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View Full Version : Nearly 8-In-10 Americans Support Voter ID

red states rule
06-03-2015, 03:10 PM
Amazing how the liberal media is not reporting this. All those dam racists!!!!!!!!

A new Rasmussen Reports (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/may_2015/support_remains_strong_for_showing_photo_id_before _voting) poll out Wednesday found support for photo ID laws at 76 percent, nearly exactly the 78 percent support registered in 2006 when the latest movement to scrap the laws kicked off.


red states rule
06-04-2015, 02:46 AM
Chris Matthews is one who never lets facts get in the way of his rants

On the night before Hillary Clinton's scheduled speech in Houston (http://www.wsj.com/articles/hillary-clinton-to-call-for-expanded-early-voting-1433371053) wherein she will call for a nationwide standard of 20 days of early voting, MSNBC host Chris Matthews subjected viewers to not one but two biased segments on the issue of "voter suppression." Additionally, he capped off his June 3 program with a "Let Me Finish" commentary slamming the GOP as the architect of "voter suppression" laws.

At no point, of course, did Matthews find time to mention that a new poll shows that a majority of Democrats (http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeffrey-meyer/2015/06/03/nearly-8-10-americans-support-voter-id-will-media-report) are fine with requiring a government-issued ID for voting. The same poll shows nearly 80 percent of all Americans are fine with requiring an ID to vote in person on Election Day.

- See more at: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/ken-shepherd/2015/06/03/msnbcs-chris-matthews-hypes-voter-suppression-meme-eve-clinton-speech#sthash.PoGQFsU6.dpuf

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2015, 09:02 AM
Dems ALWAYS cheat thus they always support keeping ways to cheat open!
Nor a damn thing about it is trying to stop voter suppression, thats the ffing lie the bastards use. Tis why I hate the damn lying bastards, as they lie with such pride and that damn intolerable arrogance while doing so!
Not a damn one of them thats not a lying hypocrite IMHO.-Tyr

06-04-2015, 05:36 PM
Hillary started that same RANT again today while she Announced HER SPEECH would be her interview.

It's gonna come back to bite them in the butt eventually. But it's only the first, of many we will hear.

I've got a complete FILE on my PC of Hillary stuff in my DOCUMENTS.

Time to break some of them out, and compare her words again.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-04-2015, 05:55 PM
Hillary started that same RANT again today while she Announced HER SPEECH would be her interview.

It's gonna come back to bite them in the butt eventually. But it's only the first, of many we will hear.

I've got a complete FILE on my PC of Hillary stuff in my DOCUMENTS.

Time to break some of them out, and compare her words again.
Trust me on this, whatever she (the damn witch)does the media will cover for her.
Sad that the media has not an ounce of integrity and deserve to be held to account for what they are so happily doing to this nation.-Tyr

06-04-2015, 07:14 PM
Trust me on this, whatever she (the damn witch)does the media will cover for her.
Sad that the media has not an ounce of integrity and deserve to be held to account for what they are so happily doing to this nation.-Tyr

AGREED! But the truth is. With Hitlery. The media is doing NOTHING. Just like she is. Anyone who expects Amateur, Wannabe, Journalism students who earn Minimum wage to become HONEST, and TRUSTWORTHY by claiming to be members of the MSM is like PMSNBC bragging about their ratings. THERE AIN'T NONE.:laugh:

red states rule
06-05-2015, 03:08 AM
It is telling the same Dems who oppose Voter ID laws, demand people show an ID at their town halls or campaign events

The NAACP held a rally one time to protest Voter ID laws yet those who shwoed up to protest - yep you guessed it - had to show a photo ID when they arrived

06-05-2015, 08:18 AM
The only folks against are those who see this as harmful to (D) votes. It's ridiculous in this day and age to think that there would be people out there without ID, when it's basically needed for everything and anything. And if you need it to get booze, to fly, to open a bank account.... then you should sure as shit need it when voting.

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2015, 08:24 AM
It is telling the same Dems who oppose Voter ID laws, demand people show an ID at their town halls or campaign events

The NAACP held a rally one time to protest Voter ID laws yet those who shwoed up to protest - yep you guessed it - had to show a photo ID when they arrived
Which just highlights the leftists/libs/dems hypocrisy!!--Tyr

Tyr-Ziu Saxnot
06-05-2015, 08:27 AM
The only folks against are those who see this as harmful to (D) votes. It's ridiculous in this day and age to think that there would be people out there without ID, when it's basically needed for everything and anything. And if you need it to get booze, to fly, to open a bank account.... then you should sure as shit need it when voting.

No ID requirements makes it far easier for illegals to vote. Dems keep voter cheating avenues open and attempt to broaden them.
This fact and reality goes on primarily unnoticed by the general public due to the media covering for it with lies and attacks on this that shout it out and demand that it be stopped!-Tyr

06-05-2015, 12:59 PM
If the Press was really as professional as they want America to believe they are.

They should STOP following Hitlery around, and IGNORE her. Do not report anything she is doing.

She won't answer their questions?

They should STOP pretending they are ASKING them.