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View Full Version : Republicans: Listen, we might temporarily extend those health care subsidies

red states rule
06-06-2015, 03:41 AM
Why bother voting these ass clowns in if they are going to stick the knife in your back? They know why they were elected but like Obama, they give their backers a one finger salute when they have a chance to actually fix something

This nation is broke and yet they want to keep the handouts flowing to the takers? Once a handout is on the book it seldom goes away so spare me this crap about "temporarily" extending the freebies.

What the hell is happening to this country?

The high court is set to rule later this month in the case of King v. Burwell, which could invalidate subsidies for millions of people in at least 34 states using the federally run marketplace. Republicans say they need to be ready to address people losing their coverage, but have yet to coalesce around a plan.

Now another proposal is in the works. Members of the conservative House Freedom Caucus told The Hill they are setting up a group of four or five lawmakers, led by Rep. John Fleming (R-La.). The lawmakers will develop a plan meant to influence the main House working group led by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and two other panel chairmen, which Fleming complained is meeting in “secret.”

While working on their own ideas, Freedom Caucus members are also open to something like Sen. Ron Johnson’s (R-Wis.) idea to temporarily extend subsidies.
Johnson’s plan would extend ObamaCare subsidies through August 2017, when he hopes there will be a Republican president, while also repealing the law’s individual and employer mandates.
