View Full Version : Documentary Reveals Some American Muslims Want Sharia Law

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-03-2015, 09:03 AM

Documentary Reveals Some American Muslims Want Sharia Law

A shocking new video from documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz reveals that some American Muslims living in Minneapolis want Sharia law here in the United States.

Horowitz explained to Sean Hannity tonight why he made the video.

"Over the past 12 months, we've had over a dozen terrorist attacks here in the United States," Horowitz stated. "In Minnesota in particular, there have been maybe 20 to 40 Minneapolis-based Muslims who have gone to fight for ISIS or al-Shabaab."

Horowitz said that he was "blown away" as he was doing research. He told Hannity that he felt like he needed to find out what was happening in Minneapolis, which sparked him to make the video.

Hannity asked if the people he spoke with are naturally-born American citizens or if they're immigrants.

Horowitz replied that the vast majority of the people he spoke with were either born in the U.S. or immigrated here legally.

Hannity noted that Horowitz's video revealed that a number of the Muslims he interviewed think it should be illegal to insult the prophet Muhammad and that they don't believe in the First Amendment.

Shocking to who? The idiots and liberals that stupidly appease them every chance they get.-Tyr