for proposing the increases, many of which are in the double-digit percentages.

Among the market leaders, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina is seeking a roughly 26 percent premium increase, while plans in Illinois and Florida, among other states, are asking for hikes of 20 percent or more. In Pennsylvania, Highmark Health Insurance Co. is asking for a 30 percent increase.
